Forums at Saturday Night Uforia fall into three groups:
Permanent Forums
These are forums on issues that endure. They never close and even comments posted long after the initial opening of the forum will be available to all through the site comment feeds here.

Topic Forums
These are forums on topics of the day. They will be included on this forum page for only as long as they remain a 'hot' topic. They won't disappear entirely however, but will be moved to a 'previous topics' page. And just like comments in the permanent topics category, even comments posted to topic forums will be availabe to all long after the initial opening of the forum through the site comment feeds here. As of yet there have been no topic forums.

User Forums
This is a single-page forum where community members can begin the group conversation on any topic they wish simply by posting a comment. And just like comments in the other categories, even comments posted long after the initial posting will be available to all through the site comment feeds here.

Current Forums:
Personal Experiences Forum
This is the place to post your own personal experiences or experiences that friends and relatives have shared with you, including times when it turned out to be easily explainable. A Saturday Night Uforia permanent forum.

Users' Forum
A forum where community members can begin the group conversation on any topic they wish simply by posting a comment. A Saturday Night Uforia permanent forum.


Whether you need some serious styling for your walls at home or work or are on the lookout to give someone a special gift they'll treasure, you support the work of Saturday Night Uforia whenever you shop for great posters from from any link at this site -- any, each, and every time you start your shopping from here. You still get the same great deal as your friends and family, but a little will come our way as a thanks from And you'll have the extra satisfaction of directly supporting the work of Saturday Night Uforia while treating yourself or friends to something special... like these hot-topic headlines of the day from the history of flight (you can even have them mounted, laminated, or framed). Just click on the pic for a larger version...
