library 1948
Dirt Track In The Sky
January 1948 Popular Science article on midget plane speed racing. At Google Books.

Fastest Thing On Wings?
January 1948 Popular Science article on Navy's D-558-2 Douglas Skyrocket. At Google Books.

Swept-Back Fighter
January 1948 Popular Science article on Air Force XP-86. At Google Books.

Rocket's Flight Kept In Sight
January 1948 Popular Science article on tracking telescope camera system. At Google Books.

Dialing Weather In The Sky
January 1948 Popular Science article on weather-recognition 'slide rule' for pilots developed by Air Materiel Command. At Google Books.

Needle Nose Rocket Probes Sonic Speed
January 1948 Popular Mechanics article on Navy's D-558-2 Douglas Skyrocket. At Google Books.

Electronic Guide Widens Air Lanes
January 1948 Popular Mechanics article on Honeywell B-D Computer (Bearing and Distance Computer) for controlling airport approach. At Google Books.

Air Force's Swept-Wing Tactical Jet Fighter Gets Tests
January 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on Air Force XP-86. At Google Books.

Americana, January 19, 1948
January 19, 1948 Time Magazine on death of national guard pilot Thomas Mantell while chasing saucer. At Time.

New Guns For Human Bullets
February 1948 Popular Science article on high-velocity centrifuge for assessing pilot stresses in supersonic flight. At Google Books.

Rocket Town
February 1948 Life Magazine article on the Inyokern Naval Ordinance Test Station. At Google Books.

Radio Builds Railroads In The Sky
March 1948 Popular Science article on future electronic systems for civil aviation traffic control. At Google Books.

Cooling Hot Pilots
March 1948 Popular Science article on heat exchange system needed for jet and rocket pilot survival. At Google Books.

Rocket "Locomotive" Hits 1,000 M.P.H.
March 1948 Popular Science article of Northrop test of supersonic rocket sled at Muroc Air Base. At Google Books.

They Blaze The Trail Into Space
March 1948 Popular Mechanics article on engineers, pilots and aircraft involved in supersonic high-altitude flight research. At Google Books.

Seconds Split A Million Ways
April 1948 Popular Science article on use of microseconds in radar, computing and other electronic applications. At Google Books.

The Better To See Them With
April 1948 Popular Mechanics Army recruiting ad focusing on telescope to trace and record missiles at 100 miles altitude. At Google Books.

Biggest Ramjet Faster Than Sound
April 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on supersonic athodyd missile test. At Google Books.

Designers Of Flying Wings Study Secrets of "Strato" Glider
April 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on use of Horten 6 glider for flying wing research. At Google Books.

Midget Autopilot
April 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on gyroscopic advances in experimental system. At Google Books.

Sprayed And Printed Circuits
April 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on wireless electronics. At Google Books.

Air Force Displays New Jet Fleet
April 1948 Life Magazine article on demonstration of newest aircraft. At Google Books.

Supersonic Sleds
May 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on test of supersonic rocket sled at Muroc Air Base. At Google Books.

Are Secret Balloons the Flying Saucers?
May 1948 Popular Science cover article on Project Skyhook. At Google Books.

Aerobee Soars 78 Miles
May 1948 Popular Science cover article on Navy research rocket. At Google Books.

Bombs Go On A Bat
May 1948 Popular Science Army recruitment ad focusting on Northrop YB-49 flying wing. At Google Books.

Planes Race Past Sound
June 1948 Popular Science article on aerodynamic aspects of supersonic flight. At Google Books.

Top Scientist Has His Own Shop
June 1948 Popular Science article on Dr. Vannevar Bush, chairman of the Joint Research and Develpment Board. At Google Books.

Bomber Carries Jet Fighters
June 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on on experimental XP-85 midget jet dropped from and retrieved by mother ship. At Google Books.

Electronic Caclulator Has 12,500-Tube Brain
June 1948 Popular Mechanics article on IBM machine. At Google Books.

Fighter Rides In Bomb Bay
July 1948 Popular Science piece on experimental XP-85 midget jet dropped from and retrieved by mother ship. At Google Books.

Predicts Position Of Moon
July 1948 Popular Science piece on 12,500 vacuum-tube IBM computer. At Google Books.

Shakedown Laboratory For Navy Ordnance
July 1948 Popular Mechanics article on construction of White Oak naval research center. At Google Books

Four-Jet Bomber "Hits The Deck" In 500 M.P.H. Tests
July 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on test flight of the XB-45. At Google Books.

Radar "Eyes" Of Airliner See Storms 150 Miles Away
July 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on airborne visual radar system. At Google Books.

Letters: Flying Saucers
July 1948 Popular Science letters to the editor on May story "Are Secret Balloons The Flying Saucers?". At Google Books

Test Pilot
August 1948 Boys' Life article on aviators who fly new and modified aircraft. At Google Books.

Confusion In The Cockpit
August 1948 Popular Mechanics article on research to reduce complexity of modern cockpit controls. At Google Books.

The Navy's Incredible Eye
August 1948 Popular Mechanics article on high-speed camera and other work of the Michelson Laboratory at the Naval Ordnance Test Station in the Mojave desert. At Google Books.

What Can Our Bombers Do Now?
August 1948 Popular Science overview on U.S. bomber fleet. At Google Books.

This Is The Plane That Outflies Sound
August 1948 Popular Science article on Bell X-1 (only 1 page available). At Google Books.

A Report On Russia's Strength
August 1948 Life Magazine article on Soviet military capabilities. At Google Books.

Your First Trip On A Stratocruiser
September 1948 Popular Science article on commercial passenger version of B-29. At Google Books.

This Capsule Challenges Vacuum Tube
September 1948 Popular Science article on electronic transistor. At Google Books.

Atomic-Powered Rocket For Carrying Man To Moon
September 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on forecast by the British Interplanetary Society. At Google Books.

Radio-Phone Talks Held Between Cities
September 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on use of conference calling technology. At Google Books.

Spying On Mars By Invisible Light
September 1948 Popular Mechanics article on use of infrared spectograph by Dr. Gerald Kuiper of McDonald Observatory in search of Martian life. At Google Books.

Keep Away From Point Magu
October 1948 Popular Science article on Navy's Air Missile Test Center. At Google Books.

Inside Britain's Newest Jet
October 1948 Popular Science article on Gloster E. 1/44. At Google Books.

Earth Is Photographed From Rockets
October 1948 Life Magazine article and pictures from Navy rocket launches. At Google Books

Top Of The World Weather Run
November 1948 Popular Mechanics article on B-29 daily weather research flights over the north pole. At Google Books.

Do You Know Your New Air Force?
November 1948 Popular Science pictorial. At Google Books.

British Outfly Sound
November 1948 Popular Science piece on DeHavilland 108. At Google Books.

Our 70-Group Air Force Emerges
December 1948 Popular Mechanics piece on new U.S. Air Force by General Hoyt Vandenberg. At Google Books

Rocket-Borne Camera
December 1948 Popular Mechanics article on pictures of Earth taken by Navy rockets. At Google Books

How Jet Jockeys Are Made
December 1948 Popular Science article on training jet pilots. At Google Books

Compact Aircraft Radio Runs In Cooling Bath
December 1948 Popular Science article on Air Materiel Command program to reduce size of vacuum tubes in aviation electronics. At Google Books

Jet's Nose Tests Rocket Fire
December 1948 Popular Science piece on test on missile launch during high-speed flight. At Google Books

Built For The Speed Of Sound
December 1948 Popular Science piece on Northrop X-4. At Google Books

Launched From A Trapeze
December 1948 Popular Science piece on experimental XP-85 midget jet flight. At Google Books

Jet Wings
December 1948 Life Magazine piece on physical conversion of flying wing aircraft from prop to jet. At Google Books


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