library 1949
Rocket To The Moon
January 1949 Life Magazine article on future lunar voyage. At Google Books

Soviet Bombers / Soviet Fighters
January 1949 Popular Mechanics pictorial on Russian Air Force. At Google Books.

The Stratocruiser Goes To Work
January 1949 Popular Mechanics article on commercial airline version of B-29. At Google Books.

Twin-Jet Flying Wing
January 1949 Popular Mechanics piece on British aircraft. At Google Books.

Tailess Glider Seating Two Completes 2,400-Mile Trip
January 1949 Popular Mechanics piece on flying wing motorless aircraft. At Google Books.

Radio Telescope Creates New Science
January 1949 Popular Science article on emerging new aspect of astronomy. At Google Books.

Riding The Ramjet
January 1949 Popular Science article on joint Air Force-Lockheed athodyd engine program. At Google Books.

Designed For Penetration
January 1949 Popular Science piece on XF-88 fighter-bomber. At Google Books.

Jet Flying Wing For Carriers Travels Over 600 M.P.H.
February 1949 Popular Mechanics article on carrier-launched XF7U-1. At Google Books.

Radio Is Test Pilot of "Flying Stovepipe"
February 1949 Popular Mechanics article on Navy experiments with radio-guided ramjet missiles. At Google Books.

Speed's New Foe: The 'Heat Barrier'
February 1949 Popular Science article on heat problems in supersonic flight. At Google Books.

Gorgon IV Sets Record For Ramjets
February 1949 Popular Science article on Navy experiments with radio-guided ramjet missiles. At Google Books.

Pilotless Target Plane Flies 220 M.P.H.
March 1949 Popular Mechanics article on radio-controlled drone aircraft capable of mimicking fighter maneuvers. At Google Books.

More Power For Navy Jets
March 1949 Popular Science piece on Pratt and Whitney JT-6B engine. At Google Books.

Flying Laying Down
March 1949 Popular Science piece on piloting in prone position to reduce blackouts during high-speed maneuvers. At Google Books.

Tail-less Fighter Plane
March 1949 Popular Science piece on carrier-launched XF7U-1. At Google Books.

Hot Airplanes
March 1949 Boys' Life Air Force recruiting ad. At Google Books.

Intercollegiate Bull Session
March 1949 Life Magazine article on viewpoints and attitudes of modern college students. At Google Books.

Want A Trip To The Moon?
April 1949 The Rotarian article on aspects of lunar voyage by renowned science writer Willy Ley. At Google Books.

What You Can Believe About Flying Saucers
Part 1. April 30, 1949 Saturday Evening Post debunking article by Sidney Shalett, guided by Project Grudge. PDF file at NICAP.

What You Can Believe About Flying Saucers
Part 2. May 7, 1949 Saturday Evening Post debunking article by Sidney Shalett, guided by Project Grudge. PDF file at NICAP.

Wings For Jets Have Odd Shapes
May 1949 Popular Mechnics piece on delta and swept-wing aircraft. At Google Books.

Is U.S. Building A New Moon?
May 1949 Popular Science article by Willy Ley on possibility of first artificial satellite. At Google Books.

Want To Buy A Brain?
May 1949 Popular Science article on emerging computer market, focusing on Univac. At Google Books.

Air Force Adops Arrowhead
May 1949 Popular Science piece on delta-winged research jet. At Google Books.

Defense In The Air
May 1949 Popular Science piece on XF-91 interceptor. At Google Books.

Things That Go Whiz
May 9, 1949 Time Magazine article on USAF 'Project Saucer' findings. At Time.

Future Planes Fly Before They're Built
June 1949 Popular Science article on radio-controlled flight tests of scale model prototypes. At Google Books.

The Armed Services Battle It Out
June 1949 Life Magazine article offering rare look at feud between Navy and Air Force for responsibility for overseas air attacks. At Google Books.

New Rocket Hits 2,250 M.P.H.
July 1949 Popular Science article on Navy's Viking rocket. At Google Books.

Will Atomic Engines Be Mobile?
July 1949 Popular Science article on prototype propulsion plant. At Google Books.

Blueprint For A Passenger Rocket
July 1949 Popular Mechanics article on idea for crewed vehicle. At Google Books.

The Flying Wing
August 1949 Boys' Life article on Northrop flying wing jet. At Google Books.

Rocket Test Stand
August 1949 Popular Mechanics article on test installation for rocket engines at White Sands. At Google Books.

Heavyweight For Long-Range Blows
August 1949 Popular Mechanics piece on XF-90 fighter jet. At Google Books.

Can Superfighters Stop The Bombers?
August 1949 Popular Science article on high-altitude tactics, including guided missiles. At Google Books.

You Say It, Robot Does It
August 1949 Popular Science article on Westinghouse robot used for research for voice-activated commands. At Google Books.

Radio Beams Flag Planes
September 1949 Popular Science article on high-altitude speed-tracking system at Air Materiel Command, Wright Field. At Google Books.

Sonic Models Predict Tricks Of Latest Jet
September 1949 Popular Science article on prototype testing of Lockheed FX-90. At Google Books.

5,000-Hp. Jet Unveiled
September 1949 Popular Science article on Westinghouse J-34 engine. At Google Books.

They Pilot Sky-Piercing Rockets
October 1949 Popular Mechanics piece on launch crew for Wac Corporal rocket. At Google Books.

Round The Clock Fighter
October 1949 Popular Mechanics piece on Lockheed F-94 all-weather night fighter. At Google Books.

Jet Refuels Like A Hummingbird
October 1949 Popular Science pictorial piece on in-flight refueling of British Meteor. At Google Books.

Dropped Rocket Boosts Navy Missile
October 1949 Popular Science piece on Navy Lark guided missile. At Google Books.

Planes "Type" Messages In The Sky
October 1949 Popular Science article on mutli-plane radio-controlled skywriting. At Google Books.

The Viking's Flight
October 1949 Life Magazine article on second of 10 planned Viking rocket launches. At Google Books.

U.S. Detects Atomic Blast In Russia
October 1949 Life Magazine article on first Soviet nuclear weapon. At Google Books.

How To Shoot A 5-Ton Skyrocket
November 1949 Popular Science article on launch of Navy's Viking rocket. At Google Books.

X-4 Spears Sonic Speeds
November 1949 Popular Science piece on Northrop X-4. At Google Books.

Flies Faster Than Sound
November 1949 Popular Science piece on British Vickers Supermarine 510. At Google Books.

Big Secret U.S.A.
November 1949 Popular Mechanics article on Los Alamos National Laboratory. At Google Books.

Triple-Jet Attack Plane
November 1949 Popular Mechanics piece on the XB-51. At Google Books.

Scientific Weapons And A Future War
November 1949 Life Magazine article by Dr. Vannevar Bush. At Google Books.

Today's French Planes
December 1949 Popular Mechanics article on advanced French aircraft. At Google Books.

World's Fastest Plane?
December 1949 Popular Mechanics piece on the XF-88 Voodoo. At Google Books.

Fastest Drone
December 1949 Popular Mechanics piece on ramjet missile. At Google Books.

Thunderjet Fighter Gets "Radio Nose"
December 1949 Popular Mechanics piece on F-84 modification. At Google Books.

Rocket To Drop Sky Eye
December 1949 Popular Science article on planned outer atmosphere research launch. At Google Books.

Navy Brain "Thinks" Fast
December 1949 Popular Science piece on Mark III computer. At Google Books.


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