online ufo
magazine articles
March 9, 1942 Time Magazine article on the incident now known as "the battle of Los Angeles". At Google Books.

Army Guns Open Up At Unknown "Foe"
March 9, 1942 Life Magazine article on the incident now known as "the battle of Los Angeles". At Google Books.

January 15, 1945 Time Magazine article on silver balls and lights following allied pilots. At Google Books.

The Somethings
July 14, 1947 Time Magazine article on nationwide flying saucer sighting reports. At Time.

A Rash Of Flying Disks Breaks Out Over U.S.
July 1947 Life Magazine article making light of nationwide reports. At Google Books.

Busted Dish
July 21, 1947 Time Magazine piece on dying down of saucer reports. At Time.

Walter, Walter, Sometimes Right
July 21, 1947 Time Magazine piece on Walter Winchell report that flying saucers are U.S. flying wing aircraft. At Time.

Are Secret Balloons the Flying Saucers?
May 1948 Popular Science cover article on Project Skyhook. At Google Books.

What You Can Believe About Flying Saucers
Part 1. April 30, 1949 Saturday Evening Post debunking article by Sidney Shalett, guided by Project Grudge. PDF file at NICAP.

What You Can Believe About Flying Saucers
Part 2. May 7, 1949 Saturday Evening Post debunking article by Sidney Shalett, guided by Project Grudge. PDF file at NICAP.

Things That Go Whiz
May 9, 1949 Time Magazine article on USAF 'Project Saucer' findings. At Time.

The Flying Saucers Are Real
Headline-making January 1950 True Magazine article by Major Donald Keyhoe, with special commentary.

Visitors From Venus
January 9, 1950 Time Magazine article on Major Keyhoe's article (see above) plus rumors of saucer crashes in New Mexico. At Time.

How Scientists Tracked a Flying Saucer
March 1950 True Magazine article by Commander Robert B. McLaughlin, USN, a rocket expert at White Sands. PDF file at NICAP.

Mexico: Pies In The Sky
April 3, 1950 Time Magazine article on sighting reports in Mexico. At Time.

The Saucer-Eyed Dragons
April 17, 1950 Time Magazine article on controversy over U.S. News & World Report claim that saucers were U.S. craft. At Time.

Flying Disk Aircraft
May 1950 Popular Mechanics article on man's design for working flying saucer. At Google Books.

Farmer Trent's Flying Saucer
June 1950 Life Magazine article on famous McMinville, Oregon photos. At Google Books.

The Flying Saucers - Fact or Fiction
July 1950 Flying article on pilot sightings by Curtis Fuller, Editor. At Project 1947, scroll down for article.

Saucers Flying Upward
September 25, 1950 Time Magazine article on Frank Scully's Behind the Flying Saucers. At Time.

Armed Forces: Belated Explanation
February 26, 1951 Time Magazine article on ONR physicist Urner Liddel's claim that Skyhook ballooons are responsible for sightings. At Time.

Saucers Balloons? The News Catches Up To PS
April 1951 Popular Science piece on Dr. Urner Liddel of the Office of Naval Research's claim that saucers are cosmic ray research balloons. At Google Books.

What Were The Flying Saucers?
August 1951 Popular Science article on possible explanations for the phenomenon. At Google Books.

Great Balls Of Fire
November 19, 1951 Time Magazine article on green fireball sightings in New Mexico. At Time.

More Saucers
March 3, 1952 Time Magazine article on USAF announcement of pilot sightings in Korea plus an update on current events. At Time.

Have We Visitors From Space?
April 7, 1952 Life Magazine article which ignited a national firestorm. At Google Books.

Flying Saucers Are Old Stuff
May 1952 Popular Science article on writer's research into 300 years of strange aerial reports. At Google Books.

Saucer Reactions
June 9, 1952 Life Magazine follow up to April 1952 article. At Google Books.

An Astronomer's Explanation: Those Flying Saucers
June 9, 1952 Time Magazine article on Dr. Donald Menzel's claim of saucer sightings as optical illusions. At Time.

Washington's Blips
August 4, 1952 Life Magazine article on July 1952 Washington, D.C. sightings. At Google Books.

Blips On The Scope
August 4, 1952 Time Magazine article on July 1952 Washington, D.C. sightings. At Time.

The Air Force Makes A Pass At The Saucer Stories
August 11, 1952 Life Magazine piece on General Samford's press conference on July sightings plus Coast Guard picture of aerial phenomenon. At Google Books.

Something In The Air
August 11, 1952 Time Magazine update on sightings, including story of faux naval batttle caused by radar ghosts in 1943. At Time.

The Theology Of Saucers
August 18, 1952 Time Magazine article on Catholic dean's pronouncement on alien life and God. At Time.

How To See Flying Saucers
September 1952 Popular Science article based on claims of Dr. Menzel.

Magicians Scoff At Flying Saucers
September 1952, Popular Science article by magician John Mulholland. At Google Books.

A Scientist Diagnoses The Flying Saucer
September 1952, Popular Mechanics article by Dr. I.M. Levitt on 1952 Washington, D.C. sightings. At Google Books.

N.Y. Preacher Says God Sent Flying Saucers
September 1952, Jet Magazine piece on pronouncements by a preacher. At Google Books.

The Wind Is Up In Kansas
September 8, 1952 Time Magazine article on Kansas sighting by radio announcer Bill Squire. At Time.

We Flew Above Flying Saucers
October 1952 True Magazine article by Pan Am pilots William Nash and William Fortenberry telling of their July, 1952 sighting. At Romance of the Skies.

Flying Saucer Men
October 27, 1952 Time Magazine article on dubious nature of Frank Scully's sources for Behind The Flying Saucers. At Time.

Flying Saucers: Myth Or Menace?
November, 1952 Coronet Magazine article giving overview of subject. At Scribd.

What Radar Tells About Flying Saucers
December 1952, True Magazine article by Major Donald Keyhoe on 1952 Washington, D.C. sightings. At NICAP.

How To Expose Flying Saucers
January 1953 Popular Science do-it-yourself article on Air Force defraction grating camera project. At Google Books.

Saucers on Radar? ...An Expert's Verdict
April 1953 Popular Science excerpts of Dr. Donald Menzel's debunking book. At Google Books.

Real Flying Saucer Designed For 1,500 M.P.H.
September 1953 Popular Science piece on Canadian saucer project. At Google Books.

Cloud Snoopers
March 1954 Boys' Life article on confusing weather balloons and flying saucers. At Google Books.

What Our Air Force Found Out About Flying Saucers
May 1954 True Magazine article by Captain Edward Ruppelt, former head of Project Bluebook. At NICAP.

Flying Saucer Bounces Off Design Board
May 1954 Life Magazine article on U.S. designs for a flying saucer. At Google Books.

Armed Forces: Saucer Project
May 31, 1954 Time Magazine article on U.S. designs for a flying saucer. At Time.

Martians Over France
October 25, 1954 Time Magazine article on French sightings. At Time.

Astral Adventurers
November 1, 1954 Life Magazine article on sightings and encounters wave in France. At Google Books.

Now They're In Italy
November 29, 1954 Life Magazine article on sightings and encounters wave in Italy. At Google Books.

Hollywood Planets Wage Space War
November 1954 Popular Science article on movie special effects for This Island Earth. At Google Books.

We Were Shadowed From Outer Space
December 11, 1954 Everybody's Magazine article by the Captain of a harrowing BOAC flight. At RRO.

The West Virginia Monster
July, 1955 Male Magazine (UK) article on odd encounter the night following the "Braxton County Monster. At Saturday Night Uforia.

Saucer Blue Book
November 7, 1955 Time Magazine article on statistics announced by Project Blue Book. At Time.

The Strange Shapes Seen In The Sky
December 1955 Life Magazine article on various reported UFO shapes. At Google Books.

Real Flying Saucer
February 1956 Popular Mechanics piece on Air Force work on vertical-rising disc. At Google Books.

Flying Saucer Film Shakes Physicist
November 1956 New Scientist article on a physicist's reaction to seeing UFO film.

A Saucer Session For Spaceship Sighters
May 1957 Life Magazine article on Interplanetary Spacecraft Convention. At Google Books.

Dr. Jung And The Saucers
August 11, 1958 Time Magazine article on views of psychiatric pioneer Carl Jung. At Time.

Are Flying Saucers Cosmic Iceburgs?
September 1959 New Scientist article proposing comet residue as source of phenomenon. At Google Books.

Enoch And Other Cosmonauts
February 22, 1960 Time Magazine article on Russian proponents of ancient space travelers. At Time.

An Eye On Space
February 1960 Popular Mechanics article by Dr. Dan Q. Posin on the UFO phenomenon. At Google Books.

Why I Believe In Flying Saucers
January 1966 Popular Science article by MacKinlay Kantor, Pulitzer Prize winning author of "Andersonville". At NICAP.

I Know the Secret of the Flying Saucers
January 1966, True Magazine article by Major Donald Keyhoe on gravity manipulation by UFOs. At NICAP.

A Well Witnessed 'Invasion' -- By Something
April 1966, Life Magazine articles and photos for 1966 sightings flap. At Google Books.

Books: Heavenly Bogeys
September 2, 1966 Time Magazine reviews of Flying Saucers -- Serious Business and Incident at Exeter. At Time.

A Flying 'Something' Touches Down In Brazil
October 1966, Life Magazine article and photo on Brazil sighting by American aviation executive. At Google Books.

Negro, White Wife Say They Were 'Kidnapped' Taken In Outer Space
October 1966, Jet Magazine article on abduction claim by Betty and Barney Hill. At Google Books.

Books: Testament For Believers
November 18, 1966 Time Magazine review of The Interrupted Journey. At Time.

Did Flying Saucers Cause The Blackout?
November 1966, Popular Mechanics article by John G. Fuller on 1965 east coast blackout (some pages missing). At Google Books.

Are Flying Saucers Real?
December 1966, Saturday Evening Post article by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, scientific consultant to Project Bluebook. At NICAP.

UFOs: The Sense And The Nonsense
March 1967, Popular Science article by Philip Wylie. At Google Books.

The UFO Phenomenon
June 1967, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists article by Howard Margolis on political purpose of upcoming Condon Report. At Google Books.

Unidentified Flying Objects
June 1967, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists reprint of Carl Sagan's entry for Encyclopedia Americana. At Google Books.

Essay: A Fresh Look At Flying Saucers
August 4, 1967 Time Magazine appraisal spurred by upcoming Condon Report. At Time.

The Great UFO Probe
October 1967, Popular Science article on upcoming Condon Report. At Google Books.

10,000,000 UFO Witnesses Can't Be Wrong!
October 1967, Mechanix Illustrated article by Otto Binder. At Modern Mechanix.

Communists: Sickles In The Sky
December 22, 1967 Time Magazine article on recent Soviet sightings and government action. At Time.

On The UFOs
December 1967, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists lengthy letter to the editor by biophysicist John C. Munday, Jr. At Google Books.

The Ring-Shaped UFO
Vol. 4, 1967, Flying Saucers UFO Reports article on unusual sighting. At

The UFO Gap
December 1967, Playboy article by Dr. J. Allen Hynek, scientific consultant to Project Bluebook. At RRO.

The True Report on Flying Saucers
Articles from the 1967 True Magazine special publication with 14 articles reprinted. At Seektress.

The Legend Of Snippy Hollow
March 1968 Life Magazine article on horse mutilation at Alamosa, Colorado. At Google Books.

The Secret Astronaut-UFO War
September 1968 Men Magazine piece on reported astronaut encounters by researcher John Keel. At Scribd.

Behind the FBI’s Undercover Flying Saucer Investigations
October 1968 Men Magazine piece on contactee reports by researcher John Keel. At Scribd.

Science Worldwide
November 1968 Popular Mechanics piece on Soviet UFOs. At Google Books.

Investigations: Saucers' End
January 17, 1969 Time Magazine article on Condon Report. At Time.

Theology: Challenge In The Heavens
January 24, 1969 Time Magazine article on regligious implications of space exploration. At Time.

Condon Report On UFOs Should You Believe It?
April 1969 Popular Science review of the Condon Report. At Google Books.

The Condon Report And UFOs
April 1969 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists review of the Condon Report by Dr. J. Allen Hynek. At Google Books.

Pop Theology: Those Gods From Outer Space
September 5, 1969 Time Magazine article on Chariots of the Gods. At Time.

UFOs I Have Loved And Lost
December 1969 Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists article by Dr. Edward Condon. At Google Books.

Science: Closing The Blue Book
December 26, 1969 Time Magazine article on ending of Project Blue Book. At Time.


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