in the news 1952
Above: From the October 12, 1952 edition of the Reno, Nevada Gazette. Story below.
NINETEEN FIFTY-TWO might be remembered for many things, large and small. The election of Dwight Eisenhower as President of the United States. Fifty thousand American families afflicted by Polio. The British A-bomb. The first issue of Mad magazine. The theory of the Big Bang.
But for those of a certain bent, 1952 will also be remembered for the second great 'flying saucer flap' which climaxed with the reports of radar and visual sightings over the nation's capital in late July.
Part of the story of that event-filled year is now available in declassified government files. But for the public back then -- at a time when only one in three families in America had a television set -- the story was mostly found in the newspapers and magazines.
This then is a look back at those stories, as they first appeared in print...
OCTOBER, 1952:
Columbus, Ohio Dispatch - Oct 52
[Note: The following is a clipping from the files of Project Blue Book. The clipping contained the notations "Oct 1952" and "Central Ohio", but gave no date or name of publication. The newspaper name given above was determined by the fact that it was the journalistic home of reporter Paul Gapp. The article's notation that the sighting occurred "Monday night" means that it was the 5th, 12th, 19th or 26th of October, 1952. The 12th was Columbus Day. Whether the fact that this was a holiday makes it more or less likely for a class to have been using the observatory's telescope is unknown.]
A Strange Object
Lighted Craft Sighted By Astronomy Class
A strange object bearing eight to 10 lights was observed soaring through the Central Ohio skies at Perkins Observatory Monday night.
Several astronomy students saw the phenomenon. They were members of a class led by Prof. Allen Hynek, assistant dean of the Ohio State University Graduate School and a member of the Department of Physics and Astronomy.
Students at the observatory near Delaware gave this version of the sighting:
At 9:15 p.m., the craft was sighted in a south, south-westerly position. It moved rapidly at an "angular speed" of several degrees a minute.
Observers did not calculate the miles-per-hour speed, since the distance of the craft could not be estimated.
A five-inch telescope was trained on the object, which was then closely watched for several minutes.
It flew back and forth, alternating in a southeast to southwest course.
Some of the observers said the craft's movements were erratic. All agreed it traveled at high speed.
A trained astronomer told The Dispatch "it couldn't have been a balloon. It looked like some sort of aircraft with a lot of extra lights."
Most of the lights were yellow. All were steady.
OSU astronomers are interested in learning more about the sighting. They have asked the public to inform them of any known additional details.
Anyone having information on the sighting is requested to write, not telephone, the McMillin Observatory on the OSU campus.
OCTOBER 11, 1952:
Nashua, New Hampshire Telegraph - 11 Oct 52
Strange Objects Seen Over Nashua Picked Up by Radar
Radar and observers of the US Air Force Filter Center in Manchester have picked up unidentified objects in the sky to the southeast of Nashua according to Major Harold J. Hurlbert.
LAST NIGHT four more flying objects were seen in the southeast and in the west around 7 pm.
Reports from the US Air Force filter center in Manchester indicated that three unidentified objects were seen around 8 pm in this area; and between 8 and 9 pm radar picked up "blips" in the southeast quarter from Nashua. Major Harold J. Hurlbert of the filter center said he didn't know what the objects were. "They could have been planes, I guess", the major said, "but we don't know for sure."
A HUDSON observer, James Bradley and numerous neighbors around Central st, Hudson, also saw the flying lights. Bradley said he saw four objects flying in V-formation in an arc across the southeast sky at 7:15. When they flew back past his observation point there were three and the next time only two. Finally, on the last swing around one remained until a plane flew by.
Then the object left in a hurry. Bradley watched the object in the sky through an eight power telescope until 7:40 when the plane appeared.
A Pelham man, Roger G. Field also reported seeing the circular lights in the air. He judged them to be 30 miles away and rather large. He saw them from his home a half mile from Mammoth rd, Pelham.
ONE MAN reported seeing the lights moving in a counterclockwise direction in the west shortly after 7 pm.
The local airports reported that they do not have searchlights but only red obstruction beacons and a flashing marker beacon.
THE LIGHTS were said to be between one and two miles up and moving considerably faster than a jet plane.
There seems to be no-question that something has been seen in the vicinity that has not been identified; but the question remains -- "what are these objects [sic, no close quote or punctuation]
Long Beach, California Independent - 11 Oct 52
Steppin' Out
FLYING WHAT? -- Last Saturday night some local residents reported that they hadn't seen any flying saucers in the sky. No sir. Instead they said they saw some "flying carrots." Monday, James Lybrand, of 1423 Coronado Ave., said he'd seen the same phenomenon. Lybrand, however, said it looked more like a flying diesel locomotive." Personally, I'm inclined to agree with Mr. Lybrand. Everybody knows that dishes and carrots have no motivating power. But a diesel locomotive, heck, that's different. What Mr. Lybrand saw was obviously a test flight of Southern Pacific's answer to United Air Lines.
OCTOBER 12, 1952:
Kalispell, Montana Daily Inter Lake - 12 Oct 52
NO FLYING SAUCERS? -- Richard McAdams knows there are flying saucers because he just finished building one. He says the only trouble is that this one won't fly. He's tried but couldn't get his "saucer" into the air although it's comlpete [sic] with gas motor and propeller. Richard built this model in four or five days and has previously put together four other model planes.
Long Beach, California Press Telegram - 12 Oct 52
New As Tomorrow's Newspaper
Today -- which seems to be making its debut as the "Atomic Age" -- has brought into focus young people as streamlined and new in their ideas as flying saucers. And, out of this streamlined thinking, has sprung modern design that sets up home furnishings in styles that are eye filling and sleek but very functional.
It is almost shocking now to compare an airplane, a refrigerator, or an automobile with its counterpart of thirty years ago. These modern miracles have been so improved in this time that they seem almost unrecognizable, such wondrous changes have been wrought.
Each year has seen great mechanical improvements in these things and their performance is better it's true, but the evident change has been in style. Just compare the old Jenny of World War I with a jet fighter of today's vintage or the high and wide motor car with jutting lines that has been replaced by the ground-hugging, trim masterpiece of the highways, today.
The writer happens to be fond of the traditional in home decoration and accoutrements. Maybe that is because he is waxing old and hasn't the vision of today and tomorrow. But, he has found that traditional can only go to the kitchen door, for how in this world could a kitchen look anything but modern when stoves, refrigerators, toasters, dishwashers, clocks, eggbeaters, and even the kitchen sink is modernism in all its glory. And how easy it is for the eye to follow the flowing line -- and the mop-up cloth to skim the surface of these conveniences without encountering crook or cranny.
So the vision of youth demands extension of this spirit of the kitchen to other rooms in the house -- furniture, lamps, rugs, even the contour of the room itself has gone modern.
How can you put rococo dishes and silver on a table in a house built around this theme? It would be incongruous, so -- the biggest silver and china factories caught up the problem and have solved it with patterns that appeal to modern youth -- and age, too -- for even the old traditionals are attracted and have capitulated.
Towle's new sterling pattern, "Southwind," set up beside Castleton's "Museum White" china is terrifically effective.
"Southwind," the place setting...
"Museum White," the place setting...
And then to bring out something less costly than sterling, all of the major factories created stainless steel in Danish-like designs to sell for less than plated silverware.
"Christiano," in stainless, the
place setting…
In contemporary chests, blonde or mahogany,
50-piece service $67.50
26-piece service $39.75
*There is no luxury tax on stainless.
In spite of the above adulation, we still carry a full line of china and silver to fit traditional periods.
Leyson-Persall Co.
Jewelers 236 Main St.
Salt Lake City
Greenville, Mississippi Delta Democrat - 12 Oct 52
Lovely Home In Tomorrow's Top
Residential Location
We'd like to give you a last look at one of the lovely houses that are now available in new, and shining Kirkland Addition. We say last look because these swell houses aren't going to last long.
The picture shows one of two that we have available. Both houses are brick veneer, and each has 3 bedrooms. As modern as flying saucers, each house is equipped with the ladies favorite, Youngstown Kitchen.
Other outstanding features include panel ray heating, concrete
drives and garages, plenty of closet and storage space.
These houses are an indication of what's in store for Kirkland Addition. With one of these places you'll be buying in an addition that is destined to become one of Greenville's most admired residential districts.
Sales price $15,000. Terms of $6000 down, and monthly payments of $65 will handle the deal.
If you're financially unable to buy a home in this addition, take advantage of Mr. Bones' special lay away plan and buy a lot in Kirkland Addition.
These houses and the many city conveniences such as curbing, paved streets, fire protection, etc., make this the best real estate buy for future planners. Act Now.
"Mr. Bones Sells Homes"
Phone 3032 Phone 303
Ogden, Utah Standard Examiner - 12 Oct 52
Accused of Liquor Sale
PROVO -- Joe Takai, operator of the Flying Saucer, a cafe, has been arrested and charged with selling liquor by the drink. Sheriff Theron S. Hall made the arrest. A hearing is pending.
Huron, South Dakota Huronite And The Daily Plainsman - 12 Oct 52
Kids, Draw Picture Of Flying Saucer, Win An Airplane Ride
Draw a picture of a flying saucer, kids, and you may win a free airplane ride over central South Dakota or one of many cash prizes.
The retail division of the Huron Chamber of Commerce announced Saturday that they are sponsoring the contest to promote interest in the "Flying Saucer Days," a retail promotion featuring "out of this world bargains" on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 23, 24 and 25.
Children up to twelfth grade in school may enter the contest by drawing just what they think a flying saucer looks like. Prizes for the most original drawings will be awarded in each group as follows:
First prize: A free airplane ride or $5 in cash.
Second prize: $3 in cash.
Third prize: $2 in cash.
Separate prizes will be awarded to three groups divided as follows:
First to fourth grade; fifth to eighth grade; and ninth to twelfth grade.
Entrants may clip out this blank and send it in with the saucer drawing:
To Huron Chamber of Commerce
P. O. Box 849
Huron, S. D.
Name _________________________________
Street or Route ______________________
Town _________________________________
Grade in School ______________________
Here is my entry in the "Flying Saucer Days" Contest.
Entries must be postmarked not later than Midnight Thursday, October 23, 1952. All entries become the property of the. Huron Chamber of Commerce and cannot be returned.
Winners will be announced Saturday. Oct. 25.
Syracuse, New York Herald American - 12 Oct 52
Make Your Own 'Flying Saucers'
All You Need is a Shoe Box and a Cigaret
By Aurd Lewis
GLASGOW, Scotland -- Flying saucers? " What are they? Pancake-shaped aircraft from behind the Iron Curtain, or from another planet? Flights of birds in formation -- stray meteorological balloons -- meteors -- stars -- or pure imagination?
The Americans report that they have picked up something like them on radar screens. More matter-of-fact British airmen on the Mainbrace Operation say that they saw one hovering behind a speeding jet plane.
But before you go any further, root out an empty shoebox. Punch a neat circular hole in one end about the size of a penny.
Light a cigaret and puff smoke into the box. Then tap the lid gently. You will fire out a succession of perfect smoke rings. If you make the hole oval, the rings will squeeze out and in, like the heaving chest of a prima donna as they course merrily along.
Don't be shy about the experiment. It was a favorite trick of the great Lord Kelvin and besides, it is guaranteed to keep any youthful member of the company quiet for about 10 minutes.
Well, then, if a one flea-power tap on a cardboard box can fire out perfectly stabilized smoke rings, what might be ejected from the tall end of a jet plane as it suddenly speeds up in a dive with thousands of horsepower behind it and perhaps with a whiff of hazy smoke in the exhaust it might be something very like a spinning "flying saucer," slightly on the slant.
When it comes to that, it would not even need to have a tincture of smoke to become visible to the human eye. Air is normally transparent, but if it is condensed by heat or sound, it can be seen. At least, It produces an effect that registers on the eye or the camera.
You all have seen a shimmering haze above a hot road or the sun-drenched sea. That is caused by light bending as it goes through layers of air of different densities. Sound, which is the elastic distortion of the air, can produce the same effect.
That most of the reports about "flying saucers" have come from America is understandable. There are more jets there, and the atmospheric conditions are a lot more stable than in this maritime country. That would tend to keep the luminous, spinning disks in being for a longer time.
Reno, Nevada State Journal - 12 Oct 52
1877 FLYING SAUCER stories had Reno much interested, especially when a sheepherder by the name of Goodsell "explained" the mysterious explosion which had bombed him personally on the road to Peavine Flat. Eric Hoffmann cartoons Goodsell's "meteor," which for reasons best known to Goodsell appeared only to him. The explosion was later explained in a far different fashion, but the thing gave the town plenty to talk about for a day or so.
Reno Was Having Flying Saucer Trouble At Early Age of Ten and One Half Years
Explosions and Explanations Featured October, 1877
By Peggy Trego
The town of Reno, at age 10½, was not the quiet little dump that it appeared from the windows of the Central Pacific Railroad's Palace Cars.
Certainly it didn't offer any incentive for the westbound Pacific Express passengers to alight and remain in the Town by the Truckee, even though the Pacific Tourist Guide of the era went into smallish raptures about Reno. What made the Guide's author deliriously happy was that Reno meant the end of Sagebrush, alkali dust and stench of the transcontinental crossing. The passengers, reading the Guide, looked out upon a town far less glorious than the glowing prose made out. They usually managed to say so.
Commercial Row in the year 1877 was considerably less formidable than it is today, even without a neon arch. But Reno itself wasn't anything to write home about. Chances are nobody even dropped a postcard in what was to become the Biggest Little City. The Palace Car captives cast irritated eyes upon a small, not-very-clean burg and wished fervently they were already across that hazardous barrier of the Sierra.
Reno's citizens, whose early infatuation with the railroad had reached the separation point, eyed them back coldly. Who the hell wanted to travel the Central Pacific when he could stay in a live town, anyway?
And Live It Was
And live it was, despite years of so-called civilization There was even a flying saucer In 1877.
The saucer (1952 terminology) showed up between 11 p.m. and midnight on April 4.
Said the Journal: "The good people of Reno were aroused from their slumbers by a dull, heavy shock like the echo of a submerged explosion." Various interpretations of the noise followed and these natural suppositions of the populace shed more than a little light on Reno's normal activities.
The downtown residents supposed, without any special interest, that the racket was "the report of a shotgun or pistol turned loose in some saloon, or in some disreputable rendezvous on the back street."
None of these late stayer-uppers seems to have done any investigating. The high incidence of accidental lead poisoning, as the result of curiosity, may have had something to do with this. According to the Journal, the downtowners "confidently expected to awake in the morning to find a man or two for breakfast."
Read All About It
Prudently, these nonchalant citizens waited to read all about it in the Journal. Virginia St. and the Plaza had plenty of saloons. Down around the riverfront was Chinatown, and adjacent to that was the district inhabited by "soiled doves." Anything could happen down there, and unless it was a fire the rest of the town didn't feel called upon to investigate the uproar.
Nobody was much more interested in the explosion in those more genteel parts of town, which the Journal termed "suburbs, among the private residences."
As a matter of fact the householders had their own explanations for the noise: "Each suspected his neighbor of having taken a shot at some adventurous burglar." Larceny in the year 1877 appears to have had a monotonous sameness about it; everybody got burgled sooner or later.
Came the dawn of April 5, and everybody sallied forth to find out what had gone boom the previous midnight. The citizens were aggrieved to find that nobody had been shot, shot at or half-shot to the point of gunplay. There were no signs of accident, and the powder works, which had been known to go sky-high on previous occasions, was intact. This was scandalous. "The matter," said the Journal, "soon became town talk," something that a routine uproar would not have become.
Then came Mr. A.F. Goodsell, "a gentleman who has charge of a band of sheep at Peavine Flat, on the Honey Lake Road." Mr. Goodsell informed everybody within earshot that he had been personally bombed by the Lord himself.
"It was nothing more nor less than the explosion of a huge meteor, which passed over the western portion of town, from south to north, and exploded on the benchland north of the Sierra Seminary, and perhaps a mile and a half north of town." Goodsell himself said so.
He'd Been To Reno
It is interesting that Mr. Goodsell was on his way back to Peavine Flat from Reno when "he was overtaken by this aerial wonder." According to one visitor to Nevada of that year, the local firewater was remarkable, and a swig of it made him feel "as though a circular saw was going down my throat." There were plenty of places in Reno dispensing that sort of thing, and doubtless Goodsell had partaken of at least a dram or so before he started back for the Flat.
Anyway, Goodsell informed the Journal that God's aerial bomb passed directly over his head and landed with a terrible crash, and exploded in the sagebrush, not to exceed 400 yards from him."
The meteor, said Goodsell, first looked about a foot in diameter, rapidly increased in size as it approached him, and was "big as a meetin' house" when it hit. He added that "the noise and confusion was so great that he was absolutely bewildered for several minutes."
Further confusing the issue -- and himself, unwittingly -- Goodsell noted that the night was too dark for him to go out and locate the meteor itself. He simply pottered on up the road to Peavine Flat.
Goodsell must have run into the darkest meteor of all time which left no traces. He said himself that he intended to find it some day, but somehow he didn't. There were those, later, who surmised that Goodsell merely rationalized the accidental breaking of a bottle of rotgut on the way home, a calamity which assumed catastrophic aspects in his own mind.
At the time, with the explosion the subject of all curbside conversations, Goodsell's explanation made everybody happy. Nobody had heard of flying saucers in that day and age, so Goodsell was not subject to military cross-questioning.
It was nearly a week later when the true story of the explosion broke into newsprint, and it was subordinate to the story of Mrs. Dixon's breaking the same leg for the third time and the sale of Jake Enkle's barber shop and bathing rooms to Charlie Coleman.
"The cause of the mysterious reports which caused such an excitement the other night no longer worries us," said the Journal in some disgust. "It was nothing more nor less than the firing off of a couple of Vulcan powder cartridges, as a salute to some friends who were coming in on the overland train."
Cheated out of something good, Reno citizens looked for excitement elsewhere. They got it in a day or so. Somebody spread the rumor that Kimball's Hall was due to fall on the heads of the next group assembling there, and the McCurns and Murrays had a dandy battle, involving wives and two-by-fours, in the shade of the Catholic Church. Somebody robbed the Cheap Store, next to Dean's Stables, and the Journal's editor started hostilities with "Deacon Parkinson" of the Carson Tribune.
Noting that a man in Ohio had choked to death on a cork while drinking whiskey from a bottle, the Journal's man surmised that he expected to read about Parkinson's death under similar circumstances.
Things being normal again, the town forgot its meteor. The accursed railroad was indirectly responsible for the explosion, anyway.
OCTOBER 13, 1952:
Kingsport, Tennessee News - 13 Oct 52
Nine Out Of 10 In U.S. Know About Sky Objects
By Princeton Research Service
PRINCETON, N.J. -- In every section of the country -- North, East, South, West -- more than nine out of every 10 persons have heard of "flying saucers" and have opinions about them.
Princeton Research Service has completed the first nationwide poll on the subject of the phenomena, with interesting results. Its United States Poll staff reporters first asked a representative cross-section of the American public, "Have you heard or read anything about the so-called 'flying saucers'?" Ninety-four per cent responded in the affirmative.
Those who had heard or read of the phenomena were then asked, "What do, you think the 'flying saucers' really are?" The response shows that six per cent of the people believe them to be space ships. Columbuses from other worlds, which is an explanation of them suggested by the authors of two popular books on "flying saucers." The breakdown of the poll responses:
Some kind of government experiment: Army, Navy, or Air Corps research; government testing of secret weapon, plane or guided missile. 13 per cent.
People's imagination: just seeing things; hallucinations; optical illusions. 11 per cent.
There aren't any: don't believe in them; they're a lot of foolishness. 7 per cent.
Something from another planet: they must be from another world; men from another planet, probably Mars; definitely space ships; interplanetary space ships. 6 per cent.
They're real: definitely something; they must be real if all those people saw them. 5 per cent.
They're light reflections. 4 per cent.
They're due to atmospheric conditions: weather changes cause them; something in the atmosphere. 4 per cent.
Something from Russia: sent over by Russians, Russians spying on us; Russian plane of some sort. 3 per cent.
Weather balloons: some kind of balloon. 2 per cent.
Other things. 6 per cent.
Don't know. 37 per cent.
Total *98 per cent.
*Percentages add to more than 94 because some people mentioned more than one idea.
Finally, all those who heard or read about the "flying saucers" were asked a third question. "What do you think the U.S. Government should do about these so-called 'flying saucers'?"
Investigate them more thoroughly. 38 per cent.
Do nothing: let 'email fly; ignore them; forget about them; let 'email alone. 16 per cent.
Continue its present policy: what it's doing is all right. 9 per cent.
Tell us what they are doing: bring out the facts; government should explain to people what they really are. 8 per cent.
What can they do? can't do anything; nothing they can do right now. 6 per cent.
Keep them secret: keep the present secret if they're ours; keep it secret if it's an experiment. 3 per cent.
They know what they are: the government is probably responsible for them. 2 per cent.
Other suggestions. 10 per cent.
Don't know. 10 per cent.
Total *102 per cent.
*Percentages add to more than 94 because some people mentioned more than one idea.
Following are some typical verbatim comments:
"Something the Air Force is trying out. They should tell the people about it instead of scaring them." Fairfield, Conn., housewife.
"I think it is some experiment of the government's. If they know they should enlighten the people about it." Crawfordsville, Ind., die-polisher.
"I think it's something the government got, and I think they ought to let people know what they are." Dayton, Ohio, bartender.
"It's probably some kind of experimental device from this country. They might just as well let the people know what we are doing." New York City, electronics, engineer.
"It's just people seeing things. I believe the government knows what they are." Zanesville, Ohio, mould-maker.
"They're ships from another planet. The government should continue doing what they're doing." Haines City, Fla., cannery worker.
"It's a figment of the imagination, and I don't believe the government should do anything." Bristol, Tenn., schoolteacher.
"It's a lot of foolishness. The government should do nothing." Richmond, Ky., waitress.
"They're due to atmospheric conditions." Fayetteville, Ark., truck driver.
"It's a government experiment." Richmond, Va. factory foreman.
"It's something the Army is doing. leave them alone." Gadsden, Ala., ice-truck driver.
"They're ships from another planet. The government should take necessary precautions." Green Island, Neb., housewife.
"They're atmospheric disturbances. They should investigate more thoroughly." San Francisco, college professor.
"This may sound fantastic, but I think they must be from some other world. Their investigations should be continued." Lafayette, La., businessman.
Ardmore, Oklahoma Daily Ardmoreite - 13 Oct 52
Saucer Society Is Set Up in New Zealand
WELLINGTON, New Zealand -- A group of New Zealand scientists, engineers and air pilots today formed a society dedicated to proving that flying saucers really exist.
The founders of the new society -- the Civilian Saucer Investigation of New Zealand, Inc -- said saucers must be operated by a high intelligence since they avoid even pursuing aircraft.
The society members also suggested saucers recently sighted in Australia and New Zealand were due to someone's interest in the recent explosion of Britain's first atomic weapon on the Monte Bello Islands off Australia.
Salt Lake, Utah Tribune - 13 Oct 52
Around the USA
Saucer Scientist
DETROIT, Oct. 12 -- A flying saucer will visit the skies somewhere over the United States this week, according to a Detroit man who submits facts and figures to substantiate his theory. Author of the prediction is 32-year-old John C. Hoffman, a Detroit advertising man who says he undertook an extensive study of aerial phenomena after seeing four flying saucers himself.
Styling himself an amateur authority on the subject, Hoffman said he has compiled a time-table which shows there has been a 20-28 day cycle of flying saucer visits. He explained:
"Newspapers and Army intelligence have reports of flying saucers on April 27, May 28, June 18, July 22, Aug. 19 and Sept 15."
Kingston, Jamaica Gleaner - 13 Oct 52
Letters To The Editor
Flying Saucers:
THE EDITOR. Sir -- This is just a theory of mine. It may seem fantastic to many of your readers, but nevertheless, there may be some truth in it, and I here request all possible information on the matter.
Following Gleaner reports I have read over the past months, several fascinating tales about "Flying Saucers," as seen by different people in different countries, in different parts of the world, at different times. Authorities claim this strange phenomenon to be phantasies of the imagination, optical illusions, sudden atmospheric changes, smoke screens, cloud formations, or probably some specially designed secret aircraft by some would-be aggressive power. These authorities, however, are not too sure of their deductions. No country has admitted owning the "Flying Saucers," and those who have seen these strange craft see them disappear skywards, or beyond the horizon. None has ever seen them land.
Now, this is my theory in way of explanation. Civilization on Earth has now reached a height, where Astronomers and Scientists are building inter-planetary machines, and are planning inter-planetary flights through inter-stellar space to the neighbouring planets by 2000 A.D. Astronomers are now doubly sure that there is life on Mars, and they state that the Martian Planet being much older than our Earth, it's probable that a much higher and advanced state of civilization exists on that planet than on our own.
Couldn't it be possible, then, that these weird "Flying Saucers" are some specially designed inter-planetary space ships from some neighbouring planet, spying on and searching our Earths' [sic] military and strategic positions, or studying atmospheric and living conditions, before attempting an inter-planetary invasion? Who knows!
Thank you and your readers in advance for your kind news and frank opinions.
I am, etc.
Clifton School
1. The reports from New Hampshire told in "Strange Objects Seen Over Nashua Picked Up by Radar" does not appear in Project Blue Book's list of incidents for October 10, 1952. There is a report for that date from Otis AFB, approximately 80 nautical miles southeast of Nashua. The time of the sighting isn't clear, as it was reported as being sighted between 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, but was also reported as lasting 15-20 minutes. The Project Blue Book file consists primarily of a telex from Otis AFB to several recipients, including Air Defense Command, Project Blue Book, and the Directorate of Intelligence in Washington D.C., the relevant portion of which reads...
2. Future entries in this series will carry more about the New Zealand chapter of Civilian Saucer Investigators told in "Saucer Society Is Set Up in New Zealand".
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