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The following sites are included because they may be of interest to community members, but are not necessarily endorsed by Satruday Night Uforia. Site descriptions are primarily direct quotes or based on information from the sites themselves..

UFO Evidence SiteUFO Evidence
UFO Evidence is one of the Internet's largest sources of quality research and information on the UFO phenomenon.

Best UFO ResourcesBest UFO Resources
A collection of selected UFO resources: pictures, videos, documentaries, books, data, studies and more.

Ufologie.netUFOs At Close Sight
The return of the departed French site, one of the major references on the Web.

UFO Casebook SiteUFO Casebook
Investigates UFOs Aliens through files, pictures, and videos as well as delivering free online UFO magazine and rss news feed.

International directory of the best UFO evidence.

The Disclosure ProjectThe Disclosure Project
Nonprofit research project working to disclose the facts about UFOs, extraterrestrial intelligence, and classified information.

Unreal World of UFOsThe Unreal World Of UFOs
Website of the late Bob Pratt, veteran researcher.

Image: National UFO Reporting Center SiteNational UFO Reporting Center
The web's most comprehensive and up to date UFO information source.

Mufon's mission is the systematic collection and analysis of UFO data, towards learning the origin and nature of the UFO phenomenon.

MUFONThe Black Vault
Portion of Black Vault site dealing with UFO freedom of information documents.

UFO Education and Research

Project 1947Project 1947
Huge database consisting of news articles on UFOs, primarily for the year 1947.

UFO FotocatUFO Fotocat
Website of Vicente-Juan Ballester Olmos, with the purpose to create a catalog of world-wide UFO photo events.

Filer's FilesFiler's Files
National UFO Center by veteran researcher George Filer.

UFO and Extraterrestrial LifeUFO and Extraterrestrial Life
French-language website translated into English through Google Translate, covering a variety of topics.

Scandinavian UFO InformationScandinavian UFO Information
Danish-language website translated into English through Google Translate, with a focus on Scandinavia.

InexplicataInexplicata - The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Journal of the Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU), presenting UFO and paranormal cases from Spain, South America and the Caribbean.

UFOs AustraliaUFOs - Scientific Research
A collaborative blog focusing on historical sighting reports in Australia.

NOUFORSNorthern Ontario UFO Research and Study
Collection of documents, articles and reports, with a focus on Canada.

Folklore and JournalismFolklore and Journalism
UK-focused site of researcher Dr. David Clarke, author and senior lecturer in journalism at Sheffield Hallam University.

Filer's FilesThe Bragalia Files
Website of researcher Anthony Bragalia offering a unique and informative view based on historical research.

Filer's FilesThe UFO Iconoclast(s)
A compendium of news and research into the historical aspects of the phenomenon.

Open MindsRobert Barrow
Not your grandfather's UFO blog ...

Open MindsUFO: The True Story Of Flying Saucers
Robert Barrow's extensive site dealing with the 1956 docu-drama.

UFOs And NukesUFOs And Nukes
The website of researcher Robert Hastings dealing with UFO encounters at nuclear sites.

Cohen UFOCohen UFO
The website of researcher Jerry Cohen with sometimes iconoclastic but interesting views and information.

A Different PerspectiveA Different Perspective
The website of researcher and author Kevin Randle, with commentary and thoughts.

Bruce MaccabeeDr. Bruce Maccabee Research Website
Dr. Bruce Maccabee is an American optical physicist formerly employed by the U.S. Navy, and a leading ufologist.

Michael SwordsThe Big Study
Blog of acclaimed researcher Dr. Michael Swords, with a definite new-age spiritual bent.

Isaac KoiUFO History (
History timeline portion of new website currently under development and expected to be up at the end of 2014.

Fortean TimesThe Bible UFO Connection
A collection of biblical references to flying vehicles, close encounters, futuristic weaponry, and advanced technology.

Blue Blurry LinesBlue Blurry Lines
Blog with a focus on the 1980 Cash-Landrum incident, but covering other topics as well.

Fortean TimesFortean Times
Fortean Times is a British monthly magazine devoted to the anomalous phenomena popularised by Charles Fort.

The AnomalistThe Anomalist
A daily review of maverick science, unexplained mysteries, unorthodox theories, strange talents, and unexpected discoveries.

Open MindsOpen Minds
UFO news and a UFO magazine to investigate and report evidence of extraterrestrial, UFO and other phenomena.

NSA UFO DocsNational Secuirty Administration UFO Documents
A collection of online documents released under the Freedom of Information Act.

NASA History OfficeNASA Program History Office
A massive collection of online documents, papers and books on the history of NASA and space flight in general.

British Interplanetary SocietyBritish Interplanetary Society
Formed in 1930, the BIS was a major contributor to the dream and technology of space flight.

False StepsFalse Steps: The Space Race As It Might Have Been
Paul Drye's fascinating project blog detailing the alternate proposals and plans for space travel stretching from 1930s to the present.

Dreams of SpaceDreams of Space
Extensive collection of vintage/retro books, articles and ephemera on space flight, mostly geared to kids but with adult fare as well.

History of FlightHistory of Flight
Extensive collection of feature articles from the Smithsonian's Air & Space magazine.

Century of FlightCentury of Flight
Website highlighting milestones in the history of aviation.

This Day In AviationThis Day In Aviation
Daily calendar listing of significant events in the history of flight, searchable by date.

NASA History OfficeEncyclopedia Astronautica
A comprehensive collection of information on the history of space exploration including vehicles, tech, astronauts, and flights.

Atomic Bomb WebsiteAtom Central: The Atomic Bomb Website
An intriguing in-depth tour of the history of Atomic Bomb testing in the 50s and 60s.

Atomic ArchiveAtomic Archive
Operating under a National Science Foundation Grant, and exploring "the complex history surrounding the invention of the atomic bomb".

Atomic AnnhilationAtomic Annhilation
Carrying the subtitle "... or how I learned to stop worrying and start a Blog", a playful assemblage of vintage Cold War ephemera.

Atomic Bomb MuseumAtomic Bomb Museum
A site dedicated to providing information about the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Los Alamos HistoryLos Alamos Historical Society
Focusing on preserving and communicating the history of Los Alamos, including online publications and oral histories.

Swords To PlowsharesSwords To Plowshares
A "short" history on Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) from 1943 through 1993.

ORNL History SiteORNL History Site
Historical overview documents and photographs on Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

B ReactorB Reactor Museum Association
One of the few websites dealing with the history of Hanford nuclear site.

Historical Test FilmsHistorical Atomic Test Films
Department of Energy/Nevada National Security Site collection of filmed atomic bomb tests.

Critical PastCritical Past
Vast collection of stock footage and newsreels ranging from the 1890s to the end of the 20th century.

Website detailing contemporary and upcoming celestial events, primarily meteor showers and eclipses.

Sky Map OnlineSky Map Online
Web app providing free, printable and interactive sky charts for any location, time and viewpoint.

UFO PopUFO Pop: Flying Saucers In Popular Culture
A great collection of magazine, comic and book covers as well as toys and merchandising, dating as far back as the 1890s.

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