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news archive 2017

UFO News At Google.

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December 30, 2017 through January 1, 2018

Daily Galaxy:
"The Multiverse?" -- Merging Neutron Stars Challenge Existing Theories of Gravity and Dark Energy

Daily Mail:
Checkmate humanity: In four hours, a robot taught itself chess, then beat a grandmaster with moves never devised in the game's 1,500-year history and the implications are terrifying

Daily Mail:
Where the 'Ring of Fire' could ignite in 2018: Researchers reveal the six volcanoes most at risk of eruption

Universe Today:
Just a Billion Years After the Earth Formed, Life had Already Figured out Plenty of Tricks

Astrobiology Magazine:
Origins of photosynthesis in plants dated to 1.25 billion years ago

Atlas Obscura:
Found: A Tiny, Terrifying Sea Monster From 500 Million Years Ago

Atlas Obscura:
Found: A Plesiosaur, Antarctica's Oldest Animal Fossil

Daily Mail:
Dozens of perfectly preserved dinosaur eggs dating back 130 MILLION YEARS are unearthed in China's 'hometown of scary dragons'

Daily Mail:
Tufty hair, orange eyebrows, freckles and no roar: What tyrannosaurus rex was REALLY like

Live Science:
Ancient Axes, Spear Points May Reveal When Early Humans Left Africa

Daily Mail:
5,000-year-old eyeliner and scarabs inscribed with the titles of the elite reveal the rise of ancient Jericho

Daily Mail:
800-year-old coin minted by Henry III but then scrapped when blundering officials realised it was worth more as gold than its face value is expected to make £500,000 at auction

The History Blog:
Visitor identifies plant decorating medieval chest

Daily Mail:
The Christmas Flood of 1717: How one of the most devastating storms in European history killed 13,700 people in Denmark, Germany and the Netherlands
Women Got 'Married' Long Before Gay Marriage

BBC History Extra:
9 things you (probably) didn't know about Helen Keller
How Times Square Became the Home of New Year's Eve

The New Yorker:
A New History of the Second World War
The 7 Most Notorious Nazis Who Escaped to South America
How a Postal Strike Became a National Emergency for Richard Nixon

Popular Mechanics:
The 2018 Sci-Fi Film Guide

December 29, 2017:

Airlines bid farewell to the Boeing 747 - Take a look at the life of the 'Queen of the Skies'

Myth of the Zero

Amerika Bombers

Republic's Fleeting Masterpiece

Project Tip-Tow

Spaceflight Insider:
Our SpaceFlight Heritage: The atheist and Apollo 8

December 28, 2017:

The Guardian:
Russian satellite lost after being set to launch from wrong spaceport

Universe Today:
Yes Please! NASA is Considering a Helicopter Mission to Titan

Scientific American:
To Find Life on Mars, Look Underground

Popular Mechanics:
Martian Fossils Could Be Found Near Long-Buried Hydrothermal Vents

Daily Mail:
Has the mystery of how the moon was formed finally been solved? Results of two billion simulations show protoplanet Theia was far smaller than thought when it slammed into Earth

Universe Today:
Maybe Mars and Earth Didn't Form Close to Each Other

December 27, 2017:

South China Morning Post:
Is anyone out there? The days when UFO fever gripped China

New York Times:
Flying Saucers and Other Fairy Tales

Big Think:
If the Pentagon Is Hiding Aliens from Us, the Zoo Hypothesis May Explain Why

Possible meteor spotted flying through New England sky

Astronomers Obtain Images of Near-Earth Asteroid Phaethon

Spaceflight Insider:
Long March 2D sends China's second Land Surveying Satellite to orbit

Spaceflight Now:
Land imaging craft launched for Chinese military

Spaceflight Insider:
Untethered: Humanity's first free flying astronaut, Bruce McCandless, passes away aged 80

December 26, 2017:

SpaceX gave California a UFO scare with absolutely incredible rocket launch

Spaceflight Insider:
Painting the sky: Iridium launch closes banner year for SpaceX

Space News:
SpaceX concludes 2017 with fourth Iridium Next launch

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX launch dazzles, delivering 10 more satellites for Iridium

The Verge:
All the best reactions to SpaceX's Friday night rocket launch in California

Stunning Time-Lapse of SpaceX Falcon9 Rocket Launch

December 23, 2017 through December 25, 2017
Mystery of how Santa fits down chimneys, can deliver presents without being seen 'solved' by relativity theory

Popular Mechanics:
These AI-Created Carols Are Confused About Christmas

Is The North Pole Real? Figuring Out Exactly Where Santa Lives Is Harder Than You Think

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Enduring Romance of Mistletoe, a Parasite Named After Bird Poop

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Best Places to See Reindeer Around the World

Bible History Daily:
How December 25 Became Christmas

Mental Floss:
St. Nick's Real Hometown Is an Ancient City in Turkey Entombed in Mud

What is the origin of the Christmas tree?

Smithsonian Magazine:
Why Iceland's Christmas Witch Is Much Cooler (and Scarier) Than Krampus

Mental Floss:
When Christmas Was the Only Day You Could Legally Go Bowling

Mental Floss:
When Americans Outlawed Christmas

BBC History Extra:
Christmas carols: the history behind 5 festive favourites

Mental Floss:
The Mystery Behind the World's Most Famous Christmas Poem

Mental Floss:
The Holly Jolly History of the Santa Suit

Why Do We Hang Stockings At Christmas? This Holiday Tradition's Origins Are Steeped In Myth

Atlas Obscura:
Each Christmas, the Welsh Try to Outsmart a Horse Skull Puppet

The Real Reason Charles Dickens Wrote A Christmas Carol

When Did The First Christmas Card Appear? The History Of This Holiday Tradition Is Surprisingly Complex

Mental Floss:
The Secret History of Mrs. Claus

The Independent:
The history of Christmas turkeys

Smithsonian Magazine:
Untangling the History of Christmas Lights

Mental Floss:
Benjamin Harrison and the White House's First Christmas Tree

What happened to football on Christmas Day? The lost history of a Victorian tradition

Mental Floss:
James Edgar, the Pioneering Department Store Santa

"The Nutcracker's" disturbing origin story: Why this was once the world's creepiest ballet

Mental Floss:
Why Are Poinsettias Associated with Christmas?

Atlas Obscura:
For Teddy Roosevelt's Son, Rebelling Meant Sneaking Christmas Trees Into the White House

Smithsonian Magazine:
For Generations of Chicagoans, Marshall Field's Meant Business, and Christmas

Atlas Obscura:
In 1912, Thousands of Women Rallied Against 'Useless' Christmas Giving

Mental Floss:
A.C. Gilbert, the Toymaker Who (Actually) Saved Christmas

Mental Floss:
The Dynamic History of the Toy Chemistry Set

BBC History Extra:
The secret history of black Santas

Mental Floss:
10 Heartwarming Facts About 'Miracle on 34th Street'

Mental Floss:
25 Wonderful Facts About 'It's a Wonderful Life'

Atlas Obscura:
Listen to the First Computer-Generated Christmas Carols, From Alan Turing's Lab

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Christmas Tale Spoken Record That Launched the Audiobook
The Wrong Number That Launched the Santa Tracker

Atlas Obscura:
In Sweden, There Is No Christmas Without Donald Duck

Mental Floss:
14 Blockheaded Facts About 'A Charlie Brown Christmas'

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Cult Classic Christmas Special Is Quintessential Jim Henson

Mental Floss:
21 Things You Might Not Know About 'Elf'

Mental Floss:
7 Places That Celebrate Christmas Year-Round

Smithsonian Magazine:
Seven Places Reinventing the Christmas Tree

Mental Floss:
10 of the World's Best Toy Shops

Mental Floss:
The Origins of 12 Christmas Traditions

Mental Floss:
10 UK Christmas Traditions That Confuse Americans

Greenville News:
8 Christmas stories, courtesy of history

Popular Mechanics:
The 50 Best New Board Games

Mental Floss:
Can You Name Santa's Reindeer (Besides Rudolph)?

December 22, 2017

Daily Mail:
World's largest plane with a wingspan longer than a FOOTBALL FIELD taxis down the runway for the first time ahead of its 2019 test flight

The Aviationist:
The Blackbird NASA Used For Validating The SR-71 Linear Aerospike Experiment Configuration

The Aviationist:
The Real-World Air Combat Origins of "Star Wars: The Last Jedi"

Aviation History Magazine:
Mother Ships

Ars Technica:
The Greatest Leap, Part 1: How the Apollo fire propelled NASA to the Moon

Ars Technica:
The Greatest Leap, Part 2: Apollo 8 and the 50/50 bet that won the Space Race for America

Ars Technica:
The Greatest Leap, Part 3: The triumph and near-tragedy of the first Moon landing

December 21, 2017

Daily Mail:
Elon Musk reveals his megarocket: Falcon Heavy set to blast off within weeks (and could be taking Musk's car along for the ride)

Space News:
SpaceX to skip first stage landing for upcoming Iridium launch

Space News:
Blue Origin a year away from crewed New Shepard flights

Spaceflight Insider:
Orion's parachutes tested in high deserts of Arizona

Daily Mail:
There IS water on Mars: Scientists say rocks on the red planet absorbed it under the crust 'like a sponge' killing all lifeforms and leaving the surface dry and desolate

Astrobiology Magazine:
Mars And Earth May Not Have Been Early Neighbors

Daily Mail:
Alien mineral never before seen on Earth found in 60 million year old meteorite impact on the Isle of Skye

December 20, 2017

Air & Space Magazine:
That Secret Government Program to Track UFOs? It's Not the First

A Former Military Strategist Explains Why the Government Is Cagey on UFO Matters

Astronomer Says "UFO" That Navy Airmen Spotted Was Probably Something Else

On Milwaukee:
LOOK: Bright meteor lights up the Wisconsin sky near midnight

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz with three-man crew docks with space station

Spaceflight Insider:
3-person Soyuz MS-07 docks with ISS

Spaceflight Now:
Station astronauts begin unpacking refurbished SpaceX cargo craft

Daily Mail:
NASA reveals it has started planning a 2069 mission to Alpha Centauri (but admits most of the technology it needs to get there doesn't exist yet)

December 19, 2017

New York Times:
On the Trail of a Secret Pentagon U.F.O. Program

ABC News:
Navy pilot recalls encounter with UFO: 'I think it was not from this world'

The Cheat Sheet:
Aliens or Something Else? These Unexplained UFO Sightings Have Baffled Scientists

Spaceflight Now:
Video: Dragon capsule arrives at space station

Orlando Sentinel:
Budweiser hopes Friday's SpaceX launch leads to Mars brewery

Spaceflight Insider:
Juno delves deep into Jupiter's Red Spot

Space News:
Dawn to fly closer to Ceres than ever in mission's final phase

Los Angeles Times:
Scientists find a miniature version of our solar system, with eight planets and a sun-like star

Popular Science:
Interstellar visitor doesn't appear to be an alien ship, does appear to be covered in organic gunk

BBC News:
Interstellar object may hold 'alien' water

December 18, 2017

New York Times:
Glowing Auras and 'Black Money': The Pentagon's Mysterious U.F.O. Program

The Pentagon's Secret Search for UFOs

Washington Post:
Head of Pentagon's secret 'UFO' office sought to make evidence public

Daily Mail:
'It accelerated like nothing I've ever seen': Two Navy airmen describe encounter with what they believe was a UFO after the Pentagon reveals its multi-million dollar search program for mysterious objects

Does Pentagon still have a UFO program? The answer is a bit mysterious

Denver Post:
WATCH: Bright fireball flashed across the Denver sky Thursday night, vigilant cameras caught celestial blast

Spaceflight Insider:
Soyuz MS-05 trio lands in Kazakhstan after 138-day ISS stay

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz carries three station crew members back to Earth

Spaceflight Insider:
Soyuz MS-07 crew begins two-day trek toward ISS

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz blasts off on two-day flight to space station

Economic Times:
'Dragon back' as cargo reaches space station

Spaceflight Insider:
CRS-13 Dragon berthed with International Space Station

Spaceflight Insider:
Return, return, return: CRS-13 mission marks triple-play in terms of SpaceX reuse

Spaceflight Now:
Recent snapshots from the International Space Station

Austin American-Statesman:
UFO reported over Austin in 1897

WEEKEND EDITION: December 16, 2017 through December 17, 2017

There's No Such Thing As Proof In The Scientific World - There's Only Evidence

New Atlas:
Honda's 3E robot concepts ready to roll into CES

New Atlas:
Robot carries the Olympic torch in South Korea

Live Science:
Earth's Mysterious Hum Recorded Underwater for 1st Time

If Alien Worlds Exist, What About Alien Minerals?

Live Science:
Lava Gulps Down GoPro Camera, Which Records the Entire, Fiery Affair

Daily Mail:
Oldest known plesiosaur fossil suggests the sea-dwelling reptiles emerged 50 million years earlier than thought and survived by foraging in the open ocean

The Guardian:
Have we lost an Archaeopteryx but gained a new species of theropod dinosaur?

Stuff NZ:
New Zealand's ancient penguin was as big as a human

Daily Mail:
Intricate 3,100-year-old bronze ritual bowls stolen during a war between two Chinese dynasties are found in a tomb next to the skeleton of a Zhou warrior

Live Science:
This 5,000-Pound Behemoth Is the World's Heaviest Bony Fish

The History Blog:
Rock art may be 1st depiction of leashed dogs

The History Blog:
Two unopened tombs rediscovered in Luxor

The History Blog:
Massive Venezuela petroglyphs mapped for the first time

BBC History Extra:
Robert Dudley: Queen Elizabeth I's great love

Daily Mail:
Collectors assemble the largest known early map of the world: Misshapen countries, mythical creatures, and illustrations of kings revealed in stunning 10 FOOT map from the 16th century

Live Science:
Spy Satellites Reveal Ancient Lost Empires in Afghanistan
The Man Who Invented Figure Skating Was Laughed Out of America

Smithsonian Magazine:
How the First Man-Made Nuclear Reactor Reshaped Science and Society

Daily Mail:
Is this what doomsday will look like? Dozens of declassified US nuclear test clips from the 1950s are released to the public for the first time
The Governess Who Spilled the Queen's Secrets
Why Princess Margaret Sacrificed Love for the Crown

Cigarettes from Santa: Vintage Tobacco Christmas Advertising

Smithsonian Magazine:
What Happens to All Those Letters Sent to Santa?

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Plea to Resurrect the Christmas Tradition of Telling Ghost Stories

December 15, 2017

New Atlas:
Flying car racing could be heading to Australia

The Aviationist:
This Image Shows The Complexity Of The XB-70 Valkyrie mid-1960s Research Aircraft Cockpit Compared To That Of An Upgraded B-1 Bomber

The Aviationist:
A Navy Academy Professor Did A Presentation On The Actual Stealthiness Of The (Fictional) MiG-31 Firefox

Spaceflight History:
Pioneer Mars Orbiter with Penetrators (1974)

Spaceflight History:
X-15: Lessons for Reusable Winged Spaceflight (1966)

December 14, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Space station crew returns Thursday, replacements launch Sunday

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX cargo launch slips to Friday, allowing for additional rocket inspections

Spaceflight Now:
Blue Origin launches New Shepard test flight

Scientific American:
Oddball Object Tumbling among the Stars Could Disrupt Planetary Science

Universe Today:
Breakthrough Listen is Going to Scan Oumuamua, You Know, Just to be Sure it's Just an Asteroid and Not a Spaceship

December 13, 2017

Bridgeport & Lyme Regis News:
Looking back: Legends, aliens and mysteries - the history of UFO sightings in Dorset

Daily Mirror:
'Potentially hazardous' three-mile-wide asteroid to skim Earth THIS WEEKEND

Spaceflight Insider:
Launch of SpaceX CRS-13 mission slips to Friday

Daily Mail:
SpaceX delays launch of recycled rocket and Dragon capsule that will bring supplies (and the ingredients for beer) to the ISS

Spaceflight Insider:
Blue Origin returns to flight with New Shepard launch

Daily Mail:
'Alien bright spots' could be proof Ceres is NOT a dead world: NASA reveals they could be a sign of geologic activity

Popular Science:
The mysterious object NASA is visiting in 2019 might have its very own moon

December 12, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Electron countdown aborted at engine start, next launch attempt Wednesday

Space News:
New and improved Florida pad ready to resume Falcon 9 launches

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX to restore upgraded launch pad to service with Wednesday cargo flight

Spaceflight Now:
Blue Origin could fly new suborbital vehicle this week

The Oldest Black Hole Ever Found Is Almost as Old as the Universe Itself

December 11, 2017

Pensacola News Journal:
Gulf Breeze UFO phenomenon: 30 years later, sightings still divide public

Daily Mail
Whale-sized asteroid capable of DESTROYING a major city skimmed past our planet at just a third of the distance between Earth and the moon - and NASA didn't even notice

Here's what those weird flashing lights over Denver were

Police dashcam captures fireball in the sky

Daily Mail:
NASA confirms more than 60 reports of a fireball streaking across the Florida sky

Daily Express:
Huge FIREBALL shoots across Mediterranean sky as rock breaks off asteroid and enters Earth

Universe Today:
The Space Station is Getting a New Gadget to Detect Space Debris

IEEE Spectrum:
How We Could Explore That Interstellar Asteroid

WEEKEND EDITION: December 9, 2017 through December 10, 2017

Daily Mail:
Physicists say they've confirmed new form of matter in a breakthrough of 'cosmic significance'

Daily Mail:
The underwater 'Manta Ray' robot that can swim through the sea

Astrobiology Magazine:
A series of fortunate events: Antarctic zircons tell story of early volcanism

Stuff NZ:
Hikurangi subduction zone part of a huge 3500km-long system

Daily Mail:
'It's like a mythical beast': Experts discover 518-million-year-old fossilised sea creature that's 'strange beyond measure'

Daily Mail:
How the first animals saw the world: 'Oldest eye ever discovered' is found in a 530-million-year-old fossil of an extinct sea creature

The History Blog:
Hundreds of fossilized pterosaur eggs, some with embryos, found in China

Daily Mail:
110 million-year-old 'four legged tank' dinosaur, so well preserved it looks like a statue, used its spiky armour to flirt as well as fight

Stuff NZ:
New dinosaur looks like odd mix of duck, croc, ostrich, swan

Daily Mail:
Fossils of a fearsome lion species with blade-like teeth that has been extinct for at least 18 million years are discovered in the Australian outback

Daily Mail:
Our ancient ancestor 'Little Foot' makes her debut: World's oldest and most complete hominid skeleton is unveiled two decades after she was first found

Daily Mail:
Oldest known waterway system that took a mystery Neolithic civilisation 3,000 people and nearly a decade to build is discovered in China

Daily Mail:
Stunning 3,000-year-old Egyptian gate is moved from Cairo to the pyramids of Giza to be displayed alongside Tutankhamun's tomb

Daily Mail:
Dozens of black granite statues of a fierce lion-headed goddess known as the Lady of War are discovered in the ancient Egyptian city of Luxor

Daily Mail:
Mystery of the 230-foot-long killer whale geoglyph found in the middle of the Peru Desert

The History Blog:
Ancient orca geoglyph rediscovered in Peru

Daily Mail:
Mysterious 2,000-year-old rock art of mythical beasts and ancient rituals in Venezuela is revealed in unprecedented detail

The History Blog:
Third Roman temple unearthed in Silchester

Daily Mail:
Revealed: The sunken Roman city that was once the resort of the super rich but now lies beneath the waves with its treasures intact

BBC History Extra:
The rise and fall of the Knights Templar

Daily Mail:
500-year-old coin that may have been dropped by one of Richard III's soldiers fleeing the Battle of Bosworth Field is found by an amateur treasure hunter

The Atlantic:
How the Index Card Cataloged the World

Atlas Obscura:
How the 18th-Century Gay Bar Survived and Thrived in a Deadly Environment

BBC History Extra:
The 18th-century craze for gin

Daily Mail:
The blood red sky that lasted more than a WEEK: Mysterious hue seen over far-east Asia in 1770 was caused by the biggest solar storm in history

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Daring Journey Across Antarctica That Became a Nightmare
The True Stories That Inspired 'Titanic' Movie Characters

Daily Mail:
The end of Endurance: Fascinating images capture Shackleton's doomed vessel's last voyage before it was crushed to pieces by ice leaving the crew stranded

Atlas Obscura:
Ada Blackjack, the Forgotten Sole Survivor of an Odd Arctic Expedition
Meet the Woman Behind Winston Churchill

Atlas Obscura:
The Psychic Tea Rooms of 1930s New York Didn't Predict All the Police Raids

BBC History Extra:
The shock of Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor, 1941: From a Sailor's Perspective

The Conversation:
Atomic age began 75 years ago with the first controlled nuclear chain reaction

Is This Tomorrow? A Red Scare Comic Book from 1947

'A Proper Pea-Souper' - The Dreadful London Smog of 1952

Smithsonian Magazine:
When 'The Graduate' Opened 50 Years Ago, It Changed Hollywood (and America) Forever

BBC History Extra:
How secret talks between the U.S. and China led to "the week that changed the world."

Smithsonian Magazine:
There's a Giant Warehouse Full of Product Launches That Failed
Step Into the Vatican's Secret Archives

Atlas Obscura:
13 Wonderfully Specific Libraries Reveal Their Oldest Treasures

December 8, 2017

The Conversation:
Flying chariots and exotic birds: how 17th century dreamers planned to reach the moon

Daily Mail:
The magnificent flying machines of WWII and their deadly payloads as never seen before: Colourised images bring pilot's daring escapades to life

Popular Mechanics:
SLAM Was the Armageddon Cruise Missile From Hell

The Aviationist:
Rare Photo Shows F-4 Phantom Flying Inverted While Intercepting A Russian Tu-95 Bear Bomber

The Aviationist:
Two Edwards-based F-16s Spotted In Star Wars Canyon With Mysterious New Pod

The Aviationist:
Watch An F-22 Spot And Engage An A-4 Skyhawk In A Low Dogfight In A Valley

The Aviationist:
Are We Seeing B-21 Raider Development and Testing Activity at Area 51?

The Aviationist:
The Story Of The MiG-31 "Firefox": All You Need To Know About The Most Awesome (Fictional) Advanced High-Speed Interceptor Ever

Daily Mail:
Houston, we're going back in time: NASA's historic Apollo Mission Control Center set to be restored to the moment man landed on the moon in 1969 - even down to the coffee cups and ashtrays

December 7, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Cygnus cargo craft released from space station, setting up for CubeSat deployments

Spaceflight Now:
Bigelow's expandable module goes into overtime on space station

Spaceflight Insider:
Launch of SpaceX Falcon 9 with CRS-13 slips again

Spaceflight Now:
Test-firing at repaired launch pad clears way for SpaceX cargo flight next week

Spaceflight Now:
Delta 4 launch from California slips to January

Space News:
Russia looks past Soyuz-2 failure to Soyuz-5

Popular Science:
Europa Could Have Active Plate Tectonics, New Study Says

Liquid Water Might Not Be the Cause of Dark Streaks on Mars

Spaceflight Now:
Jupiter's moons, black holes, exoplanets among JWST's first scientific targets

Two Super-Earths Have Been Located Just 111 Light-Years From Earth

This Is the Deepest View Into the Universe That Has Ever Been Seen

December 6, 2017

Air & Space Magazine:
When Did Alien Sightings Turn Into Alien Abductions?

Are alien microbes hitching a ride on the International Space Station?

The ISS Bacterial Community Resembles What You'd Find in Your Home

The Conversation:
Metal asteroid Psyche is all set for an early visit from NASA

Stuff NZ:
How will humanity react to alien life? Psychologists have some predictions

December 5, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Chinese military imaging satellite lifts off from Jiuquan space base

Universe Today:
Juno Isn't Exactly Where it's Supposed To Be. The Flyby Anomaly is Back, But Why Does it Happen?

Spaceflight Insider:
NASA plans 'souped-up' rover for Mars 2020 mission

Popular Mechanics:
Martian Landslides Might Hit 450 Mph

Outer Spaces:
NASA Finds an Odd Green Comet With Unusual Ingredients

Astrobiology Magazine:
Organic molecules make up half of Comet 67P

Science News:
We still don't know where the first interstellar asteroid came from

December 4, 2017

Penn Live:
Notice a flash in the sky early Saturday morning? It was a fireball meteor

Spaceflight Insider:
Soyuz 2.1b launches military satellite into orbit

Spaceflight Now:
Intelligence-gathering satellite deployed in orbit for Russian military

Popular Mechanics:
Russia Lost a Rocket Because the Computer Thought It Was Launching From a Different Pad

Space News:
NASA approves use of previously-flown booster on next Dragon mission

San Francisco Chronicle:
NASA turns to Voyager's dormant thrusters for first time in 37 years - and they work!

WEEKEND EDITION: December 2, 2017 through December 3, 2017

Daily Mail:
Was the Big Bang actually a Big BOUNCE? New theory claims our universe was 'born' when a previous one stopped contracting and started expanding

Daily Mail:
Watch Toyota's latest robot balance on one foot as it mimics the movement of a human

New Atlas:
Toyota's latest humanoid robot aces operator mimicry

Stuff NZ:
When Hikurangi subduction zone megathrust triggers tsunami 'think Japan 2011'

Daily Mail:
Can I keep it, mum? Baby rhino loves its new cat playmate

Daily Mail:
Discovering volcanic Britain: From Mount Snowdon to the remains of a Scottish SUPERVOLCANO, the country's (former) hot spots revealed

Smithsonian Magazine:
Cache of 120-Million-Year-Old Fossilized Pterosaur Eggs Found in China

Stuff NZ:
How Earth's rotation speed might affect earthquakes - imagine an ice skater

Stuff NZ:
More big earthquakes in 2018 as Earth slows slightly, theory suggests

Ars Technica:
If you liked the Cambrian Explosion, you'll love the Ordovician Radiation

Live Science:
Cave Lion Mummy May Not Be What It Seems

Smithsonian Magazine:
Archaeologists Discover Where Julius Caesar Landed in Britain

Daily Mail:
Heretical Greek text of 'Jesus' secret teachings to his brother James' is discovered by biblical scholars in Oxford after being lost for 1,600 years

BBC History Extra:
10 reasons why Henry III may have been a great king

Daily Mail:
The oldest restaurant in Europe is still going in the basement of a Polish town hall more than 700 years after first opening

BBC History Extra:
Margaret Tudor: The forgotten Tudor

Smithsonian Magazine:
Gulliver's Travels Wasn't Meant to Be a Children's Book And More Things You Didn't Know About the Literary Classic

The History Blog:
Clark acquires politically daring portrait of child

Popular Mechanics:
I Am Dangerously Close To Buying This Soviet Mechanical Calculator
The True Stories That Inspired 'Titanic' Movie Characters

Smithsonian Magazine:
Archaeologists in California Unearth a Large Sphinx—From the Set of 'The Ten Commandments'

The History Blog:
Best sphinx head from 1923 Ten Commendments found

Smithsonian Magazine:
What Was the Inspiration for "The Murder on the Orient Express"?

Daily Mail:
Fascinating images of 20th century socialite who spent her fortune exploring the Arctic and became the first woman to fly across the North Pole

Smithsonian Magazine:
Winston Churchill's Historic "Fight Them on the Beaches" Speech Wasn't Heard by the Public Until After WWII

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Science Behind the First Nuclear Chain Reaction, Which Ushered in the Atomic Age 75 Years Ago
How Did Hitler's Armored Limo End Up in Manhattan?

Popular Mechanics:
Here's What the Family Road Trip Looked Like in 1954

A Night Out At The Too Far East Club, Seoul, South Korea 1956

Popular Mechanics:
A Vietnam Parasite May Be Killing Vietnam Vets - Study
How Truman Capote Threw the Most Legendary Party of the 20th Century
First Look: Exclusive Documents from a Zodiac Killer Reporter

Air & Space Magazine:
A Tale of Two DC-10s

New Atlas:
Robby the Robot sells for $5.3 million - second most valuable movie prop in history

Atari to Nintendo: Home Electronic Games (1975-1986)

Ars Technica:
Thirty years later, "Max Headroom" TV pirate remains at large

Popular Mechanics:
The Worst Video Game Ever Created Just Won't Die

Popular Mechanics:
Requiem for the Mall

December 1, 2017

Daily Mail:
Take a tour of a Martian city: Incredible 360 degree video shows the UAE's vision for a 2117 colony on the red planet where robots live alongside humans

Air & Space Magazine:
French Daredevils Leap Off a Perfectly Good Mountain into a Moving Airplane

Popular Mechanics:
MIT Developing Mach 0.8 Rocket Drone for the Air Force

Air & Space Magazine:
The Secret Mosquito Stash

Air & Space Magazine:
Secret Casualties of the Cold War

The Aviationist:
The Day After An F-117 Was Spotted On A Trailer In Southern Nevada Another One Was Photographed Flying With An F-16 Near Rachel

Popular Science:
You'd be surprised how often space junk falls out of the sky

November 30, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Russian weather satellite and 18 secondary payloads lost after rocket failure

Space News:
Soyuz satellites feared lost in launch failure

Spaceflight Now:
Space station cargo flight next on SpaceX's launch schedule

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX CRS-13 launch slips to Dec. 8

Spaceflight Now:
Debut of SpaceX's Falcon Heavy rocket now planned early next year

Spaceflight Insider:
China lays out its roadmap for space transportation system

Universe Today:
Galactic Panspermia: Interstellar Dust Could Transport Life from Star to Star

November 29, 2017

An Asteroid Will Pass Near Earth Next Month But No, You Don't Have to Worry

Spaceflight Insider:
Insider Exclusive: America's 'Booster Belt' - Part One

Spaceflight Insider:
Insider Exclusive: America's 'Booster Belt' Part Two - Decatur

Spaceflight Insider:
Insider Exclusive: America's 'Booster Belt' Part Three - Marshall

Astrobiology Magazine:
Moon's crust underwent resurfacing after forming from magma ocean

Universe Today:
The Next Mars Rover's Wheels Won't Get Torn Apart by the Red Planet

Astrobiology Magazine:
Newly Discovered Twin Planets Could Solve Puffy Planet Mystery

Live Science:
Bacteria 'from Outer Space' Found on Space Station, Cosmonaut Says: Report

Did Russians Find Alien Life Clinging to the International Space Station?

National Geographic:
Bacteria on Space Station Likely From Germy Humans, Not Aliens

November 28, 2017

CBC News:
Mystery fireball that baffled witnesses was likely rocket falling back to Earth

Daily Mail:
Blazing 'fireballs' shoot across the sky in southern England before 'falling to earth' as dozens of people report hearing a deafening boom

Spaceflight Now:
Three Chinese military surveillance satellites successfully launched

Space News:
SpaceX aims to follow a banner year with an even faster 2018 launch cadence

Spaceflight Now:
Scientists suggest streaks on Martian hillsides are dry flows

Spaceflight Now:
Cassini's farewell to Saturn

Spaceflight Now:
An interstellar interloper is dashing through our solar system

New Scientist:
Ocean-covered planets may not be the places to search for life

November 23, 2017 through November 27, 2017
The Firewood Shortage That Helped Give Birth to America

Daily Mail:
How long have we been eating turkey? Mexican bone finds show birds were first domesticated to use in rituals 1,500 years ago - and raised by Native Americans in the US 100 years later

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Smithsonian Scholar Revisits the Neglected History of the Chesapeake Bay's Native Tribes

Smithsonian Magazine:
What Pilgrims Heard When They Arrived in America

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Plymouth Hero You Should Really Be Thankful for This Thanksgiving

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Strange Case of George Washington's Disappearing Sash
The Toledo War: When Michigan and Ohio Nearly Came to Blows
California's Little-Known Genocide

Mental Floss:
The Other Gettysburg Address You Probably Haven't Heard Of

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Thibodaux Massacre Left 60 African-Americans Dead and Spelled the End of Unionized Farm Labor in the South for Decades
Remembering the First Native American Woman Doctor

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Short, Frantic, Rags-to-Riches Life of Jack London

Mental Floss:
The Delicious History of the Nation's Oldest Chinese-American Restaurant

Mental Floss:
222-0: The Worst Blowout in College Football History
The Thanksgiving Raccoon That Became a Presidential Pet

The Gothamist:
Inside One Of The NYPL's Secret Abandoned Apartments
That Time America Outlawed Pinball

Air & Space Magazine:
Lincoln Ellsworth's Polar Star

Mental Floss:
Watch the Lost Soup Sequence From 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'

Smithsonian Magazine:
How (Almost) Everyone Failed to Prepare for Pearl Harbor

Air & Space Magazine:
On the Arizona and After

Air & Space Magazine:
Kunming Remembers the Flying Tigers

Watch: This unsettling color footage shows a 1944 Japanese American incarceration camp

Mental Floss:
Watch How Libraries Were Organized in 1951 (Card Catalogs!)

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Photo Book Is a Reminder That the Civil Rights Movement Extended Far Beyond the Deep South

Mental Floss:
15 Hardboiled Facts About 'Cool Hand Luke'

The Intercept:
Titanpointe: The NSA's Spy Hub in New York, Hidden in Plain Sight

Mental Floss:
15 Things You Might Not Know About 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'

Fast Company:
How Apple Helped Democratize Typography In The '90s

The Rise and Fall of the $100 Million Company That Taught America to Compute

Mental Floss:
Watch Computer Pros Get Excited About Windows 98...In 1998

Mental Floss:
Why Your Traditional Thanksgiving Should Include Oysters

Mental Floss:
15 Forgotten Thanksgiving Dishes

Mental Floss:
16 Fun Facts About the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Daily Mail:
Stunningly detailed Soviet maps created in secret show the likes of Washington DC and New York City - to be used when communism conquered the world

November 22, 2017

How Airships Like the Airlander 10 Could Replace Cargo Planes in Just Years

Daily Mail:
The 'flying bum' goes higher, faster and farther than ever before in latest dusk test flight

The Guardian:
Giant airship comes loose in UK

The Aviationist:
These Images Document The Heat Damage To The X-15A Hypersonic Aircraft After Its Record Breaking Mach 6.7 Flight

The Aviationist:
We Got A Close Look At America's Iconic U-2 Dragon Lady Spy Plane

NASA Astronaut's Stolen Watch Returned After 30-Year Hunt

What's It Like To Stand On The Lunar Surface? Six Moonwalkers Give Us The Straight Dope

The Telegraph:
Meet Wally Funk, the woman cheated out of the space race

NASA's unsung heroes: The Apollo coders who put men on the moon

November 21, 2017

Fireball soars over Heathrow Airport (VIDEO)

Spaceflight Now:
Second Electron rocket shipped to New Zealand launch site

Daily Mail:
The hopping 'R2D2' bot set to blast off in 2019 in bid to win $10m Google X-prize and make mining the moon a reality

Watch NASA's Mars 2020 Parachute Unfurl at Supersonic Speeds

Astrobiology Magazine:
Dawn Explores Ceres' Interior Evolution

Jupiter Is Flexing Way Too Hard in These Absurdly Beautiful New Images

New Scientist:
Neptune's other moons were normal until Triton crashed the party

Daily Mail:
Mystery of Pluto's super-cold atmosphere is finally solved: Hazy skies keep the dwarf planet at -200°C

Daily Mail:
Astronomers reveal first 'alien' comet seen passing through our solar system is 'shaped like a giant pink fire extinguisher'

Astrobiology Magazine:
Meteorite's Origins Point To Possible Undiscovered Asteroid

November 20, 2017

Stuff NZ:
100 full moons: Blazing fireball lights up Arctic sky

Spaceflight Now:
Penultimate Delta 2 rocket launch lofts advanced polar-orbiting weather satellite

Spaceflight Insider:
Delta II rocket successfully launches NOAA's JPSS-1 satellite

Spaceflight Now:
Top secret 'Zuma' mission puzzles satellite trackers

Universe Today:
Clandestine Zuma SpySat's SpaceX Liftoff Postponed Indefinitely to Resolve Payload Fairing Issue

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX delays launch to study data from recent payload fairing test

Spaceflight Now:
Video: Delta 2 rocket lifts off from California

Daily Mail:
Astronomers reveal 55 Cancri e 'super Earth' just 40 light-years away could have an atmosphere just like our own

Daily Mail:
The Milky Way has a TWIN: Scientists discover a giant spiral galaxy 180 million light years away that looks just like our own

New Scientist:
We just sent a message to try to talk to aliens on another world

November 18, 2017 through November 19, 2017

Richard Feynman And John Wheeler Revolutionized Time, Reality, And Our Quantum Universe

Daily Mail:
Time travel is 'technically possible' says physicist - but you'll ONLY be able to go backwards

Daily Mail:
Flippin' eck! Meet Atlas, the terrifying 6 foot 9, 167 pound humanoid robot that can do BACKFLIPS

New Atlas:
Boston Dynamics gives SpotMini robot a sleek restyling

Daily Mail:
Earth's newest iceberg up close: NASA reveals incredible new images of trillion ton A-68 which is the size of DELAWARE

Astrobiology Magazine:
When water met iron deep inside the Earth, it might have created conditions for life

Quanta Magazine:
Life's First Molecule Was Protein, Not RNA, New Model Suggests

The Guardian:
There's more than one way to build a tree, 374m-year-old fossils reveal

Daily Mail:
Fossil fragments of a forest that existed in Antarctica 260 million years ago offer 'a glimpse of life before the mass extinction'

World's longest sauropod dinosaur trackway brought to light

Herald Scotland:
Skye dinosaur discovery could be as big as a T-Rex

ABC Australia:
Frozen woolly mammoth Lyuba arrives in Sydney

Science Magazine:
Four billion passenger pigeons vanished. Their large population may have been what did them in

Daily Mail:
Why did the fish cross the road? Stunning video shows a school of salmon swimming across a flooded street after heavy rain caused river banks to burst

Daily Mail:
Chimpanzees warn their friends of danger and make more effort to flag hazards to ignorant group members, just like humans

Daily Mail:
The fossil that rewrites human history: 260,000-year-old Chinese skull suggests we descend from ASIAN as well as African ancestors

ABC Australia:
A story of rupture and resilience: When did Australia's human history begin?

Daily Mail:
The oldest bottles of wine in the world: Scientists discover 'mind-altering' 8,000-year-old vintage tipple created and drunk by Neolithic farmers in Georgia

Science Magazine:
These may be the world's first images of dogs - and they're wearing leashes

Daily Mail:
Saudi Arabia's 400 ancient 'gate' structures found on the edge of volcanoes are shown in stunning new detail, but archaeologists STILL have no idea why they were built

Daily Mail:
Lost Bronze Age cities in Turkey are pinpointed using stories of ancient trade deals engraved in 3,700-year-old clay tablets

Daily Mail:
Stunning Levantine gold artefacts found in Tutankhamun's tomb are revealed for the first time in almost a century

Atlas Obscura:
The Ancient Roman Cult That Continues to Vex Scholars

Daily Mail:
Mysteries of the Mayan 'snake god' could be revealed after secret passageway to an underground cave is discovered beneath 1,000-year-old Mexican pyramid

The History Blog:
12th c. silver and gold hoard found at Cluny Abbey

Smithsonian Magazine:
Norway's Medieval Wooden Churches Look Plucked From a Fairy Tale

BBC History Extra:
Your 60-second guide to the Black Death

The History Blog:
Cranach painting in Royal Collection authenticated by pigeon tendon

BBC History Extra:
7 things you (probably) didn't know about Elizabeth I

BBC History Extra:
The other Elizabethan England

The Atlantic:
How a Glass Terrarium Changed the World
How the Orient Express Became the World's Most Glamorous Train

Atlas Obscura:
The Lost Lingo of Depression-Era Taxi Dancers

The Atlantic:
How 'Self-Driving' Trucks Connected the Australian Outback

Happy 79th Birthday, LSD!

Smithsonian Magazine:
A 1957 Meeting Forced the FBI to Recognize the Mafia - And Changed the Justice System Forever

The Lesbian Gateways Club and The Killing of Sister George

BBC History Extra:
History explorer: The Cold War

Stuff NZ:
The Cuban missile crisis came close to all out nuclear war
North Korea's Devastating Famine

Daily Mail:
Read the actual Dead Sea scrolls, see the Nile turn to blood and visit Jesus World: Billionaire's $500m Bible Museum opens in DC after he was caught buying stolen artefacts from Iraq

New Atlas:
Les Cabinotiers Celestia Astronomical Grand Complication 3600 wins watch Grand Prix

Atlas Obscura:
Inside Connecticut's Secret Museum of Retro-Future Oddities

November 17, 2017

Popular Mechanics:
What the Hell Was That Mystery Aircraft Flying Over Oregon?

The Aviationist:
Check Out These Photos Of A Mysterious F-117 Under Protective Cover On A Trailer On Route 95 South Of Creech AFB, Nevada, Yesterday

Daily Mail:
China prepares for 2020 tests of 27,000mph hypersonic aircraft that could hit the US with nuclear warheads in just 14 MINUTES

The Aviationist:
Russia Unveils New Tu-160M2 Strategic Super Bomber Update

Spaceflight History:
Chrysler's Transportation and Work Station Capsule (1965)

Spaceflight History:
A CSM-Only Back-Up Plan for the Apollo 13 Mission to the Moon (1970)

The Aviationist:
That Time An X-15 Rocket Plane Entered Hypersonic Spin At Mach 5 And Broke Apart Killing USAF Test Pilot.

November 16, 2017

Popular Mechanics:
Mysterious, Powerful "Boom" Shakes Alabama

Daily Mail:
Space takeaway: Astronauts get ice cream and pizzas in latest delivery

Spaceflight Now:
Chinese weather satellite launched into polar orbit

Daily Mail:
The galaxy's best bet for alien life? Planet the same size and temperature as our own found just 11 light years away may be the 'closest known home for life' (and it's moving closer to us every day)

Universe Today:
Closest Potentially-Habitable World Found Around "Quiet" Star

Popular Mechanics:
All the Exoplanets We've Discovered in One Small Chart

If An Asteroid Were Heading Towards Earth, How Would We Stop It?

November 15, 2017

Newcastle Herald:
A flying saucer landed at Lambton Park in the 1950s

Red Dirt Report:
Three recent John A. Keel anthologies examined

Multiple people catch possible meteor fly by in Phoenix on video

Spaceflight Now:
Cygnus arrives at space station with food, experiments and cache of CubeSats

Space News:
Sierra Nevada satisfied with Dream Chaser glide test

We found our galactic twin 180 million light years away

New Scientist:
Should we seed life through the cosmos using laser-driven ships?

November 14, 2017

Declassified Drawings from the British Government's UFO Desk

Space News:
Antares launches Cygnus spacecraft to ISS

Spaceflight Now:
Space station cargo shipment blasts off aboard Antares rocket

Spaceflight Now:
Rocket test-fired for launch of secretive U.S. government payload

Space News:
NASA leaning towards allowing reused Falcon booster on next Dragon mission

Spaceflight Now:
Sierra Nevada's Dream Chaser performs critical glide test flight

Space News:
Dream Chaser successfully completes glide flight

New Scientist:
Tracking the first interstellar asteroid back to its home star

November 10, 2017 through November 13, 2017

The History Of Einstein's Most Famous Equation

Who Was The First To Invent A Theory About Light Speed?

The 4 Types of AI That Will Rule Our Future

Popular Mechanics:
A.I. Generated All These 'Fake Celebrities'

Robotic Imitation of Human Behavior Just Took a Big Step Forward

Popular Mechanics:
Forget Climbing Stairs, This Robot Takes the Elevator

Daily Mail:
Mysterious geothermal 'mantle plume' under Antarctica IS heating its ice sheet, NASA study confirms

Daily Mail:
The secret of California's mega eruption revealed - study finds magma was held in 'cold storage' before eruption that 'shielded the sun'

Daily Mail:
The mysterious geomagnetic spike 3,000 years ago that could change our understanding of the Earth's interior

Daily Mail:
Journey to the South Pole: NASA releases stunning images revealing the incredible beauty of the Antarctic

Daily Mail:
The chemical that gave rise to life on Earth: Scientists identify the 'Fairy Godmother' compound that was crucial for the development of the first cell-based entities

Science Magazine:
Ancient lizardlike creature bridged gap between land and sea

Daily Mail:
145 million-year-old fossils of tiny rat-like creatures that are the oldest mammals related to humans are found on Dorset's Jurassic Coast

The Guardian:
Teeth discovered in Dorset reveal secrets of the origins of modern mammals

Popular Mechanics:
Tiny T. Rex Arms May Have Had a Big Purpose

Daily Mail:
When mammals emerged from the dark: Extinction of dinosaurs 66 millions years ago caused creatures to begin living in daylight

Atlas Obscura:
Meet the Rottweiler-Sized Prehistoric Otter With Teeth That Could Crunch Bone

Daily Mail:
Massive 4,000-year-old mammoth tooth unearthed in Dover could have been worshipped by ancient humans

Atlas Obscura:
Frozen Remains of Extinct Lion Found in Russia

Daily Mail:
Beluga whale learns to 'talk' to a pod of bottlenose dolphins using whistles and clicks after moving into their tank

Daily Mail:
Brothers for life! Adorable Bengal tiger cub rescued when a teenager tried to smuggle him across the Mexican border during settles into his new home at the San Diego Zoo with a Sumatran tiger cub rejected by his mother

Daily Mail:
Mystery of the incredibly detailed 3,500-year-old sealstone that was found buried with an ancient Greek warrior - and was 1,000 years ahead of its time

Smithsonian Magazine:
Masterpiece of Greek Art Found in the Griffin Warrior Tomb

The History Blog:
Pylos warrior tomb's tiniest treasure is its greatest

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Scientists Identified the Oldest Known Solar Eclipse ... Using the Bible

Daily Mail:
Collector's hoard of nearly 200 rare Roman and Greek coins dating back 2,500 years is found in the back of dusty drawer at Scotney Castle

Daily Mail:
The ancient Chinese funeral procession entombed for 2,400 years: Remains of more than 100 horses and four chariots found in a burial tomb honouring feudal lord and his wife

Daily Mail:
2,300 year old Egyptian gym complete with running track uncovered near Cairo

The History Blog:
Sasanian loom discovered in Northern Iraq

The History Blog:
Unique Punic War lion helmet found off Sicilian coast

National Geographic:
Ancient Sundial Find Celebrated Roman Election Win

Did The Viking Squirrel Trade Spread Leprosy?

The Atlantic:
The Saintliness of Undecayed Corpses

The History Blog:
Ghent Altarpiece restoration website is a stunner

Daily Mail:
'America's birth certificate': Incredible 510-year-old map that identifies the US for the first time set to fetch £900,000 at auction

The History Blog:
See the Borghese Caravaggios in a museum with functional climate control

Live Science:
Tasmanian Treasure: Rare 17th-Century Map of Australia Resurfaces

Atlas Obscura:
The Long Legacy of Ireland's 'Night of the Big Wind'

Atlas Obscura:
The Dinner That Kicked Off the First Dinosaur Craze

The Atlantic:
Social Media in 1857
The Civil War Doctor Who Proved Phantom Limb Pain Was Real

Daily Mail:
Incredible restored pictures of US presidents, Civil War soldiers and a Native American tribe offer a never-before-seen insight into the past

Atlas Obscura:
Louis Comfort Tiffany's Little-Known Forays Into Judaica

BBC History Extra:
The great misconceptions of the First World War

Daily Mail:
Shellshocked WWI soldier who was sentenced to death for 'cowardice' REFUSED a blindfold so he could stare the firing squad in the eyes

BBC History Extra:
Russia's revolutions: How 1917 shaped a century

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Winnie-the-Pooh Became a Household Name

Atlas Obscura:
The Twilight of the Analog Photo Booth

Smithsonian Magazine:
The True Story of the German-Jewish High Jumper Who Was Barred From the Berlin Olympics

Daily Mail:
All the fun of the fair: Rare color photos show impressive pavilions, rides and revelers enjoying the 1939 World's Fair

Daily Mail:
How the US military built a fabricated CITY in Seattle during World War II to hide an aircraft facility that churned out 300 fighter jets a month

Popular Mechanics:
Watch a World War II Training Cartoon Voiced by Mel Blanc

The NFL was segregated, until Kenny Washington broke the color barrier in Los Angeles

Air & Space Magazine:
The First Hydrogen Bomb

Rare Photos From Atmospheric Nuclear Tests of the 1960s

Rapid City Journal/Butte County Post:
Fifty-three year old nuclear missile accident revealed

Daily Mail:
1960s tech company's incredible prediction for the future of the internet: Promotional video shows how online shopping will work (but keeps its sexist ideas on a woman's place)
The Zodiac Killer: A Timeline
The Zodiac Ciphers: What We Know

This Russian woman's psychic powers ignited a paranormal arms race between the U.S. and the USSR

Atlas Obscura:
The 1977 Disability Rights Protest That Broke Records and Changed Laws

This brash Jewish radio host was murdered by white supremacists for denouncing anti-Semitism

Atlas Obscura:
The Gibberish That Sparked One of the Internet's Oldest Unsolved Mysteries

Atlas Obscura:
Remembering, With Fondness, the 'Worst Orchestra in the World'

November 10, 2017

Popular Mechanics:
Fighter Jets Could Be Packing Lasers by 2021

Daily Mail:
Rocket man blasts into the history books at a world record-breaking 32mph - the fastest ever travelled by a jet suit

NASA Releases "Jet-Shoes" Patent to Public, Calls on Real-Life Tony Stark to Build Them

BBC News:
The stray dogs that led the space race

The New Yorker:
Remembering Laika, Space Dog and Soviet Hero

Air & Space Magazine:
Laika Declassified

The Aviationist:
55 Year Ago The Last U.S. Above-Ground Nuclear Test To Determine The Viability Of An Anti-ICBM Defense System

Popular Mechanics:
Space War: How the Air Force Plans to Defend the Final Frontier

November 9, 2017

San Angelo Live:
This Mysterious Sighting of 7 UFOs Near San Angelo Was Never Solved

Daily Mail:
The experiment that could save Earth: NASA reveals groundbreaking asteroid tracking project was a success - and 'house-sized' asteroid that skimmed past Earth WON'T hit us in the future

Daily Mail:
NASA hedges its bets on first flight of SLS megarocket as it admits any delays will push launch back from Dec 2019 to June 2020

Daily Mail:
SpaceX rocket explodes during Texas testing in blow for Elon Musk's firm

The Guardian:
Six Russians locked into 'spacecraft' for 17 days in moon flight simulation

Popular Mechanics:
What the First Launch of NASA's Mammoth SLS Might Look Like

Popular Mechanics:
The First Interstellar Object Ever Found Now Has a Name: 'Oumuamua

November 8, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
Apollo 12 astronaut Richard 'Dick' Gordon passes away at 88

Spaceflight Insider:
Russia may select first crew for its Federation spacecraft next year

New Scientist:
Five firms aim to power moon-orbiting way station to deep space

Astrobiology Magazine:
Comet Lovejoy Sheds Light On Source Of Earth's Water

Daily Mail:
'One of the oldest objects in the universe': Astronomers detect a galaxy that formed just after the Big Bang

November 7, 2017

Daily Mail:
China plans to launch a re-usable 'space plane' that flies into orbit from a traditional runway in 2020

Popular Science:
NASA's future Mars robot will take the fastest pictures yet of the red planet

Universe Today:
New Study Says Enceladus had Internal Ocean for Billions of Years

A Porous Core on Saturn's Icy Moon Enceladus May Fuel Its Mysterious Geysers

New Scientist:
Enceladus's hot, gritty core may cook up ingredients for life

Business Insider:
Alien life may have had billions of years to brew inside Saturn's icy moon Enceladus

November 6, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
China returns Long March 3B rocket to service after June failure

Spaceflight Insider:
China successfully launches a duo of BeiDou-3 navigation satellites

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: Minotaur-C rocket lifts off from California's Central Coast

Universe Today:
The SpaceX Booster is Back in Town, Legs Quickly Detached: Photo/Video Gallery

Spaceflight Insider:
Century-old data holds earliest evidence for existence of exoplanets

WEEKEND EDITION: November 4, 2017 through November 5, 2017

The Universe Should Have Destroyed Itself at the Big Bang. Why Didn't It?

Live Science:
The Subatomic Discovery That Physicists Considered Keeping Secret

Daily Mail:
Super strong robotic dog could be coming to a street near you: Chinese firm unveils scary canine-like machine to the mass market at £19,000

Daily Mail:
Sony revives Aibo, its £1,300 robot dog that 'builds a loving relationship' with its owner

Stuff NZ:
Scientists say superstorms may have hurled huge boulders in Bahamas

Daily Mail:
Flight of the living dead: Experts digitally bring the Archaeopteryx back to life (but still can't work out if it flew or just 'fell with style')

Stuff NZ:
Scientists discover India's oldest Jurassic sea monster fossil

Daily Mail:
One of the largest animals to fly: Fearsome pterosaur the size of a PLANE that feasted on baby dinosaurs 70 million years ago is discovered in Mongolia

Daily Mail:
How the giraffe got its long neck: 9 million year old fossil discovered in Spain sheds light on the evolution of world's tallest animal

Daily Mail:
Chimpanzees shown to spontaneously 'take turns' to solve puzzles in new study that sheds light on how we evolved to work together

Daily Mail:
Great Pyramid of Giza's hidden chamber is revealed: Scientists uncover a mysterious 'big void' in Egypt's 4,500-year-old monument that could reveal its ancient secrets

The History Blog:
Cache of Assyrian cuneiform tablets found in Iraq

The History Blog:
Vivid color and a prosciutto clock from Pompeii

The History Blog:
Portland Vase keeps confounding experts after 500 years

Daily Mail:
Thousands of ancient secret drawings made by 'forgotten' islanders high on hallucinogenics are discovered in pitch-black Caribbean caves

The History Blog:
Disk from da Gama ship is earliest known marine astrolabe
The Untold Story of How an Escaped Slave Helped Sir Francis Drake Circumnavigate the Globe

Atlas Obscura:
How 16th-Century European Mapmakers Described the World's Oceans

Live Science:
X-Rays Reveal Ghostly Portrait of Mary, Queen of Scots

The History Blog:
Dragons return to Kew Gardens' Great Pagoda

Atlas Obscura:
The Long Travels of La Corriveau's Cage

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Mysterious Murder Case That Inspired Margaret Atwood's 'Alias Grace'

Daily Mail:
The Killers of Custer: Fascinating photographs show fierce Cheyenne Indians before and after they beat the US Army at the Battle of the Little Bighorn

Popular Mechanics:
The Oldest Surviving British Car Is Basically a Park Bench With an Engine

Atlas Obscura:
Was Minnie Dean Really the Wickedest Woman in New Zealand History?

Atlas Obscura:
The Early 20th-Century ID Cards That Kept Trans People Safe From Harassment

Daily Mail:
The Battle of Stalingrad as never seen before: Photographs reveal how Hitler's bombers decimated the city... and show the general who defied the Fuhrer's order to fight to the death

BBC History Extra:
Killing Hitler's hangman: the dramatic story of Reinhard Heydrich's assassination

Stuff NZ:
Hydrogen bomb tests in the subantarctic islands would have killed millions of muttonbirds

Atlas Obscura:
The Perils and Pleasures of Bartending in Antarctica

Atlas Obscura:
Why Does the Season Before Winter Have Two Names?

November 3, 2017

Daily Mail:
Take a holiday on the 'flying bum': World's largest aircraft set to become the ultimate airborne cruise ship

Popular Mechanics:
Watch Russia's Su-30SM Fighter Jet Strut Its Stuff

The Aviationist:
We Have Found Ultra Rare Footage Showing A B-2 Spirit Stealth Bomber Dropping A 30,000-Pound Bunker Buster Bomb

The Aviationist:
That Time 25 F-117s Flew Over Holloman AFB In The Largest Stealth Aircraft Formation Ever

Maui Time:
'Romance of the Skies' - Finding family history in a mysterious 60-year-old plane crash

November 2, 2017

Popular Mechanics:
Report: SpaceX to Launch the First Falcon Heavy in December

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX to restore damaged Cape Canaveral launch pad to service in December

Spaceflight Insider:
Russia may select first crew for its Federation spacecraft next year

Universe Today:
SpaceX Matches ULA Single Year Launch Record with KoreaSat, Record Breaker On Tap: Photo/Video Gallery

Popular Mechanics:
In 2020, NASA Will Bring More Cameras to Mars Than Ever Before

Daily Mail:
Astronauts on missions to Mars will be at risk of 'significant' brain damage due to the effects of microgravity, expert warns

New Scientist:
We may have found 20 habitable worlds hiding in plain sight

Astrobiology Magazine:
'Monster' planet discovery challenges formation theory

November 1, 2017

Daily Mail:
SpaceX makes another perfect landing after 16th launch of the year (but admits its rocket was a little 'toasty' afterwards as flames shot out from it)

Daily Mail:
NASA reveals record-setting tests of radical ion engine that could take man to Mars

Daily Mail:
Mystery of the 'monster' planet half the size of the sun astronomers say should not exist

Stuff NZ:
'Monster planet' discovered by Kiwi astronomer

Astrobiology Magazine:
Scientists detect comets outside our solar system

October 31, 2017

Space News:
SpaceX ties ULA's annual launch record with 16th launch this year

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX launches - and lands - third rocket in three weeks

Spaceflight Insider:
KoreaSat 5A marks 16th successful flight of 2017 for SpaceX

Astrobiology Magazine:
Winters on Mars are shaping the Red Planet's landscape

New Scientist:
We now know more on the origins of weird duck-shaped comet 67P

October 30, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX Falcon 9 to send Koreasat 5A to space Monday

USA Today:
Weather looks excellent for Monday SpaceX launch from KSC

Space News:
GRACE mission comes to an end

Spaceflight Insider:
Going out with 'GRACE' - long-lived U.S./German mission draws to a close

Spaceflight Now:
Video: Falcon 9 rocket raised vertical at pad 39A

Oxygen From Plasma Could Help Astronauts Breathe on Mars

Spaceflight Insider:
What's inside Ceres? Dawn mission finds possible ancient ocean remnants

October 28, 2017 through October 29, 2017

Ancient Origins:
Ancient Demons and Their Infernal Legacy

Ancient Origins:
Decapitating Demons May Be the Oldest Fearsome Entities of Ancient Egypt

Atlas Obscura:
The Original 'Nightmare' Was a Demon That Sat on Your Chest and Suffocated You

Mental Floss:
8 Historic Accounts of Werewolves

Ancient Origins:
Witch Familiars, Spirit Guardians and Demons

Atlas Obscura:
A Brief History of the 'Danse Macabre'

Smithsonian Magazine:
Visit the Site of the Biggest Witch Trial in History
Women Weren't the Only Victims of the Salem Witch Trials

Mental Floss:
5 Forgotten Fairy Tales From the Brothers Grimm

Mental Floss:
Flip Through Mary Shelley's Draft Notebooks for 'Frankenstein'

Smithsonian Magazine:
Children Used to Learn About Death and Damnation With Their ABCs

Atlas Obscura:
The DIY Carvings Designed to Deter 17th-Century Witches

Smithsonian Magazine:
Burials Unearthed in Poland Open the Casket on The Secret Lives of Vampires

Atlas Obscura:
How the Real Madame Tussaud Built a Business Out of Beheadings

Smithsonian Magazine:
Meet Mr. Mumler, the Man Who "Captured" Lincoln's Ghost on Camera
A Look Back at the Crime Scene Photos That Changed How Murder is Documented
Thank This Man For Your Last-Minute Halloween Costume

Halloween Catalog Pages: 1920s-1950s

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Austrian Ossuary Holds Hundreds of Elaborately Hand-Painted Skulls

Atlas Obscura:
Ritual Skulls and Other Magical Objects, in Photos

Atlas Obscura:
11 Hidden Spots to Enter the Underworld

October 27, 2017

Popular Mechanics:
NASA Prepares to Select Contractor to Build Low-Boom Supersonic X-Plane

BBC News:
The Soviet Union's flawed rival to Concorde

Aviation History Magazine:
The Boeing Century

Popular Science:
How the Air Force planned to put men on the moon

Daily Mail:
Where spaceships go to die: Nasa's watery graveyard in the South Pacific 1,600 miles from land is now the resting place for 260 sunken craft

The Aviationist:
The Enigmatic SR-72 And the Palmdale Sightings: What Do They Tell Us About America's Secret Hypersonic Program?

October 26, 2017

Bellingham Herald:
They thought they saw a plane crashing in flames. It was a fireball, all right

Kitsap Sun:
Astronomer: Bright object over Kitsap likely a meteor

Spaceflight Insider:
Curiosity team working to resume drilling

Spaceflight Now:
Engineers hopeful Mars rover's drill can return to service

International Business Times:
NASA finally has the map it needs to explore Europa for signs of alien life

New Scientist:
Dawn spacecraft approved to spend another year studying Ceres

New Scientist:
A 300-kilometre space rock has vanished since we saw it in 1995

New Scientist:
We may have just seen the first comet from another solar system

October 25, 2017

CBC News:
Bright object in sky near St. John's likely a meteor, says local astronomer

Daily Mail:
Take a tour of Mars... on your desktop: Nasa releases incredible 3D map of the red planet with images taken by its Curiosity rover

NASA's a Step Closer to Having the Curiosity Rover Drill for Organics on Mars

New Scientist:
Possible exomoon may be an ocean-covered world as big as Saturn

Universe Today:
You Can Now Use Google Maps to Explore the Solar System

October 24, 2017

Space traffic alert: 8 asteroids buzz Earth in just 3 weeks

Space News:
With commercial satellite imagery, computer learns to quickly find missile sites in China

Time Magazine:
There's a Cave on the Moon Large Enough For a Future Lunar Colony

Astrobiology Magazine:
A mission to Mars could make its own oxygen, thanks to plasma technology

Universe Today:
Sky Pointing Curiosity Captures Breathtaking Vista of Mount Sharp and Crater Rim, Climbs Vera Rubin Seeking Hydrated Martian Minerals

Spaceflight Insider:
NASA gives Dawn mission second extension

Spaceflight Now:
NASA's Dawn mission gears up for close look at Ceres

Space News:
Dawn to spend rest of its mission at Ceres

Why Don't We Have Artificial Gravity In Space?

October 23, 2017

Connecticut Magazine:
Daytime Fireball Seen Over Connecticut

Spaceflight Insider:
Astronauts complete 3rd spacewalk in 2 weeks

Spaceflight Now:
Astronauts wrap up spacewalk, accomplishing all primary tasks

Popular Mechanics:
Virgin Galactic Aims to Fly SpaceShipTwo to Space This Year

Popular Mechanics:
Blue Origin Test Fires the Most Powerful New American Rocket Engine in Decades

Spaceflight Now:
World's largest methane-fueled rocket engine test-fired by Blue Origin

The Path to Mars Will Probably Include a Pit Stop on Phobos

The Hubble Space Telescope Is Falling

WEEKEND EDITION: October 21, 2017 through October 22, 2017
Filling the early universe with knots can explain why the world is three-dimensional

Popular Mechanics:
What's Next: 6 Space and Physics Discoveries on the Horizon

Popular Mechanics:
Giant Robot Battles Are Here and They Are Hilariously Bad

Daily Mail:
The incredible 'Atlas of the Underworld' reveals 94 ancient tectonic plates lurking deep within Earth

Atlas Obscura:
Scientists Are Just Beginning to Understand How Old Faithful Works

Daily Mail:
Traces of 'lost' mountain range that once covered FIVE continents reveal Earth's worst mass extinction occurred 1 million years earlier than thought

Daily Mail:
World's deepest lake is in peril: Natural wonder that holds one-fifth of earth's unfrozen fresh water is mysteriously dying

Live Science:
Clumsy Dinosaur or Attack Survivor? Injuries Plagued Ancient Beast

Daily Mail:
Most complete tyrannosaur fossil ever found in southwestern US dug up in Utah

Daily Mail:
Fossilised remains of a 48 MILLION year old species of bird that preened its feathers just like a flamingo is discovered in Germany

Ancient DNA Connects Saber-Toothed Tigers and House Cats

Adirondack Almanac:
Bear Denning: Bears Are Making Their Beds

9.7 Million-Year-Old Teeth Found in Germany Could Recast Human History

Daily Mail:
The head of an Egyptian Queen revealed: Archaeologists find part of 4,000-year-old wooden statue

Daily Mail:
Is this the world's oldest toy car? 5,000-year-old earthenware chariot is found among a treasure trove of relics in a child's grave in Turkey

Daily Mail:
Lost temple of Ramses II is discovered in Giza: Incredible find sheds light on the ruler who fathered more children than ANY other pharaoh

Daily Mail:
Rise of the Roman Empire in Egypt may have been down to volcanic eruptions that reduced rainfall and led to civil unrest

Pompeii Had Some Intense Rush Hour Traffic Too

Daily Mail:
'Sensational' 1,700-year-old Roman theatre is found at the base of a section of Jerusalem's Western Wall

BBC History Extra:
The great Viking terror: how Norse warriors conquered the Anglo-Saxons
Stunning 'Long-Lost' Da Vinci Painting Expected to Fetch $100 Million

There was a full-blown Russian colony in California for almost 30 years

New Atlas:
Historic plans for world's first underwater tunnel go on sale

BBC History Extra:
Victoria and Albert: a marriage of misery?

Atlas Obscura:
The Battle Between Baseball and Cricket for American Sporting Supremacy

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Minister Who Invented Camping in America

Smithsonian Magazine:
"Lost" Rodin Sculpture Discovered in New Jersey Borough Hall

These plane crash pictures show one photographer's quest to chronicle early aviation failures
How a Navy Dirigible Became the World's Deadliest Airship

Atlas Obscura:
The Brief, Wondrous, High-Flying Era of Zeppelin Dining

Controversial Crash of K-14

Bullied in school, Harry Hay went on to start one of the first gay rights groups in America

Popular Mechanics:
This 60-Year-Old Egg-Shaped Three-Wheeler Is the Best City Car
Nuclear Fallout Shelters Were Never Going to Work

50 Years Ago, A Film Spurred The Myth Of The Abominable Snowman Of America

Popular Mechanics:
Brand-New 1979 Pontiac Trans Am Can Be Yours

Audubon Magazine:
Windows into Another World: Take a Tour of Bird Blinds Across the Country

October 20, 2017

Daily Mail:
Last Concorde's final ride: Supersonic jet's first 'passengers' go on board 14 years after its ultimate flight but will remain firmly grounded as new £19million flight museum opens its doors

Popular Mechanics:
A Florida Company Is Selling Soviet MiG Fighter Jets in Prime Condition

The Aviationist:
We Track Down the Secret MiGs and Sukhois of the Nellis Test and Training Range

The Aviationist:
Seventy Years Ago Today, Chuck Yeager Became The First Pilot To Break The Sound Barrier

The Aviationist:
We Encountered The B-2 Stealth Bomber At Night in Stormy Skies To Get These Crazy Cool Photos. Here's How It Went.

October 19, 2017

North Passaic Daily Voice:
50 Years Later, Wanaque Reservoir UFO Photographer Identified

International Business Times:
Scientists Catch Earth's Mini-Moon, An Asteroid With A Special Orbit

Meteor Lights Up New England Sky Mid-Afternoon

Popular Science:
Don't freak out about the Chinese space station that's about to fall out of the sky

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: Converted Russian ballistic missile fires into space with satellite

Daily Mail:
Cassini's death dive discovers a 'confederation of moons' hold Saturn's rings together - and could solve the mystery of how long a day on the planet is

New Scientist:
A gaggle of 7 moons keep Saturn's rings from breaking apart

Planet Nine May Be the Best Explanation for 'Weirdness' of Kuiper Belt Objects

Popular Mechanics:
How We Discovered, Lost, and Rediscovered the First Asteroid

October 18, 2017

Daily Mail:
Mysterious streak of light spotted in the sky over Dubai was likely to be a Russian space rocket breaking up

Popular Mechanics:
Chunks of Russian Spaceship Burn Up Over Dubai

Space News:
Soyuz capsule suffered partial depressurization during April landing

Popular Mechanics:
SpaceX Is Planning a Mystery Launch for Northrop Grumman Next Month (Updated)

Space News:
Bigelow and ULA announce plans for lunar orbiting facility

Spaceflight Insider:
Crash Scene Investigation: Resting place of ESA's first lunar mission found

October 17, 2017

The National:
What's that in the sky: UAE residents stumped over flaming object overhead

Spaceflight Now:
Regulatory filings suggest SpaceX plans November launch with mystery payload

Spaceflight Insider:
Progress MS-07 freighter docks with International Space Station

The U.S. & Russia Are Building a Deep Space Gateway, Here's What You Need to Know

Space News:
NASA studying potential cooperation on Russian lunar science missions

Popular Mechanics:
Mars Spacecraft Finds Evidence of Gigantic Martian Lake

Ars Technica:
Odd, potato-shaped dwarf planet has ring, may not be a planet

New Scientist:
A tech-destroying solar flare could hit Earth within 100 years

October 16, 2017

The Oregonian:
Local UFO photos fascinated Air Force; farmer wanted to forget them: Throwback Thursday

Daily Mail:
Phew! House-sized asteroid safely passes 'damn close' to Earth at one-eighth the distance of the moon - but it narrowly misses vital communications satellites

CBS News:
Asteroid that just buzzed Earth may not miss on future visit

Spaceflight Now:
Atlas 5 pierces the night to boost national security satellite into space

Spaceflight Insider:
ULA launches classified NROL-52 mission for the NRO

Spaceflight Insider:
Progress MS-07 launches toward the International Space Station

Spaceflight Now:
Progress cargo freighter begins two-day trek to space station

Ars Technica:
SpaceX has flown its third "flight proven" rocket

Space News:
SpaceX launches third pre-flown rocket with EchoStar-SES satellite, lands booster

Space News:
Russia's Rockot delivers Europe's Sentinel-5P satellite to orbit

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: Atlas 5 rocket powers NROL-52 payload to space

Daily Mail:
Cassini's last seconds revealed: NASA data shows craft 'did everything we asked of it' as it plunged to its death

WEEKEND EDITION: October 14, 2017 through October 15, 2017

Popular Science:
Wait a second: What came before the big bang?

The Multiverse Is Inevitable, And We're Living In It

Are Space, Time, And Gravity All Just Illusions?

Five Brilliant Ideas For New Physics That Need To Die, Already

5 Facts About Lasers That You Didn't Know About

Daily Mail:
Robot addresses the UN and says that droids with AI would better distribute the world's energy and food resources

New York Times:
A Surprise From the Supervolcano Under Yellowstone

Live Science:
What Would Happen If Yellowstone's Supervolcano Erupted?

Scientific American:
Will Italy's Ominous Supervolcano Erupt Soon?

Astrobiology Magazine:
Are Plate Tectonics Key To Life? Maybe Not.

Astrobiology Magazine:
Mass extinctions led to low species diversity, dinosaur rule

Smithsonian Magazine:
Watch First Video of Sand Cat Kittens Romping in the Wild

Atlas Obscura:
3 Bears Broke Into a Colorado Pizza Shop

Daily Mail:
When ancient humans began to 'settle down': Stone Age tools reveal people shifted from mobile lifestyle 58,000 years ago

The History Blog:
Copper axe blade found in Switzerland matches Iceman's

The History Blog:
Largest Old Kingdom obelisk fragment found in Saqqara"

Daily Mail:
4,000-year-old arrow heads and a leather bag are among a 'treasure trove' of Bronze Age artefacts left by an ancient hunter on a Swiss mountain pass

Live Science:
3,200-Year-Old Stone Inscription Tells of Trojan Prince, Sea People

Daily Mail:
Stunning belt decorations made from coal and encrusted with jade and coral are found on 2,200-year-old skeletons of female Xiongnu warriors

Atlas Obscura:
Found: The Elaborate Coal Belt Buckles of First-Century Women Warriors

Atlas Obscura:
See the Most Luxurious Medieval Manuscripts in Existence

Daily Mail:
Were Vikings influenced by ISLAM? Arabic embroidery bearing the name 'Allah' is uncovered on 10th Century Norse burial clothes

BBC History Extra:
10 surprising facts about William the Conqueror and the Norman conquest

ABC Australia:
DNA shows no trace of contact between ancient Easter Islanders and South America

BBC History Extra:
Tudors in America: how England's New World colonies came into being

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Territorial Land Grab That Pushed Native Americans to the Breaking Point

Smithsonian Magazine:
These Were the First Cookbooks Published By Black People in America

The History Blog:
Update: John Quincy Adams daguerreotype sells for $360,500

Smithsonian Magazine:
Exhibit Sheds New Light on Renoir's "Luncheon of the Boating Party"

Atlas Obscura:
The Ordinary Bedroom Cabinet That Inspired Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

BBC History Extra:
Cat and mouse: force feeding the suffragettes

After union activists bombed The Los Angeles Times, killing 21, the labor movement was ruined

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Marie Curie Brought X-Ray Machines To the Battlefield

Air & Space Magazine:
Picturing Pan Am

'Unsurpassed for Scenic Grandeur' - Glorious British railway Posters from Between the Wars

Meet The Sisters Who Invented The Tuberculosis Skin Test

Short Documentary Explores Night That Madison Square Garden Hosted a Nazi Rally in 1939

c. 1939-1946: 'Extra! Weegee'

Smithsonian Magazine:
Inside the House of Zyklon B

Daily Mail:
The hell of the Pacific War - in color: Remastered photos reveal the brutal conditions faced by US troops against the Japanese in WWII

The Second World War In Color
The Inside Story of Harry Truman and Hiroshima
Thurgood Marshall Had a Secret Relationship with the FBI

Smithsonian Magazine:
The True Story of the Death of Stalin

Expecting A Disaster: The 1963 Landslide of the Vajont Dam

Popular Mechanics:
Honda's First Car Was This Weird Little Pickup

Daily Mail:
Fleeing for their lives from Myanmar's 'ethnic cleansing': Images show the desperate scenes facing the Rohingya who escape to Bangladesh as Suu Kyi admits the crisis is 'appalling'

Smithsonian Magazine:
Check Out These Massive Straw Art Sculptures on Japan's Honshu Island

Daily Mail:
Could you have been a Bletchley Park codebreaker? Take these fiendish puzzles and solve this crossword in 12 minutes to see if you might have been recruited to crack the Enigma code

Raccoons Could Totally Overthrow Humans, Scientist Warns

October 13, 2017

Daily Mail:
NASA finishes testing the four engines that will power its SLS 'megarocket' that could one day take man to Mars

Popular Mechanics:
DARPA Picks Aerojet Rocketdyne to Build Hypersonic Jet Engine

A Supercomputer Dreamed Up a Bird-Like Airplane Wing

Daily Mail:
It's the flying squad! Video shows Dubai officer ready to police the streets on a HOVERBIKE?

Aviation History Magazine:
Bat Out of Hell

Aviation History Magazine:
Supersonic Revolution

Air & Space Magazine:
Chuck Yeager's Cockpit

Aviation History Magazine:
The Last Rocket Pilot

BBC News:
The world's oldest scientific satellite is still in orbit

October 12, 2017

St. Helens Chronicle:
The strange case of the St. Helens UFO

Daily Mail:
Nasa wants to alter the DNA of Mars astronauts in the 2030s to protect them from cancerous space radiation

Popular Mechanics:
Why Does Russia Have a Secret ISS Experiment?

Space News:
SpaceX launches third pre-flown rocket with EchoStar-SES satellite, lands booster

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX notches 15th Falcon 9 launch in 2017 with SES-11 mission

Popular Science:
China plans to launch rockets into space from massive freighters and planes

Astrobiology Magazine:
Mars Study Yields Clues to Possible Cradle of Life

Well-Preserved Hydrothermal Deposits on Mars Offer a Window Into Early Earth

Daily Mail:
Spot the moons! NASA's Juno spacecraft sends back stunning new image of Jupiter

New Scientist:
Distant dwarf planet near Pluto has a ring that no one expected

Daily Mail:
Failed Beagle 2 lander is finally found on the Isidis region of Mars after being 'excruciatingly close' to succeeding 14 years ago

October 11, 2017

The Guardian:
House-sized asteroid will pass by Earth at just above satellite altitude

Spaceflight Now:
Astronauts stage second spacewalk in five days

Spaceflight Insider:
Astronauts breeze through US EVA-45

Spaceflight Insider:
Long March 2D blasts off with VRSS-2 Earth-observing satellite

Spaceflight Now:
Russian Progress supply ship poised for swift trip to space station

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX to launch SES-11 satellite Wednesday

Spaceflight Now:
Video: Iridium payload released from Falcon 9 rocket in orbit

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: Falcon 9 rocket's predawn launch from California

New Atlas:
Step outside the ISS in first ever 360-degree spacewalk video

October 10, 2017

Christian Science Monitor:
Buzzworthy space rocks: Asteroid hunters prep for near miss

Asteroid 2012 TC4 To Zip Past Earth This Week

Space News:
SpaceX launches third set of Iridium Next satellites

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX launch adds another 10 satellites to Iridium Next fleet

Universe Today:
New Clues Emerge for the Existence of Planet 9

Air & Space Magazine:
Planet 9 Might Be an Immigrant

Astrobiology Magazine:
The Super-Earth that Came Home for Dinner

October 9, 2017

It's been 50 years since one of the most well-documented UFO incidents in Canadian history.

India Today:
Fireball inbound: Watch sky in China illuminate as huge meteor explodes

Watch: Huge Celestial Fireball Appears in Night Sky as Superboldie Meteorite Explodes Over China

October asteroid flyby to boost NASA's detection, tracking capabilities

Spaceflight Now:
Spacewalk concludes with successful robot arm repair

Spaceflight Insider:
Spacewalkers replace 'hand' on space station robotic arm

Ars Technica:
After a month off, SpaceX returns with two launch attempts in three days

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX realigns next Falcon 9 missions

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX delays Falcon 9 launch of TV broadcast satellite

Spaceflight Now:
China resumes launch campaigns after string of failures, delays lunar mission

Daily Mail:
The moon once had an atmosphere: Study reveals ancient volcanic activity spewed gas above the surface where it lingered for 70 million years

New Atlas:
A day on Martian moon Phobos

Space News:
60 years after Sputnik, Russia is lost in space

Popular Science:
A man who's participated in 41 space missions remembers the Sputnik launch

WEEKEND EDITION: October 7, 2017 through October 8, 2017

New Atlas:
Do gravitational anomalies prove we're not living in a computer simulation?

Popular Mechanics:
Sorry, Scientists Didn't Prove We're Not Living in a Simulation
Nothing matters: how the invention of zero helped create modern mathematics

The Education of Brett the Robot

The Verge:
Honda's bipedal robot is designed for disaster relief

Penn Live:
Giant Food Stores tests Marty, a roving robot with googly eyes and a purpose

Daily Mail:
R2-D2-inspired home robot that beams movies, streams music and guards your property goes on sale for £1,500

BBC News:
Plate tectonics: When we discovered how the Earth really works

Human activity can trigger earthquakes, but how many? This number might surprise you

Daily Mail:
The heart of Old Faithful revealed: Scientists map the pathways beneath the geyser

Daily Mail:
Last meal of a newborn ichthyosaur revealed: 200 million-year-old fossil shows the baby 'fish lizard' ate squid

Daily Mail:
The Melksham monster: Fossil found in Wiltshire is identified as fearsome 10ft-long pre-historic sea crocodile that roamed the seas 163 million years ago

The Guardian:
Smallest Ichthyosaurus ever found was squid-eating newborn, research reveals

Daily Mail:
Researchers capture 'astonishing' footage of elusive sand kittens in the wild for the first time

Daily Mail:
Watch clever raccoons solve Aesop's 'Crow and the Pitcher' puzzle to get floating marshmallows

Stuff NZ:
Homo sapiens are 150,000 years older than previously thought, study finds

Stuff NZ:
Roger Hanson: Exploring the history and genetics of Neanderthals and us

Daily Mail:
You could be more 'Neanderthal' than you thought: Modern Europeans have TWICE as much DNA from ancient cousins than first believed

The History Blog:
Lost temple of Artemis found on Greek island

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Rare Collection of Bronze Age Chinese Bells Tells a Story of Ancient Innovation

The Guardian:
Antikythera shipwreck yields bronze arm - and hints at spectacular haul of statues

The History Blog:
"Licking Dog" found in hoard of Roman bronze

Daily Mail:
Talk about striking gold! Two matching medieval rings discovered by an amateur treasure hunter in Dorset are expected to sell at auction for £30,000

BBC History Extra:
Europe's holy war: How the Reformation convulsed a continent

Popular Mechanics:
The Secret History of Steak Knives

Atlas Obscura:
The Scandalous Witch Hunt That Poisoned 17th-Century France

National Geographic:
Who Was the Real Man in the Iron Mask?

Washington Irving: A Tour on the Prairies

c. 1857: William Grundy's English Views

c. 1890-1910: Streets of Amsterdam

BBC History Extra:
Did conkers help win the First World War?
The $10-Million Dollar Cache of WWI-Era Gold That's Sitting Off the Coast of Ireland

Atlas Obscura:
The Grim Crime-Scene Dollhouses Made by the 'Mother of Forensics'

BBC History Extra:
The May 1940 War Cabinet Crisis: Churchill's darkest hour?

In Plain Sight: The Pearl Harbor Spy

Hard Luck Island: The Battle of Wake

September 1942: Sunday in Central Park

Smithsonian Magazine:
How the American Women Codebreakers of WWII Helped Win the War

Raoul Wallenberg's Quest to Save a Nation

BBC History Extra:
Britain in 1945: Life in the shadow of victory

Belfast 1955: Gorgeous Photographs Of The City Of Ships
'West Side Story' Was Originally About Jews and Catholics

The Atlantic:
Walden Wasn't Thoreau's Masterpiece

The Atlantic:
The Swamp Lover

October 6, 2017

Daily Mail:
Lockheed Martin hails 'hypersonic revolution' amid claims it has begun secret tests of Mach 6 SR-72 update to Blackbird spy plane

Daily Mail:
Autonomous two-seater 'Passenger Drone' that could revolutionise the daily commute completes its first manned flight

Daily Mail:
Revealed: The Soviet predecessor to Concorde which disappeared from the skies after numerous failures - including a crash that killed 14 people

New Scientist:
Rocket man: Willy Ley's fervour helped put men on the moon

Atlas Obscura:
The '60s Soviet Satellite That Crashed Into Wisconsin

Why Was Skylab In Use For Such A Short Period Of Time?

Daily Mail:
'The time is now': Lockheed Martin reveals plan for manned Mars base camp that will orbit the red planet in 2028 with landing shuttles to ferry crew members to the surface

October 5, 2017

Daily Mail:
The birth of the space era: Experts mark 60 years since Russia stunned the world with the launch of Sputnik

Scientific American:
Sputnik Moments: Trio of Spaceflight Events Shook U.S. in 1957

Popular Science:
60 years ago, Sputnik shocked the world and started the space race

New York Times:
'Look Up! Sputnik!' 60 Years Later

Washington Post:
On Oct. 4, 1957, the Soviets shocked the world with a shiny metal ball: Sputnik

Air & Space Magazine:
60 Years Since Sputnik

BBC News:
Sputnik: How the Soviet Union spun the satellite launch

Moscow Times:
Classic MT: Space Race Started With a Cosmic Blunder

Popular Mechanics:
The Rocket That Launched Sputnik and Started the Space Race

Popular Mechanics:
How Sputnik Worked

'A Dazzling New Sight in the Heavens': Remembering Sputnik's First Days

Read TIME's Original Report on the Sputnik 1 Launch

Popular Mechanics:
How a Russian Scientist's Sci-Fi Genius Made Sputnik Possible

How Dreams of Spacefaring Zombies Led to the Launch of Sputnik

October 4, 2017
Bus-Size Asteroid Zooms by Earth in Close (But Harmless) Encounter

Asteroid zips by ahead of bigger one coming even closer

Daily Mail:
House-sized asteroid will come 'damn close' to Earth next week as it passes just 27,000 miles away

An Asteroid The Size Of A House Heading 'Damn Close' To Earth - NASA To Test Defense System

Popular Mechanics:
NASA Spacecraft to Investigate Strange Asteroid of Metal

New Scientist:
Methane burps on young Mars helped it keep its liquid water

New Scientist:
The mysterious bright spots on Ceres may have a common origin

Atlas Obscura:
The Mysterious Case of the Vanishing Comet

Meteorite Strikes Greatly Influenced the Early Composition of Earth and Mars

Astrobiology Magazine:
Evidence suggests life on Earth started after meteorites splashed into warm little ponds

October 3, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Previously-flown Falcon 9 booster test-fired for weekend launch

Spaceflight Now:
Atlas 5 to execute another space-lift mission for U.S. spy satellite agency

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: NROL-52 payload mounted atop Atlas 5 booster for Oct. 5 launch

Spaceflight Insider:
Pluto's bladed terrain is product of its complex geological history

Daily Mail:
A 'doomsday' solar storm could cause $20 TRILLION of damage in the next 150 years warn researchers who called for a 'planetary shield' to protect Earth

October 2, 2017

Regina Leader-Post:
The farmer who saw and the Mountie who believed: Sask.'s most famous UFO sighting

Spaceflight Insider:
China returns to flight with a secretive launch of three satellites

Space News:
Musk unveils revised version of giant interplanetary launch system

Spaceflight Insider:
Elon Musk hopes to make SpaceX's Falcon, Dragon fleet obsolete with Mars rocket

Space News:
Lockheed Martin adds lander to Mars Base Camp concept

Spaceflight Now:
Scientists celebrate 10th anniversary of Dawn mission's launch

Daily Mail:
Hubble spots K2 comet heading towards us from a record breaking 1.5 million miles away (but NASA says there is 'no chance' it will hit us)

WEEKEND EDITION: September 30, 2017 through October 1, 2017

What Is The Greatest Wrong Theory In Physics?

Einstein Might Be Completely Wrong About the Speed of Light

Is The Inflationary Universe A Scientific Theory? Not Anymore

These Scientific Theories Were Accepted Once, But Were Later Proven Wrong

New Scientist:
Infamous three-body problem has over a thousand new solutions

Science Magazine:
Watch this robot use nunchucks, after learning like a human student would

Popular Mechanics:
Disney's Six-Legged 'Snapbot' Is Slightly Horrifying

Daily Mail:
Is this how Earth formed? Our planet may have been created by the evaporation of molten ROCKS from tiny planets in the early solar system

Rarer Metals May Have Boiled Off Early Earth

Daily Mail:
Asteroid impacts 4 billion years ago transformed the Earth's crust and helped create its tectonic plates

Zealandia: Scientists Reveal Secrets From First Expedition To Lost Continent

Daily Mail:
Plate tectonics first started moving a billion years AFTER the creation of the Earth helping spark an explosion of life

Disappearance of Mediterranean Sea Seven Million Years Ago Triggered Widespread Volcanic Activity

Daily Mail:
A blast heard 1,200 miles away and 140billion tonnes of rock and ash: The horrifying history of the world's deadliest volcano (and how you can see its spectacular crater for yourself)

Daily Mail:
Another giant iceberg has broken free from Antarctica: Mass of ice FOUR TIMES the size of Manhattan separates from the Pine Island Glacier

Daily Mail:
The oldest life on Earth: Researchers find graphite made by mystery living organisms four billion years ago in Canadian rocks

Daily Mail:
The 60,000 year old fossilized cypress forest found 60 feet underwater off the Alabama coast

Science Magazine:
This 300-million-year-old marine reptile had scoliosis

Animals Used The Lost Continent Of Zealandia To Spread Across The Pacific Millions Of Years Ago

Astrobiology Magazine:
Dino-killing asteroid's impact on bird evolution

Daily Mail:
Arachnophobes look away now: Mysterious species of bright BLUE tarantula baffles scientists

Science Magazine:
Neandertals, like humans, may have had long childhoods

Daily Mail:
Remains of a 6,000-year-old dwelling built by some of Scotland's first farmers are unearthed in an Ayrshire field

The History Blog:
Unusual Bronze Age hoard found in Cumbria

Daily Mail:
Lost temple of Artemis is finally found in a Greek fishing village after archaeologists realised ancient directions used in their century-long search were WRONG

Daily Mail:
Lost city of Alexander the Great is found in Iraq using US spy footage of the area captured in the 1960s

The History Blog:
After many arduous labors, Hercules back in Turkey

Daily Mail:
Here boy! Metal detectorists find 1,700-year-old bronze statue of Roman dog with its tongue hanging out in first find of its kind in UK

BBC History Extra:
1066: Eight days that rocked England

The History Blog:
Golden altar of Sahl Church removed for study

The Guardian:
Lost Rubens portrait of James I's 'lover' is rediscovered in Glasgow

BBC History Extra:
Nelson's sensational mistress: How Emma Hamilton took Europe by storm

The Epidemiologist Who Killed Himself For Science

Daily Mail:
Six-inch high Fabergé flower worth £1m is the most expensive Antiques Roadshow item ever

Daily Mail:
Horror of the Blitz as never seen before: Stunning colourised pictures graphically recreate scenes of devastation in London

Atlas Obscura:
How Books Designed for Soldiers' Pockets Changed Publishing Forever

The Guardian:
Documents that Kim Philby passed to USSR on display for first time
The Disastrous Backstory Behind the Invention of LEGO Bricks

When this Irish housewife was 'reincarnated' in Denver in 1956, America went crazy for her story

These radical photos show the original Berkeley free speech movement in its raucous early days

Behind the Scenes With Janis Joplin and Big Brother and The Holding Company (1967)

When Arthur Ashe fought to play tennis in apartheid South Africa, he faced bitter criticism

In 1968, North Korea captured a U.S. war ship and tortured the 82 sailors on board

Daily Mail:
China re-launches 'the world's fastest bullet train' running at 217 mph six years after shocking railway crash killed 40 people

Popular Mechanics:
Terrifying Apocalyptic Message Interrupts Orange County TV Broadcast

Popular Mechanics:
10 Super-Specific Doomsday Predictions That Didn't Pan Out

The Four Ways The Earth Will Actually End

September 29, 2017

Daily Mail:
Radical single-stage 'aerospike' rocket that could revolutionise satellite launches is ready

New Atlas:
Hypersonic flight: Threat or opportunity?

This Airship Aims to Provide a Better View of the Big Bang's Relic Radiation

Daily Mail:
Dubai joins the race to become the first city with SELF-FLYING TAXIS: Two-seater 'Volocopter' completes its maiden test run

Daily Mail:
Is this fully working hover bike Putin's future battlefield weapon? Legendary Russian firearms manufacturers Kalashnikov unveil manned flying device

Popular Mechanics:
The Forgotten Drone of WWII

Popular Mechanics:
Why the DC-3 Is Such a Badass Plane

Spaceflight History:
A New Step in Spaceflight Evolution: To Mars by Flyby-Landing Excursion Mode (1966)

Spaceflight History:
NASA Glenn Research Center's 2001 Plan to Land Humans on Mars Three Years Ago

September 28, 2017

Space News:
Crewed Starliner test flight could slip to 2019

Daily Mail:
Crash site of Europe's first lunar satellite is found 11 YEARS after it plunged onto the moon's surface

Daily Mail:
NASA's Juno spacecraft captures stunning new look at Jupiter's turbulent clouds

New Atlas:
Pluto lander concept would hop hundreds of kilometers in a single bound

Daily Mail:
Scientists solve the mystery of the giant 'ice blades' on Pluto as high as a skyscraper

New Scientist:
Super-Earths draw asteroids to other worlds, which may seed life

September 27, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX sets target launch dates for back-to-back flights next month

Spaceflight Now:
NRO payload paired with Atlas 5 rocket for another national security launch

Daily Mail:
'Invisible' space radiation is one of the biggest challenges of a manned mission to Mars, NASA scientists say

Astrobiology Magazine:
Hope to discover sure signs of life on Mars? New research says look for the element vanadium

Daily Mail:
Is this what martian life will look like? Researchers say fossilised bacteria could reveal life once thrived on the red planet - and hope to use NASA's 2020 rover to find it

Science Alert:
An Asteroid Space Probe Just Captured a Gorgeous New Photo of Earth

September 26, 2017

NL Times:
Fireball spotted in skies above Netherlands

Daily Mail:
Rocket carrying a 'spy satellite' blasts off from California on a top-secret mission

Space News:
Long March 5 failure to postpone China's lunar exploration program

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX gears up for a busy autumn

Spaceflight Insider:
Gallery: Atlas V roars spaceward with secret NROL-42 payload

Cosmic Rays Originate Far Beyond the Milky Way

September 25, 2017

National Post:
'We saw something. Something came down': The Shag Harbour UFO sighting, 50 years later

Pensacola News Journal:
Moon: 30 years after Gulf Breeze UFO sightings, is the truth still out there?

Spaceflight Now:
Signals intelligence gatherer successfully launched by powerful Atlas 5 rocket

Spaceflight Now:
Replenishment satellite launched into Russia's Glonass navigation fleet

New Scientist:
OSIRIS-REx spacecraft zooms by Earth on its way to an asteroid

Spaceflight Now:
OSIRIS-REx asteroid mission receives gravitational boost from planet Earth

Hubble Just Spotted a Bizarre New Object in Our Solar System

New Scientist:
Our closest star system may be home to a stolen star and planet

WEEKEND EDITION: September 23, 2017 through September 24, 2017

New Scientist:
Gravity may be created by strange flashes in the quantum realm

Quanta Magazine:
Mathematicians Measure Infinities and Find They're Equal

IEEE Spectrum:
These Robots Can Merge and Split Their Brains to Form New Modular Bots

Knightscope's Family of Dystopian Robot Guards Just Grew by Two

Scientists Analyze Earth's Elemental Makeup to See How the Planet Was Formed

Daily Mail:
Changes in Earth's crust 2.4 BILLION years ago increased oxygen levels in the atmosphere and triggered an explosion of life

Scientific American:
Seismologists Stumped by Mystery Shock after North Korea Nuclear Test

Mystery Shocks at North Korea's Sacred Volcano Trigger Eruption Fears After Nuclear Test

Daily Mail:
Britain set to lose its longest-lasting patch of snow this weekend as warm weather melts the entire Cairngorms for only the seventh time in 300 years

Daily Mail:
Mystery of the Dickinsonia fossil finally solved: Strange, segmented organism that lived 550 million years ago and baffled scientists WAS an animal

New Scientist:
Dinosaurs that seemed veggie also ate the odd bit of shellfish

Popular Science:
Giant ancient frogs might have snacked on baby dinosaurs

Daily Mail:
The blue dinosaur eggs that could change what we know about bird evolution

Daily Mail:
Scientists discover Octlantis, an underwater 'city' built entirely by octopuses where they flirt, mate and even have den evictions

Exquisite Skeleton of a Neanderthal Kid Offers Clues to Human Evolution

Italy's Supervolcano and the End of the Neanderthals

Daily Mail:
Ghostly graveyard of 60 perfectly preserved ancient shipwrecks is found by climate scientists at the bottom of the Black Sea

The History Blog:
Met acquires splendid gilded Egyptian coffin

Live Science:
Ancient Action Figures: Toy Swords Unearthed at Roman Fort

The History Blog:
Indian manuscript with zero symbol far older than realized

Daily Mail:
Tomb of 4th Century Mayan 'god-king' containing a stunning jade burial mask is found in Guatemala

Live Science:
Lost Language, Code or Hoax? Why the Voynich Manuscript Still Stumps Experts

Smithsonian Magazine:
Victoria and Abdul: The Friendship that Scandalized England

Air & Space Magazine:
A Celebration of U.S. WWII Pilots - in China

In 1956, the racist governor of Mississippi started a secretive commission to fight integration

Smithsonian Magazine:
The ABA Was Short-Lived, but Its Impact on Basketball Is Eternal

BBC News:
The German schoolboy jailed for writing to the BBC

America's Most Secret Spy Sub Returned To Base Flying A Pirate Flag

Live Science:
30 of the World's Most Valuable Treasures That Are Still Missing

BBC News:
A 30,000km road network from the Andes to the Amazon

BBC News:
What if dinosaurs hadn't died out?

September 22, 2017

Daily Mail:
US Army reveals video of 'Athena' laser weapon shooting down FIVE drones in most impressive test yet

Air & Space Magazine:
The First Drone Strike - in 1944

Air & Space Magazine:
Birth of the Bizjet

Air & Space Magazine:
Vietnam, the CIA, and the World's Fastest Aircraft

Air & Space Magazine:
"Go" for Restoration

Air & Space Magazine:
We Built the Saturn V

September 21, 2017

It's Nice That:
Inside the archives of the Ministry of Defence's UFO desk

Three asteroids give Earth a close shave in a single week

Daily Mail:
Beware of SPACE HURRICANES: Astronomers warn small fluctuations in solar wind can cause huge storms that threaten Earth's satellites

Spaceflight Insider:
NROL-42 classified surveillance satellite set to launch

Space News:
SpaceX forces Air Force to revise launch mindset

Universe Today:
More Surface Ice on Mercury than Previously Thought, says New Study

Universe Today:
Venus Express Probe Reveals the Planet's Mysterious Night Side

Astrobiology Magazine:
More evidence of water on Mars

Universe Today:
New Study Says Primordial Asteroid Belt was Empty

Universe Today:
Dawn Probe Finds Evidence of Subsurface Ice on Vesta

Daily Mail:
Mysterious comet spotted a decade ago revealed to be two 'dancing asteroids' circling each other

Pitch Black Exoplanet That Reflects No Light Spotted by Hubble Telescope

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
Back to Saturn? Five missions proposed to follow Cassini

September 20, 2017

The Good Men Project:
My Dad, the UFO Expert

Montgomery Advertiser:
Green fireball spotted over Montgomery, captured by doorbell camera

York Daily Review:
What was that ball in the sky?

ABC Australia:
Bright light likely space junk streaks across Central Australia night sky for more than a minute

Iceland Meteor:
Fireball meteor shoots across Iceland's night sky

Space News:
Engine test latest step for Stratolaunch's giant aircraft

Space News:
Lower launch costs, smaller payloads will help shape space warfighting, Goldfein says

Spaceflight Now:
ULA milestone launch for National Reconnaissance Office set for Thursday

Daily Mail:
When an asteroid strike sent temperatures on Earth soaring to 2,370°C: Researchers reveal the hottest temperatures ever recorded on the planet (but don't worry, it was 33 million years ago)

September 19, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Chinese space station freighter concludes refueling demo mission

Spaceflight Now:
Dragon capsule splashes down in Pacific with space station cargo

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX CRS-12 mission comes to a close with Dragon's splashdown

First-Ever Map of Water on Moon Could Help Support Lunar Missions

Enhanced NASA Images Show Potential for Buried Ice Near the Martian Equator

Objects Destabilized by Jupiter or Saturn May Have First Brought Water to Earth

Spaceflight Insider:
Wakened from its latest hibernation, New Horizons may visit additional Kuiper Belt Objects

September 18, 2017

Washington Post:
The Cassini spacecraft crashed into Saturn, ending a successful 20-year mission

New York Times:
Cassini Vanishes Into Saturn, Its Mission Celebrated and Mourned

Knoxville News Sentinel:
Oak Ridge parts crash into Saturn with Cassini probe

Cassini's last picture - and 13 more stunning images from the spacecraft

Orange County Register:
Rest in peace Cassini, 1997-2017, explorer of Saturn and its many moons

Spaceflight Insider:
Cassini: The legend and legacy of one of NASA's most prolific missions

Popular Science:
Eulogy for Cassini

Cassini's Farewell Nearly Coincides With The Death Of Its Namesake

WEEKEND EDITION: September 16, 2017 through September 17, 2017

Daily Galaxy:
New Quantum Gravity Theory of the Big Bang --"We Need Another Picture of the Early Infant Universe"

Proof Of 'God Playing Dice With The Universe' Found In The Sun's Interior

Stuff NZ:
Scientists explore the hidden continent of Zealandia

Daily Mail:
Fossils from the first organisms on Earth capable of active movement could upend the timeline of animal evolution

Daily Mail:
Ancient amphibians had a mouthful of FANGS and thousands of tiny hook-like structures to ensnare prey, study finds

Daily Mail:
How dinosaurs evolved into BIRDS: Scientists reveal how incredible transition 100 million years ago saw profound changes to animals' skulls

Daily Mail:
Seahorse clinging to a cotton bud and a heartwarming bear hug feature in a stunning series of animal portraits for the Wildlife Photographer of the Year exhibition

Daily Mail:
52 million-year-old ankle fossil that suggests our ancestors were high-flying acrobats could rewrite the history of human evolution

Daily Mail:
Tomb of Pharoah's goldsmith who died 3,500 years ago is discovered in Luxor in ancient civil service cemetery

The History Blog:
One of largest Mycenaean tombs found in Greece

Daily Mail:
Archaeologists find an undisturbed Bronze Age tomb the size of a HOUSE in Greece that was the final resting place of a jewellery-obsessed nobleman

Daily Mail:
The origin of zero: First evidence of the symbol is discovered in the Indian Bakhshali manuscript dating back to the 3rd century

The History Blog:
17th c. royal flagship unearthed in central Stockholm

Atlas Obscura:
Oscar Dunn, America's Forgotten First Black Lieutenant Governor
Meet Stagecoach Mary, the Daring Black Pioneer Who Protected Wild West Stagecoaches

BBC History Extra:
The Battle of Britain: a brilliant triumph that involved far more than just the chosen few
Escape From Corregidor: The Story of Edgar Whitcomb

Smithsonian Magazine:
At an Army Base in Kansas, There's a Secret Collection of Incredible Finds

September 15, 2017

Daily Mail:
Cassini's last look at Saturn: Doomed spacecraft begins sending in its final photos after 20 years in space, just hours before it plummets into the planet's atmosphere

Daily Mail:
How NOT to land a rocket: Elon Musk releases a hilarious 'blooper reel' of SpaceX's failed attempts

The Aviationist:
Mysterious Crash Of A USAF Classified Jet Near Nellis AFB Fuels Speculations Of F-35 Involved

The Aviationist:
No, it wasn't an F-35. So, What Did Crash Near Nellis? Here Are Some Theories.

The Last Flight of Hobo 28

Air & Space Magazine:
Keeper of the Blackbirds

Dayton Daily News:
Stealth bombers, UFO rumors, test pilots among Wright Patterson's past 100 years

September 14, 2017

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette:
NASA's Cassini spacecraft is on final approach for fatal rendezvous with Saturn

Cassini Will Plunge Into Saturn and Die for Three Hours on Friday

Popular Science:
A timeline of Cassini's plunge of fiery doom on Friday

PBS News Hour:
Analysis: Why NASA's Cassini probe must be destroyed

New Scientist:
Slingshot around Titan is the beginning of the end for Cassini

Astrobiology Magazine:
Cassini Makes its 'Goodbye Kiss' Flyby of Titan

Peculiar Waves in Saturn's Rings Spotted by NASA's Cassini Probe

New Scientist:
Cassini's 10 best pictures from its 13-year voyage around Saturn

Los Angeles Times:
'OK. Let's do it!' An oral history of how NASA's Cassini mission to Saturn came to be

NBC News:
Scientists Bereft Over End of Cassini's Extraordinary Mission

Los Angeles Times:
Epic storms, new moons and worlds that might host life: Here are Cassini's greatest discoveries

Popular Mechanics:
Farewell to the Greatest Space Mission of Our Time

Astrobiology Magazine:
After Cassini: Pondering the Saturn Mission's Legacy

National Geographic:
How to Watch Cassini's Grand Finale at Saturn

TV Insider:
Science Channel to Go Live for Cassini Spacecraft's Final Moments

September 13, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
Next International Space Station crew launches atop Soyuz rocket

CBS News:
Soyuz launches with space station crew looking forward to expanded research

NASA Spaceflight:
Soyuz MS-06 arrives with three more crewmembers for the ISS

Daily Mail:
Biggest rocket in Britain launches from Northumberland ahead of taking tourists to the edge of space 'in a couple of years'

Space News:
Virgin Orbit still expects to fly twice a month in 2020 despite delayed test campaign

Spaceflight Insider:
Russia sees Vostochny Cosmodrome as deep space exploration hub

New Scientist:
The Farthest: How the Voyager story keeps on giving

New Scientist:
Our sun probably didn't steal Planet Nine from outer space

Daily Mail:
Mystery of Planet 9 deepens: 'Rogue' world may have been EXILED to the edges of our solar system by the sun billions of years ago

September 12, 2017

Hillsdale Collegian:
Hillsdale should commemorate 1966 UFO sighting in Arb

BBC News:
The great saucer invasion: The day six 'spaceships' landed in England

Stuff NZ:
Meteor over Australia sparked panic about a tsunami in Queensland

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz rocket rolled out for next station crew launch

Space News:
Virgin Galactic nearing powered SpaceShipTwo test flights

Popular Science:
What finding boron on Mars actually means in the hunt for alien life

Space News:
New Horizons planning additional extended missions

We Found the Largest Void in the Universe, And We're Smack in the Middle

Fossilized Cosmic Dust Found in the Iconic White Cliffs of Dover

September 11, 2017

Daily Mail:
SpaceX launches Air Force's super-secret X-37B mini shuttle on its fifth mission (and we still don't know what it's for)

Space News:
SpaceX launches X-37B ahead of Hurricane Irma

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX beats hurricane with smooth launch of military's X-37B spaceplane

Jupiter's powerful aurora is surprisingly different from Earth's

Astrobiology Magazine:
Could TRAPPIST-1's seven Earth-like planets have gas giant siblings?

WEEKEND EDITION: September 9, 2017 through September 10, 2017

Physicists Want to Rebuild Quantum Theory From Scratch

Quanta Magazine:
To Solve the Biggest Mystery in Physics, Join Two Kinds of Law

TV OverMind:
An Amazing Story about a Futurama Writer's Applied Math Skills

Digital Trends:
Cornell engineers show why a robotic third arm is the ultimate productivity hack

MIT's latest robot politely weaves through crowds

Denver Post:
PHOTOS: World Robot Conference in China

Quanta Magazine:
Jason Morgan Recalls Discovering Earth's Tectonic Plates

IFL Science:
Baby Tectonic Plate Discovered Hiding In The Ring Of Fire

What is the Ring of Fire?
The Deadliest Earthquake Ever Recorded

Daily Mail:
Ancient volcanic eruptions in Antarctica sparked rapid climate change in the southern hemisphere 17,700 years ago

Hurricane Irma: A Practically Impossible Storm

National Geographic:
This Map Shows How an Overheated Ocean Made Irma a Monster

Live Science:
See the World's Driest Desert Covered in Wildflowers

Atlas Obscura:
The Delicate Art of Illustrating Ancient Sharks

The History Blog:
Record-breaking Triceratops fossil found in Denver

Ars Technica:
Neanderthals were distilling tar 200 thousand years ago in Europe

Science Magazine:
Neandertals and early modern humans probably didn't meet at rumored rendezvous site

Daily Mail:
The face of a mystery ruler revealed: Smashed head from a 4,300-year-old statue shows unknown Egyptian pharaoh

The History Blog:
Oldest known gospel commentary in Latin now in English

The History Blog:
Stone latrine found in Byzantine basilica in Egypt

The History Blog:
16th c. local nautical map from colonial Mexico is satellite accurate

Atlas Obscura:
How a 17th-Century Naval Engineer Revolutionized Set Design

The History Blog:
Casanova seduces at the Kimbell

How Napoleon Lost Paris

Evolution of a Mountain Man: Ceran St. Vrain

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Unlikely Medical History of Chocolate Syrup

Juan Soto: The Human Wildcat

Queen's Ransom

National Geographic:
The True Story of the Most Intense Hurricane You've Never Heard Of

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Titan Who Founded L'Oreal Built His Brand on the Shoulders of Nazis

Miracle Men of Midway

Over the Hump

Breaking the Gustav Line

Phantom of the Deep: Germany's Underwater Wonder Weapon

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Youngest of the Little Rock Nine Speaks About Holding Onto History

The Rise And Fall Of Tower Records

Nixon's S.O.B.

New Atlas:
World's tallest sandcastle reaches for the sky in Germany

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Hide and Seek World Championship Will Take Over an Italian Ghost Town

September 8, 2017

Daily Mail:
Is this fur real? Cats and pigeons float upside down inside 'vomit comet' reduced gravity plane in surreal 1940s U.S. Air Force experiment

Solving the Problem of 'Fog Flying'

The Timeless Boeing 75

The War of Electricity

The Last Gunfighter: F-8 Crusader

Testing Ejector Seats In The 1950s

Atlas Obscura:
Did 3 NASA Astronauts Really Hold a 'Space Strike' in 1973?

Popular Science:
How we'll nap our way to Mars

September 7, 2017

The Sun Just Released the Most Powerful Solar Flare in More Than a Decade

New Scientist:
The sun just belched out the strongest solar flare in 12 years

RCMP receive dozens of calls from Alberta to B.C. about reported fireball in sky

Globe and Mail:
Witnesses stunned by 'insane' meteor over British Columbia and Alberta

"Fireball" lights up the sky over parts of Montana (video)

Couer d'Alene/Post Falls Press:
Fireball over North Idaho

Spaceflight Insider:
As Hurricane Irma looms, X-37B poised for first flight atop SpaceX Falcon 9

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX readies rocket to launch military spaceplane into orbit

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: Military mini-shuttle transferred to SpaceX launch pad

Business Insider:
NASA is about to destroy a $3.26 billion spacecraft by flying it into Saturn - here's a breakdown of what will happen

New Atlas:
What to expect in Cassini's final week

Air & Space Magazine:
Cassini's Last Moments, in Gory Detail

Cassini's Last Photos Will Be Spectacular

September 6, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Falcon 9 rocket fired up for launch of military mini-shuttle

Daily Mail:
SpaceX completes tests of the first stage cores of the world's most powerful rocket that could take humans to the moon and Mars

Space News:
Additional cubesats on July 14 Soyuz flight are unresponsive

Astrobiology Magazine:
Equatorial jet in Venusian atmosphere discovered by Akatsuki

NASA's Next Mission to Mars Will Probe the Red Planet's Deep Interior in 2018

New Scientist:
Some of Uranus's small moons are doomed to collide

The Guardian:
Four of seven Earth-sized exoplanets may have large quantities of water

September 5, 2017

Daily Mail:
Three mile wide asteroid that skimmed past Earth on Friday has TWO moons that could each measure 1,000 feet across

New Scientist:
Asteroid Florence buzzes Earth in closest fly-by since 1890

Massive Asteroid 'Florence' Flies Past Earth at Record-Breaking Nearness

Spaceflight Insider:
Space station trio returns to Earth in Soyuz MS-04

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz brings Whitson home after record-setting mission

Spaceflight Insider:
Gallery: Soyuz MS-04 crew back on Earth

Spaceflight Insider:
Indian navigation satellite launch suffers failure

Spaceflight Now:
Indian navigation satellite stranded on rocket after launch

Ars Technica:
With Indian rocket launch failure, 2017 seeing a higher accident rate

Ars Technica:
It looks like yet another satellite is breaking apart at GEO

The 7 Stages of SpaceX Falcon Heavy Mission Shown - Breathtaking Video

September 2, 2017 through September 4, 2017

Does The Universe Have Physical Boundaries?

What Does The Expansion Of The Universe Tell Us About The Future?

Business Insider:
A robot that will replace your smartphone is already in the works

Want a Robot to Walk Like You? Don't Expect It to Look Human

Science Daily:
Ancient Earth's hot interior created 'graveyard' of continental slabs

Science News:
Seismologists get to the bottom of how deep Earth's continents go

Here Are The Odds Of You Seeing A Supervolcano Erupt In Your Lifetime

Smithsonian Magazine:
See the Most Northerly Sand Dunes in the World

Astrobiology Magazine:
As Oceans Alkalized, Life Developed Bones and Shells

Daily Mail:
Did life on Earth begin because our planet was once a giant snowball? That's what a new scientific study says - and the evidence is compelling

San Francisco Chronicle:
Largest-ever 'sea dragon' fossil sat undiscovered in museum for 20 years

Ars Technica:
Ancient fish skulls shake up the vertebrate evolutionary tree

New Atlas:
Largest known Ichthyosaurus fossil identified - and it's pregnant

Daily Mail:
132 million-year-old fossil of a German 'sea beast' that resembled the Loch Ness monster is identified as a new species

Live Science:
Truck- and Plane-Size Pterosaurs Once Flew Over Dinosaurs

Daily Mail:
Rare 66-million-year-old Triceratops skull and skeleton found by construction workers building a new police and fire station in Colorado

Daily Mail:
Volcanic eruptions may have driven a major global warming event 56 million years ago that triggered the evolution of primates

ABC Australia:
Ancient whales were fearsome predators with razor-sharp teeth, fossil analysis shows

Daily Mail:
Herds of mammoths roamed far further across America than thought: Researchers find the animals travelled hundreds of miles across Texas to graze

The History Blog:
Misunderstood dodo gets its due

The History Blog:
Neolithic homes, 19th c. whale skeletons found on Orkney

The History Blog:
Cuneiform tablet is oldest (& newest) trigonometric table

Daily Mail:
Underwater ruins of the Roman city of Neapolis are found off the coast of Tunisia in a 'major discovery' that confirms a TSUNAMI hit the region 1,600 years ago

Ars Technica:
Plumbing discovery reveals the rise and fall of the Roman Empire

BBC History Extra:
10 things you (probably) didn't know about the Anglo-Saxons

The History Blog:
Tomb of China's Shakespeare found

BBC History Extra:
Oliver Cromwell: the secret of his military genius

BBC History Extra:
10 things you (probably) didn't know about the Great Fire of London

Daily Mail:
Was La Perouse killed by islanders? Clue in an Indian newspaper sheds new light on the fate of the French explorer who vanished in the Pacific in 1788 with 225 crew

BBC History Extra:
Ada Lovelace: a visionary of computing

Smithsonian Magazine:
Striking Union Workers Turned the First Labor Day into a Networking Event

The History Blog:
Museum acquires rare sufragette banner found in Leeds charity shop

BBC History Extra:
Did a British agent murder Rasputin?

Atlas Obscura:
The Women Who Rode Miles on Horseback to Deliver Library Books

BBC History Extra:
Britain's island weapon: Malta in the Second World War
The Story Behind the Famous Little Rock Nine 'Scream Image'

San Francisco Chronicle:
Origin stories of iconic '60s and '70s Bay Area rock bands: From Santana to the Grateful Dead

Atlas Obscura:
Photos of the Peruvian Festival That Creates a New 118-Foot Bridge Every Year

Los Angeles Times:
A guide to every movie being released this fall

September 1, 2017

The Aviationist:
Airshow Insider: Behind The Scenes with the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds.

New drone perches on walls like a robotic bird

Drones will watch Australian beaches for sharks with AI help

Amazon's Drones May Collect Valuable Data On Their Fly-Overs

Nonstop to Hawaii By Air and Sea

The Lindberghs' Forgotten Flight to the Orient

Yankee Doodle Goes to Town

The Luftwaffe's Secret Squadrons

Daily Mail:
The original 'rocket man': Footage from 1961 shows the incredible moment a pilot takes flight in the world's first jet pack

Spaceflight History:
Relighting the FIRE: A 1966 Proposal for Piloted Interplanetary Mission Reentry Tests

Spaceflight History:
Prelude to Mars Sample Return: The Mars 1984 Mission (1977)

Here Is the Future of Interstellar Spacecraft

August 31, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
Nearly 3-mile wide asteroid to pass close by Earth Sept. 1

Sky & Telescope:
Asteroid Florence Pays Earth a Visit

Exploring the triggers of cosmic disaster

Space News:
Dream Chaser completes captive carry test flight

Spaceflight Now:
Dream Chaser completes aerial captive carry test flight

Daily Mail:
Fears over deep space travel as Cosmonaut study reveals the human immune system 'doesn't know what to do' on long missions

Tunnels on Mars Might Protect Astronauts From Dangerous Levels of Radiation

NASA Photo Shows Saturn's Icy Moon Tethys Orbiting Above the Planet's Rings

New Scientist:
We've just seen 15 new mysterious cosmic radio bursts from space

Aubust 30, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
NASA data relay craft successfully blossoms in space

Universe Today:
NASA Says James Webb Telescope will Study Solar System's "Ocean Worlds"

Astrobiology Magazine:
A Clockwork Rover for Venus

Spaceflight Now:
NASA studies mission to return samples from Mars by end of 2020s

New Atlas:
Dragonfly is the quadcopter proposed to explore Saturn's moon Titan

Popular Science:
Uranus is probably full of giant diamonds

Aubust 29, 2017

Space News:
Minotaur launches amid rekindled debate over surplus ICBM motors

Universe Today:
Cold-War Era Derived ICBM Blasts Military ORS-5 Surveillance and Space Junk Tracking Satellite to Orbit: Gallery

Daily Mail:
The rover that could reveal the secrets INSIDE the red planet: NASA shows off InSight craft set to launch next year and drill into the planet's surface

NASA's Next Mission to Mars Will Probe the Red Planet's Deep Interior in 2018

Space News:
NASA proposes rapid Mars sample return architecture

Scientific American:
Martian Weather Kicks into High Gear at Night

Scientific American:
Cassini's "Grand Finale" Could Solve Saturn's Lingering Mysteries

August 28, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
NASA flight controllers shelter in place during storm

Spaceflight Now:
U.S. military sleuth launched to track satellite and space debris movements

Spaceflight Insider:
Orbital ATK launches ORS-5 space surveillance satellite atop Minotaur IV

Daily Mail:
SpaceX makes it a dozen! Historic launch and landing is Elon Musk's 12th of the year

Ars Technica:
SpaceX makes it a dozen launches in 2017, passes Russia

Space News:
SpaceX notches 15th landing after launching overdue Formosat-5

The Next North American Total Solar Eclipse Will Cross Mexico, The US And Canada In Just 7 Years

WEEKEND EDITION: August 26, 2017 through August 27, 2017

The Physics of Rick and Morty

Tech Radar:
A history of time travel: the how, the why and the when of turning back the clock

Scientific American:
Rumors Swell Over New Kind of Gravitational-Wave Sighting

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Romance of Fermat's Last Theorem

Daily Mail:
The climbing graffiti robot that can scale buildings to create giant murals

New Atlas:
Do the Robot: 1,000 bots boogie into the record books

IEEE Spectrum:
Blossom: A Handmade Approach to Social Robotics from Cornell and Google

The Atlantic:
A Thorny Debate in Plate Tectonics May Finally Be Resolved

Lake Catalina Is On The Verge Of Releasing Up To 9 Billion Gallons Of Water

BBC News:
Would a supervolcano eruption wipe us out?

Here's How North Korea Could Accidentally Trigger A Volcanic Supereruption

International Business Times:
Paleontologists Find Rare African Dinosaur, New Titanosaur Species

Dinosaur trio roosted together like birds

The Atlantic:
A Prehistoric Toothless Dolphin That Ate by Vacuuming Up Squid

Daily Mail:
Secret life of a dodo revealed: Fossil study of the extinct bird suggests it transformed colour with the seasons and grew rapidly in its early years

National Geographic:
Mysterious Amazon Animal Seen Alive for First Time in 80 Years

Science Magazine:
Early human gut bacteria may have cycled with the season

National Geographic:
Ice Age Predators Found Alongside Oldest Human in Americas

Daily Mail:
Stone tools discovered in Vietnam reveal site of a 'major' ancient trade network that operated for 1,500 years across HUNDREDS of miles

Daily Mail:
Inscriptions found in a 3,700-year old clay tablet prove Babylonians beat the Greeks in mastering trigonometry by at least 1,000 years

The Guardian:
Mathematical secrets of ancient tablet unlocked after nearly a century of study

Daily Mail:
Rare 1,500-year-old Christian mosaic is uncovered in the ruins of an ancient hostel for pilgrims in Jerusalem's Old City

The History Blog:
Five centuries of history unearthed in Roman villa

The History Blog:
Ancient child sarcophagi found at Rome's Olympic Stadium

The History Blog:
6th c. mosaic inscription found near Damascus Gate

BBC History Extra:
The brutal brilliance of Genghis Khan

BBC History Extra:
Did Anne Boleyn crave the crown?
The Mysterious Epidemic That Terrified Henry VIII

The Glory of the Sun King

Tracks of a Traitor
The Largest Attempted Slave Escape in American History

Smithsonian Magazine:
After the Civil War, African-American Veterans Created a Home of Their Own: Unionville

Smithsonian Magazine:
This 19th Century Lady Doctor Helped Usher Indian Women Into Medicine

Frank Hamer's Del Rio Debut

How WWI food propaganda forever changed the way Americans eat

Fear Itself: The General Who Panicked the West Coast

Smithsonian Magazine:
Go Behind the Glass of Churchill's Underground War Rooms

A Grave Task: The Wartime Job Nobody Wanted

Luftwaffe's Last Blow: Operation Bodenplatte

New Atlas:
Robot sub finds USS Indianapolis 72 years after sinking

USS Indianapolis: From 'Lucky Indy' to one of the worst naval disasters in history

Imprisoned at Ground Zero: American POWs in Hiroshima

On the Bus a Decade Before Rosa Parks

Photos of American Nazis driving a 'hate bus' through the Deep South, following Freedom Riders

BBC News:
The monster atomic bomb that was too big to use
The Great Subway Race of 1967

Ars Technica:
America's biggest board game convention: Gen Con in pictures

New Atlas:
Pictorial: Monterey Car Week & Pebble Beach Concours d'Elegance 2017

August 25, 2017

Daily Mail:
The return of the shuttle: The radical 'Dream Chaser' spaceplane that will soon take cargo (and tourists) into orbit

Daily Mail:
Look out for flying pizzas in Reykjavik! World's first drone delivery service launches in Iceland's capital

Air & Space Magazine:
Super Helmet

Smithsonian Magazine:
Flying to the North Pole in an Airship Was Easy. Returning Wouldn't Be So Easy

Air & Space Magazine:
The First Airliner to Vanish

Air & Space Magazine:
The "Hit and Git" Fighter

ABC Australia:
From the edge of the Solar System, Voyager probes are still talking to Australia after 40 years

Ars Technica:
A gallery of Voyager's greatest hits - and they are truly great

August 24, 2017

Billings Gazette:
Nick Mariana UFO Footage - 1950 - Great Falls, Montana

Air & Space Magazine:
The Great Soviet Crescent In the Sky

Popular Science:
The Secret Soviet Space Weapon Mistaken for a UFO

Krugersdorp News:
Watch: Another meteor clearly visible in the night sky over Krugersdorp

Daily Mail:
Orion powers up: NASA switches on the capsule that will blast past the moon in historic 2019 mission

Elon Musk Just Revealed SpaceX Spacesuit Design After Years of Promises

Daily Mail:
Elon Musk unveils the first image of his futuristic space suit that could be worn by NASA astronauts next year

Astrobiology Magazine:
Best ever image of a star's surface and atmosphere

New Scientist:
'Alien megastructure' star may host Saturn-like exoplanet

August 23, 2017

Daily Mail:
A THREE MILE wide asteroid is set to graze past Earth on Sept. 1 - and NASA says it's the largest to come this close since they began keeping track

Largest Asteroid Ever Tracked To Pass By Earth Just 11 Days After Solar Eclipse

Daily Mail:
The US Air Force is preparing to launch a X-37B mini robotic space plane on the Falcon 9 rocket in September - but its mission remains a mystery

Spaceflight Now:
Assembly complete for Minotaur launcher at Cape Canaveral

Spaceflight Now:
Pioneering ESA mission aims to create artificial solar eclipses

Daily Mail:
NASA reveals plan to make oxygen on Mars in 2020 rover mission that could pave the way for human missions to the red planet

New Scientist:
It could be snowing on Mars right now

Why The First Lunar Base Should Be On A Nearside Highland

August 22, 2017

Washington Post:
Tales from the path of totality: 62 years ago today, they say, 'little green men' invaded this Kentucky farm town

Daily Mail:
The eclipse from SPACE: NASA reveals stunning satellite images of America's historic eclipse

Spaceflight Insider:
Spacewalk goes into overtime as cosmonauts deploy satellites, collect science

Daily Mail:
Russian cosmonauts release the world's first 3D printed satellite during spacewalk on the ISS

Spaceflight Insider:
Proton-M launches military satellite into orbit

Spaceflight Now:
Falcon 9 rocket test-fired for California launch next week

NASA's MAVEN Spacecraft Making Another Deep-Dip Into Mars' Atmosphere

Astrobiology Magazine:
Astrophysicists predict Earth-like planet in star system only 16 light years away

Will Scientists Ever Discover Life Without A Home Planet?

August 21, 2017

The First Total Eclipse in Nearly a Century Will Sweep Across the US on Monday

New Scientist:
Great American Eclipse: Everything you need to know to get ready

10 Things You Didn't Know About The Great American Eclipse

New Scientist:
Solar eclipse will reveal the roiling fog of plasma we call home

Daily Mail:
Solar eclipse to be live-streamed from BALLOONS soaring 80,000 feet above Earth's surface

See the Path of the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse As It Moves Across the U.S.

WEEKEND EDITION: August 19, 2017 through August 20, 2017

Think Multiverses Aren't Real? These Theories May Change Your Mind

The Only Job Humanoid Robots Are Good at Is Making Hilarious GIFs

Daily Mail:
Scientists uncover Earth's largest volcanic region two kilometres below Antarctic ice sheet

Daily Mail:
Mount Etna's VERY little brother: Italy's tiniest VOLCANO is a four foot high 'flaming fountain'

Science Magazine:
Record-shattering 2.7-million-year-old ice core reveals start of the ice ages

Daily Mail:
How animals appeared on Earth: Analysis of Australian rock reveals that a flood of nutrients 650 MILLION years ago led to a growth of algae that fed the first creatures on our planet

ABC Australia:
275-million-year-old starfish-like fossils unearthed in remote inland Western Australia

Stuff NZ:
This odd-looking creature may be the 'missing link' in dinosaur evolution

Stuff NZ:
Neutron beams, x-rays reveal more about T. rex relative

Ancient Carnivorous Dread-Possum Is Upending the History of Mammals

Early Humans May Have Lived Through A Supervolcano Eruption

BBC History Extra:
How Hannibal beat the Alps but couldn't beat Rome

The History Blog:
Silver in coins tracks Rome's rise to power

Daily Mail:
Egyptian archaeologists unearth 2,000-year-old 'great cemetery' containing sarcophagi of men, women and children

Daily Mail:
Unravelling the mystery of one of Sicily's oldest villas: 3D-scanning reveals the layout of a 2,000-year-old mansion for the first time since it was discovered in 1907

Daily Mail:
Mosaic workshop uncovered in the 'Pompeii of the East' reveals a snapshot of life in the city before it was demolished by an earthquake 1,200 years ago

Science Magazine:
Thousand-year-old Viking fortress reveals a technologically advanced society

Smithsonian Magazine:
This New Mexico Petroglyph Might Reveal an Ancient Solar Eclipse

Daily Mail:
Inside the birthplace of King Henry VIII and Elizabeth I: Two lost Tudor palace rooms are uncovered in Greenwich in a 'remarkable find'

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Bizarre Story of 'Vasa,' the Ship That Keeps On Giving

Smithsonian Magazine:
The "Quaker Comet" Was the Greatest Abolitionist You've Never Heard Of

BBC History Extra:
Benjamin Franklin: from British patriot to American hero

Smithsonian Magazine:
Newly Uncovered Documents Address the Mystery of One Slave's Life

Smithsonian Magazine:
Harriet Beecher Stowe's Disassembled Childhood Home Is for Sale... on eBay

The History Blog:
Oldest surviving original picture of US President found

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Wealthy Activist Who Helped Turn "Bleeding Kansas"
Why Lincoln Wanted an Italian Freedom Fighter to Lead His Army

Atlas Obscura:
How 7 Sisters Made a Fortune off Their Rapunzel-Like Hair
How America's Most Powerful Men Caused America's Deadliest Flood

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Surprisingly Important Role China Played in WWI

Smithsonian Magazine:
Fifty Years Later, Remembering Sci-Fi Pioneer Hugo Gernsback

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Newly Excavated Underground Tunnel Reveals How 83 German Officers Escaped a World War II Prison Camp

This (un)lucky man was in the nuclear blasts at Hiroshima and Nagasaki-and survived both

The US Army's Official 'Don't Ask Don't Tell' Homosexual Policy Comic Book (2001)

Charles Dellschau: The Visionary Artist Found In A Dumpster

August 18, 2017

Daily Mail:
Incredible moment real-life IRON MAN leaps from a hot air balloon and soars through the skies at 86mph after strapping JET ENGINES to his boots

Daily Mail:
Microsoft tests motorless AI 'sailplane' that seeks out invisible heat like a bird to fly over long distances - and it could one day stay in the air forever

Daily Mail:
Russia unveils new fleet of 'invisible' supersonic fighter jets - and boasts that they will be the envy of air forces around the world

Air & Space Magazine:
Birth of the Cobra

The History Blog:
Cache of WWII Mosquito plans found days before destruction

This Is The 3 Billionth Total Solar Eclipse, Here's Why This One Is Special

New Atlas:
Voyager 40th anniversary: Tracing an epic journey of discovery

Voyager's 'Cosmic Map' Of Earth's Location Is Hopelessly Wrong

August 17, 2017

Daily Mail:
SpaceX Dragon cargo ship toting an 'extra-large science load' arrives to the space station

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX's CRS-12 Dragon capsule arrives at space station

Spaceflight Now:
NASA science-enabling relay satellite poised for launch atop Atlas 5 rocket

Scientific American:
NASA Debates How to Retrieve Rocks from Mars

New Scientist:
Ice at Mars's equator hints the planet was once much more tilted

Astrobiology Magazine:
Tidally locked exoplanets may be more common than previously thought

Universe Today:
The Most Distant Galaxy Observed to Date Provides Insight into the Early Universe

Live Science:
Ancient Greeks Built an Eclipse-Predicting 'Computer' 2,000 Years Ago

August 16, 2017

The Gaurdian:
Close encounter: asteroid the size of a house set for near miss with Earth

Daily Mail:
What would happen if 100ft asteroid due to skim just 4,200 miles past Earth in October were to actually hit?

The Comet That Created The Perseids Might Bring An End To Humanity

Daily Mail:
Russia's controversial 'artificial star' satellite FAILS to deploy in orbit after claims it would be the 'brightest object in the night sky after the moon'

August 15, 2017

Daily Mail:
SpaceX launches a supercomputer to the ISS along with over 6,000 pounds of science research (plus ice cream and candy for the astronauts)

Space News:
Falcon 9 launches Dragon with heavy science payload

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX's CRS-12 mission sends experiments, crew supplies to space station

Astrobiology Magazine:
Preserving the Stress of Volcanic Uprise on Mars

Cassini Mission to Saturn Reveals Where Life Might Be Possible on Its Moons

The Largest Space Telescope Ever Could Study an Earth-Like Exoplanet Next Door

August 14, 2017

Astrobiology Magazine:
Cassini to Begin Final Five Orbits Around Saturn

Space News:
SpaceX delays Falcon 9 launch

Universe Today:
NASA Reignites Program for Nuclear Thermal Rockets

New Scientist:
Tethered satellites could see the moon's weird swirls up close

Spaceflight Insider:
TRAPPIST-1 could be twice the age of the Solar System

WEEKEND EDITION: August 12, 2017 through August 13, 2017

How A Solar Eclipse First Proved Einstein Right

New Atlas:
Does quantum tunneling take time or is it instantaneous?

Ripples In Spacetime: From Einstein To LIGO And Beyond

$309 Million Emerald Weighing Nearly 800 Pounds Was Just Found in Brazil

Daily Mail:
Oops! Embarrassing moment Boston Dynamic's 6 foot tall ATLAS humanoid robot falls off stage during a talk to show how much it has improved

Daily Mail:
Trillion ton iceberg the size of Delaware is revealed in striking new detail as it drifts from the Larsen C ice shelf

Science Magazine:
Trees in the Amazon make their own rain

Daily Mail:
Mammal ancestors discovered the secret of gliding 160 million years ago: Jurassic fossils reveal creatures used wing-like flaps of skin between their limbs to soar between the trees

Science Magazine:
Meet the mammals that soared through Jurassic skies

National Geographic:
The Making of a Most Extraordinary Fossil

Daily Mail:
The biggest dinosaur in history: Archaeologists reveal 122ft long PATAGOTITAN would have weighed the same as a Boeing 737 (and it wasn't even fully grown)

Daily Mail:
New species of grass snake discovered in the UK grows to more than a metre long and sports dark bands along its spine

Daily Mail:
Remarkably well-preserved 13 million-year-old infant skull of a new species of primate sheds new light on the African origins of humans and apes

Science Magazine:
Ancient infant ape skull sheds light on the ancestor of all humans and living apes

Science Magazine:
Modern humans were in Southeast Asia 20,000 years earlier than thought, ancient teeth reveal

Daily Mail:
Woolly mammoths slaughtered by prehistoric humans are found piled on top of 120 million-year-old dinosaur remains in a huge fossil graveyard 'found by accident' in Russia

Daily Mail:
The six foot one Pharaoh who could be the world's oldest case of Gigantism

Daily Mail:
Mysterious Iron Age stone slab engraved in ancient symbols no one can read baffles experts after it was unearthed in a farmer's field in Spain

Atlas Obscura:
Was the First Eclipse Prediction an Act of Genius, a Brilliant Mistake, or Dumb Luck?

BBC History Extra:
Rome in crisis

The History Blog:
Is Spain's first historian of the Americas buried under Columbus' tomb?

BBC History Extra:
What happened to the lost colony of Roanoke Island?

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Obscure Fishing Book is One of the Most Reprinted English Books Ever

The History Blog:
Gainsborough's Blue Boy to be conserved in public
Davy Crockett Was an Early PR Genius

Atlas Obscura:
The 19th-Century African-American Actor Who Conquered Europe

Air & Space Magazine:
Art From the WWI Trenches

Air & Space Magazine:
Bronx Airport? Denied!

National Geographic:
The Solar Eclipse That Sparked a WWII Scandal

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Speech That Brought India to the Brink of Independence

Stuff NZ:
Roger Hanson: How the first nuclear weapons were developed
The Hollywood Extortion Racket That Gave Us Today's Summer Blockbusters

This dystopian novel was the first smash hit of the nuclear-apocalypse genre

Smithsonian Magazine:
Hollywood Loved Sammy Davis Jr Until He Dated a White Movie Star

New Atlas:
The 100 most valuable cars for sale at Monterey Car Week

Smithsonian Magazine:
How the Narwhal Got Its Tusk

Atlas Obscura:
5 Mythic Eclipse Monsters Who Mess With the Sun and Moon

August 11, 2017
The Space Launch System - the most powerful rocket ever built

Atlas Obscura:
Laidback Living on an Australian Rocket-Testing Range
Newly-Discovered Blueprints May Allow Legendary WWII Plane to Fly Again

The Aviationist:
New Search For Avro Arrow Flight Models Lost 60 Years Ago in Lake Ontario Has Begun

Popular Mechanics:
Beyond the Moon: The Planned Apollo Missions That Could Have Been

Spaceflight History:
Flyby's Last Gasp: North American Rockwell's S-IIB Interplanetary Booster (1968)

Spaceflight History:
Plush Bug, Economy Bug, Shoestring Bug (1961)
Right Stuff, Wrong Gender: The Woman Astronauts Grounded by NASA

35 Pictures From The Space Race That Are Out Of This World

August 10, 2017

Universe Today:
Gorgeous Images of the August 2017 Partial Lunar Eclipse

New Atlas:
Virgin Galactic's VSS Unity edges closer to space

Daily Mail:
Virgin Galactic is on track to send tourists into space next year: VSS Unity spaceplane completes a successful glide test nearly 3 years after the firm's deadly crash

New Atlas:
Electron rocket failure caused by ground error

The Guardian:
Moon had magnetic field at least a billion years longer than thought - study

Popular Science:
New Horizons will soon solve a mystery about an object a billion miles past Pluto

New Scientist:
New Horizons' next target might be a binary pair

Daily Mail:
Two potentially habitable 'super Earths' are spotted orbiting a sun-like star that is so close to our planet it can be seen with the naked eye

Universe Today:
New Study Claims There are Four Exoplanets Around Nearest Sun-Like Star!

Scientific American:
Icy Worlds May Bypass Habitability

Daily Mail:
Ancient rock art in a New Mexico canyon reveals a total solar eclipse seen by Pueblo people over 1,000 years ago

August 9, 2017

Space News:
U.S. Space Command develops operational concepts for waging war in orbit

ABC Australia:
Where our Curiosity took us

Scientists Just Discovered the Oldest Asteroid Family Ever

Astrobiology Magazine:
Our solar system's 'shocking' origin story

We're Still Not Saying It's Aliens, But Tabby's Star Is Getting Weirder

Washington Post:
The never-ending search for UFOs and extraterrestrial intelligence

August 8, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
SES agrees to launch another satellite on previously-flown Falcon 9 booster

Spaceflight Now:
Two U.S. military satellite launches delayed into next year

Space News:
DoD meteorological satellite mission to end

Spaceflight Now:
Build-up begins for first Minotaur rocket launch from Cape Canaveral

Spaceflight Now:
Shuttle-era structure dismantled piece-by-piece at pad 39A

Spaceflight Insider:
James Webb Space Telescope may be delayed again

Astrobiology Magazine:
New Horizons' Next Target Just Got a Lot More Interesting

Scientific American:
NASA's Pluto Probe May See Double During Next Flyby

Spaceflight Now:
Hubble Space Telescope Discovers Hot Planet with Earth-Like Stratosphere

August 7, 2017

Mysterious Universe:
The Inside Story of Disney's Mythic UFO Documentary and Conference: Part One

Asbury Park Press:
70 years ago at the Shore, UFOs filled the sky

Universe Today:
A Partial Lunar Eclipse Ushers in Eclipse Season

Space News:
Virgin Galactic carries out "dry run" for powered SpaceShipTwo flights

Daily Mail:
'Super Hubble' is almost ready! World's biggest space telescope that could spot alien life passes key tests ahead of its 2018 launch

New Atlas:
Five years on, Curiosity is still capturing amazing images of Mars

Astrobiology Magazine:
Two Voyagers Taught Us How to Listen to Space

Spaceflight Insider:
Our Spaceflight Heritage: 40 years after launch, NASA's twin Voyager spacecraft continue to return valuable data

Universe Today:
NASA Voyager Probes Still Going Strong After 40 Years

WEEKEND EDITION: August 5, 2017 through August 6, 2017

Ripples In Spacetime: From Einstein To LIGO And Beyond

America's Previous Coast-To-Coast Eclipse Almost Proved Einstein Right

Daily Mail:
Team USA's incredible 16ft fighting megabot is unveiled ahead of its showdown with Japanese droid in the world's first giant robot battle

Stuff NZ:
Inside the scientific origins of New Zealand

How Large Can Crystals Grow?

Global Ocean Circulation Appears To Be Collapsing Due To A Warming Planet

Daily Mail:
Scientists find sub-seafloor fault off Alaska they warn could trigger a 'devastating' tsunami similar to the 2011 event that killed tens of thousands in Japan

Rare Video Captures Recent Megatsunami Hitting Small Greenland Fishing Village

Daily Mail:
The mother of all flowers: Scientists reconstruct a 140 million-year-old bisexual plant that is the source of all today's 300,000 species

Daily Mail:
The 4 inch-long 'venus fly trap' sea worm with 50 SPINES for a face that hunted in the ocean 541 million years ago

New Atlas:
Were Magma pulses responsible for Earth's most devastating extinction event?

Daily Mail:
250 million-year-old fossil of a ferocious 6ft sea monster reveals three rows of razor sharp teeth that allowed it to swallow victims WHOLE

Daily Mail:
Researchers reveal the rhino-sized 'four legged tank' dinosaur so well preserved it looks like a statue was actually hunted by meat-eating predators

Daily Mail:
World's oldest known stone bracelet could rewrite the history of early man: 70,000-year-old bangle suggests our ancestors were far more sophisticated than thought

Ars Technica:
Evidence that ancient farms had very different origins than previously thought

Science Magazine:
The Greeks really do have near-mythical origins, ancient DNA reveals

Live Science:
Fit for a King: Tut's Camping Bed Was an Ancient Marvel

How Ancient Rome Viewed The Deaths Of Antony And Cleopatra

The History Blog:
Longest funerary inscription found on Pompeiian tomb

The History Blog:
Whole Roman neighborhood found near Lyons

The History Blog:
Amphora burial found at Circus of Carthage

Daily Mail:
The six foot tall guardian of Angkor Wat: Archaeologists unearth a giant buried statue at the site of an ancient hospital at the temple complex
Why America's Deadliest Wildfire Is Largely Forgotten Today

Smithsonian Magazine:
Did a Nazi Submarine Attack a Chemical Plant in North Carolina?

BBC History Extra:
The countdown to Hiroshima

Daily Mail:
Mystery of the ghostly Russian radio station that has 'buzzed' every day since the 1970s - but no one knows who or what is broadcasting

The Atlantic:
Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?
The Cars That Made America

August 4, 2017

Daily Mail:
Daimler backs radical eighteen rotor autonomous air taxi and says 'Volocopter' will start testing in Dubai THIS YEAR

Air & Space Magazine:
The West's Best Restorations at the California Capital Airshow

Air & Space Magazine:
The Master of Air-to-Air Photography

Screaming Bird of Prey

Air & Space Magazine:
The SR-71 Was Close to Perfect

Spaceflight History:
SEI Swan Song: International Lunar Resources Exploration Concept (1993)

Daily Mail:
First space selfie goes up for sale: Stunning photo taken by Buzz Aldrin while in orbit 51 years ago to be sold for £1,200 in September

August 3, 2017

Space News:
Virgin Orbit plans 2018 first launch

Spaceflight Now:
Two U.S. military satellite launches delayed into next year

Spaceflight Now:
Replays of new station crew's liftoff and docking

Spaceflight Now:
Anticipating upgraded spaceships, SpaceX builds final first-generation Dragon cargo craft

New Scientist:
Enormous exoplanet has an atmosphere hot enough to boil iron

New Scientist:
Giant loner asteroids suggest baby planets formed quickly

Washington Post:
NASA wants to hire someone to guard us against alien life - and vice versa

August 2, 2017

The Weird Thing About the Fireball That Just Flashed Over Seattle

Meteor lights up night sky

Daily Mail:
30-metre asteroid skimming past Earth in October will test Nasa's doomsday 'planetary defence system'

Universe Today:
Impending Asteroid Flyby Will be a Chance to Test NASA's Planetary Defense Network!

Spaceflight Insider:
Musk: Falcon Heavy could fly as early as this fall

Daily Mail:
Cassini spacecraft captures Saturn's 'ghostly curtains of light' in incredible detail as it makes its final descent toward the surface of the planet

Daily Mail:
Blow for hopes of life on Proxima-b as NASA study reveals its atmosphere may have been stripped away

National Geographic:
Two Eclipses, and 6 More Can't-Miss Sky Events in August

August 1, 2017

Space News:
Soyuz rocket delivers new crew to the ISS

Spaceflight Insider:
ISS crew size increases to 6 with Soyuz MS-05 docking

Spaceflight Now:
Replays of new station crew's liftoff and docking

Spaceflight Now:
Musk aims for November debut of Falcon Heavy

Finding Life on Other Planets May Be Less Likely Than Scientists Thought

New Scientist:
Building blocks of alien cells found on Saturn's largest moon

July 31, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz rockets into space with three bound for station

Spaceflight Insider:
Soyuz MS-05 successfully launches three-man crew to the ISS

Spaceflight Now:
Anticipating upgraded spaceships, SpaceX builds final first-generation Dragon cargo craft

Space News:
Cameras on NASA exoplanet spacecraft slightly out of focus

Spaceflight Insider:
As dusk sets on NASA's Cassini mission, Saturn still providing surprises

New Scientist:
First exomoon might have been spotted 4000 light years away

WEEKEND EDITION: July 29, 2017 through July 30, 2017

Ask Ethan: Could The Fabric Of Spacetime Be Defective?

Gravitational anomaly seen in lab crystal

Live Science:
400-Year-Old Physics Mystery Is Cracked

Daily Mail:
Steve the suicidal robot that 'drowned' in a Washington D.C. fountain skidded on a 'loose brick surface' and is being rebuilt

Daily Mail:
Search for the lost continent of Zealandia: Scientific mission sets sail to try to find land mass that once joined Australia and New Zealand that broke apart and sank 75 million years ago

Daily Mail:
Mystery of the Tibetan Plateau solved: Study finds the strength of tectonic plates caused its unique shape

This Mineral Discovery Ended An Age-Old Debate About Meteor Crater

Atlas Obscura:
How Geologists Are Minding Preikestolen's Gap

Watch This Scientist Literally Outrun A Deadly Volcanic Eruption

Atlas Obscura:
A Landslide Was the Culprit Behind a Massive Tsunami in Greenland

Daily Mail:
Is this the earliest life on Earth? Pioneering laser technique reveals evidence of 3.7 BILLION-year-old microbes in jewel-studded rocks in Greenland

Daily Mail:
The oldest mass stranding ever found: Archaeologists find 540 million year old jellyfish fossils in Death Valley

Atlas Obscura:
Just After a Mass Extinction, This Toothy Fish Ruled the Seas

Live Science:
'Tail-Standing' Sperm Whales Snooze in Stunning Photo

Smithsonian Magazine:
Unraveling the Mystery of the "Armenian Stonehenge"

Daily Mail:
3,500-year-old lost 'lunch box' with traces of an ancient wheats could shed light on the spread of early farming in Eurasia

Daily Mail:
Babylonians DID burn Jerusalem 2,600 years ago: Charred wood, pottery and bones found in the City of David confirm scenes of devastation described in the Bible

The History Blog:
Oldest part of Charlemagne's canal is even older, dig finds

The Famous Easter Island Heads Have Hidden Bodies
America's Forgotten Swedish Colony

This teen stalker stole Queen Victoria's panties and lived in Buckingham Palace chimneys for a year
How One Ruthless Impresario Blazed a Trail for Wal-Mart and Amazon
The West's Most Notorious Socialite Froze to Death Near a Worthless Mine
The 'Silent' Protest That Kick-Started the Civil Rights Movement
Hershey's Once Violently Suppressed a Strike by Chocolate Workers

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Columnist Who Shaped Hollywood's Most Destructive Witch Hunt

Before the "Antifascistischer Schutzwall" - Extraordinary Photos of Berlin in 1959/1960

Atlas Obscura:
Solving the 55-Year-Old Mystery of the White Box That Fell From the Sky
How Civil Rights Wade-Ins Desegregated Southern Beaches

Smithsonian Magazine:
Understanding Detroit's 1967 Upheaval 50 Years Later'
Live in the Russian Spy House That Inspired 'The Americans'

Daily Mail:
Life on the edge of the world: Inside the remote Siberian tribe that survives in -50C temperatures on a diet of raw reindeer meat

July 28, 2017

Daily Mail:
'Son of Corcorde' moves closer as NASA to begin taking bids to build $390m supersonic prototype that could cut travel time from London to New York in half

New Atlas:
Successful test flight for hypersonic glider

Daily Mail:
From an explosive Boeing 720 crash to a plane flying with inflatable WINGS: Nasa releases treasure trove of old research videos to YouTube

Air & Space Magazine:
The Only Jet Fighter Ever to Shoot Down a Satellite

Air & Space Magazine:
Apollo 8: A Journey Into Deep Waters

The Apollo 11 Astronauts Left A Lot Of Junk On The Moon

Spaceflight Insider:
Our SpaceFlight Heritage: The Shuttle replacement that never was

A Wing and a Prayer

July 27, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Musk sets expectations low for maiden Falcon Heavy launch

Daily Mail:
Elon Musk scales back his plans for Mars 'megaship' and hints revised plan will use rockets the same size as SpaceX's current Falcon

Spaceflight Now:
Commercial lunar mission signs up with Atlas 5 for launch

Astrobiology Magazine:
Saturn Surprises As Cassini Continues its Grand Finale

NASA News:
Large, Distant Comets More Common Than Previously Thought

Universe Today:
Earth-Sized Planet Takes Just Four Hours to Orbit its Star

As Much as Half of the Milky Way Likely Came From Distant Galaxies

Daily Mail:
'And if you look to your right you'll see a Chinese anti-ballistic missile coming towards us': Stunned pilot photographs launch of hypersonic weapon which then flies right over his plane

July 26, 2017

Close shave from an undetected asteroid

Universe Today:
Dream Chaser Mini-Shuttle to Fly ISS Resupply Missions on ULA Atlas V

Universe Today:
Ancient Volcanoes on Mars Could Have Been the Place for Life

Detecting Alien Life Will Likely Be a Protracted Process, Not a Eureka Moment

Scientific American:
Wandering in the Void, Billions of Rogue Planets without a Home

July 25, 2017

Space News:
Russia's post-ISS plans a mystery at best

New Evidence Suggests the Moon's Interior Could Hold Lots of Water

Spaceflight Now:
Opportunity rover peers into 'Perseverance Valley'

Astrobiology Magazine:
NASA's Hubble Sees Martian Moon Orbiting the Red Planet

New Scientist:
Tides on exoplanets could drive alien biological clocks

Apollo 11 Anniversary: Neil Armstrong Spacesuit's 'Reboot' Effort Kicks Into Gear

July 24, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
NASA might privatize one of its great observatories

Spaceflight Now:
Sierra Nevada confirms ULA will launch first two Dream Chaser cargo missions

Space News:
Mishap to delay launch of NASA communications satellite

Did A 'Big Whack' Create All Of Pluto's Moons?

Ars Technica:
Yes, ancient civilizations on Mars sounds crazy. And yet...

Eight Other Worlds In Our Solar System Might Have Life Beyond Earth

Daily Mail:
Astronomers claim to have solved the mystery of an 'alien space signal' from a nearby red dwarf and say it was actually interference from a satellite

WEEKEND EDITION: July 22, 2017 through July 23, 2017

New Scientist:
The cosmic dance of three dead stars could break relativity

Was Our Universe Born In Chaos?

New Scientist:
Mathematics has a bad hair day

Watch a Homemade Robot Crack a Safe in Just 15 Minutes

Inside the Las Vegas bar where all the bartenders are robots

Ars Technica:
Security guard robot ends it all by throwing itself into a watery grave

ABC Australia:
Five places that mark Australia's extreme geological past

Stuff NZ:
Rate of Auckland volcanic eruptions increasing, scientists say

Scientific American:
Earth's Tectonic Activity May Be Crucial for Life -- and Rare in Our Galaxy

Daily Mail:
'Fascinating' 71 million-year-old bird-like dinosaur the size of a HUMAN is found in Canada

The History Blog:
9-year-old boy trips over Stegomastodon tusk

Daily Mail:
Massive two-ton species of the world's largest bony fish is finally discovered after hiding away in the ocean's depths for centuries

Daily Mail:
Congo researchers capture the adorable moment two young gorilla half siblings hug each other after a play fight

The Guardian:
Did human women contribute to Neanderthal genomes over 200,000 years ago?

Daily Mail:
New date rewrites history of man's migration out of Africa: Artefacts reveal humans arrived in Australia 20,000 years earlier and lived alongside giant kangaroos and tortoises

Daily Mail:
Has Tutankhamun's wife finally been found? Archaeologists believe the body of Ankhesenamun may lie in a newly-discovered tomb in Egypt

July 18, 64: The Great Fire Of Nero And The Ancient History Of Firefighting

Daily Mail:
3D imaging reveals the face of a female Peruvian ruler 1,700 years after her elaborately tattooed body was wrapped in 20 layers of fabric and buried with a treasure trove of gold

The History Blog:
Roman domus with mosaic floors found in Auch, France

The History Blog:
Mummy in Buddha statue goes to court

The History Blog:
Michelangelo river god model restored

How The Moon Changed Galileo's Life Forever

The History Blog:
Rare trade silver found in Michigan colonial fort

Daily Mail:
Slave quarters of Sally Hemings, the maid who gave birth to six of Thomas Jefferson's children, are uncovered and excavated at his Monticello mansion after a tourist bathroom was built over it
Thoreau Started a Forest Fire a Year Before Writing 'Walden'

Smithsonian Magazine:
When New York City Rioted Over Hamlet Being Too British
Long-Lost Sword Owned by Leader of Black Civil War Unit Found
The Wimbledon Finalist Who Committed Murder
Going to Summer Camp in 1913 Meant Practicing for World War I
The People v. Betty Boop

BBC History Extra:
Reporting on Hitler: how foreign correspondents in Nazi Germany battled to expose the truth

BBC History Extra:
The evolution of British code-breaking

BBC History Extra:
9 things you (probably) didn't know about Dunkirk

Smithsonian Magazine:
The True Story of Dunkirk, As Told Through the Heroism of the "Medway Queen"

BBC History Extra:
Desert raiders: the Long Range Desert Group in the Second World War

BBC History Extra:
Operation Goodwood: one of the biggest British disasters of the Second World War?

BBC History Extra:
The reluctant kamikaze of the Second World War
This Midcentury Show Turned Unhappy Housewives into TV Royalty

These vibrant 1960s photos show Russian teens partying with the proletariat

Atlas Obscura:
How a Group of '70s Radicals Tried (and Failed) to Invade Disneyland

Atlas Obscura:
The Computer That Ran for School President

July 21, 2017

Daily Mail:
Take a dizzying tour of the International Space Station: Google launches Street View on Nasa's outpost 250 miles above Earth

Atlas Obscura:
When the U.S. Postal Service Used Gyrocopters to Deliver the Mail

New Atlas:
Underwater search commences for flight models of famous Canadian jet fighter

Daily Mail:
Nasa destroyed mysterious Apollo-era tapes found in a Pittsburgh basement after claiming they were of 'no historical value', documents reveal

National Geographic:
Why NASA's Interstellar Mission Almost Didn't Happen

Popular Science:
Here's our original coverage of Apollo 11

July 20, 2017

Space News:
SpaceX drops plans for powered Dragon landings

Spaceflight Now:
Propulsive landings nixed from SpaceX's Dragon spaceship

New Scientist:
Elon Musk seems to have ditched Red Dragon lander plan for Mars

International Business Times:
Did A Dwarf Planet Crash Into Mars? Theory Explains Martian Dichotomy

Spaceflight Insider:
Our Spaceflight Heritage: 48 years since Apollo 11 landed on the Moon

48 years after Apollo 11 moon landing, lunar dust bag sells for $1.8 million

The Battle for the Moon Begins

July 19, 2017

Daily Mail:
Have YOU spotted it? Russia's 'artificial star' set to light up the sky reaches orbit (but nobody seems to be able to see it)

Daily Mail:
The breathtaking moment an orbiting satellite spots a Soyuz rocket blasting off from Russia carrying 48 of its 'sister' crafts

Spaceflight Now:
Pioneering probe for gravitational wave observatory ends mission

New Scientist:
Earth's underwater dunes help explain Venus's weird surface

Astrobiology Magazine:
Tributes to Wetter Times on Mars

Stuff NZ:
This mysterious space signal is (probably) not from aliens

July 18, 2017

Daily Mail:
Fly over the surface of Pluto in stunning NASA video as New Horizons maps reveal the planet's surface in unprecedented detail a year after historic flyby

NASA Center Shows Off Sleek New Mars Rover Concept Vehicle for Astronauts

Spaceflight Insider:
NASA prepares its Martian explorers for solar conjunction radio silence

Daily Mail:
Mysterious object thought to be a rogue planet 160 light years away is actually a 'Romeo and Juliet' pair of giant objects travelling together

Universe Today:
Evidence Mounts for the Existence of Planet Nine

New Scientist:
The best way to detect aliens may be by finding their footprints

July 17, 2017

Antigua Daily Observer:
Residents report bizarre ball of fire in the sky, earth shaking

Fireball in the sky puts on light show over North Carolina

Fireball spotted from East Tennessee

Spaceflight Insider:
Soyuz rocket sends 73 satellites into 3 different orbits

Spaceflight Now:
Chinese TV broadcasting satellite reaches operational orbit after off-target launch

Daily Mail:
Mars mission astronauts rehearse Orion water landings off Texas in first open water space capsule tests since the Apollo program

New Scientist:
Asteroids may have been giant mudballs in the early solar system

Tunguska Eyewitnesses Describe What It's Like To Live Through A Meteor Strike

WEEKEND EDITION: July 15, 2017 through July 16, 2017

Big Bang Confirmed Again, This Time By The Universe's First Atoms

Another Universe May Have Bumped Into Ours and We Might Have Proof

Basic Assumptions of Physics Might Require the Future to Influence the Past

11 Scientific Advances Of The Past 100 Years Gave Us Our Entire Universe

The Quest To Destroy Science's 'Magic Rock'

What is Probability and Why Do People Struggle to Understand It?

Market Watch:
Job of the future: robot psychologist

Ars Technica:
A truly enormous iceberg just broke loose from Antarctica

National Geographic:
100-Year-Old Photos Reveal Antarctica Like You've Never Seen It

World's Tallest Tsunami Hit An Alaskan Bay In 1958 And It Was Not The First Of Its Kind

Is the Yellowstone Volcano a Supervolcano or Caldera? (It's Both)

Daily Mail:
The OLDEST tree-dwelling bird species revealed: 62 million-year-old 'Tsidiiyazhi abini' fossil suggests avians rapidly evolved after the asteroid strike that wiped out the dinosaurs

Atlas Obscura:
Meet California's Three Newest Wolf Pups

The 'Stoned Ape' Theory Might Explain Our Extraordinary Evolution

Daily Mail:
Otzi's axe came from TUSCANY: Analysis of the famous Iceman's copper weapon shows it was made hundreds of miles from where his body was discovered

The History Blog:
Greek theaters had moveable stages on wheels

National Geographic:
New Tunnel Discovered Under Ancient Pyramid

The History Blog:
Pieta by pioneer Netherlandish painter loaned to Rijskmuseum

Ars Technica:
The strange and righteous history of the equals sign

Daily Mail:
Casting a spell: Cottage owned by two of the Pendle Hill 'witches' hanged in 1612 is on sale for £675,000 including a hidden staircase and outside Jacuzzi

Atlas Obscura:
The Hidden Rules of the Puritan Fashion Police

Smithsonian Magazine:
Watch How (Slowly) News of the Declaration of Independence Spread in Real Time

Smithsonian Magazine:
John Quincy Adams Kept a Diary and Didn't Skimp on the Details

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Bowdlers Wanted to Clean Up Shakespeare, Not Become a Byword for Censorship

Smithsonian Magazine:
Thank the Erie Canal for Spreading People, Ideas and Germs Across America

Atlas Obscura:
The Inspiration for the Graham Cracker Was a Doctor Obsessed With 'Curing' Masturbation

Atlas Obscura:
A New Map Tracks the Life of San Francisco's Emperor Norton

Atlas Obscura:
The Great Lengths Taken to Make Abraham Lincoln Look Good in Photos

Atlas Obscura:
Found: The Lost Sword of a Civil War Hero

Atlas Obscura:
The Insolent Chauffeurs of America's Early Automobile Era

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Newly Discovered Diary Tells the Harrowing Story of the Deadly Halifax Explosion

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Biggest Trial of the 1920s Continues to Resonate

BBC History Extra:
Days of Destiny: 5 key moments of the Battle of Britain

This magical drug mansion in Upstate New York is where the psychedelic '60s took off

BBC News:
Rocking the Stasi

Ars Technica:
Scrap dealer finds Apollo-era NASA computers in dead engineer's basement

Atlas Obscura:
When 1980s Satanic Panic Targeted Procter & Gamble

Publishers Weekly:
New Maurice Sendak Picture Book Discovered

San Francisco Chronicle:
The most popular slang the year you were born

Vernacular Gas Stations From John Margolies' Archive of Americana Architecture

Atlas Obscura:
Here Be Dragons

July 14, 2012

New ceramic brings hypersonic travel closer to reality

Connecticut Magazine:
CT Files: Connecticut's Real-life Flying Saucer

Ars Technica:
Breaking into the Buran graveyard: Aging Soviet vehicles still impress

The Aviationist:
XB-70 Valkyrie Wing Section on eBay: An Aviation History Mystery Continues

1961 Freedom 7 flight keeps pace in space race

Deutsche Welle:
Sotheby's space auction to feature Neil Armstrong's moon bag, Yuri Gagarin's notes

CBS News:
Moon dust collected by Neil Armstrong to be sold at auction

Houston Chronicle:
Collection of rare Apollo program artifacts to go up for auction

The Atlantic:
Solving the Mystery of Whose Laughter Is On the Golden Record

July 13, 2012

The 6 Steps SpaceX Takes to Land Every Falcon 9 Rocket

Daily Mail:
China teleports photon to SPACE in breakthrough that paves the way for ultra secure 'quantum internet'

Stunning Close-Ups of Jupiter's Great Red Spot From Juno Probe Flyby Are Here

Cassini Spacecraft Captures Breathtaking Image of Sunrise on Saturn

New Scientist:
Titan's conditions could be just right to power US-sized colony

Uranus May Have a Magnetic Field that Flickers On and Off Like a Strobe Light

Scientists Analyze Possible Vegetation on the TRAPPIST-1 Exoplanets

July 12, 2012

Space News:
China's long march to the moon

Daily Mail:
NASA confirms Juno probe completed its historic flight over Jupiter's 10,000 mile-wide 'Great Red Spot' (although we'll have to wait a few more days for pictures)

New Atlas:
Juno probe completes historic Great Red Spot flyby

ABC Australia:
Juno and the Great Red Spot: Buzzing Jupiter's mammoth storm

A Tenth Planet Could Be Warping Our Outer Solar System

July 11, 2012

Astrobiology Magazine:
New Mysteries Surround New Horizons' Next Flyby Target

Ars Technica:
Scientists revisit a strange result from one of the Soviet Venus landers

Daily Mail:
A thick magma ocean, supersonic winds and a heavy metal atmosphere: Scientists reveal the terrifying conditions on the early moon

New Scientist:
Our young moon's supersonic winds made waves in its magma ocean

Toxic Martian Soil May Be Deadly to Organic Microbial Life

Astrobiology Magazine:
Calm lakes on Titan could mean smooth landing for future space probes

New Scientist:
Sun's gravity could power interstellar video streaming

July 10, 2012
History's Most Infamous UFO Sightings

Bleeding Cool:
Roswell, The Beginnings Of The UFO Craze And What It Has To Do With DC Comics

Santa Fe New Mexican:
Seventy years after government report of aliens, Roswell draws UFO faithful

ABC Australia:
Meteor's late night flash remains talk of small SA town after blaze of light seen

New Scientist:
Rocket failure may delay China's space station and moon missions

Ars Technica:
A year at Jupiter: Juno has revealed the giant of the Solar System

USA Today:
Humanity to get closest look ever at Jupiter's Giant Red Spot

Juno to buzz Jupiter's Great Red Spot

Spaceflight Insider:
Juno approaches 6th science perijove and a peek at the Great Red Spot

WEEKEND EDITION: July 8, 2017 through July 9, 2017

The Guardian:
Tying loose ends? Gravitational waves could solve string theory, study claims

Science Uncovers The Origin Of The First Light In The Universe

If Time Doesn't Exist For Photons, How Does Anything Happen To It?

Daily Mail:
Scientists discover a new type of particle using the Large Hadron Collider that could open a 'new frontier' in physics

The Atlantic:
What Interacting With Robots Might Reveal About Human Nature

Daily Mail:
Stunning simulation shows how Earth's magnetic field forms 2,000 miles below the surface

BBC News:
The massive volcano that scientists can't find

Stuff NZ:
Earth's mantle deep beneath the North Island volcano zone is melting

ABC Australia:
Dr Karl: Did life begin on an 'invisible' mountain range?

Smithsonian Magazine:
Forget Dinos: Horseshoe Crabs Are Stranger, More Ancient - And Still Alive Today

Ars Technica:
This giant crocodile was an apex predator 166 million years ago

Nightmarish Crocodile Relative Terrorized Dinosaurs in Prehistoric Madagascar

The Guardian:
Eighteen-foot nodosaur unveiled at Alberta museum - video

Stuff NZ:
This bizarre ancient creature mystified Charles Darwin; now we know what it was

Ars Technica:
Neanderthal DNA suggests yet another wave of human migration out of Africa

The History Blog:
Archaeologist on vacation finds ancient figurine

The History Blog:
Neolithic funerary urn found in Yorkshire barrow

Stuff NZ:
Graveyard of giants found during dig at 5000-year-old Chinese village

The History Blog:
Graves of very tall Neolithic people found in China

BBC History Extra:
Guidebook to the Ancient Egyptian afterlife

Smithsonian Magazine:
Against All Odds, England's Massive Chalk Horse Has Survived 3,000 Years

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Archaeologists Crammed 1500 Years of Roman History Into One Map

Science Magazine:
Why modern mortar crumbles, but Roman concrete lasts millennia

BBC History Extra:
Eleanor of Aquitaine: the medieval queen who took on Europe's most powerful men

Smithsonian Magazine:
Trace Martin Luther's Footsteps Through Germany

BBC History Extra:
Thomas More: saint or sinner?

The History Blog:
Miniature apothecary's shop in cabinet form

Smithsonian Magazine:
When the Beast of Gevaudan Terrorized France

The History Blog:
Wedgwood First Day's Vase saved

Smithsonian Magazine:
History Was Writ Large on This Desk Belonging to Thomas Jefferson

The History Blog:
Revolutionary War musket ball found in Charleston cracks archaeological case

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Unremembered US-France 'Quasi War' Shaped Early America's Foreign Relations

The Gettysburg Battle: How One Billion Years Of Earth's History Impacted American History

BBC History Extra:
Jamaica's Morant Bay Rebellion: brutality and outrage in the British empire

BBC History Extra:
Circus sensation: PT Barnum's greatest wheezes

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Towering 19th-Century Mechanical Clock Was the Smartwatch of Its Era

'Lady Lindy': The Remarkable Life of Amelia Earhart

Live Science:
Spam, Lovely Spam! Mystery Meat Celebrates 80th Spam-iversary
Meet the Night Witches, the Daring Female Pilots Who Bombed Nazis By Night

The Guinea Pig Club

Ansel Adams' Photos of Japanese-American Prisoners of War At Manzanar Internment Camp

George Orwell Explains Why He Had To Write 1984 In This 1944 Letter

The History Blog:
Original 1953 Disneyland concept map sells for $708,000

Martyr at the Berlin Wall

The Atlantic:
The iPhone Was Inevitable

New Atlas:
The 22 most interesting cars at Artcurial's Monaco Auction plus some awesome memorabilia

New Atlas:
Top 20 most interesting cars at Bonhams' Festival of Speed auction

Live Science:
10 Solar Eclipses That Changed Science

Lewis Carroll's Original Illustrations For Alice's Adventures In Wonderland (1864)

July 7, 2017

Daily Mail:
Inside the world's biggest aeroplane workshop: MailOnline tours the incredible Boeing factory in Seattle (where security's so tight we're accompanied to the bathroom!)

New Atlas:
Swedish flying carpet goes electric

Daily Mail:
Now that's surf-tastic! 25mph board can FLY over water and allows even beginners to experience the thrill of riding the waves (but it will cost £9,300)

Dreams of Human-Powered Flight

Genesis of the Jenny

The U.S. Air Force's Pilotless Fighter

Spaceflight History:
Dreaming a Different Apollo, Part Six: Star Trek as an Exemplar of Space-Age Popular Culture

Daily Mail:
The Blackbird set for a hypersonic overhaul as Lockheed Martin reveals new details of its Mach 6 SR-72

New Atlas:
Flight plan from legendary Apollo 13 mission to be auctioned

July 6, 2017

Space News:
SpaceX crests double digit marker, notches tenth launch in a single year for first time

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX delivers for Intelsat on heavyweight Falcon 9 mission

Spaceflight Now:
Dragon capsule returns home with animals and station equipment

Spaceflight Now:
Launch of China's heavy-lift Long March 5 rocket declared a failure

Spaceflight Now:
NASA marks 20 years of continuous Mars exploration

July 1, 2017 through July 5, 2017

Atlas Obscura:
The Long, Weird Half-Life of Trinitite

Large new island forms off popular Outer Banks fishing spot

Atlas Obscura:
When You Have to Move an 800,000-Pound Sequoia

Daily Mail:
Couple find the largest ever intact Native American canoe measuring 33 feet and dating back 1,000 years after noticing it poking out of the mud on a Louisiana riverbank

Atlas Obscura:
America's Oldest Log Cabin Is For Sale
Read the Document That Condemned a Woman to Death in the Salem Witch Trials

How Europe Lost the American West

Atlas Obscura:
Britain's Futile Attempt to Keep American Colonists From Taking Tribal Land
Much in Little: The Revolutionary Memories of a New York Park

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Woman Whose Words Inflamed the American Revolution

Smithsonian Magazine:
At Its Core, the Declaration of Independence Was a Plea for Help From Britain's Enemies

Washington Irving's fictional Dutch uncle lent his name to all things New York

National Geographic:
The Map That Popularized the Word 'Gerrymander'

U.S. Declares War on Great Britain, June 18, 1812

Everett Herald:
Navy divers recover cannon linked to a hero of War of 1812

Smithsonian Magazine:
The First Printed Fried Chicken Recipe in America

Billings Gazette:
Western tribes' Ghost Dance explained in words and artifacts

Smithsonian Magazine:
Rachel Jackson, the Scandalous Divorcee Who Almost Became First Lady

Smithsonian Magazine:
Previously unknown daguerreotype of Sophia Thoreau gifted to museum

Atlas Obscura:
The Deseret Alphabet, a 38-Letter Writing System Developed by Mormons

Smithsonian Magazine:
How One Mathew Brady Photograph May Have Helped Elect Abraham Lincoln

Founding Father Firepower: Metal Intended for Statues of George Washington Was Used to Arm the Confederacy

Stonewall's Greatest Joy

'Long Sol': The Pugnacious 6-foot-7 Solomon Meredith Cast a Long Shadow Over the Iron Brigade

Smithsonian Magazine:
Lincoln's Signature Laid the Groundwork for the National Park System

CBS News:
Custer's Last Stand

Lubbock Avalanche-Journal:
Caprock Chronicles: Soldiers fight Comanches at Silver Lake

Daily Mail:
Wild, wild west! Buffalo Bill and his Native American performers brought back to life in colourised portraits to celebrate 130th anniversary of their private show for Queen Victoria

Atlas Obscura:
This Mechanical 19th-Century 'Clock of America' Animates U.S. History

Atlas Obscura:
America's Short-Lived 'Black Army on Wheels'

Chapman University Happenings:
Archive Dive: A wartime 4th of July in 1898

A Critical Understanding of Edward Curtis's Photos of Native American Culture

Mail Tribune:
Women of the tribes

America: The Jesuit Review:
Examining the American peace movement prior to World War I

Atlas Obscura:
The Dispute Over a Time Capsule Found in a Confederate Statue

Tomboy of the Air

Atlas Obscura:
Fall in Love With the World's First Animated Dinosaur

Idaho Statesman:
Prohibition kept Boise law enforcement officers busy

Smithsonian Magazine:
The East St. Louis Race Riot Left Dozens Dead, Devastating a Community on the Rise

Business Insider:
America entered World War I 100 years ago - this art shows what it was like

New York Times:
When the Americans Turned the Tide

Smithsonian Magazine:
Horse-Riding Librarians Were the Great Depression's Bookmobiles

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Rise and Fall of the Great American Motel

National Geographic:
How a Refrigerator Led to Einstein's Pleas for Atomic Bomb Research

Newport News Daily Press:
Hampton Roads: Nonstop pipeline to World War II

Atlas Obscura:
The Librarian Who Guarded the Manhattan Project's Secrets

The National Interest:
How Hitler's Submarine Force Planned to Crush America's Economy during World War II

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Inside Story of How a Nazi Plot to Sabotage the U.S. War Effort Was Foiled

Washington Post:
Six Nazi spies were executed in D.C. White supremacists gave them a memorial - on federal land.

A Band of Brothers: The Story of the Sullivans

Spokesman Review:
75 years ago, the United States forced Japanese into internment camps. After World War II, many settled in Spokane. These are their stories.

Omaha World Herald:
During WWII, Boys Town housed Japanese-Americans escaping forced internment. The homes are coming down, but the story endures

Duel in the Clouds

Yes Magazine:
Zoot Suits: A Fashion Movement that Sparked Mexican American Resistance

Battle at the LA Coliseum

Atlas Obscura:
Whatever Happened to Captain Video and the DuMont Programming Library?

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Army Veteran Who Became the First to Hike the Entire Appalachian Trail

Houston Chronicle:
67 years ago, the 'Forgotten War' began

Stars & Stripes:
Operation Kiddy Car: Keeping a Korean War hero's memory alive
Why Ralph Ellison Never Published a Second Novel During His Lifetime

This 1950s book scandalized and captivated America - and eventually destroyed its author's life

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Political Dealmaking That Finally Brought Hawaii Statehood
They Can't All Be iPhones: The Story of Apple's Forgotten Flop

Atlas Obscura:
Why the Amish Are Building America's RVs

Smithsonian Magazine:
Colorized Footage Is a Vivid Reminder that History Didn't Happen in Black and White
Inside the Government's Top-Secret Doomsday Hideouts

New York Times:
My Father's War, and Mine

Time Magazine:
25 Moments That Changed America
Whose Vision of America Won Out - Hamilton's or Jefferson's?

June 30, 2017

Daily Mail:
Meet the son of Concorde: NASA's supersonic X-Plane design passes 'significant milestone' and could take off in 2021

Daily Mail:
How did they EVER get off the ground? Fascinating pictures show the world's most rickety planes (long before air travel truly took off)

Atomic Airships

Father of the Black Box

Spaceflight History:
"Still Under Active Consideration": Five Proposed Earth-Orbital Apollo Missions for the 1970s (1971)

Spaceflight History:
Safeguarding the Earth from Martians: The Antaeus Report (1978-1981)

Why Aren't The Van Allen Belts A Barrier To Spaceflight?

This Space Museum in Central Kansas Was Worth the 20 Hour Drive

June 29, 2017

The Sun:
CLOSE ENCOUNTERS From flashing fidget spinners to floating tanks: Newly released files reveal the bizarre-looking craft spotted in Britain's skies

Mysterious Universe:
Asteroid Impact With Earth In 2036 'Can't Be Ruled Out'

The Search for the Next Large Asteroid That Might Slam Into Earth

Daily Mail:
The BACKWARDS asteroid: Astronomers spot rare Bee-zed that orbits the sun in the opposite direction to the planets

Spaceflight Insider:
NASA's Opportunity Mars rover on walkabout near crater rim

Daily Mail:
Dawn on Saturn: NASA releases stunning image of the planet illuminated by a sliver of sunlight

Spaceflight Insider:
Could a dedicated mission to Enceladus detect microbial life there?

Astrobiology Magazine:
Kepler Has Taught Us That Rocky Planets Are Common

New Scientist:
Planets in other star systems fit a puzzling pattern

New Atlas:
Can magnetic space tugs clean up space junk?

June 28, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX will try for third Falcon 9 launch in less than two weeks

Space News:
SpaceX's final Falcon 9 design coming this year, two Falcon Heavy launches next year

Spaceflight Insider:
Minotaur IV launch postponed 6 weeks

New Scientist:
Uranus's crooked, messy magnetic field might open and shut daily

Why Does The Moon Rise Later Each Day?

Stuff NZ:
First total solar eclipse in US sparks spectator excitement

Seeker's Visual Guide to Solar Eclipses Throughout History

June 27, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX launches and lands second Falcon 9 rocket in two days

New Scientist:
SpaceX has launched and landed two used rockets in one weekend

Spaceflight Insider:
2 launches, 2 landings, 2 days: Falcon 9 sends Iridium-2 satellites into space

Spaceflight Now:
40th flight of India's PSLV declared a success

Astrobiology Magazine:
Mars Rover Opportunity on Walkabout Near Rim

The Atlantic:
The Mars Robot Making Decisions on Its Own

Astrobiology Magazine:
Why No One Under 20 Has Experienced a Day Without NASA at Mars

Scientific American:
Will Mars Go Mute? NASA's Aging Orbiters May Not Last Long Enough to Support Future Exploration

Mars Needs a Whole New Clock and Calendar

June 26, 2017

Daily Mail:
Britain's secret 'X-Files' dossier, containing details of 50 YEARS of UFO sightings across the country, has finally been released

Seattle Times:
'Flying saucers' became a thing 70 years ago Saturday with sighting near Mount Rainier

Oregon Public Broadcasting:
Flying Saucers Still Evasive 70 Years After Pilot's Report

Albuquerque Journal:
Crashing the party: Roswell celebrates 70th anniversary of UFO incident

The West Australian:
Perth skywatchers stunned by fireball streaking across the sky

Daily Mail:
What IS this mystery object in the sky? Stargazers left baffled after 'red fireball' lights up the night over Perth

Spaceflight Now:
Secret Russian satellite launched from Plesetsk Cosmodrome

Spaceflight Insider:
Russia launches covert payload on rare Soyuz variant

Scientific American:
SpaceX Launches Rocket With "Highest-Ever Reentry Force"

Popular Science:
Recycled Falcon 9 rocket survives one of SpaceX's most challenging landings yet

SpaceX Makes History Again with Hot, High-Force Rocket Landing

Daily Mail:
SpaceX blasts off on first of two launches in just 48 hours and completes 'most difficult landing yet' on Atlantic drone ship

Space News:
SpaceX launches second batch of Iridium satellites

Spaceflight Now:
Falcon 9 rocket launching Sunday sports fin upgrade

New Scientist:
Weird orbits hint 'Planet Ten' might lurk at solar system edge

New Atlas:
Move over, Planet 9: Does a Mars-sized 10th planet lurk beyond Pluto?

Goodbye Planet Nine, Hello Planet Ten

WEEKEND EDITION: June 24, 2017 through June 25, 2017

New Calculation Could Spell Trouble For a Popular Theory of the Universe's Origin

NBC News:
Cosmic 'Bruise' Could Be Evidence for Multiple Universes

The idea of creating a new universe in the lab is no joke

Scientific American:
Black Holes, Cosmic Collisions and the Rippling of Spacetime

Daily Mail:
The future of robot communication? Facebook's AI bots accidentally invent a new LANGUAGE while training to negotiate with one another

Facebook Let Its A.I. Negotiate, and the Lying Started Right Away

Blink and You'll Miss These Lightning Fast, Blood-Thirsty Sumo Bots Fighting

Daily Mail:
The snake-like robot that could save lives: 26ft-long machine covered in hairs can climb over walls and rubble to reach tight spaces

Daily Mail:
Rewriting the history of frogs, toads and salamanders: 200 million-year-old fossil expands amphibious timeline by 15 MILLION years

Daily Mail:
Waves of volcanic activity 200 million years ago triggered the dawn of the dinosaurs and ended Earth's Triassic period

The History Blog:
Baby dinobird found trapped in amber

Daily Mail:
Schoolchildren discover the 25,000-year-old remains of a mysterious 'smelly beast' in Siberia that experts believe could be a WOOLLY RHINO

ABC Australia:
Driverless cars: Kangaroos throwing off animal detection software

National Geographic:
Why These Adorable Baby Raccoons 'Adopted' a Fisherman

New Atlas:
Ancient Egyptian "billboard" could rewrite history of hieroglyphs

Science Magazine:
Ancient Egyptians may have given cats the personality to conquer the world

Daily Mail:
Step back into Iron Age Britain: Stunning interactive graphic lets you explore more than 4,000 ancient hill forts around the UK

This 3,000-Year-Old Prosthetic Wooden Toe is More Incredible Than We Thought

The History Blog:
Slough hill found to be rare Anglo-Saxon mound

Daily Mail:
Discovery of a mosque and headstones amongst the remains of a legendary 12th century Muslim city in Ethiopia sheds light on Islam's origins in Africa

BBC History Extra:
What was life like for a court jester?

BBC History Extra:
King Edward III: The family man

The History Blog:
Late medieval longsword found in Polish peat bog

The History Blog:
Remains of temple and Ball game court found in Mexico City

Live Science:
This Volcano-Shaped Pyramid in Peru Has Experts Stumped

Daily Mail:
Long-standing mystery over the 'Lady in a Fur Wrap' may be solved: New tests could FINALLY reveal the identity of the artist and subject behind one of the world's most celebrated paintings

The History Blog:
Record-breaking 17th c. cabinet goes on display

Smithsonian Magazine:
Why Sand Covers the Floor of One of the Western Hemisphere's Oldest Synagogues

Atlas Obscura:
Beatrix Potter's Greatest Work Was a Secret, Coded Journal She Kept as a Teen

Smithsonian Magazine:
First House Designed by Antoni Gaudi to Open as a Museum
Researchers May Have Found the Long-Lost Eighth Natural Wonder of the World
Scientists Just Found a Doomed Antarctic Explorer's Lost Painting

BBC History Extra:
Britain's tearoom fascists

BBC History Extra:
Where History Happened: 9 places affected by the Blitz

BBC History Extra:
Operation Barbarossa: 9 popular myths busted
When the Nazis Invaded the Hamptons

The History Blog:
Picasso portait ring of Dora Maar for sale

Daily Mail:
Nazi medical equipment, knives covered in Swastikas and busts of Hitler: Argentina's largest ever trove of Third Reich artifacts is found hidden inside a house's secret room

Newly Declassified Documents Show Nazis Plotted to Destroy Panama Canal

New Atlas:
Another record price for ultra-rare Enigma cipher machine

BBC History Extra:
The evolution of British code-breaking

Smithsonian Magazine:
In a Fit of 1940s Optimism, Greyhound Proposed a Fleet of Helicopter Buses

New Atlas:
Luxury train offers visitors to Peru's Andes a taste of the high life

Explore Ancient Architecture Through Coinage In This Gigantic Coin Database

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Moonlight Sets Nature's Rhythms

June 23, 2017

Daily Mail:
Boeing says hypersonic passenger planes will take flight within a DECADE (if it can find enough people who can afford a ticket)

Daily Mail:
Supersonic 'Baby Boom' aircraft to take off next year: Richard Branson-backed mini-Concorde that can fly from London to New York in 3.5 hours is set for 2018 test flights

Daily Mail:
The Pentagon is developing an army of robotic drones able to fly alongside fighter jets at speeds of 700mph

New Atlas:
Textron's Nightwarden drone debuts at Paris Air Show

New Atlas:
Autonomous Airbus helicopter makes its first flights

Daily Mail:
Why a plane can still make the runway from 38,000ft even if all the engines fail: Pilots reveal the surprising distances airliners can GLIDE (and that they do it on almost every journey)

BBC News:
Airlander 10 reaches 'highest altitude so far'

Universe Today:
The Aerospike Engine Was Considered for the Shuttle, But Never Flew. That's About to Change

New Atlas:
2017 Paris Air Show in photos

BBC History Extra:
6 of history's strangest ever theories about outer space

June 22, 2017

The Atlantic:
The Man Who Introduced the World to Flying Saucers

East Oregonian:
Some significant Northwest UFO sightings

Space News:
SES: AMC-9 has "no risk of a collision with other active satellites"

Space News:
Roscosmos head expects Russia will cooperate with NASA, ESA on cislunar "gateway" station

Spaceflight Now:
Launch of military's new space-based satellite tracker delayed two months

Spaceflight Insider:
Five Seconds of Fury: Orbital ATK conducts test fire of Launch Abort Motor

Popular Science:
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover looks so small and alone in this amazing new photo

Scientific American:
Jupiter Now Has 69 Moons

Daily Mail:
The end of Planet Nine? New study suggests mysterious object DOESN'T exist

New Scientist:
Buckyballs mysteriously show up in cold space and warp starlight

Astrobiology Magazine:
New Branch in Family Tree of Exoplanets Discovered

New Spacesuit System Could Repel Destructive Moon Dust

June 21, 2017

Daily Mail:
Inside the Falcon Factory: Elon Musk posts amazing drone tour of SpaceX factory floor

Daily Mail:
Come fly with Cassini: Breathtaking video shows the many views of Saturn as seen by the NASA spacecraft

Daily Mail:
Kepler has spotted over 200 new planet candidates and TEN are in the habitable zone and could support life, NASA reveals

Universe Today:
NASA Announces 10, That's Right 10! New Planets in Their Star's Habitable Zone

USA Today:
Summer solstice, the longest day of the year, arrives Wednesday

Weather Watch NZ:
New Zealand Winter Solstice: Wednesday June 21st, 4:24pm

Gold Coast Bulletin:
Winter solstice: Why today is the best day of winter

Washington Post:
The summer solstice is Wednesday. Here's a guide to the longest day of the year.

June 20, 2017

Bismarck Tribune:
Former Minot crew commander tells of UFO cover-up in book

Minot Daily News:
Book tells about Air Force & UFO incidents

Space News:
Upper stage malfunction leaves Chinese satellite in lower-than-planned orbit

Spaceflight Now:
Long March 3B/E launches Zhongxing-9A satellite, fate uncertain

Spaceflight Now:
Chinese broadcasting satellite ends up in wrong orbit after rocket failure

Spaceflight Now:
Falcon 9 launch delay sets up potential SpaceX 'doubleheader' next weekend

Universe Today:
Opportunity Reaches 'Perseverance Valley' Precipice - Ancient Fluid Carved Gully on Mars

East Oregonian:
Flying saucers still evasive 70 years after pilot's touchstone report

June 19, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Progress cargo freighter docks with International Space Station

Spaceflight Now:
Falcon 9 launch delay sets up potential SpaceX 'doubleheader' next weekend

This Simulator Shows What You'll See During the Great American Solar Eclipse

WEEKEND EDITION: June 17 through June 18, 2017

Daily Mail:
'Intriguing anomalies' in particles that could rewrite the rules of physics and shed light on weird phenomena in the universe are found by THREE separate studies

Daily Mail:
Has the mystery of the 'Great Dying' been solved? Scientists discover evidence in the Falklands of the asteroid which caused extinction on Earth 250 million years ago

Daily Mail:
Scientists find world's oldest mushroom fossil from 115 MILLION years ago

Daily Mail:
230-million-year-old feces reveals beetles, clams, and fish formed a Triassic-era meal

Daily Mail:
The incredibly well-preserved 100 million-year-old baby bird that lived at the time of the dinosaurs: 'Simply stunning' Myanmar amber find reveals hatchling trapped in tree sap

Science Magazine:
World's only fossils of T. rex skin suggest it was covered in scales - not feathers

Daily Mail:
Oldest primate skeleton ever found shows Earth's earliest primates lived in the treetops

New Atlas:
Ripped-off ravens sure can hold a grudge

ABC Australia:
Discovery of 300,000-year-old fossils rewrites origins of Homo sapiens

Atlas Obscura:
Found: A 7,500-Year-Old Stone Drill Bit

The Guardian:
Ancient Aztec temple and ball court unearthed in heart of Mexico City

Pre-photographic pictures of hot air balloon accidents show the perils of late modernity

BBC History Extra:
7 things you (probably) didn't know about Charles Dickens and his family home

Daily Mail:
American Civil War submarine - that was the first in history to sink an enemy warship - emerges from a 75,000 gallon tank of chemicals to reveal HUMAN REMAINS

Stuff NZ:
Researchers claim to have found the lost Pink and White Terraces

c. 1890-1900 -- Photochroms of France

Stuff NZ:
Kiwi researchers discover 'almost perfectly preserved' 118-year-old painting in Antarctica
The Massacre at Frank Lloyd Wright's "Love Cottage"

Daily Mail:
Ring that Pablo Picasso designed to appease his angry lover when she threw her old jewellery in the River Seine during a row goes on sale for £500,000

BBC History Extra:
Who were the young people drawn to Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists?

Daily Mail:
Stunning colorized pictures show the brutal conditions faced by US soldiers in the Pacific War against Japanese troops who fought to the death

San Francisco Chronicle:
55 years ago, Alcatraz guards realized three inmates escaped their cells. They've never been found.

Atlas Obscura:
In 1964, You Could Buy Magazines From a Street Dalek
How Activists Plotted the First Gay Pride Parades

Air & Space Magazine:
Elliot and Justin's DIY Jet

Atlas Obscura:
Get Lost in These Real-World Fairy Tale Landscapes

June 16, 2017

Daily Mail:
Supersonic passenger planes move closer to takeoff as NASA reveals plans for 2021 X-Plane flight tests

Daily Mail:
Not for nervous flyers! Boeing to test pilotless planes next year as artificial intelligence takes control of cockpits

Daily Mail:
The 'spiderdrone' that can climb walls and fly anywhere: Bizarre tilting rotor design can fly in any direction

10 Predictions For Flying Cars, and When They'll Happen

Spaceflight Insider:
Deep Space Network - providing communications for over 50 years

New Scientist:
First mission to the moon: The real lesson
Would NASA's Original Astronauts Make the Cut Today?

June 15, 2017

Washington Post:
Remember last week's fireball? A meteorite may have landed in someone's backyard.

Spaceflight Now:
Robotic Russian resupply freighter on the way to space station

Spaceflight Insider:
Progress MS-06 freighter on its way to space station

Daily Mail:
Elon Musk says the SpaceX Dragon Heavy 'megarocket' could blast off from from Cape Canaveral in just three months

Spaceflight Now:
Boeing, DARPA to base XS-1 spaceplane at Cape Canaveral

Daily Mail:
Deep space plasma thrusters and a rocket engine that uses water as fuel: NASA reveals the shoebox sized DIY projects it will launch on historic first Orion mission

Compact Fusion Rockets Could Be the Future of Interplanetary Space Missions

Astrobiology Magazine:
Hot rocks, not warm atmosphere, led to relatively recent water-carved valleys on Mars

Daily Mail:
Think the weather is weird on Earth? Astronomers reveal the most extreme planets ever found

Air & Space Magazine:
Is the Phantom Planet Real?

Popular Science:
Our sun might have been born with an evil twin called "Nemesis"

June 14, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
Progress MS-06 spacecraft set for supply run to ISS

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz booster rolls out for launch with space station cargo freighter

Spaceflight Insider:
'Flight-proven' Falcon 9 to launch BulgariaSat-1 June 17

Space News:
SpaceX hopes to resume launches from Cape Canaveral launch pad later this summer

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX aims to restore damaged launch pad to service by end of summer

Space News:
Antares to resume Cygnus launches later this summer

Daily Mail:
Scientists developing crumb-free bread that could soon allow astronauts to eat sandwiches in space

Astrobiology Magazine:
Window to a Watery Past on Mars

Popular Science:
Jupiter may be even older than we thought

New Scientist:
How Jupiter split the asteroid belt in two shows its great age

Jupiter, the Largest Planet in the Solar System, Is Also the Oldest

Without Jupiter, Earth Would Be a Hellish, Uninhabitable World

Astrobiology Magazine:
ALMA Finds Ingredient of Life Around Infant Sun-like Stars

Universe Today:
What is the Drake Equation?

June 13, 2017

Daily Mail:
Worm regenerates into rare TWO-HEADED creature as groundbreaking study aboard the ISS reveals they can even regrow amputated parts in space

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz booster rolls out for launch with space station cargo freighter

Space News:
Cygnus cargo spacecraft reentered Sunday, completing two-month mission

Spaceflight Insider:
OA-7 Cygnus re-enters Earth's atmosphere after 2-month mission

Astronomy Now:
Comet claim for mysterious Wow signal sparks controversy

Live Science:
Comet Likely Didn't Cause Bizarre 'Wow!' Signal (But Aliens Might Have)

Live Science:
5 Times 'Aliens' Fooled Us

New Scientist:
Messages from fake aliens decoded quickly in online SETI contest

June 12, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Proton rocket successfully returns to flight after year-long grounding

Spaceflight Insider:
Proton-M returns to flight with launch of EchoStar 21

Space News:
A Proton rocket launched overnight on its first flight in a year

Spaceflight Now:
Video: Proton rocket returns to service with launch of EchoStar 21

Astrobiology Magazine:
NASA Finds Evidence of Diverse Environments in Curiosity Samples

New Scientist:
The mystery xenon in Earth's atmosphere came from icy comets

Comet Strikes May Have Helped Spur Life on Earth

WEEKEND EDITION: June 10, 2017 through June 11, 2017

String Theory's Weirdest Ideas Finally Make Sense - Thanks to VR

New Atlas:
Watch this nimble robot make quick work of odd shapes

New Atlas:
Megabots' giant American fighting robot beats up a Toyota Prius

The Scientific Story Of How Each Element Was Made

Daily Mail:
San Diego's Rose Canyon fault is MORE dangerous than thought and could trigger a massive earthquake that would 'liquefy' the ground

Astrobiology Magazine:
Volcanoes, referees for the life on Earth

The Largest Volcanic Eruption Of The 20th Century You Probably Never Heard Of

Stuff NZ:
The G&T effect: Antarctica is melting differently than the Arctic

Astrobiology Magazine:
How Hot Were the Oceans When Life First Evolved?

Scientists Find 100 Million-Year-Old, Nearly Complete Baby Bird Trapped in Amber

Stuff NZ:
Tyrannosaurus rex had scaly skin and wasn't covered in feathers, a new study says

Stuff NZ:
Moroccan fossils shake up understanding of human origins

Daily Mail:
The fossils that rewrite human history: 300,000-year-old bones found in Morocco reveal Homo Sapiens evolved across Africa 100,000 years EARLIER than thought

The History Blog:
3,500-year-old polychrome reliefs found in Lima temple

The History Blog:
Skrydstrup Woman wasn't from Denmark either

Live Science:
This Mask Is Among the Oldest Human-Made Metal Objects in South America

Live Science:
Ceramic Heads of Possible Goddesses Discovered in Ancient Waste Dump

The History Blog:
Prince of Lavau begins to reveal his secrets

The History Blog:
Roman bathhouse found under Carlisle Cricket Club

The History Blog:
Restored frescoes in Domitilla catacomb unveiled

The History Blog:
Gold coins found in Netherlands from last days of Roman Empire

Smithsonian Magazine:
England's Most Brutal King Was Its Best Peacemaker

Daily Mail:
Ancient Chinese temple is uncovered after almost 1,000 years: 80 tombs and hundreds of stone tablets are discovered that could provide clues about how Buddhism was spread

The History Blog:
British Museum conserves Durer's Triumphal Arch

The History Blog:
Large-scale portraits of Elizabeth I, ambassador attributed to miniaturist Hilliard

Atlas Obscura:
The Mysteries of a Rare, 18th-Century Native American Map

Smithsonian Magazine:
When Nova Scotia Almost Joined the American Revolution

'Alice in Wonderland' changed literature forever, by not trying to teach kids, just entertain them

c. 1900-1949 -- Hop pickers

Smithsonian Magazine:
Meet Pedro the "Voder," the First Electronic Machine to Talk

How American Codebreakers Helped Win the Battle of Midway - 75 Years Ago

Smithsonian Magazine:
Meet the Daredevil Parachutist Who Tested the First Nylon Parachute 75 Years Ago

Daily Mail:
Haunting D-Day photos of brave Allied troops wading ashore in France and soldiers lying dead on the beach are transformed with colour on the 73rd anniversary of the Normandy landings

Buffalo News:
Torn-Down Tuesday: The Crystal Beach Comet

Atlas Obscura:
These 1950s Coffee Commercials Featured Violent 'Muppets' Prototypes
Israel's secret plan to nuke the Egyptian desert

Ars Technica:
Can you commit manslaughter by sending texts? We're about to find out

New Atlas:
25 most interesting motorcycles at Mecum's June Las Vegas auctions

New Atlas:
In photos: The best of the best at Concorso d'Elegenza Villa d'Este

June 9, 2017

Daily Mail:
Could this two-person, electric hybrid helicopter help city commuters beat the rush hour in 2019?

New Atlas:
Video shows maiden flight of cyborg dragonfly

Popular Science:
Where airplanes go to die - and be reborn

The Mariner 9 Spacecraft And The Race To Orbit Mars

New Atlas:
To the stars by atom bomb: The incredible tale of the top secret Orion Project

The First American Spacewalk Happened 52 Years Ago Today

June 8, 2017

Washington Post:
Watch: Brilliant fireball darts across sky over Washington Tuesday night

Space News:
SpaceX will launch next secret X-37 Air Force mission

Spaceflight Now:
U.S. Air Force taps SpaceX to launch next X-37B spaceplane mission

Space News:
China planning to increase rate of human missions, hire new astronauts as it develops space station

Astrobiology Magazine:
NASA Orbiter Finds New Evidence of Frost on Moon's Surface

Mars Astronauts Face Double the Cancer Risk as Previously Estimated, Says Study

Daily Mail:
Mars Had Way More Water on its Surface Than We Thought

Daily Mail:
Did Enceladus TIP OVER? Cassini images reveal Saturn's moon might have been kocked over by an asteroid impact

Scientists Found An Exoplanet With Clouds Of Rubies And Sapphires [Infographic]

Daily Mail:
The Milky Way exists in a giant hole of the universe that may have helped life on Earth to develop

June 7, 2017

Daily Mail:
Incredible burning meteor 'brighter than the moon' is seen hurtling to Earth from the Devon coast

Daily Mail:
Nasa reveals historic 2018 mission to 'touch the sun' in an attempt to predict devastating solar storms

NASA's Developing a Whopping 40 Technologies for Its Mars Mission

Ars Technica:
Saturday's SpaceX launch carried a surprise payload - a Chinese experiment

Daily Mail:
Amateur astronomers spot a 'cold new world' just 100 light years from our sun

Scorching Alien World Discovered That's Nearly as Hot as Our Own Sun

New Scientist:
The hottest planet yet is twice Jupiter's size and hot as a star

Daily Mail:
Solved: Mysterious 'Wow! signal' in 1977 was not a message from aliens but triggered by gas from passing COMETS

June 6, 2017

The Himalayan:
Comet Johnson to make close approach to Earth

Spaceflight Insider:
India launches its largest rocket

Spaceflight Now:
India's launcher fleet gets an upgrade with successful test flight

Space News:
India's first GSLV Mark 3 rocket makes its debut

Spaceflight Now:
Dragon supply ship delivers to space station for second time

Spaceflight Insider:
CRS-11 Dragon arrives at International Space Station

Space News:
Virgin Galactic nears next phase of SpaceShipTwo test program

Cassini's Finale: What We Are Learning From Saturn's Solstice [Infographic]

What We Have Learned From Juno And Jupiter So Far [Infographic]

Daily Mail:
What it's like to fly over Jupiter: Astronomers turn just 36 of NASA'S Juno images into a stunning movie

June 5, 2017

Devon Herald:
Video captures huge bright meteor shooting through the night sky

Spaceflight Insider:
Soyuz MS-03 crew returns to Earth after nearly 200 days in space

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz with two-man crew lands safely in Kazakhstan

Spaceflight Now:
Reused Dragon cargo capsule launched on journey to space station

Space News:
Falcon 9 launches reused Dragon to the space station

Spaceflight Now:
S.S. John Glenn freighter departs space station after successful cargo delivery

Spaceflight Insider:
Cygnus unberthed, begins weeklong free flight

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: Falcon 9 rocket takes flight in 100th launch from pad 39A

New Scientist:
Mars rover sees signs of microbe-friendly layers in ancient lake

Astrobiology Magazine:
Curiosity Peels Back Layers on Ancient Martian Lake

Popular Science:
Mars was probably habitable for longer than we thought

Astronomers Still Can't Rule Out SETI's 'Wow!' Signal

WEEKEND EDITION: June 3, 2017 through June 4, 2017

Daily Mail:
Ripples in space time caused by the collision of two black holes are detected for a THIRD time: Discovery opens a new window on our universe

What Will The Death Of The Milky Way Look Like?

An A.I. in London is Writing Its Own Music and It Sounds Heavenly

Robotic Imitation of Human Behavior Just Took a Big Step Forward

How Michigan's Job-Stealing Robots Are Getting 'Schooled'

Job-Stealing Robots? Meet Your Maker

The Future Of Work Involves Some Really Rude Colleagues

Welcome To Robot Country, U.S.A.

Atlas Obscura:
In Search of the Elusive Pink-Headed Duck

New Scientist:
Extinct species of Galapagos giant tortoise may be resurrected

National Geographic:
Watch a Strange 'Walking Fish' That Has Experts Stumped

Atlas Obscura:
Found: America's Third Species of Flying Squirrel

Unusual 'House Of The Dead' Tells Archaeologists About Earliest Farmers

BBC History Extra:
What killed Tutankhamun?

Atlas Obscura:
An Egyptian Slab Lost in Berlin During World War II Has Been Found - in Michigan

Daily Mail:
Treasure trove of jade artefacts found in Guatemala could shed light on Mayan ceremonies 3,000 years ago

Smithsonian Magazine:
Researchers Analyze Burial of Ancient Celtic Prince

Daily Mail:
Stunning 1,600-year-old frescoes are revealed in Rome's biggest catacomb after lasers remove centuries of grime

Atlas Obscura:
Found: Cat's Paw Print on a Roman Roof Tile

Atlas Obscura:
The Modern Movement to Exonerate a Notorious Medieval Serial Killer

BBC History Extra:
Margaret Beaufort: mother of the Tudors

Atlas Obscura:
A Stash of 30 Hidden Bayonets Was Discovered in Valley Forge
Aaron Burr's Notorious Treason Case
The Strange Tale of New York's Forgotten Subway
Born in the USA: The Immigrant Son Who Fought for Birthright Citizenship

The Guardian:
Unseen Edith Wharton play found hidden in Texas archive

Atlas Obscura:
The Wartime Spies Who Used Knitting as an Espionage Tool

BBC History Extra:
The saga of the Einstein Tower

National Geographic:
Rare Blueprints Show How an Iconic Baseball Stadium Evolved

BBC History Extra:
Dunkirk: Where History Happened
Battle for the Aleutians: WWII's Forgotten Alaskan Campaign

BBC History Extra:
The battle for Okinawa: one Marine's story

POW Kurt Vonnegut Writes Home From World War II: 'The RAF Bombed Our Unmarked Train'

BBC History Extra:
1966: the Beatles' tumultuous world tour

Atlas Obscura:
The Intense Corporate 'Hell Camps' of 1980s Japan

Smithsonian Magazine:
Frank Lloyd Wright-Designed Buildings (and One Doghouse) Open for Rare Tours in Honor of the Architect's 150th Birthday

7 Great American Buildings That Looked Like the Future Until They Were Destroyed

June 2, 2017

Daily Mail:
Russia successfully tests 'unstoppable' 4,600mph hypersonic weapon that is faster than ANY global anti-missile system

Daily Mail:
The biggest plane EVER built: Microsoft billionaire unveils huge 'Stratolaunch' aircraft with two cockpits and a wingspan longer than a FOOTBALL FIELD that is designed to launch satellites into orbit

GE's Trailblazing J47

New Atlas:
Apollo Guidance Computer sale highlights contrasting views of historical significance
The Twisty Tale of an Apollo 11 Lunar Sample, Set to Go Up For Auction

Live Science:
The Sky's the Limit: 15 Key Milestones in Aviation History

Air & Space Magazine:
Amazing Stories of the Space Age

Spaceflight History:
Apollo Ends at Venus: A 1967 Proposal for Single-Launch Piloted Venus Flybys in 1972, 1973, and 1975

June 1, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Refurbished SpaceX supply ship ready for liftoff Thursday

Space News:
Weather looking favorable for Thursday SpaceX Falcon 9 launch

Space News:
Spaceport checkup delays Proton return to flight to June 7

Space News:
Stratolaunch rolls out giant aircraft

Universe Today:
Lunar Orbiter Takes a Meteorite Strike Right in the Camera

Popular Science:
52 of Cassini's most beautiful postcards from the outer solar system

New Scientist:
Huge impact could have smashed early Earth into a doughnut shape

May 31, 2017

Daily Mail:
SpaceX fires one of its megarocket's THREE boosters as Elon Musk admits 'one way or another, launch is guaranteed to be exciting'

Spaceflight Now:
Falcon 9 rocket fires engines in hold-down test for station resupply launch

Spaceflight Now:
Russia sends military satellite into orbit for missile warnings

Space News:
Launch of space-debris-removal experiment delayed due to safety reviews

Space News:
ESA investigation finds Schiaparelli spacecraft was "ill-prepared" to make Mars landing

Daily Mail:
Cassini hits another milestone: Nasa spacecraft witnesses Saturn's summer solstice

New Scientist:
Saturn's moons could reassemble after a cosmic smash-up

Universe Today:
Juno is Ready to Tell Us What it Found at Jupiter

Air & Space Magazine:
Is the Phantom Planet Real?

May 30, 2017

Mysterious Universe:
Unexplained Roaring Noises Terrify Nottingham, England

VIDEO: Fireball streaks across Bastrop sky

EJ Insight:
Saturday night fireball: Meteor spotted in New Territories

Smithsonian Magazine:
New Zealand Sent a 3D-Printed Rocket to Space

New Atlas:
Fifty percent success as Electron reaches space, but not orbit

Spaceflight Now:
Videos: Rocket Lab's Electron rocket lifts off for first time

Universe Today:
SpaceX Targets June 1 Launch of Space Station Cargo Delivery Mission for NASA

Daily Mail:
The moment that doomed Schiaparelli: 'Conflicting information' on the lander's computer caused it to crash into Mars, final investigation reveals

Daily Mail:
Jupiter's rings from the INSIDE: Stunning view is captured by Nasa's Juno probe in a world first

Daily Mail:
Incredible NASA images reveal 'a whole new Jupiter' as Juno spots 'monstrous' 870 mile-wide cyclones and massive magnetism on the gas giant

Daily Mail:
Aliens could be living closer than thought: Radioactive decay may support life on Pluto and Europa

Daily Mail:
Scientists spot 'potentially habitable' super-Earth planet just 21 light-years away

May 27, 2017 through May 29, 2017

Big Think:
Physicists Outline 10 Different Dimensions and How You'd Experience Them

Big Think:
There Are 2 Dimensions of Time, Theoretical Physicist States

Discoveries Fuel Fight Over Universe's First Light

Big Think:
There are 7 Edges of Science We'll Never Surpass, Oxford Mathematician States

New Atlas:
Google's AI beats world's top-ranking Go player

New Atlas:
World's first autonomous security vehicle with companion drone

New Atlas:
Turtle-bot teaches itself to waddle through the desert

New Atlas:
Did the Earth form from a new type of planetary object called a synestia?

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Does Earth's Geomagnetic Field Work?

Daily Mail:
Incredible 1.4 BILLION pixel map reveals the Gulf of Mexico's seafloor was scarred by a 200 million year old ocean

Daily Mail:
Scientists find an EXTRA layer of plate tectonics within Earth's mantle that could be causing strange tremors across the Pacific

Daily Mail:
Life on land began with an INVASION: 500-million-year-old footprints reveal how marine animals leaped onto dry soil from every corner of the Earth

Daily Mail:
Fossil of bus-sized prehistoric sea creature that ruled the seas in the age of dinosaurs is found in Russia

Live Science:
Incredible! Most Well-Preserved Armored Dinosaur Was a 'Spiky Tank'

The History Blog:
Nodosaur fossil so well-preserved it boggles minds

New Atlas:
T-Rex's bone-shattering bite was much worse than its bark

Daily Mail:
Tooth that proves 'Triceratops-style' horned dinosaurs roamed eastern US could rewrite our planet's history

Daily Mail:
How the blue whale got so big: Researchers say climate change turned them into binge eaters and caused an 'evolutionary jump' just 2-3 million years ago

Science Magazine:
Earliest evidence for dog breeding found on remote Siberian island

Scientific American:
Brood Awakening: 17-Year Cicadas Emerge 4 Years Early
Did the First Human Ancestor Emerge in Europe, Not Africa?

Atlas Obscura:
Found: Earliest Evidence of Humans Living on the Australian Coast

Daily Mail:
Secrets of the Stone Age artisans: Cavemen transformed the way they used PAINT signalling a cultural shift over four millenia

Daily Mail:
Hunter gatherers and early farmers DID live together and even had children: Rival societies co-operated 8,000 years ago, DNA reveals

Smithsonian Magazine:
Malta's Hypogeum, One of the World's Best Preserved Prehistoric Sites, Reopens to the Public

Daily Mail:
Roman sling bullets used against Scottish tribes 2,000 years ago were as deadly as a .44 Magnum

Daily Mail:
King Tutankhamun's bed and chariot go back to the pyramids as they are moved to new Grand Egyptian Museum

BBC History Extra:
The real Joan of Arc

Mass Grave From Thirty Years' War Reveals Brutal Cavalry Attack

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Long, Violent Border Dispute Between Colonial Maryland and Pennsylvania is Why We Have the Mason-Dixon Line

The History Blog:
Franz Xaver Mozart finally steps out of his dad's shadow

Daily Mail:
Did Russian tsar fake his own death to live as a MONK? DNA tests 'to check if Alexander I lived in disguise for 39 years after he was declared dead'

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Namesake of Howard University Spent Years Kicking Native Americans Off of Their Land

Air & Space Magazine:
A Brand New U.S. Weather Service Joined the Race in 1878 to Observe a Solar Eclipse

Daily Mail:
Love lost at sea: Locket found among Titanic wreckage belonged to survivor whose husband died on the ill-fated ship while traveling home to America
The Poppy and the Poet: How a Remembrance Symbol Was Born

1941-1945 -- Building Liberty ships

September 1942 -- Making the New York Times

June 6, 1944 -- New York on D-Day

Newly discovered color photos show everyday life in Soviet Russia through American eyes

Smithsonian Magazine:
Joe Pyne Was America's First Shock Jock

Smithsonian Magazine:
What the Unisphere Tells Us About America at the Dawn of the Space Age

Smithsonian Magazine:
When a Jet-Powered Car Raced in the Indianapolis 500

1962-1971 -- Diane Arbus in the park

Atlas Obscura:
How the Owner of the Greatest Mystery Bookstore Pulled the Genre Out of the Muck

Atlas Obscura:
What It Took to Demolish the Most Infamous Room at the Hanford Nuclear Site

Daily Mail:
From a 4,800 tonne water cleaning plant to a space ship spanning six lanes, the biggest things ever moved on the road revealed

BBC History Extra:
Touring London with Shakespeare, Dickens and Oscar Wilde: 7 must-see literary landmarks

Atlas Obscura:
The Lost Typefaces of W.A. Dwiggins

National Geographic:
21 Photos of China's Best UNESCO World Heritage Sites

National Geographic:
The Wonder of Water in 33 Dreamy Pictures

May 26, 2017

Air & Space Magazine:
A Brief History of Quadrotors

History Net:
The Douglas X-3 Stiletto

Spaceflight History:
"Still Under Active Consideration": Five Proposed Earth-Orbital Apollo Missions for the 1970s (1971)

Spaceflight History:
Venus As Proving Ground: A 1967 Proposal for a Piloted Venus Orbiter

Air & Space Magazine:
Test-Driving the Lunar Rover

May 25, 2017

Daily Mail:
The X-37b's big brother gets the go ahead: Boeing to build XS-1 'Phantom Express' hypersonic space plane that will allow short notice military satellite launches

Space News:
DARPA selects Boeing for spaceplane project

Spaceflight Now:
Observers spot top secret satellite launched by SpaceX earlier this month

Daily Mail:
NASA tests its 'megarocket' engine that will blast man to Mars

Spaceflight Now:
Probe into crash of ESA lander recommends more checks on ExoMars descent craft

Space News:
India's space agency planning to launch next lunar mission in 2018

Daily Mail:
Aliens could be living closer than thought: Radioactive decay may support life on Pluto and Europa

Spaceflight Now:
TRAPPIST-1h Orbit Suggests It Is Too Cold for Life

Daily Mail:
Will an asteroid collide with Earth this year? Nasa reveals the FIVE space rocks that will come 'close' to our planet

May 24, 2017

Astronomy Now:
Watch near-Earth asteroid 2017 CS dash across the northern sky 28 May-1 June

Spaceflight Now:
Astronauts replace failed computer in short spacewalk

NASA Declares 'Victory' With Critical ISS Spacewalk

Is There Space for 12,000 More Satellites Up There?

Universe Today:
We Have More Details on the Outermost Trappist-1 Planet!

Popular Science:
We may have accidentally formed a protective bubble around Earth

May 23, 2017

'Space Aggressors' Train US Forces for Extraterrestrial Conflict

Daily Mail:
Could humans of the future be born in SPACE? Mouse sperm stored on the ISS for 9 months produces healthy offspring

Spaceflight Now:
NASA's Cassini spacecraft aims to skirt Saturn's innermost ring

Spaceflight Now:
Juno spacecraft makes another pass by Jupiter

Astrobiology Magazine:
Rivers on three worlds tell different tales

Daily Mail:
A message from an alien race? New Australian radio telescope finds mysterious 'fast radio burst' just four days after being switched on

May 22, 2017

CBC News:
Falcon Lake incident is Canada's 'best-documented UFO case,' even 50 years later

Winnipeg Free Press:
Close encounter of the Manitoba kind

Chronicle Herald:
Mystery donor saves Shag Harbour UFO festival

Space News:
Astronauts to replace faulty electronics unit in unscheduled ISS spacewalk

Spaceflight Insider:
Contingency spacewalk required to replace failed relay box

Space News:
All booked: Virgin Galactic says suborbital spaceflights are full until 2021

New Scientist:
Titan's riverbeds show a terrain built more like Mars than Earth

New Scientist:
Astronomers scramble as 'alien megastructure' star dims again

Universe Today:
The Star That Probably Doesn't Have an Alien Megastructure (But Maybe it Does) is Dimming Again

WEEKEND EDITION: May 20, 2017 through May 21, 2017

Inside Science:
Meet the Biggest Censor of All: the Universe

The Guardian:
Multiverse: have astronomers found evidence of parallel universes?

Daily Mail:
Is this evidence of a parallel universe? 'Cold Spot' in space suggests there are alternate worlds with their own versions of reality

The Not-So-Secret Code That Powers Robots Around the Globe

These 14 Stunning Works of Art Were Made by Robots

Daily Mail:
The 'giant lava lamp' inside the Earth that might FLIP the planet's magnetic field

Daily Mail:
Is Italy's SUPERVOLCANO about to blow? Experts warn that Campi Flegrei is at a 'critical stage' in the build up to a devastating eruption

Daily Mail:
The 30 seconds that sentenced dinosaurs to their doom: New BBC documentary reveals the moment an asteroid NINE-MILES long hit the earth and wiped out an entire species

BBC News:
Dinosaur asteroid hit 'worst possible place'

Daily Mail:
The 'winged serpent' found in an ancient sinkhole: Fossil is new species of snake that lived 5 million years ago

Atlas Obscura:
This California Man Has Dedicated His Backyard to Saving a Butterfly

The Atlantic:
A New Addition to the Human Family Tree Is Surprisingly Young

NBC News:
Early Human Homo Naledi May Have Made Tools, Buried Dead

Washington Post:
At night at the museum, a Neanderthal skeleton comes out of the vault

The History Blog:
Tomb with 17 mummies found in Minya, Egypt

Atlas Obscura:
The Mystery of the 2,000-Year-Old Iron Beads

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Rare Public Display of a 17th-Century Mayan Manuscript

Atlas Obscura:
The Mysterious Death of the Namesake of the Douglas Fir

Atlas Obscura:
Florence Nightingale Was Born 197 Years Ago, and Her Infographics Were Better Than Most of the Internet's

Daily Mail:
Pictured: First car to EVER get a speeding ticket in 1896 (even if it was doing just 8mph)

Smithsonian Magazine:
How World War I Changed Weather Forecasting for Good

Smithsonian Magazine:
How WWI Sparked the Gay Rights Movement

Smithsonian Magazine:
The 1927 Bombing That Remains America's Deadliest School Massacre

Atlas Obscura:
During WWII, 'Rumor Clinics' Were Set Up to Dispel Morale-Damaging Gossip

Atlas Obscura:
For Sale: The First Map of Disneyland

The Secret History of William Gibson's Never-Filmed Aliens Sequel

New Atlas:
Masterclass: 25 legendary cars that prove beauty is more than skin deep

May 19, 2017

The Aviationist:
Newest Russian T-50 Stealth Aircraft Makes First Appearance in Spectacular New Camouflage

Daily Mail:
$190,000 amphibious flying car in crisis as crash kills two employees of the firm that makes it - including its lead designer

Daily Mail:
Would you go 'drone-diving'? Incredible video shows daredevil drop 1,082 feet from the sky after being lifted by a 28-propeller drone

Before JFK, there was Idlewild Airport

Spaceflight History:
Two for the Price of One: 1980s Piloted Missions with Stopovers at Mars and Venus (1969)

The Atlantic:
What Is America's Secret Space Shuttle For?

May 18, 2017

Shelburne County Coast Guard:
No love for Shag Harbour UFO: 50th anniversary event funding request denied

UFO enthusiasts gather for McMinville weekend fest

Spaceflight Insider:
Blue Origin's BE-4 engine test hardware suffers failure

Space News:
Russia plans to end dependence on U.S. satellites for communication with ISS

New Scientist:
Microbes might thrive after crash-landing on board a meteorite

Daily Mail:
First true-colour images of Saturn taken during Cassini's final orbits reveal the planet's permanent 120-mile-wide hurricane in stunning detail

New Scientist:
Neptune-like exoplanet spotted that has a watery atmosphere

Daily Mail:
Are you ready for the 'Great American Eclipse?' How to prepare for the incredible phenomenon that will darken the country from Oregon to South Carolina in just 100 days

May 17, 2017

Daily Mail:
Nasa creates a bizarre Mars rover concept that looks like the Batmobile and has a detachable laboratory

Space News:
Recent Photos From Curiosity Rover Show 'Megaripples' and Wheel Damage

Astrobiology Magazine:
Mars Rover Opportunity Begins Study of Valley's Origin

Astrobiology Magazine:
Ancient Mars impacts created tornado-like winds that scoured surface

Daily Galaxy:
Heavy Rains Reshaped Early Mars

Mars May Have Been Born in the Asteroid Belt

After 50 Years Of Missions, We're Finally Ready To Know: Is There Life On Mars?

CBS News/60 Minutes:
Did life ever exist on Mars? It could have

Business Insider:
If aliens existed on Mars, they might have lived in oasis-like pools

Johannes Kepler's obsession with Mars

May 16, 2017

Daily Mail:
Nasa unveils plans for a YEAR-LONG mission to the moon in preparation for the journey to Mars in the 2030s

Space News:
SpaceX launches fourth Global Xpress satellite on expendable Falcon 9

Scientific American:
The Sneaky Danger of Space Dust

Popular Science:
This watery, Neptune-sized exoplanet could help us learn how new worlds evolve

Scientific American:
Could "Planetary Protection" Scuttle Otherworldly Exploration?

Universe Today:
If Proxima b has an atmosphere like Earth's, it might be habitable

Daily Mail:
'Earth 2.0' COULD be habitable: Climate model suggests Proxima B is likely to have perfect conditions to host alien life

May 15, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX set to launch rare Falcon 9 for Inmarsat-5 F4 mission

Space News:
NASA decides not to place a crew on first SLS/Orion mission

Spaceflight Now:
NASA rules out crew on first SLS flight

NASA Astronauts Undertake 200th Spacewalk from the International Space Station

Spaceflight Insider:
Astronauts complete 200th ISS spacewalk

Spaceflight Now:
Astronauts complete shortened spacewalk outside International Space Station

Daily Mail:
Blow to Mars missions as researchers find spaceflight 'dramatically' slows the oxygen in astronaut's blood

Scientific American:
The Search for Life on Mars Is about to Get Weird

Air & Space Magazine:
Wandering Moons Could Make Good Abodes for Life

WEEKEND EDITION: May 13, 2017 through May 14, 2017

New Scientist:
Gravitational waves could show hints of extra dimensions

Daily Mail:
Do parallel universes exist? Gravitational waves could be the key to discovering an extra dimension

Daily Mail:
Move over Sherlock: AI detective Valcri solves crimes using deductions made from MILLIONS of pieces data

Daily Mail:
The Robotic falcon flying to the rescue of travellers: Canadian airport using drone to scare off birds from runways

Daily Mail:
Fears for the second largest ice shelf in Antarctica as researchers warn it is at the 'point of no return'

Astrobiology Magazine:
Earth was barren, flat and almost entirely under water 4.4 billion years ago

Sci News:
Earliest Signs of Microbial Life on Land Found in 3.48-Billion-Year-Old Hot Spring Deposits

Sydney Morning Herald:
Oldest evidence of life on land discovered in Australia

The Guardian:
Zombie ammonite discovery is 'snapshot of an unusual moment in deep time'

Smithsonian Magazine:
Ancient Creature Left a 28-Foot Drag Mark After It Died

Daily Mail:
Revealed: The incredible 110 million-year-old, 2,500 pound dinosaur fossil so well preserved it looks like a STATUE

Stuff NZ:
Who you gonna call? Dinosaur named for 'Ghostbusters' beast Zuul

Daily Mail:
Revealed: 75-million-year-old armoured dinosaur named after Zuul from Ghostbusters has a short snout, devilish horns and lethal club tail

Smithsonian Magazine:
Infant Dinosaur Found Still Encased in Its Egg Identified as New Species

The Guardian:
36m-year-old fossil discovery is missing link in whale evolution, say researchers

Live Science:
15 of the Largest Animals of Their Kind on Earth

Daily Mail:
Humanity's mystery new cousin is surprisingly young: 335,000-year-old fossils of Homo naledi transform our understanding of human evolution

New Scientist:
Meet 'Neo', the most complete skeleton of Homo naledi ever found

New Atlas:
Newly discovered Homo naledi lived alongside our early ancestors

The History Blog:
Mongoose on a leash identified in Middle Kingdom tomb

Daily Mail:
Archaeologists discover Egypt's first funerary garden in 4,000-year-old find at Luxor tomb entrance

The History Blog:
First-ever funerary garden found in Luxor

The History Blog:
24 Bronze Age axes found in Norway

Smithsonian Magazine:
Found: Pages From One of the First Books Printed in England

Daily Mail:
Burial chamber of a 'Pharaoh's daughter' dating back 3,700 years is found in Egypt alongside jars filled with her ORGANS

The History Blog:
Rare 17th c. Dutch wall map of Australia emerges at auction

Smithsonian Magazine:
Why the Colonies' Most Galvanizing Patriot Never Became a Founding Father
The Strange Saga of the 27th Amendment

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Infamous 19th-Century Birth Control Pamphlet Got Its Writer Imprisoned
The Man Behind the Kentucky Derby

Smithsonian Magazine:
Tomatoes Have Legally Been Vegetables Since 1893

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Faux "Sioux" Sharpshooter Who Became Annie Oakley's Rival
The Mysterious Disappearance of L'Oiseau Blanc

Smithsonian Magazine:
What Really Felled the Hindenburg?

The Guardian:
Britain's first female second world war spy to get overdue recognition
Last Secret JFK Files Could Be Released Soon

Only One Country Has Ever Voluntarily Given Up Its Nukes

The History Blog:
Mode Persuasive Cartography collection digitized

New Atlas:
Patek Philippe Calibre 89, the 20th century's most complicated watch, heads to auction

May 12, 2017

Daily Mail:
New UK facility to test engines for a spaceplane that will take tourists into orbit at five times the speed of sound

Daily Mail:
World's largest aircraft takes to the skies for the first time since it crashed on a test flight nine months ago

Air & Space Magazine:
Meet Natilus, the Jumbo Drone

Daily Mail:
Is this China's new drone bomber? Picture claims to show Beijing's sea-skimming anti-ship unmanned aircraft 'that could avoid radar detection'

BBC News:
The world's biggest plane may have a new mission

Daily Mail:
Ghosts of the USSR: Eerie photographs show Soviet-era space shuttles left to rust in an abandoned desert hangar in Kazakhstan

Stuff NZ:
'I wanted to serve': How deaf men helped Nasa understand motion sickness in space

May 11, 2017

Aurora's Ned the Alien: A 'damn good story' 120 years and counting

The Aviationist:
We Have Rented A Cessna 172 And Skirted Area 51 and Nevada Test and Training Range. Here Is How It Went.

Daily Mail:
Nasa unveils plans for a YEAR-LONG mission to the moon in preparation for the journey to Mars in the 2030s

Daily Mail:
The rocket that will take man to the moon and Mars: NASA wind tunnel tests its SLS rocket (although its model is only 6 feet tall)

Astrobiology Magazine:
After Thirteen Lucky Years At Saturn, Cassini's Mission Comes to An End

New Scientist:
Waves surge in opposite directions around Io's largest lava lake

Comet 67P Found to Be Producing Its Own Oxygen in Deep Space

Real search for aliens gets weird signal from a sci-fi world

May 10, 2017

Universe Today:
Newly Discovered House-Sized Asteroid 2017 HX4 Flew Safely Past the Earth Yesterday

Space News:
Static fire test brings Falcon Heavy one step closer to debut

Spaceflight Now:
James Webb Space Telescope shipped to Texas for its biggest test yet

Spaceflight Now:
Cassini downlinks view of Titan's methane clouds on third loop inside rings

What we learned from Asteroid 2014 JO25

May 9, 2017

Daily Mail:
Back with a bang! Top secret Air Force X-37B lands with a sonic boom after spending two YEARS in space but they still won't say what it was doing up there

Stuff NZ:
US military spacecraft ends secret mission orbiting Earth

Popular Science:
The Air Force wants you to know about its secret robotic spacecraft, the X-37B

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: Sunday's return of X-37B after 718 days in space

Spaceflight Now:
Video: Sunday's landing of X-37B at Kennedy Space Center

How a Helicopter Drone Could Fly on Mars

Universe Today:
Does Jupiter Have a Solid Core?

New Scientist:
Earth may have been born in a huge flare-up of the young sun

May 8, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
4th X-37B conducts first landing at Kennedy Space Center

Space News:
X-37B lands after record-setting mission

Spaceflight Now:
X-37B spaceplane returns to Earth and makes autopilot landing in Florida

Astrobiology Magazine:
NASA Rover Samples Active Linear Dune on Mars

Daily Mail:
NASA reveals stunning new image of mysterious swirling storms at Jupiter's south pole

Stuff NZ:
'Space rock' found in backyard impact crater in Wainuiomata, near Wellington

WEEKEND EDITION: May 6, 2017 through May 7, 2017

Mysterious Universe:
Mysterious "Cold Spot" in Space May Prove the Multiverse is Real

Daily Mail:
Department of Energy's Virginia accelerator reveals breakthrough in detecting potential new form of matter

Daily Mail:
Meet the Monkey King: China unveils 15 foot tall fighting 'megabot' to take on the US and Japan

Daily Mail:
The bizarre bipedal robot that runs like an OSTRICH and can balance itself without any assistance

Astrobiology Magazine:
Rock Samples Indicate Water is Key Ingredient for Crust Formation

Daily Mail:
The massive meteorite that reshaped the Earth: Study reveal the full extent of vast volcanic eruptions caused by impact 1.8 billion years ago

Astrobiology Magazine:
Discovery in northern lakes may be key to understanding early life on Earth

New Atlas:
Forgotten fossil fills blanks in dinosaur evolution

Daily Mail:
Meet Max: Giant 150 million-year-old relative of Diplodocus with a 30ft neck and whip-like tail is unearthed

This New Dinosaur Looked an Awful Lot Like a Chicken

Daily Mail:
New 'mini-T Rex' species was the last dinosaur to roam Africa before the creatures went extinct 66 million years ago

Daily Mail:
The beast on the beach: Fossil hunters find shin bone of 2m-year-old mammoth... in Norfolk

New Atlas:
"Lost lizard" rediscovered on remote Pacific island

Daily Mail:
Devastating volcanic eruption that rocked Australia 7,000 years ago has lived on in Aboriginal stories for 230 generations

Mysterious Universe:
New Research Casts Doubts on Otzi the Iceman Murder Theory

The History Blog:
Guennol Stargazer sells for $14,471,500, or does it?

The History Blog:
24 Bronze Age axes found in Norway

Smithsonian Magazine:
Model Looms Are Missing Link in China's Textile History

Daily Mail:
Back from the dead: 2,000-year-old tomb of Emperor Augustus will be restored to its former glory in £8.4 million project

The History Blog:
Quiver of arrows found in Fregerslev Viking grave

Daily Mail:
Has an anchor left behind by Christopher Columbus been found in the Caribbean? Experts reveal find made using 'space map'

Smithsonian Magazine:
On Evil May Day, Londoners Rioted Over Foreigners Stealing Their Jobs
Stranded in the New World: The Amazing Odyssey of Cabeza de Vaca

BBC History Extra:
Why did Anne Boleyn have to die?

New Atlas:
World's first physics textbook sells for $790,000

The History Blog:
Massasoit Ousamequin's relics to be reburied

Atlas Obscura:
One of the Earliest Industrial Spies Was a French Missionary Stationed in China

Smithsonian Magazine:
Benjamin Franklin Was the First to Chart the Gulf Stream

Smithsonian Magazine:
George Washington's Congress Got Off to an Embarrassing Start

Smithsonian Magazine:
Fearing a Smallpox Epidemic, Civil War Troops Tried to Self-Vaccinate

These vivid color photos from the 1890s used retouching to make the world more real

The History Blog:
Rodin's unique Absolution on display for the first time

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Women Warriors of the Russian Revolution

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Woodrow Wilson's Propaganda Machine Changed American Journalism

In 1929, Black Jockeys Disappeared From the Kentucky Derby

Daily Mail:
'The air was on fire'; Last survivor of the Hindenburg Disaster remembers the moment the huge airship burst into flames 80 years ago and killed his father and sister

Smithsonian Magazine:
Times Square's Glitzy Look was One Man's Bright Idea

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Humble Moss Healed the Wounds of Thousands in World War I

Atlas Obscura:
The Mysterious Case of the Radioactive Toothpaste

Atlas Obscura:
The 1957 Rikers Island Plane Crash That Made Inmates Heroes

Smithsonian Magazine:
The US Declared "Loyalty Day" in the 1950s to Erase Worker Protest

This New Luxury Sleeper Train In Japan Is Beautiful And Insane

New Atlas:
Bonhams Spring Staffordshire sale highlights include $210,000 barn find Vincent White Shadow

New Atlas:
Mercedes-Benz 680 S Saoutchik Torpedo Roadster heads to auction

Atlas Obscura:
The 17th-Century Moon Mission That Never Got Off the Ground

May 5, 2017

Daily Mail:
Tony Stark, eat your heart out! British inventor wows crowds by taking flight in his 'Iron Man' suit

Daily Mail:
Lockheed Martin unleashes the Fury: First flight tests of stealth superdrone that can stay airborne for fifteen hours revealed and is launched by catapult

Spaceflight History:
Floaters, Armored Landers, Radar Orbiters, and Drop Sondes: Automated Probes For Piloted Venus Flybys (1967)

Spaceflight History:
Geosynchronous Drift: Krafft Ehricke's Destination Mankind Apollo Mission (1972)

The Luftwaffe's Secret Squadrons

The Luftwaffe's High-Flying Diesel

Airmail's First Day

The Suicide Club

The Atlantic:
Sergey Brin's Secret Zeppelin

May 4, 2017

Ellwood City Ledger:
UFO sightings reported in the area in the 1970s

Space News:
SpaceShipTwo tests feather system on latest glide flight

Spaceflight Insider:
Photo Gallery: SpaceX launches classified NROL-76 payload

Stuff NZ:
Leak causes early end to Nasa's Wanaka balloon mission

Space News:
Mars' looming traffic jam

Spaceflight Now:
First aerial color photo of Mars rover's "hole-in-one" landing site

Smithsonian Magazine:
How and When Did Saturn Get Those Magnificent Rings?

Spaceflight Now:
NASA probe finds Saturn ring gap emptier than predicted

New Scientist:
First results from Jupiter probe show huge magnetism and storms

Daily Mail:
NASA reveals 'remarkably similar' planetary system just 10.5 light years away from Earth

Universe Today:
Where Should We Look For Ancient Civilizations in the Solar System?

May 3, 2017

Daily Mail:
China will begin building a permanent base in orbit to rival the International Space Station in 2019

Space News:
China ready to move ahead with development of a space station after refueling tests

New Scientist:
Mars Trojans may be part of a planet that was destroyed long ago

Astrobiology Magazine:
Research team discovers lull in Mars' giant impact history

NASA's $200M Spacesuit Problem Threatens Its Deep-Space Exploration Plans

Popular Science:
Why NASA is running out of spacesuits

Space News:
The moon is the gateway to NASA's exploration future

Stuff NZ:
China and Europe in talks to create 'moon village'

May 2, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX ventures 'into the black' with classified NROL-76 mission

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX successfully boosts top secret U.S. government satellite into space

Space News:
SpaceX launches first spy satellite after 24-hour hold

Elon Musk's SpaceX Sends Secret US Spy Satellite Into Orbit, Then Lands Rocket

Universe Today:
SpaceX Stages Stupendous NRO Spysat Sunrise Liftoff and Land Landing

Distant Dwarf Planet DeeDee Stirs Up the Pluto Planethood Debate

Daily Mail:
Earth's frozen twin: NASA finds 'iceball' planet that has the same mass and orbits its star at the same distance

May 1, 2017

Space News:
SpaceX spy launch scrubbed Sunday, rescheduled for Monday

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX launch scrubbed in final minute of countdown

Spaceflight Insider:
Sensor issue prompts 24-hour delay for classified Falcon 9 mission

Spaceflight Now:
Tianzhou 1 freighter achieves China's first in-space refueling demo

Ars Technica:
Cassini flies where no spacecraft has gone before - within 3,000km of Saturn

Space News:
NASA's Cassini spacecraft completes first close approach to Saturn

Cassini Probe Survives First 'Grand Finale' Ring Dive Around Saturn

Spaceflight Now:
Cassini contacts Earth after flying inside Saturn's rings

New Scientist:
Icy Enceladus's tiger stripes are a window on its watery depths

New Scientist:
We could detect alien life by finding complex molecules

WEEKEND EDITION: April 29, 2017 through April 30, 2017

Universe Today:
Is Another Universe Sitting Too Close To Us On The Multiverse Bus?

Is Time Travel Possible, According To Science?

Sacramento Bee:
A robot is programmed to write a movie. The result is better than you'd think.

Science Magazine:
Watch this robot construct the world's biggest botmade building by itself

Boston Dynamics has been using its robot 'dog' to deliver packages in Boston

Live Science:
Odd New Theory Explains How Early Earth Got Its Oxygen

Popular Mechanics:
7 of the World's Most Fearsome Active Volcanoes

Live Science:
Earliest Fungus-Like Fossils Date Back 2.4 Billion Years

Mother Nature Network:
15 astounding facts about trees

The Guardian:
Pincer-wielding 507m-year-old fossil sheds light on evolution of crabs

New Atlas:
Meet the skunk-sized predator that topped the food chain 34 million years ago

Mental Floss:
20 Fun Facts About Penguins

The Guardian:
'Hobbit' species did not evolve from ancestor of modern humans, research finds

New Atlas:
Mastodon bones push arrival of early humans in America back by 115,000 years

Science Magazine:
Were humans in the Americas 100,000 years earlier than scientists thought?

Popular Science:
A mastodon carcass could totally rewrite American history - but there's reason to be skeptical

Daily Mail:
The violent birth of modern man: The incredible ancient stone carvings that reveal how a devastating comet impact 13,000 years ago killed thousands, altered the climate and triggered the rise of the first civilisations

The History Blog:
Model looms found in ancient tomb in China

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Fears That Fueled an Ancient Border Wall

BBC History Extra:
St George's Day: 10 things you (probably) didn't know about him

Smithsonian Magazine:
Photos Capture India's Ancient, Vanishing Stepwells

BBC History Extra:
Edmund Ironside: Anglo-Saxon warrior king

Daily Mail:
The hidden world of the Knights Templar: Stunning images show mysterious carvings etched into a Hertfordshire cave by warrior monks 800 years ago

Daily Mail:
Stunning new pictures reveal the secret room hidden under a trapdoor in Florence experts believe contains lost Michelangelo artwork

Mysterious Universe:
Lost City of the Wichita Nation Found in Kansas

The History Blog:
Massasoit Ousamequin's relics to be reburied

The History Blog:
1627 Knight's Tomb in Jamestown conserved

BBC History Extra:
Scandal, conspiracy and the affair of the poisons: inside the court of Louis XIV

Mental Floss:
Franz Anton Mesmer, the Man Who Invented Hypnotism

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Prussian Nobleman Who Helped Save the American Revolution

The History Blog:
Second parchment manuscript of Declaration of Independence found in UK

Mental Floss:
The Shakespeare Fraud That Tricked Late 18th Century London

Daily Mail:
Mystery of the doomed Franklin Expedition deepens: Some of the 129 sailors who died after getting stuck in Arctic ice 170 years ago were WOMEN

The History Blog:
Florence Nightingale's Egyptian artifacts to go on display

Smithsonian Magazine:
How an Alcohol-Hating English Preacher Founded Global Tourism

BBC History Extra:
Life in 19th-century slums: Victorian London's homes from hell

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Tragic Story of the First Ascent of the Matterhorn

Mental Floss:
He Built a 40-Foot "Spite Fence" Around His Neighbor's House

Smithsonian Magazine:
Although Less Deadly Than Crinolines, Bustles Were Still a Pain in the Behind

The History Blog:
Gold coin hoard found in piano declared treasure

Smithsonian Magazine:
Where to See the Fabled Faberge Imperial Easter Eggs

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Coal Mining Massacre America Forgot
The FBI's First Big Case: The Osage Murders
D-Day's Deadly Dress Rehearsal
Live from Nevada... It's an A-Bomb Test!

In the Orangeburg massacre, three black teens were shot dead for protesting a segregated bowling alley

Salvador Dali's illustrations for Alice's Adventure's In Wonderland (1969)

Daily Mail:
From a $1,499 cell phone to a $18,000 computer: Retro adverts reveal the astonishing prices of now obsolete technology

Washington Post:
Remembering the La Plata tornado, 15 years later

New Atlas:
"Moby Dick" threatens to break motorcycle auction records

BBC History Extra:
From dragons to unicorns: finding fantastic beasts in ancient history

Smithsonian Magazine:
After Nearly a Century in Storage, These World War I Artworks Still Deliver the Vivid Shock of War

April 28, 2017

New Atlas:
Lilium plans five-seater air taxi after successful unmanned flight

Spaceflight History:
NASA Johnson's Plan to PEP Up Shuttle/Spacelab (1981)

Spaceflight History:
Things to Do During a Venus-Mars-Venus Piloted Flyby Mission (1968)

Air & Space Magazine:
The First Fatal Spaceflight

Mental Floss:
A Brief History of Soyuz 1, Fifty Years Later

Popular Science:
Whose is bigger? How all the Mars-bound rockets stack up

April 27, 2017

Keys deputy among those who spotted meteor streaking over South Florida

Palm Beach Post:
Breaking: South Florida meteor may have been man-made space junk

Space news:
SpaceX prepares for its first big NRO launch

Stuff NZ:
Wanaka's Anzac poppy goes on 100 day scientific flight around world

Stuff NZ:
Nasa balloon carries Anzac poppy to outer space and is seen from Christchurch

New Scientist:
Melting moons could support liveable atmospheres for aeons

New Scientist:
We still haven't heard from aliens - here's why we might never

April 26, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX completes static fire test for Sunday launch of secret satellite

Spaceflight Insider:
Falcon 9 hotfire test blazes way for classified NROL-76 mission

Spaceflight Insider:
Titan flyby launches Cassini into Grande Finale

Spaceflight Now:
Cassini sails by Saturn's moon Titan for last time

Smithsonian Magazine:
Bye Bye Cassini, the Doomed Space Probe That Revealed Saturn's Secrets

How to Turn an Asteroid Into a Spacecraft

April 25, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
Soyuz MS-04 arrival increases ISS crew size to 5

SpaceX and Boeing's New ISS Crew Vehicles Will Also Serve as Emergency 'Lifeboats'

Spaceflight Insider:
Opportunity Mars rover leaves 'Tribulation' for 'Perseverance'

Daily Mail:
Ta-ta to Titan! Cassini makes its last close flyby of moon as it prepares to crash into Saturn as its 'grand finale'

Astrobiology Magazine:
Researchers produce detailed map of potential Mars rover landing site

Astrobiology Magazine:
Oceans galore: new study suggests most habitable planets may lack dry land

New Scientist:
The five best exoplanets in the galaxy to check for alien life

April 24, 2017

New York Times:
Asteroid Misses Earth Narrowly, by Cosmic Standards

Spaceflight Now:
Two fresh crew members join space station expedition

Spaceflight Now:
China's Tianzhou 1 cargo carrier docks with space lab in orbit

Ars Technica:
China takes a key step toward building a large space station

Space News:
China launches first cargo spacecraft on mission to test docking and refueling

Spaceflight Now:
Cygnus freighter arrives at space station with bounty of supplies and new science

The 7 Worst Immediate Effects of an Asteroid Hitting Earth, Ranked

New Scientist:
Earth's greatest hits: Six of the biggest meteorites in history

WEEKEND EDITION: April 22, 2017 through April 23, 2017

Daily Mail:
The Large Hadron Collider finds 'intriguing anomalies' that could rewrite the rules of physics

Universe Today:
CERN Declares War On The Standard Model

Daily Mail:
The stuff of nightmares: Terrifying six-legged robot tarantula is captured on film tackling tough terrain

Watch Tiny Robots Battle to the Death in Japan's ROBO-ONE

Daily Mail:
Enormous iceberg 50ft taller than the one that sank the Titanic floats past the Canadian coast causing bumper-to-bumper tailbacks as tourists flock to see the monster block of ice

Daily Mail:
The stunning timelapse that shows California's Sierra snowpack is bigger than it has been for the last four years COMBINED

Daily Mail:
The ancient sea scorpion that slashed its prey with a serrated tail
Montana Fossil Turns Out to Be New Kind of "Sea Dinosaur"

Stuff NZ:
Penguins and sea lions beat a retreat to NZ during the Little Ice Age: Otago research

Daily Mail:
Indonesia's Flores 'hobbits' may be the earliest human species to have left Africa 1.75 million years ago

Daily Mail:
Revealed: EIGHT MUMMIES and a treasure trove of artefacts are unearthed in a 3,500-year-old tomb near the ancient city of Luxor

Daily Mail:
Incredible 11-metre statue of Ramses II is unveiled in Luxor after being restored from 57 broken pieces

The History Blog:
5 Archbishops of Canterbury found under a church floor

Atlas Obscura:
Colonial America Was Built on Lottery Revenue

Boston Globe:
Second parchment copy of Declaration of Independence found - in England

The History Blog:
Napoleon's first love captured in a ring

Mental Floss:
10 Facts About Charlotte Bronte

Mental Floss:
How Thomas Edison Jr. Shamed the Family Name

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Jigsaw Puzzle Was Given to Ellis Island Immigrants to Test Their Intelligence

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Luxury Hotel in London Was Once a Secret Spy Base

Daily Mail:
The Second World War as if it were yesterday: Extraordinary collection of rare colour photographs reveal life as the people living through the war would have seen it
One Final Toast for the Doolittle Raiders

Daily Mail:
Is this what Armageddon would look like? Terrifying archive footage from the 1950s shows mushroom clouds burst into the sky over Nevada and the Pacific Ocean during US nuclear tests

Andy Warhol's Illustrations for The Little Red Hen (1958)

What the government didn't mention about fallout shelters

The Atlantic:
The First-Ever Banner Ad on the Web

Daily Mail:
Russia unveils its new Arctic military base housing nuclear-ready warplanes and REINDEER-powered special forces as it seeks to claim the region's huge oil and gas reserves

Power Outages Coincide in LA, New York, and San Francisco

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Minnesota Home Designed by Frank Lloyd Wright Is For Sale, Original Furniture And All

Mental Floss:
There's a Zoo for Sale on Craigslist (Animals Included)

Smithsonian Magazine:
Where to See Five of the Planet's Most Mysterious Geoglyphs

April 21, 2017

Daily Mail:
Lockheed Martin reveals radical SB-1 Defiant that would be the fastest helicopter in the world and replace the Blackhawk AND Apache

Daily Mail:
'The Flying Bum' - the world's biggest airliner - 'nosedives into a field' after breaking free from its moorings just months after crashing on test flight

Air & Space Magazine:
The Spysat and the Shuttle

Universe Today:
Art History NASA Style

Mental Floss:
On This Day in 1972, Apollo 16 Blasted Off

New Atlas:
Secret pouch from Apollo 15 up for auction

April 20, 2017

Daily Mail:
Air Force's mysterious X-37B space plane reaches a record 700 days in orbit (but we STILL don't know its mission)

New Scientist:
Satellite swarms could increase space junk risk by 50 per cent

Spaceflight Now:
Video: Atlas takes flight with Cygnus

Ars Technica:
On Venus, tectonics without the plates

Daily Mail:
The 'giant bird tracks' on Mars: NASA reveals image of mysterious raised areas on the red planet's surface

Spaceflight Insider:
Planets orbiting double-star systems could support life, study suggests

Astrobiology Magazine:
ALMA Investigates 'DeeDee,' a Distant, Dim Member of Our Solar System

Astronomers Say This Distant 'Super-Earth' Might Just Be Habitable

New Scientist:
The five best exoplanets in the galaxy to check for alien life

Daily Mail:
The tiny 250km wide red world that could prove Planet Nine DOESN'T exist

April 19, 2017

NBC News:
Huge Asteroid to Give Earth a Very Close Shave on April 19

Spaceflight Now:
Atlas 5 rocket successfully boosts Cygnus cargo ship on trek to space station

Space News:
Atlas 5 launches Cygnus cargo mission to ISS

New Scientist:
Fleet of CubeSats launches to study the neglected 'ignorosphere'

Space News:
Space junk in orbit is bad enough, but on Mars?

Spaceflight Now:
How to Mitigate the Threat Space Junk on Mars Poses to Future Missions

NBC News:
New Asteroid Study Suggests Hollywood Is Wrong About Ocean Impacts

April 18, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
China's first robotic resupply freighter transferred to launch pad

Spaceflight Insider:
New ISS crew set to lift off on Soyuz-FG from Baikonur on first crewed launch of 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz booster moved to launch pad to loft two-man crew

New Scientist:
Saturn's flying saucer moon Atlas has a smooth fluffy edge

Spaceflight Now:
Saturn's disk-shaped moon Atlas spotted by Cassini

April 17, 2017

An Asteroid the Size of the Rock of Gibraltar Is Hurtling Toward Earth... but Don't Worry

Spaceflight Now:
Atlas 5 rocket aims for Tuesday morning launch of supplies to space station

Spaceflight Now:
Cygnus ship sending abundance of science to International Space Station

Spaceflight Insider:
Ocean worlds Enceladus and Europa could be habitable for microbial life

NASA: Saturn's Ice Moon Enceladus Might Be Capable of Supporting Life

New Scientist:
Cassini finds final ingredient for alien life in Enceladus's sea

Spaceflight Now:
New discoveries raise prospects for life on moons of Jupiter and Saturn

Space News:
"Ocean Worlds" discoveries build case for new missions

How Would NASA Search for Extraterrestrial Life on Enceladus?

WEEKEND EDITION: April 15, 2017 through April 16, 2017

How Would The Universe Change If We Grew An Extra Dimension?

Science Alert:
Physics Explained: Here's Why the Speed of Light Is the Speed of Light

The Atlantic:
Google Is Using Artificial Intelligence for Clip Art

This industrial robot has eyes because they make human workers feel more comfortable

Business Insider:
This salad-making robot can build 1,000 different salads in 60 seconds each

Fedex is using autonomous robots to essentially replace the mailroom clerk

Daily Mail:
From Vesuvius to Krakatoa, researchers reveal the world's five deadliest volcanoes

ABC Australia:
Plant-like fossils, believed to be red algae, found in 1.6 billion-year-old rocks

Daily Mail:
Long-forgotten fossils of a crocodile-like creature with 'crankles' could be the missing link in dinosaur evolution

Daily Mail:
Shelling out: Stunning 33 million-year-old fossilised turtle from the Badlands of South Dakota to sell for £3,500

Daily Mail:
Arachnophobes look away! Scientists find 50 new species of Australian spider including one the size of a dinner plate

Daily Mail:
Revealed: 14,000-year-old village 'older than Egyptian pyramids' sheds light on how civilisation began in North America

The History Blog:
Look at Idrimi's statue and receive his blessing
Ancient Manure is Latest Clue in Biblical Mystery

BBC History Extra:
How Archimedes took on the Romans

The History Blog:
Roman settlement in north England may rewrite history

BBC History Extra:
Who decided Edward Seymour, Duke of Somerset, should be executed?

Atlas Obscura:
The 'Black Mozart' Was So Much More

BBC History Extra:
The final days of Marie Antoinette

Atlas Obscura:
Utah's First Federal Surveyor Fled the Territory Fearing for His Life

BBC News:
The monster ships that changed how we travel

Daily Mail:
Love lost at sea: Locket found among Titanic wreckage belonged to survivor whose husband died on the ill-fated ship while traveling home to America
Rare Titanic Photo Depicts Final Days

Smithsonian Magazine:
In a Czar-less Russia, Winning Was Easy. Governing Was Harder.

BBC History Extra:
5 First World War poets

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Women Who Fried Donuts and Dodged Bombs on the Front Lines of WWI

The History Blog:
Stolen Norman Rockwell painting found after 41 years

Smithsonian Magazine:
Movie Palaces Let Everyday Americans Be Royalty

10,000 West Virginia coal miners once went to war with the local police, and dozens died

Mental Floss:
Percy Fawcett's Doomed Search for the Lost City of Z

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 Laid Bare the Divide Between the North and the South

Mashable - Retronaut:
1939 - Texas roughhnecks

Daily Mail:
Inside the secret labyrinth of WW2 tunnels known as the Great North Road dug a mile under the Rock of Gibraltar to protect the Allies with 'streets' named after English towns so British troops could find their way around
After Jackie: The Guys of '47

The life of an American country doctor was heroic, necessary, and utterly exhausting

Smithsonian Magazine:
What We Know About the CIA's Midcentury Mind-Control Project

Atlas Obscura:
The Behind-the-Scenes Story of an Unplanned Meltdown at America's First Nuclear Power Reactor

BBC News:
The most sophisticated people you never knew

Mental Floss:
21 Phrases You Use Without Realizing You're Quoting Shakespeare

April 14, 2017

Daily Mail:
Hoverboards are REAL: Breathtaking footage shows a man soaring above the ocean on a device that can reach 10,000ft- and you can hire one TODAY!

Daily Mail:
Flying car firm AeroMobil unveils new images of its radical hybrid vehicle and claims it will be ready for pre-order THIS YEAR

New Atlas:
Airlander 10 airship gets outfitted for cushier landings

BBC History Extra:
In pictures: Zeppelin raids on First World War Britain

Atlas Obscura:
How a Wild West Showman Brought Man-Lifting Kites to the British Army

Stuff NZ:
Roger Hanson: The Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird - still one of the world's fastest aircraft

Smithsonian Magazine:
The First Manned Space Flight Was the Rocket Designer's Victory as Much as Yuri Gagarin's

Mental Floss:
In 1959, Soviets Littered the Moon With Tiny Metal Pennants

Mental Floss:
On This Day in 1959, America Met the Mercury Seven

Space News:
Aerojet to move rocket engine work out of historic facility

April 13, 2017

The State:
'One of the coolest things I've ever seen!' Did you see the fireball Wednesday night?

VIDEO: Fireball seen shooting across NC sky

Space News:
China launches an experimental communications satellite

Spaceflight Now:
China's highest-capacity communications satellite launched into orbit

Universe Today:
World's Largest Rocket Will Be Recoverable & Reusable

Daily Mail:
The radical single stage aerospike rocket that could revolutionize satellite launches

Astrobiology Magazine:
New Horizons Halfway from Pluto to Next Flyby Target

Daily Mail:
Scientists discover second 'Great Spot' on Jupiter: Newly found cold weather system could be thousands of years old

ABC Australia:
Why is NASA going to visit the giant metal asteroid 16 Psyche?

April 12, 2017

Meteor spotted streaking across California sky

Plymouth Herald:
'I saw a meteor break up over Plymouth and it was amazing'

Space News:
Commercial crew flight assignments could come this summer

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: Soyuz MS-02 spaceship lands in Kazakhstan

Popular Science:
Watch the Soyuz 50 spacecraft land pretty much perfectly

New Scientist:
Mars is so small because Jupiter shook up its formation

Volcanic Activity on Ancient Mars May Have Produced Organic Life

New Scientist:
Mars's atmosphere hosts metal layers that shouldn't exist

The Atlantic:
What Makes a Good Landing Site on Mars?

New Scientist:
Volunteers spot four super-Earths orbiting sun-like star

April 11, 2017

Bright Flash Lights Up SoCal Sky

Meteor spotted streaking across SoCal skies

Victor Valley News:
Possible Meteor Strike Mistaken For Plane Crash In Sky

Large asteroid coming close on April 19

Daily Mail:
What has NASA found? Mysterious briefing to reveal ocean world discovery that will 'inform the search for life beyond Earth'

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz makes pinpoint landing in Kazakhstan with crew of three

Spaceflight Insider:
Soyuz MS-02 trio returns to Earth

Mysterious Universe:
Astronomers Find Four Candidates for Mysterious 'Planet 9'

April 10, 2017

Norfolk Eastern Daily Press:
Weird Norfolk: The Norwich UFO documented by the CIA

Collective Evolution:
A Man Communicating With An Extraterrestrial From Mars - Taken Seriously By The BBC, Live In 1959

Popular Science:
Why NASA is going to vaporize one of its best spacecraft

Watch How a Beloved Spacecraft Will Die in Saturn's Atmosphere

Mysterious Universe:
'Potentially Hazardous' Asteroid Headed Our Way This Month

New Atlas:
Steamy hot atmosphere detected around Earth-like planet

Stuff NZ:
A brief history of zombie stars, habitable zones, and the search for alien life

WEEKEND EDITION: April 8, 2017 through April 9, 2017

Scientific American:
Atomic Spins Evade Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle

Black Hole 'Images' Could Throw Modern Physics Into Disarray

Read the Albert Einstein Letter to a Teacher That Fetched $54K at Auction

Science Alert:
This Paper Could Be the Key to Solving a 160-Year-Old, Million-Dollar Maths Problem

Orlando Sentinel:
Disney seeks new patent for soft robots playing characters

Daily Mail:
The knife-wielding robot that can STAB in 60 positions and could help solve grisly murders

The Merkle:
New Robotic Manta Ray Achieves Twice the Swim Speed of Previous Models

Daily Mail:
The original Brexit! Revealed, the incredible megafloods which created the White Cliffs of Dover and first cut Britain off from France

Astrobiology Magazine:
Skeletons developed as chemistry of oceans changed, study shows

A Mountain Range's History Preserved in Ocean Sediments

New Atlas:
Scientists sniff out a sensitive new species of tyrannosaur

Daily Mail:
Ancient tick fossilised in 30-million-year-old amber holds the oldest mammal blood ever found

Daily Mail:
Paleontologist discovers GIANT tooth from 'prehistoric mega shark' in Italy - and says it may have been discarded by a collector who didn't realize its value

Daily Mail:
'Surprise' discovery of Europe's first cave fish in an underground labyrinth reveals they evolved incredibly fast to survive

Daily Mail:
Meet Two Socks, Lil Red, and Markie: 'Extinct' species of wild mountain dog that hasn't been seen for 50 years rediscovered in New Guinea

Mental Floss:
Archaeologists Find 30,000-Year-Old Jewelry in Indonesia

Smithsonian Magazine:
New Pyramid Discovered in Egypt

The History Blog:
Iron Age horse, chariot burial found in Yorkshire

Daily Mail:
Welcome to Carnuntum: Ancient shops, bars and restaurants are found at a Roman gladiator arena

Daily Mail:
The 'two maidens of Pompeii' found wrapped in a poignant embrace are both MEN and could have been gay lovers

Daily Mail:
Sophisticated 2,000-year-old Roman settlement is discovered underneath Britain's longest road

The History Blog:
Mosaic floors, first remains of ancient city, found in France

Daily Mail:
Is THIS evidence of Ucetia? Stunning 1st century animal mosaics unearthed in southern France could shed light on the mysterious Roman city

The History Blog:
Michelangelo's crucifix in 360 degrees

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Mystery of Roanoke Endures Yet Another Cruel Twist

Mental Floss:
Lady Deborah Moody, the Dangerous Woman Who Started a Colonial Town
Is This Notebook the Work of Shakespeare's First Theater Critic?

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Rare Display of a Japanese Triptych is Only Usurped by the Great Mysteries Surrounding It

Mental Floss:
Revisiting the First 'Trial of the Century,' More Than 215 Years Later

The Guardian:
Tale of Dickens' fight to save Shakespeare house retold in exhibition

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Man Who Brought the Swastika to Germany, and How the Nazis Stole It

Daily Mail:
America's greatest Indian chiefs as they really would have looked: Lost warriors are brought back to life

Atlas Obscura:
The Russian Poetry Scandal That Ended in a Duel

Smithsonian Magazine:
These Powerful Posters Persuaded Americans It Was Time to Join the Fight

Smithsonian Magazine:
Women On the Frontlines of WWI Came to Operate Telephones

BBC History Extra:
Female Tommies: women in the First World War

Smithsonian Magazine:
World War I Letters From Generals to Doughboys Voice the Sorrow of Fighting a War

Smithsonian Magazine:
World War I Letters Show Theodore Roosevelt's Unbearable Grief After the Death of his Son

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Some Breweries Survived Prohibition

Atlas Obscura:
The Controversial Zeppelin Stamps That Enraged 1930s Collectors

Smithsonian Magazine:
Never Mind Her Stellar Jazz Career, Young Ella Fitzgerald Just Wanted to Dance

BBC History Extra:
Spying on the king: when MI5 targeted Edward VIII and Wallis Simpson

Mashable - Retronaut:
1941 - Chicago's South Side

Atlas Obscura:
The Fixers Who Buried Old Hollywood's Biggest Scandals

Daily Mail:
Second World War explosive found on a beach turns out to be iconic BOUNCING BOMB tested off the Kent coast before Britain's devastating DAMBUSTERS raids

Atlas Obscura:
A Brief History of Project Moby Dick, the Cold War's Least Believable Surveillance Strategy

Smithsonian Magazine:
Your Alaskan Cruise is Possible Because Canada Blew Up an Underwater Mountain

Mental Floss:
How the CIA's Psychics Described Albert Einstein

Atlas Obscura:
The Forged 'Ancient' Statues That Fooled the Met's Art Experts for Decades

Smithsonian Magazine:
Only 30 Dutch Wooden Shoe Makers Remain

April 7, 2017

Daily Mail:
Boeing unveils concept designs for its Mars Transporter and Deep Space Habitat that will launch in the 2020s

Daily Mail:
Take off for British Iron Man! Inventor makes his own jet-propelled flight suit which 'can carry him at several hundred miles per hour'

Daily Mail:
The Panther transformer drone that can land on your street then drive to your door with your packages

Air & Space Magazine:
The Birth of Flight in Georgia

BBC News:
The British airliner that changed the world

Smithsonian Magazine:
Where Do the Largest Airplanes Go to Die?

April 6, 2017

Popular Science:
SpaceX has proven it can reuse its rockets - now what?

Daily Mail:
SpaceX finally reveals footage of its historic recycled rocket landing - as hypnotic GIFs show its past attempts

Space News:
Russia open to keeping ISS going past 2024

Daily Mail:
Russia hints at plans to ditch the International Space Station and build a rival base with China in what could be the start of a new 'space race'

Spaceflight Insider:
Peggy Whitson's ISS stay gets 3-month extension

Spaceflight Now:
Whitson's station expedition extended three months

Colonizing Mars Will Rely on These Next-Gen Technologies

Stuff NZ:
Cassini spacecraft to dive inside Saturn's rings for mission finale

Universe Today:
Cassini's Final Mission to Annihilation Starts April 22

Universe Today:
Venus 2.0 Discovered In Our Own Back Yard

Astrobiology Magazine:
Finding a 'lost' planet, about the size of Neptune

Daily Mail:
The REAL megastar in our universe: Chilling video reveals how the biggest star ever seen would eat our sun and half of our neighboring planets

Universe Today:
Extraterrestrial Origin Of Fast Radio Burst Phenomenon Confirmed

April 5, 2017

An asteroid twice as close as most satellites slips by Earth

Spaceflight Insider:
Twice-launched Falcon 9 first stage returned to Port Canaveral

Space News:
Atlas 5 launch of Cygnus cargo tug rescheduled

Spaceflight Now:
Ziplines installed to whisk personnel from danger at Starliner launch pad

Spaceflight Insider:
Zip-riding to safety: Boeing, ULA test emergency egress system

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: Cygnus spacecraft readied for launch to International Space Station

Spaceflight Now:
Animation: The flight of a Boeing Starliner capsule from launch to landing

April 4, 2017

Prescott Daily Courier:
Prescott Lights: UFOs over the First Territorial Capital
The Spooky UFO Cases of Unsolved Mysteries

Space News:
SpaceX to launch Falcon Heavy with two "flight-proven" boosters this year

Space News:
Nearly every engine stockpiled for use on upper stages of Proton rockets has defects, investigation concludes

New Atlas:
From Earth to orbit using a single-stage rocket

Astrobiology Magazine:
Final Two ExoMars Landing Sites Chosen

Daily Mail:
Stunning animation reveals the progress of Mars observations over the last decade as NASA's orbiter completes 50,000 orbits

April 3, 2017

Daily Mail:
Phew! Asteroid the size of a BUS came closer to the Earth than the moon last night

Spacecoast Daily:
VIDEO: Asteroid Size of Bus Zoomed Past Earth Thursday Night, First Discovered March 25

The Province:
'Fireball season': Meteor reported streaking across B.C. on Thursday night

Georgia Straight:
Video: Meteor spotted above Metro Vancouver

Daily Mail:
Blast off! Historic moment SpaceX launches Falcon 9 rocket for the SECOND time and makes a perfect landing back on its drone ship in space breakthrough

Spaceflight Insider:
The game has changed! SES-10 mission redefines space flight

Space News:
SpaceX demonstrates rocket reusability with SES-10 launch and booster landing

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX flies rocket for second time in historic test of cost-cutting technology

Spaceflight Now:
Photos: SpaceX's photos from Thursday's reflight of Falcon 9 booster

Spaceflight Now:
Falcon 9 launch to landing replay

Spaceflight Insider:
EVA-41 spacewalkers outfit relocated docking module

Spaceflight Now:
Spacewalkers improvise after fabric shield floats away

Daily Mail:
The stunning 'shooting stars' interactive graphic that reveals the path of every major meteor shower

WEEKEND EDITION: April 1, 2017 through April 2, 2017

Daily Mail:
Simulation suggests 68 percent of the universe may not actually exist: New model shows accelerated expansion can happen without dark energy

Science Alert:
This Mind-Bending Theory Joins Black Holes, Gravitational Waves & Axions to Find New Physics

Quantum Questions Inspire New Math

Daily Mail:
The terrifying TENTACLEBOT: Robotic arm made of soft 'muscle' moves like an octopus and is equipped with rows of suction cups

Daily Mail:
Bad news for Bob: Meet Sam, the brick laying bot that builds walls six times faster than a human and could put millions out of work

Earth's lost history of planet-altering eruptions revealed

Stuff NZ:
World's biggest dinosaur footprint discovered in 'Australia's own Jurassic Park'

Daily Mail:
World's biggest dinosaur footprint as large as a man is found in 140 million-year-old rock in 'Australia's Jurassic Park'

Daily Mail:
New species of Tyrannosaur with a crocodile snout was a 'sensitive lover' and had a SIXTH SENSE to hunt its prey

National Geographic:
A Very Ibis History

Stuff NZ:
Whales v the Kaikoura quake: Niwa unintentionally records impact of 7.8 on Cook Strait's marine life

Live Science:
Ghost of the Tasmanian Tiger: Scientists Investigate Sightings

Daily Mail:
Raven bone carved by Neanderthals with a 'symbolic pattern' 43,000 years ago suggests our ancient cousins were more intelligent than thought

Daily Mail:
Revealed: 2,500-year-old chariot and two horse skeletons unearthed at a Yorkshire building site could shed light on strange Iron Age burial rituals

Daily Mail:
Revealed: 2,000-year-old Egyptian mummy shroud is discovered after sitting in museum storage for 80 YEARS will finally go on display

The History Blog:
Mosaic floors, first remains of ancient city, found in France
Crusader Shipwreck Tells a Golden Knights' Tale

The History Blog:
Medieval Jewish cemetery unearthed in Trastevere

The Atlantic:
The Founding Fathers Encrypted Secret Messages, Too

The History Blog:
Gainsborough painting slashed by attacker back on dispay
The 19th-Century Black Sports Superstar You've Never Heard Of

BBC History Extra:
Oxford v Cambridge: A history of the boat race

Smithsonian Magazine:
There Are Two Versions of the Story of How the U.S. Purchased Alaska From Russia

Smithsonian Magazine:
Happy 159th Birthday to the Modern Pencil

The Guardian:
Museum rescues sculptor Camille Claudel from decades of obscurity

Smithsonian Magazine:
Coca-Cola's Creator Said the Drink Would Make You Smarter

Daily Mail:
Sacre bleu. And green. And red: French towns and landmarks are captured in pioneering colorised images from the 1890s

Mental Floss:
112 Years Ago, Fingerprints Pointed to Murder in London

National Geographic:
When Science Gets Ugly - The Story of Philipp Lenard and Albert Einstein
The Daring Photographer Who Captured Life Inside a Nazi Ghetto

Mashable - Retronaut:
Jackets of the 401st
Was Ernest Hemingway a Spy?

Atlas Obscura:
The Old Man Who Claimed to Be Billy the Kid

The History Blog:
Iconic Roman Holiday Vespa, oldest in the world, for sale

Mental Floss:
7 Characters That Didn't Make It Into the Harry Potter Books

The Atlantic:
How the Diving Bell Opened the Ocean's Depths

Mental Floss:
7 of the Biggest Treasure Troves Ever Found

March 31, 2017

Daily Mail:
'The largest windows in space': Inside Blue Origin's New Shepard flight capsule that will take tourists to into orbit next year

Stuff NZ:
NASA grilled and thrilled by Wanaka super pressure balloon fans

Smithsonian Magazine:
A New Generation of Interplanetary Rovers Is Crawling Toward the Stars

Daily Mail:
Inside a Soviet rocket graveyard: Haunting images reveal how boosters that once helped launch a spaceplane have been abandoned for two decades

Daily Mail:
The mini motorcycle that almost made it to the moon: NASA images show the secret project developed in case the Apollo lunar rover wasn't ready in time

Air & Space Magazine:
The Airport Terminal So Beautiful It's Reopening as a Hotel

March 30, 2017

Michigan Radio:
Aliens or swamp gas? The mystery of Michigan's most famous UFO sighting lives on

Space News:
Static firing of SpaceX reused Falcon Monday clears way for launch Thursday

Spaceflight Insider:
'Flight-proven' Falcon 9 set to launch SES-10 satellite

Space News:
Cygnus mission delayed to mid-April

Space News:
Decommissioned Earth science satellite to remain in orbit for decades

Spaceflight Now:
Curiosity rover shows new signs of wheel wear

Spaceflight Now:
Scientists say thinning atmosphere drove the drying and cooling of Mars

Spaceflight Now:
Juno orbiter races by Jupiter on fourth science pass

New Scientist:
Backwards asteroid shares an orbit with Jupiter without crashing

Astrobiology Magazine:
Wrong-way asteroid plays 'chicken' with Jupiter

March 29, 2017

Daily Mail:
Air Force's mysterious X-37B space plane reaches a record 677 days in orbit (but we STILL don't know its mission)

Spaceflight Now:
Scientists say thinning atmosphere drove the drying and cooling of Mars

New Scientist:
Electrified sand could explain Titan's odd backward-facing dunes

New Scientist:
Enigmatic plumes from Saturn's moon caused by cosmic collision

Astrobiology Magazine:
Ice in Ceres' Shadowed Craters Linked to Tilt History

Christian Science Monitor:
Did an asteroid trigger ancient tsunamis on Mars?

March 28, 2017

Mornington Peninsula News:
The truth is out there about UFO sighting

Spaceflight Now:
Hotfire test completed ahead of milestone Falcon 9 launch Thursday

Spaceflight Insider:
Pre-flight static fire test performed on flight-proven Falcon 9

Ars Technica:
There and back again: SpaceX to make history by re-flying orbital rocket

Spaceflight Insider:
International Space Station PMA-3 docking module relocated

Space News:
Long-delayed Russian module for ISS facing more problems

Spaceflight Now:
Watch space station spacewalk highlights

Space news:
A short history of lunar space tourism

March 27, 2017

Richland Source:
UFOs over Richland County: 1973

Spaceflight Insider:
EVA-40 spacewalkers prepare ISS docking module for relocation

Space Daily:
Spacewalking French, US astronauts begin upgrade to orbiting lab

Spaceflight Now:
Spacewalkers complete excursion outside International Space Station

Spaceflight Insider:
Juno heads for 5th flyby of Jupiter's cloud tops

Universe Today:
Juno's Monday Jupiter Flyby Promises New Batch of Images & Science

Spaceflight Insider:
How to slow down an interstellar spacecraft at Alpha Centauri

WEEKEND EDITION: March 25, 2017 through March 26, 2017

Science Alert:
Theoretical Physicists Suggest There's a Portal Linking the Standard Model to Dark Physics

The New Yorker:
The End of the Universe as We Know It

Popular Mechanics:
The Impossible Physics of Faster-Than-Light Travel

Daily Mail:
Large Hadron Collider finds FIVE new subatomic particles 'hiding in plain sight' that could shed new light on how the universe began

Scientific American:
Wavelet Theory Nets Top Mathematics Award

These AI bots created their own language to talk to each other

Meet Iorek, the Robot That Communicates in a Remarkable Way

Business Insider:
Tiny self-driving robots have started delivering food on-demand in Silicon Valley - take a look

The Verge:
Jeff Bezos looks a little too happy piloting a giant mechanical robot

PC Magazine:
Meet the Robots Who Are Scarily Close to Being Human

Daily Mail:
Scientists discover 4.3 billion year old traces of Earth's original crust in Canada

Smithsonian Magazine:
What Really Turned the Sahara Desert From a Green Oasis Into a Wasteland?

Scientific American:
Complex Life Could Be Vastly Older Than Thought

Astrobiology Magazine:
Early Earth had a hazy, methane-filled atmosphere

The Guardian:
Scotland holds the key to understanding how life first walked on land

Astrobiology Magazine:
Recovery after 'Great Dying' was slowed by more extinctions

The Guardian:
Radical shakeup of dinosaur family tree points to unexpected Scottish origins

Science Magazine:
T. rex gets new home in shakeup of dino family tree

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Dark History of Japan's Rabbit Island

National Geographic:
Searching for the Lost City of Copper

The History Blog:
Colossal statue not Ramesses II

Live Science:
Ancient Naval Base for Epic Greek Battle Found

The History Blog:
Unusual pyramid-shaped tomb found in China

Mental Floss:
Why the Laocoon Sculpture Had the Wrong Arm for Four Centuries

National Geographic:
How Julius Caesar Started a Big War by Crossing a Small Stream

The History Blog:
Gilded horse bridle fittings found in Viking grave

The History Blog:
Viking woman buried in Denmark was Norwegian

Daily Mail:
Liao Dynasty fashion: Beautiful murals found in a 1,000-year-old tomb provide a glimpse into ancient life in China

The History Blog:
Viking woman buried in Denmark was Norwegian

BBC History Extra:
The secret intimacies of Edward IV: multiple marriages and a same-sex affair?

The History Blog:
Medieval silver coin hoard found in Cheshire

The History Blog:
Emeralds from fabled Spanish wreck for sale

Mysterious Universe:
Legendary Ming Dynasty Sunken Treasure Found in China

The History Blog:
Treasure of Ming Dynasty uprising leader found

The History Blog:
Barberini tapestries return 16 years after fire almost destroyed them

Mental Floss:
8 Stellar Facts About the Most Accomplished Female Astronomer You've Never Heard Of

BBC History Extra:
A brief history of Harrods

Smithsonian Magazine:
The First Saxophone Was Made of Wood

BBC History Extra:
The weird and wonderful world of Victorian entertainment

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Innovator Thought Elevators Should Be Round

Mental Floss:
14 Things You Might Not Know About Whistler's Mother

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Eccentric 19th-Century Transportation Magnate May Have Inspired Jules Verne

Daily Mail:
Now you can take a tour of the Titanic - but the two-mile submarine dive to the wreckage will cost an eyewatering £86,500 a ticket

Smithsonian Magazine:
Mathematician Emmy Noether Should Be Your Hero

Mental Floss:
The End of the Romanov Dynasty

The History Blog:
Earliest color movies of the White House found

Gorgeous Postcards of the 'Streamline Moderne' Greyhound Terminals

Smithsonian Magazine:
How the Liberty Bell Won the Great War

Smithsonian Magazine:
Fighting the Nazis With Fake News

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Mime Who Saved Kids From the Holocaust

Smithsonian Magazine:
FDR Had a Famous Ghostwriter: Orson Welles

Smithsonian Magazine:
George Orwell Wrote '1984' While Dying of Tuberculosis

Air & Space Magazine:
Bob Pardo Once Pushed a Crippled F-4 Home With His F-4. In Flight.

Smithsonian Magazine:
Hot Food, Fast: The Home Microwave Oven Turns 50

Daily Mail:
The Summer of Love, 50 years on: Intimate portraits of legendary rockers and the hippie movement that overtook the streets of 1967 San Francisco

Air & Space Magazine:
The Time a Stolen Helicopter Landed on the White House Lawn

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Simpson Family Made Its Television Debut 30 Years Ago

New Atlas:
In pictures: One more look at the 2017 Geneva Motor Show for the road

National Geographic:
Top 10 Castles of Europe

National Geographic:
21 Best Cruises in the World

Mental Floss:
Pick the 3-Letter Word

March 24, 2017

Daily Mail:
Air Force's mysterious X-37B mini shuttle nears record time in space (but we STILL don't know what it is doing)

Air & Space Magazine:
The First Airplane Passenger

History Net:
The Luftwaffe's Secret Squadrons

Stuff NZ:
Roger Hanson: Moon fly-by missions come with unexpected issues

Spaceflight History:
A 1964 Proposal for a Small Lifting-Body Shuttle with "Staged Reentry"

Air & Space Magazine:
Sleeping Their Way to Mars

March 23, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
Flight-proven Falcon 9 with SES-10 scheduled for NET March 29

Spaceflight Insider:
CRS-10 Dragon unberthed, recovered in Pacific Ocean

Spaceflight Now:
Rosetta's comet shows scars from swing through inner solar system

Spaceflight Insider:
CRS-10 Dragon unberthed, recovered in Pacific Ocean

New Atlas:
Is Martian moon Phobos locked in a cycle of destruction and rebirth?

Scientific American:
A NASA Spacecraft Might Bounce, Crunch or Sink on Europa

Astrobiology Magazine:
Experiments Show Titan Lakes May Fizz with Nitrogen

Syfy Wire - Bad Astronomy:
CFBDSIR 2149-0403: A mystery lurks 1800 trillion kilometers from Earth

March 22, 2017

Daily Mail:
Elon Musk's Mars plans take shape: SpaceX is working with NASA to identify sites for unmanned Dragon capsule to land on the red planet in 2020

Space News:
SpaceX studying landing sites for Mars missions

Spaceflight Now:
Europe's ExoMars spacecraft begins lowering its orbit

Popular Science:
The Curiosity Mars rover's wheels are starting to break

Daily Mail:
Lockheed Martin says we could have an orbiting Mars base using existing technology by 2028

Daily Mail:
The mystery of the massive dust storms on Mars deepens: Clouds that engulf the red planet develop strange bubble, pebble and cotton textures

New Scientist:
Mysterious water-like streaks on Mars might be sand flows instead

CBS News:
This Mars volcano died at the same time as the dinosaurs

Mars May Have Once Had Rings - and Could Sport Them Again

Air & Space Magazine:
Want To Make Mars Livable? Bring Back Its Magnetic Field

Daily Mail:
What it's like to fly above Mars: Finnish filmmaker painstakingly puts together thousands of NASA images to create stunning video

March 21, 2017

Dayton Daily News:
One of the Air Force's original UFO hunters dies at 101

Universe Today:
SpaceX Dragon Splashes Down in Pacific with Treasure Trove of Space Station Science

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX's Dragon supply carrier wraps up 10th mission to space station

Space News:
SpaceX Dragon spacecraft returns to Earth from the International Space Station

Space News:
China studying reusable rockets similar to SpaceX

Daily Mail:
Earth's inner Van Allen belt is far weaker than thought - and could lead to radical new spacecraft designs, NASA reveals

New Scientist:
Gentle breeze may help Venus's atmosphere spin like crazy

Daily Mail:
NASA reveals plans for clockwork rover based on 2,300 year old Greek Antikythera mechanical computer that could survive conditions on Venus

March 20, 2017

Daily Mail:
Must be the luck of the Irish! Asteroid narrowly misses smashing into Earth just in time for St Patrick's Day

CTV News:
Streaking meteor over B.C. caught on video

Geek Wire:
Watch a fireball light up Seattle's skies

Express Tribune:
'Meteor' lights up Gilgit-Baltistan, leaves residents puzzled

Spaceflight Now:
Internationally-backed military satellite successfully launched atop Delta 4 rocket

Space News:
ULA successfully launches Air Force satcom satellite into orbit

Space News:
SpaceX launches EchoStar 23

Daily Mail:
Is a rogue world wandering 100 light years from Earth? Weird planet-like object baffles astronomers

WEEKEND EDITION: March 18, 2017 through March 19, 2017

The Big Bang Was Not A Single Point In Time

Is It Actually Possible To Travel To Parallel Universes?

Why Is the Speed Of Light Considered The Cosmic Speed Limit?

Physicists Are at War Over the Discovery of 'Metallic Hydrogen'

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Humans Invented Numbers - And How Numbers Reshaped Our World

New York Times:
Let a Robot Be Your Museum Tour Guide

Japan Times:
'Strange' hotel, run by robots, opens near Tokyo; more to come

A robot actor debuted in London but he only works if there's a human around

Daily Mail:
Watch the birth of a deadly tornado: Terrifying simulation reveals the catastrophic conditions of the supercell storm that created 'El Reno'

Daily Mail:
How Earth turned into a massive 'snowball' 717 million years ago: Study finds 'perfect storm' of volcanic activity may have cooled the planet

World's Oldest Plant-Like Fossils Discovered in India

Plants Might Have Saved Earth From Permanent Ice Age

Audobon Magazine:
Which Came First: the Dinosaur or the Bird?

National Geographic:
One of World's Most Mysterious Cats Caught on Camera

Daily Mail:
Revealed: 400,000-year-old skull of a mystery human ancestor with Neanderthal traits sheds light on how our ancient relatives evolved in Europe

Daily Mail:
Stone Age tools and animal bones in Tunisia provide new clues on a 72,000-year-old 'early human corridor' across Africa

Daily Mail:
How humans created the Sahara desert: Farming transformed the grassy plain into an arid wasteland 8,000 years ago

The History Blog:
66 statues of Sekhmet found in Luxor temple

The History Blog:
Colossal statue, maybe of Ramesses II, found in Cairo

Daily Mail:
Raising Ramses: Archaeologists lift 3,000-year-old statue of Egyptian Pharaoh considered 'one of the most important discoveries ever' from muddy ditch in Cairo slum

Live Science:
Ancient Tomb Decorated with Vibrant Murals Found in China

The History Blog:
47 ingots alleged to be fabled metal found on shipwreck

The History Blog:
Torc hoard is earliest Iron Age gold found in Britain

Daily Mail:
Mystery of the 'pyramid of China': Archaeologists discover strange tomb under a construction site

The History Blog:
The Colosseum after antiquity

The History Blog:
Blenheim Palace flowerpot is a Roman sarcophagus

The History Blog:
1,000-year-old toy boat found in Norway

The History Blog:
Skeletons of early colonists found under Florida mall

The History Blog:
Only surviving view of Renaissance Lisbon street identified

Daily Mail:
A stitch in time: Historic waistcoat worn by Captain Cook as he explored Australia and embroidered with plants he discovered is expected to sell for £700,000

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Polish Patriot Who Helped Americans Beat the British

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Grisly History of Brooklyn's Revolutionary War Martyrs

This brave Russian soldier posed as a man to fight Napoleon

A Monstrous Volcanic Eruption Gave Life To Frankenstein's Monster

BBC History Extra:
Harriet Tubman and the 'Underground Railroad'
When Ironclads Clashed: How Hampton Roads Changed Naval Warfare Forever

Smithsonian Magazine:
Two New Exhibitions Celebrate a Long-Lost Painting
The Russian Revolution, Through American Eyes

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Abdication of Nicholas II Left Russia Without a Czar for the First Time in 300 Years

The History Blog:
The last days of the Romanovs

Mental Floss:
The Accidental First Female Senator

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Romance and Promise of 20th-Century Radio Is Captured in This Mural

The History Blog:
Unique Lodz Ghetto photos at the MFA, Boston

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Spoonful of Sugar Helps the Radioactive Oatmeal Go Down
"God, America and Apple Pie": The Dramatic Defection of Stalin's Daughter

Meet the Dodge La Femme, the bonkers car marketed only to women

Mental Floss:
16 Fun Facts About The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

BBC News:
Why China's internet use has overtaken the West

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Medieval Knight's Manor Houses Over 350 Mechanical Musical Instruments

March 17, 2017

Daily Mail:
Forget the ear defenders: Supersonic planes WITHOUT the Earth-shaking sonic boom could arrive by 2023

Ars Technica:
Air Force: We have more drone pilot jobs than for any other aircraft

Here's What Those White Spirals Inside Airplane Engines Are For

BBC News:
The plane so good it's still in production after 60 years

History Net:
Visions from the Mind of Richard Vogt

History Net:
Apollo's Stallions

Air & Space Magazine:
How the "Suicide Squad" Turned Into One of the World's First Rocket Companies

March 16, 2017

The Michigan UFO craze of 1966

Spaceflight Insider:
Zero 2 Infinity launches its first rocket from high-altitude balloon

The Guardian:
Moon shot: Russia launches recruitment drive for lunar mission

Space News:
China gearing up for launch of first cargo spacecraft to support future space station

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX's 2018 Moon mission faces significant challenges

Daily Mail:
Meet the Puffers: NASA reveals palm-sized popup planetary rovers that could explore lava tubes on Mars and look for alien life on Europa

Enormous Dust Storms on Mars Highlight the Red Planet's Weather Mysteries

Colonizing Mars Will Depend on Low-Tech Know-How

Universe Today:
Warm Poles Suggest Enceladus' Liquid Water Near Surface

New Scientist:
Asteroid clay is a better space radiation shield than aluminium

March 15, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
Weather wins as SpaceX scrubs launch of Falcon 9 with EchoStar 23

Daily Mail:
Watch Nasa test engines for the world's biggest rocket in a stunning 360-degree video

Daily Mail:
NASA reveals plans for joint Venus mission with Russia to send a probe and lander to 'Earth's evil twin'

Universe Today:
Earth's Twisted Sister: How Will We Reveal Venus' Secrets?

Astrobiology Magazine:
NASA's Kepler Provides Another Peek at Ultra-cool Neighbor

New Scientist:
TRAPPIST-1 worlds are close enough for life to hop between them

March 14, 2017

Galesburg Register-Mail:
UFOs spotted 50 years ago in Galesburg

Great Falls Tribune:
More UFO tales emerge from northcentral Montana

Spaceflight Now:
Orion's parachutes tested under launch abort conditions

New Scientist:
Discovery of tiny moon completes the set for worlds past Neptune

Mysterious Universe:
An Ancient Platinum Asteroid Wiped Out the Clovis People

March 13, 2017

Melbourne Herald Sun:
Westall UFO sighting witnesses to speak about the 1966 alien encounter at Clayton South

China Targets Mission to Mars for Summer 2020

NASA Just Found a Lost Spacecraft Orbiting the Moon

Spaceflight Now:
Perils and discoveries lie ahead for long-lived Saturn orbiter

National Geographic:
Here's Our Best Look Yet at Saturn's 'UFO' Moon

New Scientist:
Could fast radio bursts really be powering alien space ships?

WEEKEND EDITION: March 11, 2017 through March 12, 2017

Scientific American:
The Most Important Idea about the Universe

Science Magazine:
A recharged debate over the speed of the expansion of the universe could lead to new physics

Our Expanding Universe: What Is It Expanding Into?

Extreme Tech:
NASA plans to create coldest spot in the universe on ISS

Daily Mail:
MIT reveals 'impossible' new form of matter: Supersolid combines the properties of solids with those of superfluids

New Atlas:
There's no escaping Boston Dynamics' wheeled jumping robot

6-Legged Thomas the Tank Engine Flame-Throwing Robot is Here to Burn Down Your Childhood

Exploring the Mysterious Volcanoes of Arizona (Yes, That Arizona)

New Historian:
Massive Volcano Eruption at Mount Etna in 1669 Kills Thousands

New study finds Los Angeles and San Diego are at risk from M=7.3+ offshore earthquakes

The Quake that Renamed California "Earthquake Country"

National Geographic:
Formed by Megafloods, This Place Fooled Scientists for Decades

Daily Mail:
Top tourist landmark CRUMBLES: Malta's 164ft-high arched cliff washes away after being hit by heavy storms

National Geographic:
Why California Deserts Are Experiencing a 'Super Bloom'

Daily Mail:
The 423 million year old 'armour plated' fish that shows sea creatures may have evolved in China far earlier than anywhere else

Improved Vision May Have Drawn Fish to the Land Millions of Years Ago

National Geographic:
Giant Catfish Fossil Found in Egyptian Desert

National Geographic:
Where the World's Only Grass-Eating Monkeys Thrive

National Geographic:
Watch an Elephant Invite a Rhino to Play

Daily Mail:
Is this the proof that human ancestors also came from Asia? 100,000-year-old skulls found in China challenge traditional theory on mankind's African origin

Daily Mail:
Neanderthals discovered 'aspirin' 50,000 years before us: Our ancient cousins used plant-based drugs to relieve toothache and stomach pains

Ars Technica:
Australia was colonized by a single group 50,000 years ago

Ars Technica:
The Amazon forest is the result of an 8,000-year experiment

Daily Mail:
The lion-headed goddess of war protecting a pharoah: Archaeologists discover 66 statues of Sekhmet buried to ward off evil from the temple of Amenhotep III

Daily Mail:
Giant 3,000-year-old statue of Pharaoh Ramses II found buried in a Cairo slum is hailed as 'one of the most important discoveries ever'

BBC History Extra:
The Celts: unpicking the mystery

Daily Mail:
Revealed: 2,600-year-old palace is found buried under the ruins of a shrine blown up by ISIS in Mosul

BBC History Extra:
Charlemagne: creating the myth

National Geographic:
How to Fight Like a Viking

National Geographic:
The Realm of the Vikings

BBC History Extra:
7 myths about Robin Hood

Daily Mail:
PICTURE EXCLUSIVE: Inside the 'Lost City of the Monkey God' protected from visitors by a flesh-eating disease

BBC History Extra:
What was life like for a court jester?

Daily Mail:
Rare gold coin worth £15,000 is found by an amateur treasure hunter who 'thought it was a bottle top'

Atlas Obscura:
Behold the Erdapfel, the World's Oldest Surviving Globe

Atlas Obscura:
The Mysteries of the First-Ever Map of the North Pole

BBC History Extra:
What did Jane Austen really look like?

Mental Floss:
The Mysterious 19th Century 'Princess' Who Fooled a Town

National Geographic:
Madame Tussaud Used Beheaded Politicians to Create Her Original Waxworks

Atlas Obscura:
Rediscovering the Civil War Heroics of a Tiny Massachusetts Armory

Mental Floss:
5 Facts About Civil War Spy Mary Bowser

A town of freed slaves - on Robert E. Lee's old estate - was destroyed to make Arlington cemetery

The Guardian:
The Russian Revolution: then and now

Atlas Obscura:
Meet Bessie Coleman, the First Black Woman to Get a Pilot's License

Atlas Obscura:
A Visual Guide to the Fake Fleets and Inflatable Armies of World War II

Maryland's Glen Echo Amusement Park On A Sunny Day In 1943

In 1963 A Model Floated From New York To Paris In A Bubble

Atlas Obscura:
The Tragedy of Newcomb Mott, Who Thought He Could Walk Into Soviet Russia

Smithsonian Magazine:
What Happens When an Archaeologist Challenges Mainstream Scientific Thinking?

March 10, 2017

New Atlas:
In pictures: 2017 Australian International Air Show, featuring F-35 Joint Strike Fighter debut

New Atlas:
Bell flies into the future with first concept helicopter

Daily Mail:
Airbus reveals the self driving 'transformer' taxi that can be picked up by a drone to take to the skies

Spaceflight Insider:
Photo Feature: Apollo 11 Command Module prepped for cross-country voyage

History Net:
Heinemann's Hot Rod

History Net:
The Cornfield Bomber

Spacelfight History:
NASA Johnson Space Center's Shuttle II (1988)

Mental Floss:
13 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of NASA Mission Controllers

Science Magazine:
Watch the explosive demise of a weather balloon

March 9, 2017

Universe Today:
1st SLS 2nd Stage Arrives at Cape for NASA's Orion Megarocket Moon Launch in 2018

Stuff NZ:
Earth's orbiting junkyard threatens the space economy

Daily Mail:
NASA and SpaceX begin testing the life support systems that will keep Elon Musk's paying tourists alive as they travel round the moon

New Scientist:
Signal-tracking satellite would build its own antenna in space

Daily Mail:
The rocket that launches from the AIR: China to develop new projectile that can set off from aircraft and deliver satellites into space

Daily Mail:
The Martian had it wrong: Study reveals potatoes would grow outside in Martian soil in breakthrough for manned missions

March 8, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Sierra Nevada to resume Dream Chaser flight tests

Daily Mail:
Jeff Bezos reveals Blue Origin's 'megarocket' engine in billionaire space battle with Elon Musk's SpaceX

Spaceflight Now:
Blue Origin details new rocket's capabilities, signs first orbital customer

New Scientist:
Moon's hidden craters detected by gravity mapper

Martian Meteorites Could Reveal Wetter Past on the Red Planet Than Thought

New Scientist:
Cryovolcanism on Dwarf Planet Ceres

Colonizing Mars Might Require Humans to Radically Alter Their Bodies and Minds

March 7, 2017

Space News:
NASA seeks payload ideas for mystery satellite

Space News:
ULA delays launch of Air Force communications satellite due to booster issue

Universe Today:
So it Begins, Red Dragon Delayed 2 Years to 2020

Space News:
SpaceX delays force Spaceflight to find alternative launches

Daily Mail:
NASA spots remnants of a 3,000km MEGAFLOOD on Mars caused by shifting tectonic plates and volcanic activity

Cassini Reveals Changing Conditions at Saturn's Massive Polar Vortices

What Cassini's Daring Ring-Dive Around Saturn Could Tell Us About Uranus

Daily Mail:
Google's 'Project Loon' internet balloon crashes in the Amazon forest

March 6, 2017

Near-Miss Asteroid Breaches Earth's Ring Of Satellites Six Hours After Discovery

Tech Times:
Asteroid Flew By So Close To Earth It Was Inside Satellite Ring

Space News:
NASA spacecraft avoids potential collision with Martian moon

Spaceflight Now:
NASA spacecraft steers clear of Martian moon Phobos

Spaceflight Now:
Small experimental satellite launched by new Chinese rocket

Universe Today:
Curiosity Watches a Dust Devil Go Past

Scientists Might Look for Signs of Alien Life in the Asteroid Belt

Astrobiology Magazine:
Does Pluto Have The Ingredients For Life?

Universe Today:
Volcanic Hydrogen Gives Planets a Boost for Life

'Habitable' Exoplanets Might Not Be Very Earth-Like After All

WEEKEND EDITION: March 4, 2017 through March 5, 2017

Live Science:
The 18 Biggest Unsolved Mysteries in Physics

New Scientist:
One time or another: Our best 5 theories of the fourth dimension

Orange County Register:
Physicist Brian Greene explains string theory and why the world has 11 dimensions, not four

Is There Any Evidence Of A Multiverse?

Info World:
Artificially inflated: It's time to call BS on AI

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Eighteenth-Century Robot Actually Used Breathing to Play the Flute

IEEE Spectrum:
Ghost Robotics' Minitaur Demonstrates Impressive New Skills

IEEE Spectrum:
Boston Dynamics Officially Unveils Its Wheel-Leg Robot: "Best of Both Worlds"

Daily Mail:
Was ancient Earth surrounded by a solid SHELL? New theory suggests plate tectonics began later than previously thought

Astrobiology Magazine:
'Quartz' crystals at the Earth's core power its magnetic field

Astrobiology Magazine:
From rocks in Colorado, evidence of a 'chaotic solar system'

Stuff NZ:
Newfound 3.77-billion-year-old fossils could be earliest evidence of life on Earth

Daily Mail:
The secret of the giant dinosaur revealed: Sauropods had ZIGZAGGING bones to support their long necks

Daily Mail:
Bizarre body of 160 million-year-old four-winged dinosaur with 'drumstick-shaped' legs is revealed using lasers

Stuff NZ:
Waddling with dinosaurs: Ancient New Zealand fossil connects penguins and dinosaurs

The History Blog:
Is this the skull of the legendary "weasel bear"?

Science Magazine:
Monarch miscalculation: Has a scientific error about the butterflies persisted for more than 40 years?

Smithsonian Magazine:
Prehistoric Pointillism? Long Before Seurat, Ancient Artists Chiseled Mammoths Out of Dots

Daily Mail:
The 7,000-year-old hunting ground: Ancient human footprints reveal how Mesolithic hunters tracked their prey through Wales' boggy landscape

Science Nordic:
Did Stone Age people build a large labyrinth in Denmark?

The History Blog:
Child's footprints found in ancient Egyptian mortar

Daily Mail:
We struck gold! Two amateur treasure hunter friends discover Britain's 'oldest' Iron Age bling in a cow field in Staffordshire

The History Blog:
Torc hoard is earliest Iron Age gold found in Britain

The History Blog:
Mithras sanctuary found in Corsica

Daily Mail:
Revealed: 1,800-year-old Hebrew engraving may pinpoint the cave where a Jewish wiseman took shelter from Roman soldiers

Daily Mail:
Mysterious jade 'megajewel' worn on the chest of a Mayan king to appease the god of wind found in Belize

Smithsonian Magazine:
Why Did Greenland's Vikings Vanish?

Daily Mail:
King Richard III's personal prayer book goes online and includes a handwritten note he sent to himself to remind him of his own birthday

Mental Floss:
America's First Mandatory Education Law Was Inspired by Satan

Smithsonian Magazine:
Byron Was One of the Few Prominent Defenders of the Luddites

Mental Floss:
5 Forgotten Fairy Tales From the Brothers Grimm

BBC News:
The island of lost explorers

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Graduate Student Just Discovered a Lost Work of Fiction by Walt Whitman
Andrew Carnegie's Surprising Legacy

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Weird Story of "The Man They Couldn't Hang"

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Incredible Legacy of Susan La Flesche, the First Native American to Earn a Medical Degree

The Atlantic:
Thomas Edison and the Origins of Surf Filmography

San Francisco Chronicle:
1906 San Francisco Earthquake photos

Smithsonian Magazine:
Vladimir Lenin's Return Journey to Russia Changed the World Forever
The Secret History of the Zimmermann Telegram

Mental Floss:
Giuseppe Dosi, Italy's Famed Detective and Master of Disguise

Smithsonian Magazine:
When Hollywood Glamour Was Sold at the Local Department Store

Mental Floss:
15 Things You Might Not Know About Of Mice and Men

Smithsonian Magazine:
Why Nobody Remembers the Forefather of Forensic Science

Daily Mail:
Hitler's plans to destroy London: Rare mare map revealing Germany's WWII bombing targets is discovered after 75 years in an attic

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Fake British Radio Show That Helped Defeat the Nazis

Smithsonian Magazine:
Tootsie Rolls Were WWII Energy Bars

How Vesuvius Upstaged The Nazi Air Force During The Second World War

Daily Mail:
Did Hitler have a NUCLEAR BOMB? Mushroom cloud sighting in declassified US documents suggests the Nazis successfully tested a nuke before the end of World War Two

Mental Floss:
The 1956 Magic Trick That Sent BBC Viewers Into a Panic

Mental Floss:
The Highly Unusual Funeral of Lee Harvey Oswald

Smithsonian Magazine:
That Time the U.S. Government Won an Oscar

BBC News:
Jack Barsky: The KGB spy who lived the American dream

Mental Floss:
The Stories Behind 10 Dr. Seuss Books

March 3, 2017

Smithsonian Magazine:
What's Really Changed - and What Hasn't - About Getting Humans to the Moon

New Atlas:
Lockheed Martin supersonic jet hits the wind tunnel - in model form

Live Science:
Straight Out of Sci-Fi: Hoverbike 'Surfs' Through the Air in Test

BBC News:
Bringing the Soviet Union's 'flying tank' back to life

Frank Whittle and the Race for the Jet

Dragon Lady Down

The 10 Greatest Emergency Landings

March 2, 2017

Twinsburg Bulletin:
Recalling Twinsburg's bizarre UFO incident

Daily Mail:
Dashcam captures a huge meteor in Texas that was spotted over 700 miles away and created a rare sonic boom

Daily Mail:
Non-stop vomiting, claustrophobic freak-outs and the constant need to pee: Experts warn Elon Musk's mystery Moon tourists will have a rough ride

Space News:
ULA launch successfully carries NRO payload into orbit

Spaceflight Insider:
Atlas V sends classified NROL-79 payload to space

Spaceflight Now:
Atlas 5 powers covert reconnaissance payload to orbit on its 70th mission

Spaceflight Now:
NASA buys up to five more seats on future Soyuz missions

Risks on Mars Mean Humans Might Want to Follow Opportunity Rover's Tracks

In Photos: Opportunity Rover's Amazing Finds in Mars' Meridiani Planum Region

What Cassini's Daring Ring-Dive Around Saturn Could Tell Us About Uranus

New Scientist:
If an asteroid hit London only 3% of deaths would be from impact

March 1, 2017

Dallas Morning News:
Thunderous meteor rattles West Texas sky with sonic boom

Spaceflight Insider:
EM-1 could become Apollo 8 for the 21st century

New Atlas:
NASA's next Orion flight could be manned

Popular Science:
SpaceX wants to send two rich people to the moon by 2018

Space News:
NASA signs agreement with Boeing for Soyuz seats

China News Service:
Riding an asteroid: China's next goal in space

Daily Mail:
Man may be able to survive on Mars more easily than thought: Massive 'stingray' volcano twice the size of Everest reveals red planet's mantle contains more resources than thought

Scientific American:
Nameless No Longer: Pluto's Geography to Receive Official Titles

Feburary 28, 2017

Space News:
SpaceX announces plan for circumlunar human mission

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX to send two private citizens around the moon and back

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX to fly 2 people around Moon in 2018

Spaceflight Now:
Atlas 5 rocket to provide spacelift for U.S. National Reconnaissance Office

Space News:
Virgin Galactic resumes SpaceShipTwo testing

Did Mars Once Have Three Moons?

New Scientist:
Voyager 1 might have seen Enceladus' icy plumes 25 years early

New Scientist:
The greatest danger asteroids pose to us is not from the impact

Feburary 27, 2017

Great Falls Tribune:
Mansch On Montana: UFO sighting still resonates

Stuff NZ:
Bright lights above NZ could have been a rocket and meteor

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX supply ship completes journey to space station

Spaceflight Now:
Russian freighter links up with International Space Station

New Scientist:
Successful Russian launch re-paves the way to space station

Spaceflight Now:
Watch two new arrivals at the International Space Station

Spaceflight Now:
NASA studying whether to add astronauts to first launch of new super booster

Spaceflight Now:
Auto-destruct system seen as a key to ramping up launch tempos

Daily Mail:
Stunning 'ring of fire' solar eclipse plunges half a billion people into darkness in South America and Africa

Air & Space Magazine:
How Venus Could Help Us Understand the New TRAPPIST-1 Planets

The Search for Life in the Universe Just Got a Lot More Interesting

Daily Mail:
Take a 360-degree virtual tour of newly discovered Earth-like planet that could host alien life

WEEKEND EDITION: February 25 through February 26, 2017

Quanta Magazine:
Physicists Uncover Geometric 'Theory Space'

Why Do We Spend So Much Time Teaching Historical Physics?

Scientific American:
Einstein's Greatest Blunder?

Popular Science:
There are two kinds of AI, and the difference is important

College Student Uses Artificial Intelligence To Build A Multimillion-Dollar Legal Research Firm

This Delivery Robot Is Learning to Master Crosswalks

What the faces of our robots tell us about ourselves

The Atlantic:
The 'Curious' Robots Searching for the Ocean's Secrets

There's a Practical Reason for This Terrifying Spider-Bot

IEEE Spectrum:
Six-Legged Robot One-Ups Nature With Faster Gait

Mysterious Universe:
Chinese Robocop Recognizes Faces and is Armed With a Taser

New Atlas:
New theory explains why the Earth's core doesn't melt

New Atlas:
Quartz at the core of Earth's magnetic field paradox

A Hidden Continent Dubbed 'Zealandia' May Lie Beneath New Zealand

Smithsonian Magazine:
Another El Niño Could Be On Its Way

Live Science:
What Was the First Life on Earth?

Mental Floss:
5 Extinctions That Wiped Much of Life off Planet Earth

Daily Mail:
Terrifying 6ft long carnivorous worm with huge snapping jaws swam the seas 400 million years ago

This Ancient Sea Monster Was a Spineless Beast

Daily Mail:
Life in Earth's oceans bounced back far more quickly than thought after world's worst mass extinction

Daily Mail:
Do not mess with turtles! 155-million-year-old fossil reveals how they evolved flexible necks to viscously attack prey

Science Magazine:
Africa's deadliest rapids give birth to new fish species

A 66-Year-Old Albatross Is Still Making Babies

The History Blog:
Neolithic "enigma" out of storage and on display

This 3,000-Year-Old Spearhead Is the 'Find of a Lifetime'

The History Blog:
Bronze Age weapons hoard found in Scotland

The History Blog:
Roman vessel hoard packed with plants found

BBC History Extra:
The Vikings at home

Smithsonian Magazine:
How 13th-Century "Mermaid Bones" Came to Be Displayed in a Japanese Temple

BBC History Extra:
Marrying for love: Edward IV and Elizabeth Woodville

Atlas Obscura:
The Enduring Mystery of the 'Fool's Cap Map of the World'

Mysterious Universe:
The Aztecs May Have Been Wiped Out by Salmonella

Mental Floss:
15 Gripping Facts About Galileo

The History Blog:
Who's a good Rembrandt? You are! Yes you are!

The History Blog:
Guercino found! Round up the usual suspects.

Mental Floss:
12 Favorite Haunts of the Founding Fathers You Can Still Visit Today

Smithsonian Magazine:
The True Friendship That Saved Abraham Lincoln's Life

BBC History Extra:
In pictures: The photographs of William Henry Fox Talbot

Smithsonian Magazine:
When Lincoln Was More a Politician Than an "Honest Abe"

BBC History Extra:
Queen Victoria's appetites

Mental Floss:
The Unsolved Murder That Fascinated 1840s New York (and Edgar Allan Poe)

Atlas Obscura:
Lady Jane Franklin, the Woman Who Fueled 19th-Century Polar Exploration

This ingenious slave literally mailed himself to freedom

The History Blog:
Navy posts Hunley recovery report online

The History Blog:
How to move a painting the size of football field

In one year, 12 trillion locusts devastated the Great Plains - and then they went extinct

Atlas Obscura:
How Sears and Montgomery Ward Changed American Shipping

Smithsonian Magazine:
The First Telephone Book Had Fifty Listings and No Numbers

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Statue of Liberty Was Once Patented

Atlas Obscura:
Remembering Nushu, the 19th-Century Chinese Script Only Women Could Write

Atlas Obscura:
The Shy Edwardian Filmmaker Who Showed Nature's Secrets to the World

BBC History Extra:
"We die like brothers": The sinking of the SS Mendi

Smithsonian Magazine:
Russia's February Revolution Was Led by Women on the March

BBC History Extra:
The world's deadliest sniper: Simo Hayah

BBC News:
Forbidden love: The WW2 letters between two men

During the internment, Japanese American teens created this heartbreaking scrapbook about camp life

Mental Floss:
11 Weapons That Won World War II

History Vault:
Mildred and Richard: The Love Story that Changed America

Smithsonian Magazine:
"9-1-1" Has Meant "Help, Please" For 49 Years

Atlas Obscura:
When the NSA Feared Psychics Could Make Cities Lost in Time and Space

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Pioneer of Graphic Adventure Games Was a Woman

New Atlas:
Pictorial: Retromobile 2017

Atlas Obscura:
Six Stories of Stunning Passports From Countries That No Longer Exist

Atlas Obscura:
A French Roadside Diner Accidentally Got a Michelin Star

Mental Floss:
10 Towering Facts About Giant Sequoias

February 24, 2017

New Atlas:
Project Loon's internet balloons form stratospheric clusters for targeted delivery

New Atlas:
Sky-Hopper: Another manned multirotor project to watch

Daily Mail:
Start-up unveils the world's first HOVERBIKE that they claim is so simple to fly you don't need any experience before taking to the sky

Aviation Week:
Aviation Week's Warning and the Founding of NASA Langley

New Atlas:
Flight of the Blackbird: The how, what and why of the incredible SR-71

John Glenn's Orbital Mission Tested the Mysteries of the Human Body in Space

Air & Space Magazine:
Apollo 11 Moonship To Go On Tour

February 23, 2017

Daily Mail:
FOUND: The star system with SEVEN Earth-like planets - three of which could support alien life - just 39 light years away

The Verge:
This solar system of seven Earth-sized planets may be the best place to look for alien life

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX waves off space station cargo delivery for a day

Spaceflight Now:
Don't miss this spectacular video of 104 satellites deployed in space

This Is the First Privately Commissioned 3D-Printed Object Made in Space

Small Satellite Rocket Booster Arrives at New Zealand's First Launch Site

New Scientist:
Mars might already be building rings from its moons

SyFy Wire - Bad Astronomy:
KaBLAM! A small asteroid carved out one of the youngest craters on Mars

New Scientist:
Far-off asteroid caught cohabiting with Uranus around the sun

New Scientist:
The upstart asteroid who showed rings are for everybody

How a failed Japanese space mission lucked into catching a comet

Ars Technica:
The long wait to send a probe to Pluto, and what we've found

Daily Mail:
Planet Nine breakthrough as astronomers find asteroids that may have been victims of a 'smash and grab' by mysterious body

February 22, 2017

Champaign-Urbana News-Gazette:
Whatever happened to ... UFO sightings
Unexplained Fireball, Boom Rattle Residents

Update: NASA Confirms Meteor Seen Across South Alabama

Discover Magazine:
What Does a Meteor Sound Like?

Daily Mail:
Touchdown! The incredible moment Elon Musk's SpaceX rocket lands back at Cape Canaveral after delivering supplies to the International Space Station

Spaceflight Now:
Soyuz booster rolled out to snowy Baikonur launch pad

Popular Science:
Juno spacecraft gives up, decides to take the long way around Jupiter

Universe Today:
Juno Will Get No Closer To Jupiter Due To Engine Troubles

Spaceflight Now:
NASA's Juno spacecraft to remain in current orbit around Jupiter

Universe Today:
How Long is a Year on Mercury?

Mars Life Could Lurk Within These Salty Streaks

Universe Today:
A Region On Mars With Recent Water Is About To Get Major Attention

New Scientist:
Dwarf planet Ceres hosts home-grown organic material

Organic Material Discovery Suggests Life Could Exist on Dwarf Planet Ceres

Peoria Journal Star:
Nick in the AM: When a meteor landed near Glasford

February 21, 2017

Popular Science:
SpaceX rocket lifts off from historic Apollo 11 launchpad

SpaceX Rocket Puts Historic NASA Launch Pad Back in Business

Spaceflight Now:
Historic launch pad back in service with thundering blastoff by SpaceX

Space News:
Falcon 9 lifts off on first mission from Kennedy Space Center pad

Spaceflight Now:
Reconnaissance payload mounted atop Atlas 5 for California launch in two weeks

Europe's Mars Mission Is About to 'Surf' the Red Planet's Atmosphere

Science Magazine:
On the birthday of Pluto's discovery, Science takes a look back on the dwarf planet's long, strange history

Real Clear Science:
The Mystery of Sedna: The Solar System's Icy Oddball World

PRESIDENTS' DAY WEEKEND EDITION: February 18 through February 20, 2017

Daily Galaxy:
LIGO's Gravitational Waves May Point to a Universe Beyond

Quanta Magazine:
Experiment Reaffirms Quantum Weirdness

Quantized Inertia, Dark Matter, The EMDrive And How To Do Science Wrong

Financial Times:
Forever changes: the quest to unlock the mysteries of time

Quanta Magazine:
A Fight to Fix Geometry's Foundations

Houston Chronicle:
Terrifyingly, Google's Artificial Intelligence acts aggressive when cornered

Popular Science:
Watch a snake robot wriggle through a Norwegian fjord

The Cute Robot That Follows You Around and Schleps All Your Stuff

Daily Mail:
Meet Cassie, the crouching 'ostrich' robot that could soon be delivering your packages

New Scientist:
Science Museum's Robots: Who is really pulling the strings?

Astrobiology Magazine:
Older than the moon

Business Insider:
These 3-billion-year-old crystals deep inside an underwater volcano could be from an ancient continent

National Geographic Australia:
Is Zealandia Really The 8th Continent?

Astrobiology Magazine:
Oxygen Increased When Earth Was Covered in Ice

The Guardian:
Why the sublime violence of volcanoes will never lie dormant

Daily Mail:
The fangs of the first killer bite: Dog sized mammal that lived 100 million years before snakes was the first animal to use venom

Daily Mail:
Revealed: 250 million-year-old fossil of crocodile ancestor shows first ever evidence of live birth in an animal thought ONLY to lay eggs

Daily Mail:
Did a DOUBLE plume of magma wipe out the dinosaurs? Experts suggest a new theory for the historic mass extinction 65 million years ago

New Atlas:
Tarantulas show their true-blue colors

Science Magazine:
Watch the world's most elusive boa snake out of a Brazilian forest

Daily Mail:
Does King Tutankhamun's tomb hold Queen Nefertiti's remains? New scans could reveal secret burial chambers hidden for 3,300 years

3,000-Year-Old Child Footprints Found at Site of Ancient Egyptian Palace

New Atlas:
Archaeologists uncover first Dead Sea Scrolls cave in 60 years

The History Blog:
The Legacy of Ancient Palmyra online

The History Blog:
Odd animal burials found under Shrewsbury church

The History Blog:
Large Roman mosaic floor found in Leicester

Daily Mail:
Revealed: VIP Viking warrior found buried on the Scottish coast with a wealth of tools could be a WOMAN

The Universalis Cosmographia (1507): The First Time America Was Named On A Map

Mental Floss:
Are These the Skeletons of the First European Colonists in the U.S.?

The History Blog:
Science reveals Selden Map's secrets

Smithsonian Magazine:
Eight Secrets of the Taj Mahal

Mental Floss:
The Bitter Race to Publish America's First Magazine

Smithsonian Magazine:
Newly Discovered Photo May Depict a Younger Harriet Tubman

The History Blog:
New Harriet Tubman photo found in 1860s album

Mental Floss:
Robert Smalls: The Slave Who Stole a Confederate Warship and Became a Congressman

The History Blog:
Stolen Van Goghs on display before going home

Smithsonian Magazine:
Rare Photographs Could Show Paul Gauguin in Tahiti

Mental Floss:
Retrobituaries: Lincoln Perry, the First African American Movie Star

BBC History Extra:
The fall of France: Hitler's greatest gamble

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Complicated Racial Politics of Going "Undercover" to Report on the Jim Crow South

Making Globes In 1955

New Atlas:
10 highlights at this week's Paris collectible car auctions

New Atlas:
1930 Bugatti Type 52 children's car sells for $99,000

New Atlas:
"Q" gadgets from WWII up for auction

Smithsonian Magazine:
These Photos Show Just How Colossal the World's Tallest Sandcastle Is

February 17, 2017

Daily Mail:
Is this the first 'real' flying car? Orders open for $400,000 Pal-V that can hit 112mph on land AND in the air

New Atlas:
PAL-V flying three-wheeler being prepped for take off

Daily Mail:
The driverless MEGADRONE big enough to carry a passenger could be flying around Dubai in July

Daily Mail:
The 'flying bum' is back! Giant airship gets ahead to fly again following embarrassing crash

BBC History Extra:
James Sadler: From pastry cook to first English aeronaut

New Atlas:
The last Concorde makes its final journey

Daily Mail:
Stargazer was left baffled after he spotted a 'UFO' crossing the moon during a lunar eclipse - but it turned out to be one of Google's BALLOONS

February 16, 2017

Daily Mail:
The 'Dungeons and Dragons' asteroid: NASA spots object with strange shape that resembles the game's dice

Spaceflight Now:
India lofts a record 104 spacecraft on a single rocket

Space News:
SpaceX delays next Iridium launch two months

Popular Science:
NASA wants to put astronauts on the very first launch of its new mega-rocket

Space News:
NASA to study launching astronauts on first SLS mission

Ars Technica:
We finally have a computer that can survive the surface of Venus

Daily Mail:
The world's toughest computer could be sent to VENUS in 2025: Machine can withstand temperatures of 480°C

Mars Rover Curiosity's Drill Malfunction Puts Organics Hunt at Risk

Scientific American:
New Study Pins Down Jupiter's Birthday

Popular Science:
NASA has an unusually bold plan to find life on Europa

Popular Science:
Here's what NASA's Europa lander could look like

Bad Astronomy:
Does Earth have a Trojan horde?

February 15, 2017

Mysterious Lights In California Sky Early Tuesday Were Just An Unarmed Missile Test

Ars Technica:
The Air Force's secretive X-37B space plane may - or may not - be about to land

Space News:
The X-37 isn't landing just yet

Spaceflight Now:
No imminent X-37B landing planned

Daily Mail:
NASA to join forces with the European Space Agency for historic manned mission around the moon in 2021 - the first time humans have left low orbit since 1972

Mars 2020 Could Return to Where NASA's Spirit Rover Roamed

Watch a Stunning Video of Jupiter's Swirling Clouds Made by Amateur Astronomers

Universe Today:
This Is The Highest Resolution Image Of Europa We Have ... For Now

Stuff NZ:
Astronomers discover 114 new planets

Daily Mail:
Astronomers find SIXTY new planets orbiting stars near our solar system - and say some 'could be like Earth'

New Atlas:
Potentially habitable exoplanets may not be so habitable after all

February 14, 2017

Daily Mail:
Astronomers spot asteroid bigger than the Empire State Building that they say could crash into the Earth

Daily Mail:
Forget Google Maps, radical swarm of 148 mini satellites set to capture a 50-trillion-pixel image of Earth DAILY following Valentine's Day launch

SpaceX Falcon 9 Starts Its Engines for the First Time at Historic Launch Pad

Spaceflight Now:
Scientists narrow list of landing sites for NASA's next Mars rover

Mercury's Water Ice Deposits Have a Mysterious Origin

Universe Today:
Watch the Curiosity Rover Roll Across Mars' Surface

Mysterious Universe:
Curiosity Rover Discovers Ancient Mars Mystery

Mars Was Recently Hit by a Meteorite 'Shotgun' Blast

New Scientist:
Primitive plants survive almost two years in outer space

February 13, 2017

Daily Mail:
The extraordinary story of the entire class who claimed to have spotted a 40ft-long UFO in a field near their school 40 years ago... and how mystery still surrounds the sighting

I4U News:
Hubble Discovers A Comet 100,000 Times Bigger Than Halley's

Universe Today:
SpaceX Falcon 9 Breaths First Fire at KSC Pad 39A - Successful Static Fire Test Paves Path to Feb. 18 ISS Launch

Spaceflight Now:
Teams practice for Cape Canaveral's first launch of Minotaur 4 rocket

Blue Origin Prepares to Build Its Florida Rocket Launch Complex

New Scientist:
NASA wants to put a lander on Europa's surface to look for life

New Scientist:
Magnetic meteorites narrow down solar system's birthdate

Universe Today:
Meet Asteroid 2017 BQ6 - A Giant, Spinning Brick

WEEKEND EDITION: February 11 through February 12, 2017

Ars Technica:
Universe neither confirms nor denies its holographic nature

New Scientist:
Mapping the multiverse: How far away is your parallel self?

Science Friday:
Why the Multiverse Isn't Just Madness

Popular Mechanics:
This Walking Robot Might Be Your New UPS Driver

Los Angeles Times:
As bee populations dwindle, robot bees may pick up some of their pollination slack

The Guardian:
Robots exhibition at the Science Museum, London - in pictures

Daily Mail:
The shocking animation that reveals how a massive Antarctic crack has grown 17 miles in the last two MONTHS - and experts say it is now 'inevitable' it will create one of the biggest icebergs ever seen

Daily Mail:
Were Massive landslide '30 times the volume of Ayers rock' hit the Great Barrier Reef 300,000 years ago: Researchers find vast debris field and giant hills on the seabed

Daily Mail:
What happened to the sun over 7,000 years ago? Tree rings reveal mysterious magnetic 'solar event'

Carnivorous Plants Craved Meat Before They Could Digest It

Daily Mail:
Were WAVES to blame for the Great Dying? Researchers say shoaling 252 million years ago may have stirred up chemicals on the sea floor that killed off 90% of life on the planet

The Guardian:
Giant winged Transylvanian predators could have eaten dinosaurs

Science News:
Some lucky birds escaped dino doomsday

Atlas Obscura:
The Unlikely Comeback of New Zealand's Weirdest 'Living Fossil'

Ancient Sheepdog Breed Returns to Romanian Landscape to Fend Off Wolves

Ars Technica:
38,000-year-old carving includes enigmatic "punctuation" pattern

Ars Technica:
Dramatic new discoveries illuminate the lost Indus civilization

Mental Floss:
15 Facts About 'Portraits of the Duke and Duchess of Urbino'

Atlas Obscura:
Found: A Crucial Map of Tokyo's Ancient Edo Castle, Which Was Ready for War

Mental Floss:
The 392-Year-Old Bonsai That Survived Hiroshima

BBC History Extra:
A king without a crown: James II's years in exile

Mental Floss:
After 400 Years, This Forgotten Master Painter Is Getting Her First Solo Show

Mental Floss:
Retrobituaries: Benjamin Banneker, the African-American Mathematician Who May Have Saved Washington, D.C.

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Soprano Who Upended Americans' Racist Stereotypes About Who Could Sing Opera

Mental Floss:
The 12-Year-Old Who Fought In the Civil War

New York Times:
A Rediscovered Mark Twain Fairy Tale Is Coming Soon

Atlas Obscura:
Marie Duval, the Pioneering 19th-Century Cartoonist That History Forgot

Mental Floss:
15 Things You Didn't Know About Renoir's 'Luncheon of the Boating Party'

Mental Floss:
The International Distress Signal That Predates 'SOS'

Madam C.J. Walker wasn't just a positive force for African Americans. She also pioneered global black activism

Mental Floss:
15 Facts for Norman Rockwell's Birthday

Smithsonian Magazine:
The "Scandalous" Quarter Protest That Wasn't

Atlas Obscura:
How We Forgot the Bobbed Haired Bandit

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Brief 1930s Craze for 'Tom Thumb Golf'

Atlas Obscura:
The Little-Known Passport That Protected 450,000 Refugees

Mental Floss:
The World's First Emergency Phone Number

The heyday of American Nazism was led by a prize-winning Hollywood screenwriter

Mental Floss:
12 Facts About Frank Lloyd Wright's Fallingwater

The Greyhound Bus Terminal, Washington DC: April 1941

Atlas Obscura:
The Curious Curriculum of the 1950s Red Cross 'Bride Schools'

Atlas Obscura:
Watch the Dramatic Ad That Introduced the First Remote-Control Color TV

Mental Floss:
15 Things You Might Not Know About 'Dr. Strangelove'

This feminist single mom invented the phone sex business in the 1970s

Historic photos from the glory days of Britain's illegal rave movement

New Atlas:
The Volkswagen Bug becomes an unlikely auction hero

New Atlas:
Top 150 sales from the 2017 Las Vegas Motorcycle auctions

The Guardian:
Unbuilt Los Angeles: the city that might have been - in pictures

February 10, 2017

Daily Mail:
A taxi drone of your own: Jetpack builder reveals radical six rotor personal flying car

Daily Mail:
Russia reveals massive 'groundskimmer' cargo plane to carry heavy loads that will fly just 10 FEET above the ground and sea

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Picture History of One of the World's Greatest Hot Air Balloons

Daily Mail:
The last airworthy Vulcan nuclear bomber is STUCK in 'hibernation' while its owners scramble to raise funds to restore it to its Cold War glory

Ars Technica:
That time a monkey flew to the edge of space and then smashed into a destroyer

Mental Floss:
On This Day in 1971, Apollo 14 Golfers Arrived on the Moon

Mental Floss:
The Apollo Astronaut Who Was Allergic to the Moon

Daily Mail:
The golden era of Nasa's space race with Soviet Russia is brought back to life in stunning colourised images

Before photographs, these amazing illustrations showed us what deep space looks like

February 9, 2017

A Strange Green Comet Is Heading Our Way

Universe Today:
See a Flirtatious Lunar Eclipse This Friday Night

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Comet, Eclipse and a Full Moon Will Light Up the Skies Friday Night

CBS News:
Closest comet in decades to share sky with lunar eclipse this weekend

Spaceflight Insider:
First SpaceX flight from Launch Complex 39A slated for Feb. 18

Space News:
SpaceX plans to launch every two or three weeks once Florida pad is running

Ars Technica:
The International Space Station will get a new, private airlock in 2019

Mercury's Water Ice Deposits Have a Mysterious Origin

Universe Today:
How Long is a Day on Venus?

Astrobiology Magazine:
NASA's Curiosity Rover Sharpens Paradox of Ancient Mars

Mars Was Recently Hit by a Meteorite 'Shotgun' Blast

Saturn Could Be Defending Earth From Massive Asteroid Impacts

Chicago Reader:
The fireball that fell into Lake Michigan on Monday was not just a metaphor

Chicago Tribune:
When a meteor hit: Millions of years ago in Des Plaines

According To NASA An Asteroid Nearly Struck The Earth In January [Infographic]

BBC News:
What is the difference between a meteor and an asteroid?

February 8, 2017

New York Times:
Meteor Puts on a Light Show Over Midwest, and for the Cameras

Blazing 600-Pound Meteor Streaks Over Milwaukee

New Scientist:
Space junk collector burns up after hitting snag in first test

Spaceflight Now:
ULA's navy delivers rocket that will launch supplies to the space station

Daily Mail:
Boeing reveals its ISS 'space taxi' will use over 600 3D-printed parts when it blasts off next year

Spaceflight Insider:
New Horizons performs course correction on path toward second target

Universe Today:
What is the Weather like on Mars?

NASA's Rover Curiosity Reveals Something Weird About Mars' Ancient Atmosphere

Daily Mail:
Martian life mystery deepens as Curiosity rover finds early atmosphere did NOT have enough carbon dioxide to warm the planet and create lakes

Daily Mail:
Ceres' vanishing ice volcanoes: Dwarf planet may have had 'cryovolcanoes' millions of years ago that flattened out over time, leaving just one behind

Spaceflight Insider:
Pluto's red regions may have been created by Charon-forming impact

Astrobiology Magazine:
Possibility of Silicon-Based Life Grows

February 7, 2017

Mental Floss:
A Fireball Landed in Lake Michigan This Morning

Popular Mechanics:
Huge Fireball Meteor Lights Up Sky Over Illinois

Chicago Tribune:
College of Lake County captures footage of meteor flashing across night sky

Wisconsin State Journal:
Meteor that lit up Wisconsin sky no bigger than a basketball

Popular Science:
Rocket problems may delay SpaceX's first crewed launches

Spaceflight Now:
Japanese cargo ship ends mission after space debris experiment flounders

Spaceflight Insider:
Japan's Kounotori 6 re-enters Earth's atmosphere

Space News:
Launch woes diminish demand for small satellites

Here's What Mars' Amazing Polar Ice Cap Swirls Look Like From Above

Daily Mail:
The strange 'ice cream swirls' at the Martian north pole: ESA reveals incredible images of giant troughs on the red planet

Spaceflight Now:
Juno dives over Jupiter's cloud tops with main engine still offline

Universe Today:
Juno Buzzes Jupiter a mere 4,300 Km's above the Cloud Tops

Universe Today:
Meteorite Confirms 2 Billion Years of Volcanic Activity on Mars

Daily Mail:
Volcanoes erupted on Mars for 2 BILLION years: Meteorite study confirms Mars had the longest-lived volcanoes in the solar system

February 6, 2017

BBC News:
Broad Haven UFO sightings marked 40 years on

Meteor seen over West Michigan Monday morning

WISN Milwaukee:
Meteor lights up morning sky across Wisconsin

NWS: Meteor spotted in sky across Wisconsin

Spaceflight Now:
SpaceX rocket tagged for reuse test-fired in Texas

Universe Today:
Used SpaceX Booster Set for Historic 1st Reflight is Test Fired in Texas

Spaceflight Now:
Russia recalls rocket engines, grounding Proton missions until spring Australia:
When will 2016 WF9 hit Earth, how close did 2017 BS32 get and could a meteor strike destroy the planet?

WEEKEND EDITION: February 4 through February 5, 2017

What Was Our Universe Like Before the Big Bang?

Daily Mail:
Are we living in a HOLOGRAM? Physicists say they have 'substantial evidence' our universe is an illusion

Daily Mail:
Could wormhole tunnels really take us to another galaxy? Expert claims it IS possible (but very unlikely)

Hubble's Spacetime Warps Confirm That the Universe Is Expanding Far Faster Than Expected

Leaked Video Reveals New Boston Dynamics Robot That Can Perform Amazing Stunts on Two Wheels

New Atlas:
Reptilian robot spies infiltrate the animal kingdom

Daily Mail:
Can you spot the robots? They're the hi-tech stars of a hit BBC wildlife series. And they're so lifelike real animals tried to seduce them!

10 Incredible Robots That Are Inspiring Us to Build the First Artificial Human

Daily Mail:
The 'cosmic origins' periodic table that reveals where every element came from

New Scientist:
Earth's water must have arrived here earlier than we thought

New Scientist:
Planet Earth makes its own water from scratch deep in the mantle

Daily Mail:
Low levels of oxygen in Earth's middle ages delayed evolution for 2 BILLION years

Astrobilogy Magazine:
The making of Antarctica

A 'Lost Continent' Has Been Found Under the Island of Mauritius

Stuff NZ:
"Striking" new images show impact of Kaikoura earthquake on the sea floor

Stuff NZ:
Underwater volcano erupting near Tonga

Universe Today:
What is a Butte?

This Bag-Like Sea Creature Was Our Earliest Ancestor

Ancient Insect Found in Amber Is Literally One of a Kind

Transylvania Pterosaur Was the Top Predator on Its Prehistoric Island Home

The History Blog:
38,000-year-old aurochs engraving found in France

BBC History Extra:
The truth about ancient Egypt

BBC History Extra:
Love, sex and marriage in ancient Egypt

BBC History Extra:
8 ancient Egyptian gods and goddesses that you (probably) didn't know about

BBC History Extra:
Seeking eternity: 5,000 years of ancient Egyptian burial

The History Blog:
3,500-year-old jewelry workshop illuminates dark age

Daily Mail:
Were ancient Egyptian scribes inspired by BABOONS? 3,000-year-old tomb of 'renowned' Royal artist was decorated with carvings of apes

The History Blog:
Fragments found of Amenhotep II box

Daily Mail:
Alexander the Great's last will and testament may have been found 'hiding in plain sight' 2,000 years after his death

The History Blog:
Last coins excavated from huge Jersey Celtic hoard

The History Blog:
Rare Han treasures at San Francisco's Asian Art Museum

The History Blog:
Well-preserved Roman shipwreck found off Mallorca

The History Blog:
Ancient skeleton found with tongue replaced by stone

BBC History Extra:
5 things you (probably) didn't know about the Dark Ages

Daily Mail:
Amateur treasure hunter discovers priceless 1,500-year-old jewellery next to a human rib in a field in Kent

The History Blog:
Ashmolean secures Alfred the Great hoard

The History Blog:
Is this 1,000-year-old tomb a famous Viking chief's?

The History Blog:
17th c. letters found in Knole House attic

Clara the Indian rhinoceros stunned audiences across Europe in the 1700s

The History Blog:
18th c. pagoda clock automaton enchants at auction

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Royal Archives Reveals the Hidden Genius Behind George III's "Madness"

The History Blog:
George Washington's field tent stands again

The Guardian:
Queen Charlotte's last surviving dress goes on display in Bath

BBC History Extra:
The French ballerina who became wealthier than Queen Victoria

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Beatrix Potter Invented Character Merchandising

The History Blog:
Italy's greatest detective and master of disguise

These photos show what everyday life under fascism looked like

Smithsonian Magazine:
During World War II, the U.S. Saw Italian-Americans as a Threat to Homeland Security

These rebellious teens resisted the Nazis by beating up Hitler Youth, and some paid with their lives

These pictures show how cozy fallout shelters were perfect for the 1950s nuclear family

This 1967 classroom experiment proved how easy it was for Americans to become Nazis

In 1983, two pilots miraculously landed a jumbo jet with no fuel from 40,000 feet

When the Mac was introduced 33 years ago, people thought graphical user interfaces were a real problem

Soviet Style '86: Russian Fashion from the Year of Chernobyl

Daily Mail:
Return of film photography: Kodak is bringing back the iconic Ektachrome format due to 'overwhelming' demand

New Atlas:
In pictures: John Gee's extraordinary Antique Motorcycles collection

New Atlas:
Surprises galore at Scottsdale Classic Car Auctions

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Story of the Astrolabe, the Original Smartphone

February 3, 2017

Remote-Controlled Cyborg Dragonflies Will Be Flown Like Drones

Daily Mail:
Meet the BATBOT: Researchers reveal ultralight drone they say can fly circles around other craft

Scientific American:
The Story of NASA's Real "Hidden Figures"

Spaceflight History:
Early Apollo Mission to a Lunar Wrinkle Ridge (1968)

Spaceflight History:
As Gemini Was to an Apollo Lunar Landing by 1970, So Apollo Would Be to a Permanent Lunar Base in 1980 (1968)

The Secret History of the First Cat in Space

Popular Science:
Without Apollo 1, we might have never made it to the moon

February 2, 2017

Asteroid attack? Astronomers ponder fourth close pass of 2017

Astronomy Magazine:
A newly discovered asteroid is zipping between Earth and the Moon tomorrow

Extreme Tech:
Asteroid discovered hours before it passes between Earth and moon

Daily Mail:
The first private space station: Axiom to blast commercial module to the ISS in 2020 - then use it to create its own orbiting outpost (and will offer week long stays for tourists)

New Scientist:
Oxygen ions sent from Earth have been spotted on the moon

Meteorite Reveals Mars Had Active Volcanoes Two Billion Years Ago

On Mars, Life Could Be Hiding Under the Rocks

Sending Mars Rovers on a 'Walkabout' Could Boost Their Science Output

Cassini Reveals Breathtaking New Views of Saturn's Beautifully Complex Rings

New Atlas:
Video: Step into a spacewalker's shoes as he mends the ISS

February 1, 2017

A Japanese Space Junk Removal Experiment Has Failed in Orbit

Spaceflight Insider:
Russian Progress MS-03 departs International Space Station

Space News:
SpaceX shuffles launch schedule for Falcon 9

Space News:
Technical risks threaten to delay Mars 2020 mission

Space News:
Proton launches delayed until mid-May

Astrobiology Magazine:
Similar-Looking Ridges on Mars Have Diverse Origins

Tiny Spacecraft Sees Water at Rosetta's Comet While Stranded in Solar Orbit

Spaceflight Now:
Cassini offers best-ever view of Saturn's rings

Stuff NZ:
A 466 million-year-old space collision is still raining shrapnel down on Earth

January 31, 2017

Lost Japanese Spacecraft Has Made a Key Measurement on Rosetta's Comet

Space News:
Defective engines may ground Russia's Proton rocket for months

Spaceflight Now:
NASA resumes JWST vibration testing

A Private Space Station Might Be Born From the ISS

Boeing Unveils Lighter, Snazzy Spacesuit for Space Taxi Astronauts

'Alien' Life Could Exist High in Earth's Atmosphere

Finding Alien Life Could Be a Simple Chemistry Test Away

January 30, 2017

Daily Mail:
The undercover return of the space shuttle: Dream Chaser mini 'space taxi' arrives at Edwards Air Force Base ahead of 2019 missions to the International Space Station

Spaceflight Insider:
Next SpaceX launch may be one of the last expendable F9 boosters

SpaceX Delays First Flight From NASA Shuttle Launch Pad

Spaceflight Insider:
Japan's Kounotori 6 leaves ISS, readies tether experiment

Daily Mail:
NASA displays Apollo 1 capsule hatch 50 years after fatal fire that killed Gus Grissom, Ed White and Roger Chaffee as Buzz Aldrin leads tributes with emotional tweet about 'my best friend'

WEEKEND EDITION: January 28 through January 29, 2017

New York Review of Books:
The Trouble with Quantum Mechanics

Ars Technica:
A fountain of ammonia to look for holes in the Standard Model

What Was The Worst Mistake Ever Made In Theoretical Physics?

Air & Space Magazine:
The Pipeline That Measured the Speed of Light

The Humble Logarithm

A Quick Animated History of Why We Use the Numbers We Use

New Scientist:
AI agony aunt learns to dole out relationship advice online

IEEE Spectrum:
Hebocon: The Best Worst Robot Competition

Humanoid beer-and-pizza-fetching robot is charmingly retro

New York Times:
How to Make America's Robots Great Again

Daily Mail:
Early Earth was scarred by massive chunks of failed planets 4 billion years ago, astronomers find

Daily Mail:
Where Earth got its meteorites: Study reveals 'megaexplosion' of two giant asteroids 466 million years ago that showered our planet with space rocks

Popular Science:
Today's rarest space rocks were once common clods

Scientists Suspect 2015 Earthquake Caused Mount Everest To Shrink

Alaska Native News:
Sleuthing the Site of a Century-Old Earthquake

Seattle Post-Intelligencer:
A look at the Northwest earthquake that shook the world

Seattle Times:
Washington's 30-year earthquake drill for the 'Big One': Order studies. Ignore them. Repeat.

San Francisco at risk from Seawall damage in a major earthquake

The Rising Danger of Human-Caused Earthquakes

Volcanic Eruptions Changed Climate And History, But It's Complicated

Los Angeles Times:
Hawaii as you've never seen it before: a spectacular time-lapse of the lava flow from the Kilauea volcano

Stuff NZ:
Roger Hanson: A menace waking up after a century of slumber

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Mystery of Hiding Orchids, Solved

Christian Post:
Rare Fossilized Footprints Belonging to Nightmarish Dinosaur Found in Canada

Lizard Fossil in Montana Reveals a New Dino-Era Species

Flying Cretaceous Monster Ate Dinosaurs For Breakfast

Ars Technica:
Red panda and giant panda genomes show convergent evolution

Smithsonian Magazine:
You Wouldn't Want to Cuddle This Giant Prehistoric Otter With a Crushing Bite

Daily Mail:
From 25-foot-long lizards to 2-ton wombats, more than 85% of Australia's large wildlife died out 45,000 years ago - and humans were to blame

ABC Australia:
Scans reveal how the Tasmanian tiger's brain was wired to kill

New Scientist:
Antelope revived in Sahara years after going extinct in the wild

National Geographic:
Standing Tall: Egypt's Great Pyramids

BBC History Extra:
8 things you (probably) didn't know about Tutankhamun

The History Blog:
Update on the Celtic Princess of the Danube

Daily Mail:
Social instability, warfare and political crises killed off Mayan civilization TWICE, archaeologists reveal

The History Blog:
Last coins excavated from huge Jersey Celtic hoard

The History Blog:
From the annals of there's no accounting for taste

National Geographic:
Standing Tall: Egypt's Great Pyramids

Live Science:
Lost Dark Ages Fort Found in Scotland

Daily Mail:
Ruins discovered near Sea of Galilee could be rare medieval synagogue

Daily Mail:
The hidden patterns of America's first temples: Ancient Pueblo people built geometric structures despite having no written language or number system

The History Blog:
Medieval horse skull found at Colosseum

Mental Floss:
Ben Franklin's First Print Job on Display at the University of Pennsylvania

Smithsonian Magazine:
What the First European to Visit Hawaii Thought About Surfers

Smithsonian Magazine:
Why America Has a "President" Instead of an "Exalted Highness"

Mental Floss:
Did William Henry Harrison Really Die of Pneumonia?

Mental Floss:
5 Things You Didn't Know About Edgar Allan Poe

The first women's magazine started with poetry and temperance, but got radical real quick

Mental Floss:
The Mysterious Disappearance and Reappearance of Roger Tichborne

Mental Floss:
The Top-Secret Inauguration of Rutherford B. Hayes

Mental Floss:
Retrobituaries: Nellie Bly, Rabblerouser and Pioneer of Investigative Journalism

Mental Floss:
Marie Connolly Owens, America's First Female Police Officer

Smithsonian Magazine:
Where We Got the Term "Banana Republic"

Mental Floss:
As German Bombs Fell on Paris, Marie Curie Decided to Go to War

Mental Floss:
The Bold Van Buren Sisters, Who Blazed a Trail Across America

Atlas Obscura:
In Pre-WWII Berlin, the Shape of Your Roof Was a Highly Political Decision

Atlas Obscura:
A Tour of Al Capone's 'Killer' Cadillac, Which Once Terrorized Chicago Streets

Mental Floss:
The Hidden Room Behind Mount Rushmore

Smithsonian Magazine:
To Bear Witness to Japanese Internment, One Artist Self-Deported Himself to the WWII Camps
How "Tokyo Rose" Became WWII's Most Notorious Propagandist

Smithsonian Magazine:
Iva d'Aquino Toguri Remains the Only U.S. Citizen Convicted of Treason Who Has Ever Been Pardoned

Mental Floss:
What's the Story Behind This Superman Comic?

Smithsonian Magazine:
Who Was the Poe Toaster? We Still Have No Idea

Ars Technica:
A really obscure forgotten audio format: "Talking rubber"

Daily Mail:
A spy's eye view of Russia: Never-seen-before pictures of Stalin-era USSR taken by a US Army Major deported for espionage

This unheralded woman actually organized the Montgomery bus boycott

Lesbians battled for their place in 1960s feminism

In 1971, the People Didn't Just March on Washington - They Shut It Down

Mental Floss:
12 Facts About Shirley Chisholm, The First African-American to Run For President

Titanic Wreck Still Fascinates, Even After 105 Years

Titanic Speaks To Oceanographer Who Found Wreck At Bottom Of The Atlantic

Mental Floss:
14 Facts About 'Where's Waldo?'

New Atlas:
How the Volkswagen Kombi became a family heirloom

Ars Technica:
How I turned a traffic ticket into the constitutional trial of the century

January 27, 2017

Universe Today:
What is the Alcubierre "Warp" Drive?

Air & Space Magazine:
Baby Boom: A Concorde for the 21st Century?

The U.S. Army's Hoverbike Takes to the Air

Air & Space Magazine:
Lost Photographs of the Great War

Daily Mail:
Historic Lancaster bomber will be taken apart piece by piece and painstakingly restored in a £3.5million project to get it flying again by 2020

Air & Space Magazine:
We Fly the Last Electra Juniors

Atlas Obscura:
The Female Space Sculptor Who Designed the Earliest Space and Aviation Helmets

Spaceflight History:
Electricity from Space: The 1970s DOE/NASA Solar Power Satellite Studies

Spaceflight History:
Robot Rendezvous at Hadley Rille (1968)

Ars Technica:
The hell of Apollo 1: Pure oxygen, a single spark, and death in 17 seconds

January 26, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
China sets November launch for lunar sample return mission

Popular Science:
To get a man on the moon, China's program takes cues from the Apollo lunar lander

Daily Mail:
NASA'S astronauts get their first (virtual) ride in Orion: Training simulations of the capsule that could take man to Mars begin

Here's Why Venus' Mysterious Atmosphere Is so Weird

Astrobiology Magazine:
Bursts of methane may have warmed early Mars

Daily Mail:
Mystery of Ceres deepens: Material on the dwarf planet's surface is not what scientists expected

Slate - Bad Astronomy:
Juno Makes Another Pass at Jupiter

Spaceflight Now:
New Horizons to continue mission of discovery with Kuiper Belt encounter

Daily Mail:
Is there a 'water-rich' alien world lurking nearby? Earth-like planet just 39 light years away has a thick atmosphere

January 25, 2017

Daily Mail:
The 'Rerun' asteroid set to pass between Earth and the moon TONIGHT

Exeter Express & Echo:
Bright green 'fireball' lights up skies over Exeter

A Brilliant Green Meteor Lights Up India's 'Sky Islands'

Ars Technica:
SpaceX is about to launch one of its final expendable rockets

Space News:
Japan launches first military communications satellite

Spaceflight Now:
Japan puts its first military communications satellite into orbit

Spaceflight Insider:
Japanese H-IIA rocket delivers DSN-2 military communications satellite to orbit

Stuff NZ:
And, we are (almost) go for Kiwi Rocket launch in northern Hawke's Bay

New Scientist:
Dried-up slime could help microbes survive briny waters on Mars

Explainer: we can learn a lot from the changing night sky

Why Is It Taking So Long To Figure Out Planet Nine?

January 24, 2017

Daily Mail:
Dashcam captures the incredible moment a flaring meteorite the size of a WALNUT shoots across the sky

Space News:
NASA planning February decision on Juno maneuver

Daily Mail:
Russia and US planning historic joint mission to 'Earth's evil twin': Venus mission will examine clouds for signs of life

Cassini Gets Up Close and Personal With Saturn's 'Wavemaker' Moon Daphnis

Spaceflight Now:
Saturn's shepherd moon Daphnis makes waves

Daily Mail:
What it's like to land on Pluto: NASA reveals stunning simulation of a journey to the dwarf planet's surface

Universe Today:
What Was the Carrington Event?

Daily Mail:
How Earth will end: Astronomers reveal the six cosmic catastrophes that could wipe out our planet

January 23, 2017

Universe Today:
USAF Missile Defense SBIRS Observatory Streaks to Orbit during Spectacular Evening Blastoff

Space News:
Air Force satellite launches successfully after delay

Spaceflight Now:
Atlas 5 rocket successfully delivers vital national asset into space

Universe Today:
Bullseye: Amazing SpaceX Images Highlight Perfect Falcon 9 Landing

Spaceflight Insider:
OSIRIS-REx completes critical deep space maneuver

Space News:
Rash of Galileo clock failures cast doubt on timing of upcoming launches

ABC Australia:
Weather observed for first time on Jupiter-like exoplanet

Astronomers Prepare to Search for Alien Life at Nearby 'Habitable' Exoplanet

WEEKEND EDITION: January 21 through January 22, 2017

Astronomy Magazine:
Is the multiverse physics, philosophy, or something else entirely?

Make a date with another dimension

Daily Galaxy:
"The Black Hole That Gave Birth to the Universe"

The Man Who's Trying to Kill Dark Matter

DNA Info:
A Crime-Fighting Robot That Looks Like R2-D2 is Patrolling 10th Avenue

Phys Org:
Chinese humanoid robot turns on the charm in Shanghai

'Robot Lawyer' Makes The Case Against Parking Tickets

Daily Mail:
The power that can shape a continent revealed: Study finds heat from deep in the Earth's core drives the planet's tectonic plates

Phys Org:
Data from 2012 earthquake suggests new plate boundary may be forming in Indian Ocean

International Business Times:
From Yellowstone to Toba: Here are some of the world's biggest supervolcanoes

CBS News:
Photographs show how Alaska volcano's eruptions have changed island

This Is How A Volcano's Pyroclastic Flow Will Kill You

From Art To Myth, The Relationship Of Our Ancestors With Volcanoes

Daily Mail:
Did life first evolve on Earth in a 'false start' 2.3billion years ago? New study backs theory of a fleeting 'oxygen oasis' on Earth

The Dark and Extreme Cold Killed Off the Dinosaurs

Daily Mail:
The most terrifying goose to ever roam the Earth: 5ft bird weighed 50lbs and used its wings to FIGHT

In a First, Shark Switches from Sexual to Asexual Reproduction

Neanderthal's Eye for Bling Revealed by Unique Rock Stashed in Cave

Daily Mail:
Did the first humans arrive in North America 10,000 years earlier than thought? Bones fund in Canada cave show 'indisputable' marks from stone tools

The History Blog:
Roman chariot model reveals trick of the racing trade

The History Blog:
Anglo-Saxon settlement found in Cambridge

The History Blog:
Rare medieval Madonna that survived Reformation, Revolution goes home

The History Blog:
Centuries-old Buddha ermerges from reservoir

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Altar Cloth Might Have Been Elizabeth I's Skirt

BBC History Extra:
The East India Company: How a trading corporation became an imperial ruler

The History Blog:
A Dutch Girl at Breakfast joins Vermeer's Milkmaid

Smithsonian Magazine:
Benjamin Franklin Was a Middle-Aged Widow Named Silence Dogood (And a Few Other Women)

Mental Floss:
10 Facts About Benedict Arnold

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Little-Remembered Ally Who Helped America Win the Revolution

BBC History Extra:
5 facts you (probably) didn't know about Nelson's navy
The First Foreign-Born First Lady: Louisa Catherine Adams

BBC History Extra:
6 strange newspaper stories that shocked Victorian Britain

Atlas Obscura:
Martha Matilda Harper, the Greatest Businesswoman You've Never Heard Of

Mental Floss:
15 Things You Might Not Know About Monet's 'Water Lilies'

The Atlantic:
The Camera Technology That Turned Films Into Stories

Workers On The Roof Of Chattanooga's First Department Store (1898)
The Treacherous Race to the South Pole

These picture postcards capture the monumental scale of America in the early 20th century

BBC History Extra:
The telegram that brought America into the First World War

Universe Today:
Who was Max Planck?
The Great Molasses Flood of 1919

Smithsonian Magazine:
This Hollywood Titan Foresaw the Horrors of Nazi Germany

Smithsonian Magazine:
In the Darkest Days of World War II, Winston Churchill's Visit to the White House Brought Hope to Washington

New Atlas:
Wild 1955 turbine-powered Chrysler show car set for auction

Atlas Obscura:
In the 1960s, Telegraph Poles Were Equipped With Nuclear Bomb Alarms

Atlas Obscura:
The Russian Spy Who Convinced America to Take ESP Seriously

Mental Floss:
How Stephen King's Wife Saved 'Carrie' and Launched His Career

Daily Mail:
The real-life X-Files: How CIA recruited Uri Geller to test his psychic abilities and were STUNNED when he was able to match random drawings by an agent sealed in another room

Mental Floss:
When Bond Battled Bond at the 1983 Box Office

Atlas Obscura:
The World's Most Beautiful and Unusual Chess Sets

January 20, 2017

Daily Mail:
Military spy laser could transform Earth's atmosphere into a giant magnifying glass to snoop on enemies

Daily Mail:
The man who wants to fly higher and faster than any bird: Wingsuit pilot reveals plan to jump from 40,000 feet and break FOUR world records (including hitting 250mph on his descent)

Daily Mail:
Move over James Bond: A civilian pilot is being trained on the world's first commercially available jetpack

New Scientist:
Lost in space: Two books on the forgotten women of astroscience

Air & Space Magazine:
The Highest Jump

Air & Space Magazine:
I Was Almost Killed By a Navy Jet on a San Diego Beach

Smithsonian Magazine:
In 1957, The U.S. Flew a Jet Around the World to Prove it Could Drop a Nuclear Bomb Anywhere

Air & Space Magazine:
What Happened to Pan Am Flight 7?

January 19, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Launch failure probe prompts engine swap on Soyuz crew's rocket

Spaceflight Now:
SES 10 telecom satellite in Florida for launch on reused SpaceX rocket

Space News:
NASA considering Boeing offer for additional Soyuz seats

A Giant Gravity Wave Has Been Found in Venus' Clouds

Daily Mail:
The astonishing images of cracked mud on Mars: Curiosity finds clearest evidence yet of the red planet's watery past

Curiosity Finds Fossilized Slab of Cracked Mud on Mars

Universe Today:
Some Earth Life is Ready to Live on Mars, Right Now

Astrobiology Magazine:
Microbes Could Survive Thin Air of Mars

Astronomy Magazine:
Are there volcanoes on comets?

The Milky Way's Most Distant Stars May Be Stolen Goods

Mark your calendar: 5 must-see astronomy events in 2017

Daily Mail:
Mark your calendars! A dazzling supernova will appear in the sky in 2022, predict astronomers

New Scientist:
Cold case: The unsolved mystery of what lit Kepler's supernova

January 18, 2017

Spaceflight Now:
Launch failure probe prompts engine swap on Soyuz crew's rocket

Spaceflight Now:
Falcon 9 booster, first recovered off West Coast, back in port

Spaceflight Insider:
Smallest orbital-class rocket launch ends in failure

Spaceflight Now:
Experimental flight of Japanese sounding rocket falls short of orbit

Universe Today:
Mars Curiosity Rolls Up to Potential New Meteorite

New Scientist:
Curiosity finds Mars rock that may be a meteorite made from iron

Step Aside Iron Man, NASA's Going to Explore a Strange Iron World

Daily Mail:
First glimpse of an alien world: Nasa finally shares stunning footage of its 2005 landing on Saturn's moon, Titan

Spaceflight Insider:
New NASA mission could solve mystery of asteroid Psyche's water

New Atlas:
How Pluto's atmosphere is spared by a moon shield

Charon Is Pluto's First Line of Defense Against Solar Wind Onslaught

'Planet Nine' Could Be an Alien Intruder

Daily Mail:
Planet Nine could be a 'rogue world' captured from another solar system

January 17, 2017

Western Telegraph:
Broad Haven hosts UFO spotters 40 years on

Collective Evolution:
What Does A Real 'UFO' Look Like? These 9 Astonishing Pictures Will Give You An Idea

We Come From France

Alien Glow: Brilliant Light Pillars Appear Over Ontario

SpaceX Makes Spectacular Return to Flight, Launching 10 Satellites Into Orbit

Space News:
Falcon 9 returns to flight with successful Iridium launch

Spaceflight Now:
Advanced missile detection satellite for early-warning alerts awaits liftoff

Space News:
Safety panel cites concerns over SpaceX fueling process for commercial crew

Spaceflight Now:
Astronaut Gene Cernan, last Apollo moonwalker, dies at 82

Ars Technica:
The passing of Gene Cernan reminds us how far we haven't come

Time Magazine:
Farewell to Eugene Cernan, the Last Man to Walk on the Moon

January 14 through January 16, 2017

Daily Galaxy:
"What Came Before the Big Bang?" -- Intriguing New Theories on the Origin of Time

Popular Science:
The Science Behind the Impossible EM Drive

Mental Floss:
Watch an Early Silent Film About Relativity

USA Today:
CES 2017: Robots steal show at this year's event

RIP BigDog, Darpa's Robotic Pack Mule

Daily Mail:
Has the mystery of the Earth's core been solved? Scientists say unknown 'third element' is SILICON

Daily Mail:
A massive chunk of Hawaii has disappeared into the ocean: Incredible footage show huge lava collapse that almost killed five tourists

What Exactly Is The Polar Vortex & Is It Getting Worse?

Retroviruses, Including HIV, Are Almost Half a Billion Years Old

Daily Mail:
The MEGASHARK died out because it was a picky eater: Researchers say megalodon was unable to change its diet after its favourite whales died out

New Scientist:
The trunk trick that lets elephants pick up almost anything

New Atlas:
Clever chimps craft water-dipping sticks to quench their thirst

Daily Mail:
Baboons make five vowel-like sounds just like humans: Discovery could mean the origin of speech is much older than first thought

Daily Mail:
The incredible moment a group of monkeys communicate with a ROBOT baby that they think is one of their own

Italy's Supervolcano and the End of the Neanderthals

Daily Mail:
The world's oldest SILK: Evidence of the luxury material is found in 8,500-year-old tombs in China

Daily Mail:
Revealed: 4,000-year-old pottery and flint tools found near St Andrews could shed light on trade in Neolithic Britain

Daily Mail:
The mystery of the Aswan tombs: TWELVE new burial sites are found at a 3,400-year-old Egyptian necropolis

Daily Mail:
Egyptian treasure riddle cracked after 160 years: Missing fragments reveal 3,400-year-old wooden box is linked to Pharaoh Amenhotep II

The History Blog:
Latin city mythically founded by Aeneas opens to public

BBC History Extra:
Bleddyn ap Cynfyn: the first Prince of Wales?

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Inventor of the Telegraph Was Also America's First Photographer

Smithsonian Magazine:
On This Day in 1847, a Texas Ranger Walked Into Samuel Colt's Shop and Said, Make Me a Six-Shooter

Smithsonian Magazine:
Murder, Marriage and the Pony Express: Ten Things You Didn't Know About Buffalo Bill

Smithsonian Magazine:
Escape Artist Harry Houdini Was an Ingenious Inventor, He Just Didn't Want Anybody to Know

Smithsonian Magazine:
New York State Once Introduced an Anti-Flirting Bill

Mysterious Universe:
The Mysterious Vanishing of Ambrose Bierce

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Couple Who Saved China's Ancient Architectural Treasures Before They Were Lost Forever

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Legendary Reporter Who Broke the Beginning of World War II Is Dead

The History Blog:
Experimental 1942 glass penny sells for $70,500

Air & Space Magazine:
Free-Falling Above a Burning B-24

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Student and the Spy: How One Man's Life Was Changed by the Cambridge Five

Seattle Times:
Martin Luther King Jr. - 1956-62

Seattle Times:
Martin Luther King Jr. - 1963-65

Seattle Times:
Martin Luther King Jr. - 1966-68

USA Today:
Read Martin Luther King Jr.'s inspiring Nobel Peace Prize speech

USA Today:
This 1967 speech may have helped put a target on Martin Luther King's back

ABC News:
Martin Luther King's Final Speech: 'I've Been to the Mountaintop' -- The Full Text

The Tennessean:
The assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Time Magazine:
What Martin Luther King Sr. Wrote About His Son's Death

Time Magazine:
How the First Martin Luther King Jr. Day Was Celebrated

Smithsonian Magazine:
There Are Only Two Shakers Left in the World

San Jose Mercury News:
Remembering California's storm-toppled historic Pioneer Cabin Tree

January 13, 2017

US Military Unleashes Swarm of Micro Drones Over California

Daily Mail:
Pentagon tests the world's largest hive-mind-controlled drone swarm that can jam weapons, spy on the enemy and launch deadly attacks

Atlas Obscura:
The Bird-Like Soviet Flying Machine That Never Quite Took Off

Spaceflight History:
"A Vision of the Future": Military Uses of the Moon and Asteroids (1983)

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Day the Nimbus Weather Satellite Exploded

Spaceflight History:
NASA Marshall's 1966 NERVA-Electric Piloted Mars Mission

Spaceflight History:
An Apollo Landing Near the Great Ray Crater Tycho (1969)

A Walk On The Moon With Apollo 16's Charlie Duke

January 12, 2017

Daily Mail:
US Air Force's X-37B space plane reaches 600 days in orbit - and its mission STILL remains a mystery

New Scientist:
Space travel's mental health toll could endanger long missions

Daily Mail:
Apollo 14 reveals the moon is far older than thought: Samples collected by moonwalkers in 1971 show our satellite is 4.51 billion years old

The Moon Is Probably Older Than We Thought - and Life Could Be Too

Stuff NZ:
Moon 'formed from moonlets'

Christian Science Monitor:
Was our moon formed when a bunch of moonlets all smashed together?

New Atlas:
Earth-like planets may not be very Earth-like

New Scientist:
'Alien megastructure' signal may be due to star eating a planet

Daily Mail:
Where in the galaxy is Voyager? Hubble reveals new 'interstellar road map' of probe's journey through the unexplored territory beyond our solar system

January 11, 2017

Popular Mechanics:
An Asteroid Just Barely Missed Earth, Flying Closer Than the Moon

Smithsonian Magazine:
A Sneaky Asteroid Buzzed By Earth Yesterday

Russia Today:
Two large meteors caught on camera in northwestern Russia (VIDEO)

Spaceflight Now:
Kuaizhou rocket lifts off on first commercial mission

Orlando Sentinel:
Why Elon Musk has so much riding on SpaceX's upcoming rocket launch

Our Moon May Have Eaten Many Smaller Moons

Monster Telescope to Seek Out Habitable Alien Worlds in Neighboring Star System

Life's Building Blocks Have Been Mapped Throughout the Milky Way

Would NASA Tell Us About Alien Contact?

January 10, 2017

NASA Is Sending a Probe to Explore Jupiter's Mysterious Trojan Asteroids

Popular Science:
NASA's new Psyche mission will take us to a metal asteroid for the first time

Ars Technica:
NASA chooses two asteroid missions instead of a Venus return

Popular Science:
Is NASA launching too many asteroid missions?

This Is Earth and the Moon as Seen From Mars

Astrobiology Magazine:
Could Dark Streaks in Venus' Clouds Be Microbial Life?

Spaceflight Insider:
Our Spaceflight Heritage: Mars Exploration Rover Spirit remembered 13 years after landing

Daily Mail:
Pluto's Earth-like ridges revealed: Icy feature has only ever been seen before on our planet

Total Solar Eclipses: Only For A Limited Time

January 9, 2017

Spaceflight Insider:
SpaceX Falcon 9 RTF postponed to Jan. 14

Ars Technica:
SpaceX is free to fly - will attempt a launch Saturday from California [Updated]

Spaceflight Now:
Next SpaceX launch slipped to avoid stormy weather, range conflict

Spaceflight Now:
FAA signs off on SpaceX mishap investigation

Spaceflight Now:
Engine hotfire test completed for SpaceX's first launch since explosion

Spaceflight Insider:
1st battery-replacement spacewalk completed at ISS

Spaceflight Now:
Spacewalkers continue space station battery refresh with successful EVA

Spaceflight Insider:
Chinese Long March 3B launches technology demonstrator

Spaceflight Now:
Long March rocket blasts off on first launch of the year

Spaceflight Now:
Stacking of Atlas 5 underway for next national security satellite launch

Spaceflight Insider:
Boeing's T-X prototype takes flight

WEEKEND EDITION: January 7 through January 8, 2017

Even Physicists Find the Multiverse Faintly Disturbing

A theory that challenges Newton's and Einstein's gravity and nixes dark matter passed its first test

The Four Biggest Mistakes Of Einstein's Scientific Life

A Very Short History Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The Guardian:
Japanese company replaces office workers with artificial intelligence

Snap a Bird Photo and This App Tells You the Species

Mental Floss:
11 Common Misconceptions About Robots

Daily Mail:
Meet 'Prosthesis', the terrifying 14ft-tall 'anti-robot' that can carry a human and run 50mph almost SILENTLY

The Dying Earth Will Display A Very Exotic Geology, Unfortunately Nobody Will Be There To Study It

Explorers Find Passage to Earth's Dark Age

Climate Change Could Cause Atlantic Ocean Current Collapse

Just How Big Can a Tsunami Get?

Yellowstone's Old Faithful Geyser Just Started Erupting Snow

ZME Science:
Paleontologists find 'incredibly rare' 52 million year-old fossilized berry

Mysterious 'Ghost Shark' Origins Revealed by a 280-Million-Year-Old Skull

Austin American-Statesman:
South Texas fossil could be reptile that swam 90 million years ago

We Finally Know How Long It Took for Dinosaur Eggs to Hatch

Stuff NZ:
Dinosaur eggs may finally solve mystery of why they died out

Audobon Magazine:
How the Stealthy Saw-whet Owl Duped Scientists for a Century

Audobon Magazine:
New Research Shows Hummingbirds Need Exceptional Brains to Hover

BBC News:
The strange Asian island where monkeys and marsupials meet

BBC News:
It is almost impossible to herd cats, thanks to evolution

Toronto Star:
Neanderthals in a boat? Not such a far-fetched notion after all

Ancient Origins:
Humans Occupied Tibetan Plateau Thousands of Years Earlier than Previously Thought

Ancient Origins:
Nearly Lost from The Pages of History, Mari Is The Oldest Known Planned City in the World

The History Blog:
3,800-year-old wetland potato garden found in Canada

Ancient Origins:
Instructions of Shuruppak: 4,600 Years Ago, A Sumerian King Instructed His Son on How to Behave

The History Blog:
2,300-year-old Chinese sword found still sharp and shiny

Ancient Cross and Menorah Carvings Found by Cave Explorers in Israel

The History Blog:
Calvatone Victory rediscovered at the Hermitage

BBC History Extra:
10 things you (probably) didn't know about the Anglo-Saxons
Globetrotting Vikings: The Quest for Constantinople

BBC History Extra:
What was life like for a medieval housewife?

Mental Floss:
15 Rebellious Facts About Pennsylvania Founder William Penn

The History Blog:
First 18th c. American true porcelain bowl found in Philadelphia

National Geographic:
Why Newton Believed a Comet Caused Noah's Flood

Mental Floss:
211 Years Ago Today, the French Abandoned Their Decimal Calendar

BBC History Extra:
11 things you (probably) didn't know about Sherlock Holmes

A Slum City For Slum People: Jacob Riis' Photos Of New York's Other Half (1890)

Smithsonian Magazine:
Happy Birthday to Hollywood's First Chinese-American Star

Atlas Obscura:
Peek Inside Buffalo's Abandoned Art Deco Train Terminal

Mental Floss:
10 Fantastic Facts About 'Fantasia'

Mysterious Universe:
The Mysterious Vanished Crew of the Ghost Blimp

BBC News:
The secret nuclear bunker built as the UK's last hope

Air & Space Magazine:
In 1950, Airlines Didn't Serve Liquor Over Dry States

Daily Mail:
Photographer in Mesopotamia: Incredible pictures taken by Agatha Christie reveal how she helped uncover Iraq's lost city of Nimrud with her archaeologist husband in between writing her detective novels

Atlas Obscura:
Watch a Melodramatic Communist Ballet from 1964

BBC News:
The spy with no name

Mental Floss:
9 Fact-Packed Infographics From National Geographic's Archives

New Atlas:
The fastest cars in history: 1894 to 1914

January 6, 2017

Air & Space Magazine:
Breakthrough in Antimatter Physics Has Some Dreaming of Starships

Amazon Has a Patent for Floating Blimp Warehouses

Ars Technica:
Amazon's demented plans for its warehouse blimp with drone fleet

Two Autonomous Passenger Drones Could Make Flying Taxis Possible

Watch Daredevils With Jetpacks Fly Next to People Standing on Top of Airplanes

BBC News:
The British jet that flew higher than any other plane

Stuff NZ:
Roger Hanson: William Pickering's battle for photos of the moon

As the Apollo Program Turns 50, This Is How We'll Celebrate

No One Wants to Live in My Simulation Space Colony

January 5, 2017

Stuff NZ:
Nasa spots comet and mysterious celestial object flying towards Earth

The Space Reporter:
NEOWISE detects near-Earth comet and possible asteroid

Christian Science Monitor:
Comet watch: Look for the first comet of 2017 this week

Space News:
NASA selects two asteroid missions for Discovery program

Spaceflight Now:
NASA to Send Mission to Metal Asteroid That Could Be Dead Planet's Core

Space News:
NASA orders more flights from Boeing, SpaceX

Spaceflight Insider:
ISS' power generation system to get crucial update

Ars Technica:
New Horizons now just two years from its next target - a dark, mysterious rock

Curiosity Has Found Weird Purple Rocks on Mars

Daily Mail:
What lies under the poles of Mars: 3D radar reveals vast craters and huge deposits of frozen carbon dioxide

New Scientist:
Mars should have loads more water - so where has it all gone?

Daily Mail:
What is happening on Titan? Cassini images reveal clouds have returned after several years to Saturn's largest moon - and NASA has no idea why

Sky & Telescope:
Meteor Showers in 2017

January 4, 2017

IFL Science:
Watch As A Volcanic Eruption Gets Completely Upstaged By A Streaking Meteor

Itech Post:
NASA Detects Incoming Comet Or Asteroid Towards Earth; Visible On January 14

China's Busy Space Launch Schedule Rivaled the U.S. in 2016

Air & Space Magazine:
China's Moon Missions Are Anything But Pointless

After Rocket Explosion, SpaceX Aims to Return to Flight on Sunday

Space News:
Russia plans early February Progress return to flight

To Find Life on Europa, We'll Need to Drill Into the Ice

Cassini's Breathtaking New View of Saturn's Enigmatic Hexagon

Popular Science:
Just how far away are the exoplanets we've found?

January 3, 2017

Pasadena Now:
JPL Scientists Alerted to Object Fast Approaching Earth

Tech Times:
NASA Spots Object That's Either A Comet Or An Asteroid Approaching Earth

CBS News:
SpaceX completes failure probe, plans new launch

Space News:
SpaceX plans Jan. 8 return to flight after completing failure investigation

Space News:
Chinese satellites raising orbits after launch anomaly

Spaceflight Now:
Internal debris may be causing problem with Mars rover's drill

Spaceflight Insider:
Mars Odyssey recovering after entering safe mode

I4U News:
A Total Solar Eclipse Is Coming In 2017

NEW YEAR'S WEEKEND EDITION: December 30, 2016 through January 2, 2017

Grand Unification Dream Kept at Bay

New Scientist:
Gravity may have chased light in the early universe

New Scientist:
First test of rival to Einstein's gravity kills off dark matter

Smithsonian Magazine:
Scientists Find That Water Might Exist in a Whole New State

Live Science:
The 10 Strangest Science Stories of 2016

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Hidden Connections Between Darwin and the Physicist Who Championed Entropy

Ars Technica:
Behold the greatest spirographs in the world

New Atlas:
13-foot-tall Korean mech suit aims to assist with Fukushima cleanup

Daily Mail:
The real-life Avatar robot takes its first steps: Secretive 13 foot high South Korean 'war machine' walks by mimicking its human pilot

Meet the Most Incredible Bots of 2016

Daily Mail:
Watch the giant MEGABOT pick up a car: 16 foot fighting robot reveals its hi-tech claws ahead of upcoming battle with Japanese machine

Science Magazine:
Earth's rarest diamonds formed in pockets of liquid metal

Smithsonian Magazine:
This German Town Is Embedded with Millions of Tiny Diamonds

Smithsonian Magazine:
How Ancient Volcanoes Created Armenia's Pink City

There's a Jet Stream Churning in the Earth's Core

Live Science:
Biggest Natural Disasters of 2016: Year of the Earthquake

Stuff NZ:
A supervolcano caused the largest eruption in European history. Now it's stirring again.

Science Magazine:
The incredible ecosystem of Earth's hottest spot

The Top 10 Fantastic Fossil Finds Of 2016

Daily Mail:
Meat-loving dinosaur that grew up to be a toothless vegetarian could help shed light on how bird beaks evolved

Daily Mail:
Revealed: 90 million-year-old bird bones dug up in the Arctic show the region was once as warm as FLORIDA

Dirty 10,000-Year-Old Pots Reveals Signs of First Cooked Vegetables

Daily Mail:
Is there a forgotten pharaoh buried in this tomb? Newly-discovered 4,200-year-old wall could hold an Egyptian secret

New Dead Sea Scrolls Fragments Found in Judean Desert

Mental Floss:
Show & Tell: Was This 20-Sided Die Used for Ancient Gaming?

The History Blog:
Getty acquires beautiful, storied intaglio

Mysterious Universe:
The Location of Camelot May Have Finally Been Found

Daily Mail:
Stunning medieval ring found in Robin Hood's Sherwood Forest could bag an amateur treasure hunter £70,000

Atlas Obscura:
How Racism Was First Officially Codified in 15th-Century Spain

The History Blog:
Secrets of 16th c. boxwood miniatures revealed

Mental Floss:
What Happened When Elizabeth I Organized A National Lottery

Smithsonian Magazine:
After Nearly 500 Years in Business, the Company that Cast the Liberty Bell Is Ceasing All Operations

Daily Mail:
The lost floating city: Images emerge of the 'engineering marvel' which was carved out by vanished ancient civilization

The History Blog:
Art historian donates unpublished Velazquez to Prado

The Guardian:
Isaac Newton masterwork becomes most expensive science book sold

Atlas Obscura:
The First Female Doctor in Britain Spent 56 Years Disguised as a Man

BBC History Extra:
A day in the life of Jane Austen

Mental Floss:
The Overlooked Paleontologist Who May Have Inspired 'She Sells Sea Shells'

The History Blog:
Oscar Wilde portrait returns to UK after a century
How a Canadian Invented Basketball
Remembering Annie Moore, Ellis Island's First Immigrant

Mental Floss:
The Man Who Filled Newspapers With Monsters

Smithsonian Magazine:
Just Months After Its Discovery, the X-Ray Was in Use in War

Smithsonian Magazine:
Ever Wonder Who Invented The Tea Bag?

Atlas Obscura:
How Pleather Saved the DuPont Company - And Some Cows, Too

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Murder of Rasputin, 100 Years Later

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Suspect, the Prosecutor, and the Unlikely Bond They Forged

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Strange Story Of The Westinghouse Atom Smasher

Smithsonian Magazine:
Without This Camera, the Emerald City Would Have Been the Color of Mud
Wonder Woman at 75

Smithsonian Magazine:
The Only Live News Report from the Attack on Pearl Harbor

Atlas Obscura:
How Millions Of Secret Silk Maps Helped POWs Escape Their Captors in WWII
You Won't Believe Where the First NHL Outdoor Game Was Played
The Soviet Union's Final Hours

New Atlas:
10 exciting future-focused films coming in 2017

BBC News:
A very fairy Christmas: Winter works by Arthur Rackham

Atlas Obscura:
How to Appease Household Spirits Across the World

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