library 1946
This Air Age
January 1946 Boys' Life article on aircraft engine advances. At Google Books.

Jet Engine Modeled After V-1 Has No Moving Parts
January 1946 Popular Mechanics article on new jet engine design. At Google Books.

"Rawin" Spies On The Weather
January 1946 Popular Mechanics article on rawinsonde balloons. At Google Books.

Shooting Star - Speed King Of The Air
January 1946 Popular Science article on Lockheed P-80 jet fighter. At Google Books.

"Motorcycle Of The Air" Used In Jet-Figher Research
January 1946 Popular Science article on rocket-propelled flying wing experimental aircraft. At Google Books.

More Deadly Buzz Bombs Were On The Way
February 1946 Popular Mechanics article on Nazi rocket-powered plane design. At Google Books.

You Can Now Buy A Real Jet Engine
February 1946 Popular Mechanics advertisement for model airplane enthusiasts. At Google Books.

Doom On The Wing
February 1946 Popular Science article on guided missile development. At Google Books.

"ROC" New Sky Terror
February 1946 Popular Science article on guided missile with televised target. At Google Books.

The Effect Of The Atomic Bomb On Naval Power
February 1946 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists of Chicago article on upcoming atom bomb tests against ships under project name of Operation Crossroads. At Google Books.

Navy's First Jet Carrier Plane Tops 500 Miles An Hour
March 1946 Popular Mechanics article on Navy FD-1 Phantom jet fighter. At Google Books.

By Radar To The Moon
March 1946 Popular Mechanics piece on Army Signal Corps experiment. At Google Books.

Radar Reaches The Moon
March 1946 Popular Science piece on Army Signal Corps experiment. At Google Books.

Safety In The Soup
March 1946 Popular Science article on upcoming development of radio instrument landing system. At Google Books.

Simplest Jet Works
March 1946 Popular Science piece on athodyd reaction engine. At Google Books.

Wireless Record Player Broadcasts Through Your Radio
March 1946 Popular Science on building a wireless transmitter. At Google Books.

Formidible German Fighters
March 1946 Boys' Life article on German fighters in development at end of war. At Google Books.

German Speed Secret In Wing Design
March 1946 Boys' Life article on German jet wing design secrets during the war. At Google Books.

To The Moon By Rocket Ship
March 1946 Boys' Life article by president of American Rocket Society (missing pages). At Google Books.

Trip To The Moon
March 4, 1946 Life Magazine artist's conception of rocket-plane lunar expedition. At Google Books.

Atom Bomb Island
March 25, 1946 Life Magazine article on evacuation of Bikini Atoll natives in preparation for Operation Crossbroads atom bomb test. At Google Books.

Lightning Strikes Mathematics
April 1946 Popular Science on ENIAC, the first general-purpose electronic computer. At Google Books.

Navy At The Crossroads
April 1946 Popular Science article on upcoming atom bomb test at Bikini Atoll. At Google Books.

Operation Crossroads
April 1946 Popular Mechanics on upcoming atom bomb test at Bikini Atoll. At Google Books.

Applied Science Restricted In Germany
May 1946 The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists article on nine research areas prohibited to German scientists. At Google Books.

Printing Radio Sets On Calling Cards
May 1946 Popular Science article on ceramic-based silver printed circuits. At Google Books.

Fifty Miles Up This Summer
May 1946 Popular Science article on Wac Corporal atmospheric research rocket. At Google Books.

100-Ton Flying Wing Outstrips B-29
May 1946 Popular Science article on Northrop XB-35 flying wing bomber. At Google Books.

Rocket-Assist Lifts P-80
May 1946 Popular Mechanics article on rocket-assisted takeoff of P-80 jet figher. At Google Books.

Two-Minute Blast From Jet Lifts Weather Forecast Rocket 43-1/2 Miles
May 1946 Popular Mechanics piece. At Google Books.

Rocket Motor
May 13, 1946 Life Magazine article on Navy's test for power plant of rocket plane. At Google Books.

U.S. Tests Rockets In New Mexico
May 27, 1946 Life Magazine article on first U.S. rocket tests using captured German V-2s. At Google Books.

10,000-Mile Flying Wing
June 1946 Popular Mechanics article on Northrop XB-35 flying wing bomber. At Google Books.

Radar Lands Them Blind
June 1946 Popular Mechanics article on CAA work to develop ground-controlled approach system. At Google Books.

The First With The Fastest
June 1946 Popular Science article on aeronautical engineer Alexander Kartveli. At Google Books.

Prep School For Rocket Warfare
July 1946 Popular Mechanics review of the current state of U.S. rocket programs. At Google Books.

Wind At Work For Tomorrow's Planes
July 1946 Popular Science article on the use of wind tunnels in new aircraft design. At Google Books.

Firing V-2s Into No Man's Air
July 1946 Popular Science article on V-2 testing program at White Sands. At Google Books.

Talking On A Beam Of Light
July 1946 Popular Science article on captured German communications device. At Google Books.

July 1, 1946 Life Magazine article on upcoming atom bomb test. At Google Books.

U.S. Shows Off New Superplanes
July 8, 1946 Life Magazine article on latest military aircraft. At Google Books.

Bikini's Atomic Bomb
July 15, 1946 Life Magazine pictorial on Operation Crossroads atom bomb test. At Google Books.

Report From Bikini
August 1946 Popular Mechanics eyewitness account and pictures from Operation Crossroads. At Google Books.

Speed Planes
August 1946 Popular Mechanics article on world air speed records. At Google Books.

Transatlantic Flying Wing
August 1946 Popular Mechanics article British plans for flying wing jet passenger liner. At Google Books.

At Last It's Here - Your Big Chance To Learn About The V2 Rocket Bomb
August 1946 Popular Mechanics toy ad. At Google Books.

Bikini Was Like This
August 1946 Popular Science eyewitness report via telegram on Operation Crossroads. At Google Books.

How Your Dial Phone Works
August 1946 Popular Science pictorial. At Google Books.

Our Jet Air Force
August 1946 Popular Science article on military jet fleet. At Google Books.

Inside Story of the Wac Corporal
August 1946 Popular Science article on successful flight of Wac Corporal research rocket. At Google Books.

Sweden: Intrusiveness
August 19, 1946 Time Magazine article on mystery of rockets reported over Sweden. At Time.

Celestial Phenomena
August 26, 1946 Time Magazine follow-up article on mystery of rockets reported over Sweden. At Time.

The Bikini Tests And Public Opinion
September 1946 The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reprint of New York Times assessment of Operation Crossroads by science editor William L. Laurence. At Google Books.

The Invisible Barrier
September 1946 Boys' Life article on challenges of supersonic flight. At Google Books.

The State Of The Armed Forces
September 2, 1946 Life Magazine comprehensive examination, including rocketry program. At Google Books.

Champion Spark Plugs
September 9, 1946 Life Magazine ad with illustrations of most common private aircraft. At Google Books.

"Push Button" Flying - Army Air Force Style
September 30, 1946 Life Magazine recruiting ad on military aircraft advances. At Google Books.

Queens Of The Skyways
October 1946 Popular Mechanics article on latest passenger liners. At Google Books.

Radio Steers Navy AA Rocket
October 1946 Popular Mechanics article on guided anti-aircraft missile tests. At Google Books.

World's Largest Bomber Dwarfs Superfortress
October 1946 Popular Mechanics piece on XB-36. At Google Books.

Decompression "Test Flight" Amazes Experts
October 1946 Popular Mechanics article on testing for effects of high-altitude explosive decompression. At Google Books.

Biggest Bomber
October 1946 Popular Science piece on Consolidated XB-36. At Google Books.

How To Live At High Speed
October 1946 Popular Science article on pilot apparatus needed for new aircraft speeds. At Google Books.

Probing The Upper Air / Guided Missile
Two October 1946 Popular Science pieces, the first on 'ultra' stratosphere research missile and the second on ground-launched anti-aircraft missile. At Google Books.

Rocket Camera To Shoot Sun
October 1946 Popular Science article on V-2 launches 100 miles up for spectographic mission. At Google Books.

How To Fly A Drone
November 1946 Popular Science article on radio-controlled aircraft. At Google Books.

Speed Unlimited
November 1946 Popular Mechanics article on supersonic flight program. At Google Books.

Pilot Ejector
November 1946 Life Magazine article on testing of first-ever pilot ejection seat. At Google Books.

Leaders For The Atomic Age
December 1946 The Rotarian opinion piece by psychologist Walter Pitkin on new qualities needed for leadership. At Google Books.

Inside The Dreamboat
December 1946 Popular Science article on groundbreaking transpolar flight. At Google Books.

Britain Goes Supersonic
December 1946 Popular Science article on British supersonic flight program. At Google Books.

Test Swept-Back Wing On Modified Fighter
December 1946 Popular Mechanics piece on tests for first rearward angle design. At Google Books.

Inside The "Atom City"
December 1946 Popular Mechanics article on Oak Ridge National Laboratory. At Google Books.

Sixty-Five Miles Up
December 2, 1946 Life Magazine article and picture of Earth taken on V-2 flight. At Google Books.

December 9, 1946 Life Magazine article on Army Air Force 600 mph P-80 jet fighters. At Google Books.

Nazi Brains Help U.S.
December 9, 1946 Life Magazine article on German scientists working on U.S. rocket program. At Google Books.

German Scientists
December 30, 1946 Life Magazine letter to the editor in response to December 9th article. At Google Books.


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