library 1942-1944
Flying Wing
January 1942 Popular Science piece on Northrop flying wing. At Google Books.

Astronomers Study Explosions On The Sun
January 1942 Popular Science article on solar flares and the aurora borealis. At Google Books.

Two-Motored Flying Wing Has No Fuselage
January 1942 Popular Mechanics piece on Northrop flying wing. At Google Books.

Fighting At 50,000 Feet
February 1942 Popular Mechanics article on future high-altitude bombers. At Google Books.

Speed Demons Of The Air Forces
February 1942 Popular Mechanics article on pursuit pilots. At Google Books.

Testing The Hot Ships
February 1942 Popular Science article on Army test pilots. At Google Books.

Flying Wings Are Coming
March 1942 Popular Mechanics article on flying wing history. At Google Books.

Tomorrow's Plane Takes Shape
March 1942 Popular Mechanics article on future aeronautical advances. At Google Books.

March 9, 1942 Time Magazine article on the incident now known as "the battle of Los Angeles". At Google Books.

Army Guns Open Up At Unknown "Foe"
March 9, 1942 Life Magazine article on the incident now known as "the battle of Los Angeles". At Google Books.

Working Model Of Flying Wing Undergoes Ground Tests
April 1942 Popular Mechanics article on tests for carrier-forne flying wing. At Google Books.

Propless Plane With Hollow Fuselage Is Jet Propelled
May 1942 Popular Science article on Italian jet aircraft, believed to be the first at the time. At Google Books.

How Flyers Are Redesigned
May 1942 Popular Science article on medical aspects of pilot stresses from night flying, G forces, and high-altitude flight. At Google Books.

Seventy Years Of Physical Science
May 1942 Popular Science article reviewing scientific advances. At Google Books.

Is There Life Among The Stars?
July 1942 Popular Mechanics article by Dr. R.M. Langer of CalTech on the possibility of extraterrestrial life. At Google Books.

The Air Corps Looks Ahead
July 1942 Popular Science article on plans for future military aircraft. At Google Books.

Fireworks In War
November 1942 Popular Science article on the Very pistol and other signal flares. At Google Books.

Why Planes Make Vapor Trails
March 1943 Popular Science article. At Google Books.

Why An Airplane Flies
May 1943 Life Magazine article on aerodynamic aspects of flight. At Google Books.

The Truth About Our Aircraft Engines
June 1943 Popular Science article about design and operation of latest power plants. At Google Books.

Secret Rocket Weapons Blast Tanks And Planes
July 1943 Popular Science article on rocket propulsion of weapons. At Google Books.

What Are The Facts About The RADAR?
August 1943 Popular Science article on the use and history of radio detection and ranging systems. At Google Books.

Planes Of 1953
October 1943 Popular Mechanics article on aviation 10 years forward. At Google Books.

Can We Fly At 50,000 Feet?
October 1943 Popular Science article on aeronautics in the stratosphere. At Google Books.

New Light On The Mystery Of Mars
October 1943 Popular Science article by Dr. Donald Menzel about the possibility of life on the red planet. At Google Books.

Rocket-Glider Bomb Is New Nazi Weapon
December 1943 Popular Science article on guided anti-ship missile (with drawing similar to Henschel Hs 293). At Google Books.

January 1944 Life Magazine article and drawings on rockets' "uses in war and peace". At Google Books.

Silent Partner Of The Plane
February 1944 Popular Science article on military glider aircraft. At Google Books.

Up Where The Oxygen Ends
February 1944 Popular Mechanics article on perils of flying at 40,000 feet, focusing on the B-29 Superfortress. At Google Books.

Quartz - The Mysterious Jewel Of War
February 1944 Popular Mechanics article on use of crystals in electronics. At Google Books.

Air Highways Of 1950
March 1944 Popular Mechanics article on history and future of CAA air traffic control. At Google Books.

Surprise Weapons Of War
March 1944 Popular Mechanics article on newest military technology. At Google Books.

How Aircraft Instruments Work
March 1944 Popular Science article on cockpit controls. At Google Books.

No Supermen Needed
April 1944 Popular Science article on Bell jet-propelled plane. At Google Books.

The Tube That Is Remaking The World
April 1944 Popular Mechanics article on the uses and future of the vaccuum tube. At Google Books.

Flying Gas Jet
May 1944 Popular Mechanics article on American jet aircraft development. At Google Books.

How To Read Clouds
May 1944 Popular Science article on recognition techniques. At Google Books.

Can We Land Safely?
May 1944 Popular Science article on history and future demands of landing gear. At Google Books.

Propellerless Power For Planes
May 1944 Popular Science article on future design requirements for jet aircraft. At Google Books.

Green Light For The Air Age
May 1944 Popular Science article on future air traffic control needs. At Google Books.

Laying Tracks In The Sky
June 1944 Popular Science article on AACS (Army Air Communications System) worldwide air traffic control. At Google Books.

What's Ahead In Electronics
July 1944 Popular Science article on on the upcoming "age of electronics" driven by the vaccuum tube. At Google Books.

Robot Bomb
July 10, 1944 Life Magazine article on German V-1 rocket. At Google Books.

London Meets Its Second Blitz
July 24, 1944 Life Magazine article on German V-1 rocket bombardment of London. At Google Books.

Meet The B-29
August 1944 Popular Mechanics introduction to the Boeing Superfortress. At Google Books.

Robot Planes
August 1944 Popular Science diagram of German V-1 rocket. At Google Books.

Flying At 425 Miles An Hour
August 1944 Popular Science article on new P-51 Mustang, world's fastest fighter. At Google Books.

Five New U.S. Planes
August 1944 Popular Science article focusing mostly on Boeing B-29 Superfortress. At Google Books.

The Rocket's Red Glare
September 1944 Popular Mechanics article on rocketry in warfare. At Google Books.

How Automatic Weapons Are Changing Warfare
September 1944 Popular Science article on the robotization of warfare. At Google Books.

Can We Ever Fly Faster Than Sound?
October 1944 Popular Science article on the possibility of supersonic flight. At Google Books.

Robot Mathematician Knows All The Answers
October 1944 Popular Science article on Harvard's Automatic Sequence-Controlled Calculator (Mark I computer). At Google Books.

How Many Gs Can A Flyer Take?
October 1944 Popular Science article on the effect on pilots of G forces in flight. At Google Books.

Secrets Of Super-Speed
October 1944 Popular Mechanics article on aerodynamics of high-speed flight. At Google Books.

The B-29 Brings A New Era In Bombing
November 1944 Popular Science article on the dynamics of "engineered flight". At Google Books.

Hurricane In Harness
November 1944 Popular Mechanics article on workings of jet engines. At Google Books.

November 13, 1944 Life Magazine article on rocket-based weaponry. At Google Books.

The Flying Bomb
November 20. 1944 Life Magazine piece by British historian with "full story of V-1" rocket. At Google Books.

Jet Propulsion
November 27, 1944 Life Magazine article on the 'new era in man's locomotion'. At Google Books.

Bat Pilots Of The Night Fighters
December 1944 Popular Mechanics article on night fighter planes and pilots. At Google Books.

Army Lands Planes By Radio
December 1944 Popular Science article on new instrument approach system. At Google Books.

General Electric Answers Your Questions About Jet Propulsion
December 1944 Popular Science advertisement. At Google Books.

V-2 Nazi Rocket Details Are Finally Revealed
December 1944 Life Magazine article on the German V-2. At Google Books.


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